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####Category: Built-In Types
Built-In string class.
- String basename ( )
- bool begins_with ( String text )
- String capitalize ( )
- int casecmp_to ( String to )
- bool empty ( )
- String extension ( )
- int find ( String what, int from=0 )
- int find_last ( String what )
- int findn ( String what, int from=0 )
- String get_base_dir ( )
- String get_file ( )
- int hash ( )
- int hex_to_int ( )
- String insert ( int pos, String what )
- bool is_abs_path ( )
- bool is_rel_path ( )
- bool is_valid_float ( )
- bool is_valid_html_color ( )
- bool is_valid_identifier ( )
- bool is_valid_integer ( )
- bool is_valid_ip_address ( )
- String left ( int pos )
- int length ( )
- bool match ( String expr )
- bool matchn ( String expr )
- RawArray md5_buffer ( )
- String md5_text ( )
- int nocasecmp_to ( String to )
- String ord_at ( int at )
- String pad_decimals ( int digits )
- String pad_zeros ( int digits )
- String percent_decode ( )
- String percent_encode ( )
- String plus_file ( String file )
- String replace ( String what, String forwhat )
- String replacen ( String what, String forwhat )
- int rfind ( String what, int from=-1 )
- int rfindn ( String what, int from=-1 )
- String right ( int pos )
- StringArray split ( String divisor, bool allow_empty=True )
- RealArray split_floats ( String divisor, bool allow_empty=True )
- String strip_edges ( )
- String substr ( int from, int len )
- float to_float ( )
- int to_int ( )
- String to_lower ( )
- String to_upper ( )
- String xml_escape ( )
- String xml_unescape ( )
This is the built in string class (and the one used by GDScript). It supports Unicode and provides all necesary means for string handling. Strings are reference counted and use a copy-on-write approach, so passing them around is cheap in resources.
- String basename ( )
If the string is a path to a file, return the path to the file without the extension.
Return true if the strings begins with the given string.
- String capitalize ( )
Return the string in uppercase.
Perform a case-sensitive comparison to antoher string, return -1 if less, 0 if equal and +1 if greater.
- bool empty ( )
Return true if the string is empty.
- String extension ( )
If the string is a path to a file, return the extension.
Find the first occurence of a substring, return the starting position of the substring or -1 if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed.
Find the last occurence of a substring, return the starting position of the substring or -1 if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed.
Find the first occurence of a substring but search as case-insensitive, return the starting position of the substring or -1 if not found. Optionally, the initial search index can be passed.
- String get_base_dir ( )
If the string is a path to a file, return the base directory.
- String get_file ( )
If the string is a path to a file, return the file and ignore the base directory.
- int hash ( )
Hash the string and return a 32 bits integer.
Insert a substring at a given position.
- bool is_abs_path ( )
If the string is a path to a file or directory, return true if the path is absolute.
- bool is_rel_path ( )
If the string is a path to a file or directory, return true if the path is relative.
Return an amount of characters from the left of the string.
- int length ( )
Return the length of the string in characters.
Do a simple expression matching, using ? and * wildcards.
Do a simple, case insensitive, expression matching, using ? and * wildcards.
Perform a case-insensitive comparison to antoher string, return -1 if less, 0 if equal and +1 if greater.
Replace occurrences of a substring for different ones inside the string.
Replace occurrences of a substring for different ones inside the string, but search case-insensitive.
Perform a search for a substring, but start from the end of the string instead of the begining.
Perform a search for a substring, but start from the end of the string instead of the begining. Also search case-insensitive.
Return the right side of the string from a given position.
- StringArray split ( String divisor, bool allow_empty=True )
Split the string by a divisor string, return an array of the substrings. Example "One,Two,Three" will return ["One","Two","Three"] if split by ",".
Split the string in floats by using a divisor string, return an array of the substrings. Example "1,2.5,3" will return [1,2.5,3] if split by ",".
- String strip_edges ( )
Return a copy of the string stripped of any non-printable character at the begining and the end.
- String to_lower ( )
Return the string converted to lowercase.
- String to_upper ( )
Return the string converted to uppercase.
- String xml_escape ( )
Perform XML escaping on the string.
- String xml_unescape ( )
Perform XML un-escaping of the string.