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Chaos inDex Marlinko sits in the Borderlands, the boundary between human civilization and the Weird. The Chaos Index is a tool used to generate the ebb and flow of the Weird. The various actions that the party takes (see modifiers at the end of the Index below) can cause the borders around Marlinko to shift and more of the elemental chaos of the Weird to influence the city. As the scenario opens the Index is set to 1. As strange and chaotic events occur around Marlinko, the Index increases more and more. At the start of each game session, the GM should roll 1D4-1 to determine how much the various power groups and factions inside the city have increased the index. Gamemasters desiring a little more fever in their fever dreaming city may want to set the initial Chaos Index higher (the author would). Setting it from 2 to 5 will cause events in to be stranger and set off some of the triggers. Setting it in the 6 to 9 range will make the city downright weird and decidedly more dangerous. Because Marlinko is a borderlands area, with a foot in the rational order of human civilization (and not the full-on otherworld of the Slum-bering Ursine Dunes), the Index will never rise higher than 9. Actions by the players, or even their mere presence in certain areas (especially those in nearby points in the Dunes and other mythical wilderness), also affect the Index; add or subtract relevant actions (or others of the Labyrinth Lord’s devising). Move the Index up and see the effect it has on the urban environment. Party aCtions that have an imPaCt Each round trip to the Slumbering Ursine Dunes, the Weird (supernatural wilderness) or other adventure site +1 Each casting of a third or higher level spell in Marlinko +1 Crossing the threshold of the Tomb of the Town Gods (each time) +1 Killing František +5 Killing Vatek son of Vatek +1 Killing 3 or more of the nun-maenads -2 Killing Kugel the wight -1 Killing Lady Szara -5 Clearing a major dungeon (3+ levels) such as the Glittering Tower within 20mi. of the city -4 Clearing a minor dungeon (1-2 levels) within 20 miles of the city -2 Killing monster above 6 hit dice withing 20 miles of the city -1

-2 or less The Weird Ebbs 0 Equilibrium 1-2 The Weird is Rising: There is a tangible, mildly electric buzz in the air. Roll once every day on the following chart: 1D6 Event 1-2 No event. 3-4 Mercurial Townies. Strange fluctuations in moods seem to grip the local yokels. Ignore the usual reaction rolls if used, all encounters for the day will either have the local residents being amped-up / friendly / exuberantly warm or argumentative/quick-to-temper/supremely grouchy in their interactions with the party. 5-6 Tiger-Wrasslin’. Servants and criers of Jarek the Nagsman (NPCs of Note, p. 20) announce his first bout: a single header with Old Slinky Panc for a prize of 300 gp (see p. 61).

3-5 Shit’s Getting Weirder. Roll once every day on the following chart: Roll 1D12 Event 1-2 Cult Rumblings. The nun-maenads of the Church of the Blood Jesus flock begin committing a wider range of murders and kidnappings (70% chance that hireling of the party gets kidnapped; if not rescued in two days he/she will be ripped apart in a sparagmos rite). 3 Street Blessings. Priests of the Sun Lord and lay clergy from the Brothers of the Other Mother are out en masse in the streets today trying to curb the weird by offering blessings (and collecting “suggested donations” of 20 gp). There is a 50% chance that the first group of clerics the party encounters are in fact hucksters (and a further 30% chance that 1D4 pickpockets will be among the group plying their trade). If a donation is given to a legit group there is a 25% chance that a priest will cast an honest to goodness Bless (LL p. 20) or Protection from Evil (LL p. 24) spell. 4-6 Blood Rain. A thick red rain falls all day, leaving pools of a syrupy substance that coat the streets with sticky puddles. Distantly above the thunder can be heard the distant moans of the Sun Lord as he is whipped by the silver chains of his estranged divine wife. By long standing religious tradition all residents will wear a single item of mustard-yellow apparel in solidarity with their suffering deity. Any character not so adorned will suffer a -2 to Reaction Rolls for the rest of the day. (Though annoying and dramatic, the rains produce super nutrients to the soil that increase crop yields beyond earthly medieval equivalents.) 7-9 Street Brawl. A dispute between 2-3 groups of citizens about a seemingly tiny detail of theology, legal theory or gaming activity boils over into a straight up brawl. There is a 50% chance that the brawl will turn into a full-on riot in a single turn incorporating 1D4x100 citizens of the contrada who will set fires and randomly beat those who are not from the ward. There is a 75% chance that a group of 1D12 otherwise-normal people attacks the party if they are not recognized members of a local contrada. Otherwise-normal People: AC: 9, Hp: 2, 0-level, Attk: 1 (weapon), club D4, XP: 5. 10 Jarek the Nagsman (NPCs of Note, p. 20) announces his second bout: a double header tiger-wrasslin’ (see p. 61) with Simka (600 gp prize) and Pan Meow-Meow (1000 gp). 11 Street Party. Most to all residents in a random contrada will host a spontaneous, multi-block street party complete with bonfires, binge drinking, badger juggling and public lewdness. All businesses will be shut down city-wide and no commercial transactions will occur. 12 Comet Sighted. A long hot white comet is seen slowly streaking over the night sky for 1D6 days. Cold-based magic is doubled in intensity throughout this period.

6-9 Shit Got Weird. Roll once every day on the following chart: Roll 1D12 Event 1-2 Monsters in the Night. A dark cloud and sense of dread hangs over the city during the day and town residents bolt home to bar their doors. All encounters at night should be made on dungeon and wilderness encounter charts of the Labyrinth Lord’s heart’s desire. At the first cock’s crow in early morning, the critters will vanish. 3-4 Mass Hallucinations. Roughly a third of the local citizenry (encounters will be effected at 50%) suffers from reoccurring hallucinations throughout the day. Citizens can be seen int the streets howling, gripping their faces, pretending to be animals, running down the street bare-ass naked, etc. Unaffected residents will be either at home with doors locked or outside administering to the crazed. 5-7 Night Visitations. Deep disturbing nightmares haunt all who sleep in the city. Hit points are not regained and spells cannot be memorized. The entire population is grouchy and sleep deprived, -3 to reaction rolls. 8-9 Group Wedding. A massive marriage ceremony presided over by Elder Pavol the Younger, the local high priest of the Sun Lord, occurs in the Tomb-Plaza of the Town Gods involving hundreds. Among the traditional marriages will be small polyamorous groups seeking a mass marriage, several peasants desiring to marry farm animals and a noble lady seeking to marry a broom handle. 10-11 New Cult. The cult of the Fifth God rears its head. Stolid, bourgeois housewives in Yare Domesman Contrada hire thugs and tax assessors to kidnap locals and dump them inside the Tomb of the Town Gods as “offerings.” 60% chance that the party, as a group of weirdos and likely foreigners, is targeted. 12 Demon Rampage. Some dolt unwittingly sets off a trigger in the Weird that releases a hate-dream avatar of Revoc from the Tomb of the Town Gods, a hideous frog-tongued demon. The demonic avatar will rampage for 1D4 hours destroying buildings and killing anyone it comes across before being satiated and returning to Revoc’s mind. If slain the Rada will present the party with 2000 gp, honorary citizenship and a life-time supply of rendered pork fat. Frog-tongued Demon: AC: -2, Hp: 50, HD: 9, Attk: 3 (claws 1d3/ 1d3, razor tongue 4D4), Cause Fear, Detect Invisibility (LL p. 30), Telekinesis (LL p. 40), XP: 3,110, treat as Demon, Hezrou, AEC p. 111.

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