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ScyDev edited this page Jun 22, 2015 · 75 revisions

# Public Godot Engine Wiki

This wiki can be edited by anyone in the Godot community. Why is this special for a wiki? Because the official Godot wiki is closed to public edits. The community can not improve it. Which of course is pretty bad for an open source project.

This is a fork of the official Godot wiki. I will update this fork in regular intervals. And of course, if they ever choose to open their wiki, I will glady remove this fork to avoid unnecessary confusion.

Items in strikethrough mean the feature exists, but documentation for it has not been written yet.


Some types and method names changed recently, please read this:



Contributing to godot is always very appreciated by the developers and the community. Be it by fixing issues or taking one of the "fun" and "not so fun" tasks. Before getting to work on anything please talk with the developers in the recently created [Developer's Mailing List].(!forum/godot-engine).


Basic (Step by Step)

  1. Scenes and Nodes
  2. Instancing
  3. Instancing (Continued)
  4. Scripting
  5. Scripting (Continued)
  6. Creating a 2D Game
  7. GUI Introduction
  8. Creating a Splash Screen
  9. Animation
  10. Resources
  11. File System
  12. SceneTree
  13. Singletons (Autoload)


2D Tutorials

3D Tutorials



Editor Plug-Ins


Class List


Cheat Sheets

Asset Pipeline




  • Export Exporting Projects.
  • One Click Deploy One Click Deploy.
  • Exporting Images Tools for converting image files and creating atlases on export.
  • PC Exporting for PC (Mac, Windows, Linux).
  • Android Exporting for Android.
  • BlackBerry 10 Exporting for BlackBerry 10.
  • iOS Exporting for iOS.
  • NaCL Exporting for Google Native Client.
  • HTML5 Exporting for HTML5 (using asm.js).
  • Consoles Exporting for consoles (PS3, PSVita, etc).


Advanced Advanced Topics (C++ Programming, File Formats, Porting, etc).

(c) Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Distributed under the terms of the CC By license.

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