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Perk: None. Drawback: None.
- Create a tiny light as bright as a match on your fingertip.
- Move a light object with a wave of your finger. You could cause a coin to roll along the ground or turn the pages of a book, but you couldn't open a door or lift a stone.
- MD only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours
- Take 1D6 damage
- Random mutation for 1D6 rounds, then make a save. Permanent if you fail.
- Lose 1 MD for 24 hours.
- Agony for 1D6 rounds.
- Cannot cast spells for 1D6 rounds.
- Lose the ability to cast spells for 1 day.
- Lose the ability to cast spells for 3 days.
- Lose the ability to cast spells permanently.
This doom can be averted by eating the heart of a powerful magical creature, such as a High Elf or a dragon, or by marrying one. You can also fill your brain with 4 entirely new spells that have never been cast by anyone else.
The player begins with two spells from this list generated by rolling 1D100. Roll again when the wizard gains a new spell from a second Wizard Template.
R: Range. T: Target. D: Duration.
R: touch T: object D: 5 minutes / 3hrs [sum] dribbly candles appear on objects you touch. You can walk around placing candles as required, for up to 5 minutes. The candles are lit and burn for 3 hours. They can be detached, but will fade from existence within 5 minutes. If any spells are cast within an area illuminated by a summoned candle, the candle's flame will turn blue and point to the caster.
R: 100' T: object creature of [dice]x2 HD or less D: Instant Target creature, or an object weighing less than [dice]x200lbs, disintegrates into nothingness. Save +4 negates. Magical objects gain an additional +2 to their save. You can disintegrate a section of an object or creature but not very precisely.
R: 50' T: Target D: Speech
Target must say the next [sum] words you dictate, Save negates if they are potentially life-threatening.
R: 50' T: creature D: Instant
Target creature has the illusion of falling into bottomless pit filled with accusatory voices. Save negates. If they fail, the creature is stricken with a deep depression (if sentient) or lethargy (if mindless), and takes [sum] Charisma damage. If they are of [dice] HD or less, the effect lasts [sum] days, and if [sum] is greater than 12, the effect is permanent. If the target has more than [dice] HD, the effect lasts [sum] rounds.
R: 1 mile T: creature D: [sum] rounds
You gain a misty vision of the nearest sentient creature, aside from creatures you can see, who is performing a genuinely kind or selfless act. You might see a mother tucking her squabbling children into bed or a gardener freeing a wounded fox from a trap. If no targets are available, the spell fails.
R: Touch T: creature of [dice]x2 HD or less D: [sum] varies
Target creature smells and tastes delicious for the spell's duration. The smell radiates 20' in calm air, but can spread via wind or leave a trail. Sentient creatures can usually resist the urge to eat the target without a Save, but animals and other ravenous creatures must Save or select the spell's target as their primary attack target. Insects will be attracted to the target for the spell's duration. The target may Save at the end of each duration interval to negate the effects. 1 [dice]: minutes, 2 [dice]: hours, 3 [dice]: months, 4 [dice] years. This spell can also affect dead creatures.
R: Touch T: [Dice] Creatures D: [Sum] turns
Target cannot access short term-memory.
R: 100' T: point D: [sum] hours
You send a small orb of force to a point you designate. The spell creates an incredibly loud clattering, wailing, and whistling when it detonates. Creatures within [sum]x5' must Save or be stunned for one round. It is audible in clear air up to a mile away. You can designate [dice] conditions under which the orb will detonate. You could say "now", "if anyone steps on it" or "if water Touches it". The conditions must be obvious and must occur within 5' of the orb. When the spell's duration expires, you can choose to have the orb detonate or vanish silently. The orb is solid, and can be moved or thrown.
R: 0 T: self D: 1 minute
All people within [dice] miles of the spell feel a faint tugging at their heart. If they are pure of heart, noble of purpose, and fit of body, the spell functions as a command spell and calls them to the caster's location. Since virtually nobody fits the spell's criteria (it's very picky), it usually does nothing.
R: Touch T: point D: concentration
A magical circle [dice]x2' in radius extends from your fingertip. As long as you maintain concentration, you can absorb any wind passing through the circle. You can then collapse the spell. At any point, as long as you devote a spell slot to maintaining the spell, you can reactivate it with the same radius (no [dice] are needed) to release the wind you absorbed. The wind flows out at the same rate it entered. If you activate this spell in a light breeze for 5 minutes, the spell will release a light breeze over 5 minutes. The wind only flows from the circle, so anyone standing behind it is not affected (unless you release hurricane-force winds indoors). You can cancel the release at any time, which expends the spell as usual. If you die while this spell is "loaded" and in your brain, it activates facing a random direction.
R: Touch T: creature D: [dice]+1 rounds
During this spell's duration, any [dice] your target expends on other spells return to their pool on a 1-5, rather than a 1-3. When this spell's duration ends, you must Save or suffer a Mishap.
R: point T: [sum] D: minutes
Summons a woman wearing a blue dress. She will obey safe, polite requests.
R: Touch T: creature D: Instant
Deal [sum] damage to target, save with a [dice] penalty or suffer a Major Injury. If they succeed, they take a Minor Injury instead.
R: 100' T: area D: [sum] rounds
A circle of crackling white light 20' in radius appears at a point you designate. Creatures inside the circle must Save or be deafened for [sum] rounds. If [sum] is greater than 12, they are permanently deafened. Creatures inside the circle cannot hear anything outside the circle, and creatures outside the circle cannot hear anything inside the circle.
R: 30' T: [sum]*100 coins D: [dice] hours
Coins will leap up and obey your single-word commands. Affects all unattended coins in 30' of you and lasts 1 hour. Coins can be commanded to follow you, hide in crevices, or serve as rollers for heavy statues, but they are mindless and feeble.
R: [dice]x10' cone T: area D: Instant
A huge cone of white foam sprays from your hand. It's as dense as porridge, but tastes like seawater. Creatures inside must Save vs Con or begin to drown unless they struggle free. Any creatures covered in foam have -2 to Attack until they can wash.
R: 50’ T: a bucket’s worth of water D: concentration Control a small amount of water within 50’. At one [die]: (a) propel a small boat, (b) carry a small item through the water, (c) allow someone to swim at 2x speed, (d) force someone to swim at half speed, (e) splash something no more than 5' away, (f) dry something that is wet, (g) freeze a small amount of water, (h) cool a hot cup of tea. Each [dice] you invest increases the effects.
R: 50' T: [dice] creatures or objects D: [sum] rounds
A cloud of tiny magical insects attack your target. They do 1 damage per round to living creatures and no damage to nonliving creatures or objects. Each round, a non-mindless creature must Save or take a -2 penalty to their next Attack. If the target is an object, the vermin will do minor cosmetic damage, such as chewing holes in paper, gnawing wood, chipping paint, and scratching glass.
R: Touch T: One corpse D: [sum] days
Remove the skin of a dead person's face. While you wear it, change your appearance as per Alter Self.
R: 30' T: creature D: instant
Hydrated target within 30' takes 1D6 + [dice] damage. Can also be used to turn meat into jerky or concentrate water-based liquids (wine, most acids), up to 2 gallons per [dice]. You can make a cup full of very strong brandy from a bottle of wine.
R: Touch or 100' T: Creature D: [sum]/2 days
For the duration, nothing seems like a bad idea to the target, any whim is indulged to recklessness. From an ordinary commoner, expect profligate violence, adultery, gluttony and embarrassment when the duration elapses. Against mercenaries, wizards and nobility, anything goes. If you possess hair, blood etc. of the target, range is 100'.
R: Touch T: creature D: varies
You pull a single memory out of your head and transfer it to another creature. Unwilling creatures may Save to negate. The memory must be short, and it must be distinct. The memory is perfectly vivid for [sum] days but begins to fade after that. If [sum] is greater than 12, the memory will never fade, even if the target loses all other memories.
R: Touch T: 2 creatures or objects D: [sum] minutes
You designate two targets. One target acts as the test subject. Any effects applied to the test subject will be, if conditions are identical, applied to the other target. For example, if you give a potion to one target creature, an identical potion given to the other target creature will have precisely identical effects. The two targets must be reasonably similar. You could not compare a stone to a mouse, but you could compare a mouse to a man. If you invest 2 [dice], the effect lasts for [sum] days. If you invest 3 [dice] or more, the effect is permanent. If you invest 4 [dice] or more, you may test more esoteric effects, such as philosophical arguments, love, or fear.
R: Touch T: creature D: instant
You pierce a creature with a sharp object and draw all of the venom out, which then pools in your hand or a vial. If you use this to remove the poison from a poisoned creature, that creature gets a new Save with a +4 bonus. You can also use this to draw all of the poison out of a venomous creature. Unwilling venomous creatures may Save to negate this effect. Most biomancers keep one of their fingernails razor sharp for this purpose.
R: 50', within sight T: [sum] small objects D: Instant
Target teleports to your hand if unattended. If held, one object counts as three objects and target can attempt a Save.
R: T: D:
50' object, surface [dice]*2 rounds
Can be cast directly on a creature or [sum]10' x 10' surfaces. Creatures moving across the area must Save vs Dexterity or drop held objects, or, if moving, drop prone.
R: T: D:
Touch [dice] creatures [sum] minutes
You can run over water as if it were land. Ice forms beneath your feet with each step. If you slow down, you'll sink. Very wavy seas may require you to Save vs Dex.
R: T: D:
touch self [dice] hours
An icon of twisted vines and barbed thorns appears in your hand. You can part underbrush or shrubs with a wave of your hand, and move freely through a dense forest. Trees won't move, but most smaller plants will.
R: T: D:
Touch object 1 minute
Letters appear over the object you Touch, spelling out the name of the object's owner or owners. If the object has no owners, the spell fails. If you invest 2 [dice] the spell will also show if the ownership is disputed. Dead people cannot dispute ownership. If you invest 3 [dice], arrows will appear pointing in the approximate direction of the owner (or a skull will appear if they are deceased). The name revealed will be name the owner used when they purchased or acquired the object. For example, if Tabitha Winklewort was using her alias "Jane Crow" when she bought her boots, the name listed would be Jane Crow. If you targeted a ring she stole and invested 2 [dice] or more, the names listed would be Jane Crow and Baron Summerland. If you invest 4 [dice], true names will be listed alongside aliases, provided the owners are mortal. This spell also works on slaves and domesticated animals.
R: T: D:
30' Rope or string One round
Target ties itself into [sum] knots.
R: T: D:
[dice]x100' area Instant
You send a nebulous cloud of glowing smoke along a clearly defined path. Any light debris on the path (snow, small stones, leaves, grass) is pushed to the side. The smoke thrums and sticks to tripwires without activating them and seeps into the gaps between pressure plates and the surrounding surfaces. You do not have to be able to see the entire path, but you do need to know the approximate route the smoke will take. The smoke provides a dim, lingering light along the course of the path as it travels down and will follow natural bends but halt at intersections. The path is [dice]x10' wide. If you cast this spell with 3 [dice] or more, the range becomes [sum]x100'.
R: T: D:
50' worn piece of clothing [sum] rounds
If the target tells a lie, the item of clothing bursts into flames for a minimum of [dice] rounds. Refusing to answer a question does not count as lying.
R: T: D:
100' Surface Instant
You can taste target surface as if you licked it. For every [dice], you learn one additional detail.
R: T: D:
10' [dice]x500lbs of gold [sum] hours
Gold you target becomes liquid and flows like thick soup. It is cold to the Touch. Alloyed metals are also carried with the gold, though they may appear as streaks or bubbles in the liquid. The gold reforms into its original shape when the spell ends.
R: T: D:
50' [dice[ creatures or objects 10 minutes
Non-living object closes and becomes locked. If the object is a door, chest, or similar object, it will slam shut, dealing [sum] damage to any creature passing through it and then trapping them. This spell works on things that aren't technically portals (for example, a sword could be locked in its scabbard). Requires Str 10 + [dice]x4 to open. Alternatively, this spell can be cast on a creature's orifice. The creature gets a Save to resist, and another Save at the end of each of its turns.
Duration: Permanent until dispelled As with a Hold Portal spell, but it is permanent until dispelled. Creatures with magic resistance can shatter the spell without effort. Any Magic-user three levels or higher than the caster can open the portal, and a Knock spell will open it as well (although the spell is not permanently destroyed in these cases.)
R: T: D:
100' [dice]x2 creatures or objects [dice] rounds
Creatures or objects you target must Save or have their joints locked at their current angle and position for [dice] rounds. This could affect the hinges of a door, the links in a chain, or the legs of a sprinting horse. Stumbling creatures usually take 1D6 damage.
R: T: D:
[dice]x1 miles self [sum] hours
Small glowing lights flow from your fingertips. They are as bright as a match, but you can always see them, even in bright sunlight or pitch darkness, at any distance up to 1 mile. The lights guide the caster to an object, person, or location that they believe will result in the emotional state named when the spell is cast. If the caster names "love", they will lead to the nearest sexually compatible person of similar age. If the caster names "joy" they might lead to a well of nitrous oxide, or to a pile of treasure, or to a crude goblin joke scrawled on a wall. The lights are not malicious, but they are not very clever.
R: T: D:
touch metal object [dice] days
You touch and enchant a piece of metal to make a terrific noise the next time it strikes a solid surface or is struck. All creatures within 30' (except you) must Save or be deafened for 1 minute. If used as a signal, it can be heard up to a mile away.
R: T: D:
touch creature permanent
Save negates. Save once per mutation. Target gains [dice] random mutations.
R: T: D:
[dice]x20‘ cone area concentration
All sounds are cancelled within the area of this spell. Creatures are deafened until the spell ends or they leave the spell's area.
R: T: D:
Touch Self, creature Concentration, or [sum] minutes
Target transforms into an inanimate object smaller than a piano, determine randomly the first time you cast this spell, then the same onwards. Unwilling targets can save to negate.
R: T: D:
120' creature Instant
Target creature of [dice] HD or less must Save vs Fear (or take a Morale check) or believe that someone close to them has suddenly and tragically died. They will not associate the caster with this death, but intelligent creatures may believe the caster is only informing them to cause them grief.
R: T: D:
[sum] minutes
Your vision may literally turn around corners, seeing at any number of angles up to a total of 90*[sum]degrees.
R: T: D:
200' creature with feathered wings [sum] rounds
Target creature must Save or be paralyzed for the spell's duration. They may make a new Save at the start of each round.
R: T: D:
sight house or other shelter until dawn
Target building is protected against evil intrusions of up to [dice] HD. If [sum] > 6 there will be fresh firewood, if >8, warm bedding, if >10, a hot meal, if >16 the Sanctuary Nymph will reveal herself.
R: T: D:
Touch One object Instant
Ask [sum] Yes/No questions about an object, one casting per object.
R: T: D:
30' object [sum] varies
A clamp of red light appears over one or two objects you designate. The maximum width of the clamp is [dice]x10'. The clamp will push the objects together until they are held securely (effective strength of 20), but it will not damage either object or any living creatures. If you designated an orc's shirt and the back of a chair as targets, the clamp would firmly secure the orc to the chair. The clamp must be able to fit around the objects. You could not secure a chair to the floor or walls. Creatures can break free with an opposed Strength check, and, most of the time, can wriggle free in a few hours. The spell lasts for 1 [dice]: minutes, 2 [dice]: hours, 3 [dice]: days, 4 [dice] months, or permanent.
R: T: D:
Touch point [sum] rounds
A small yellow sphere appears on your fingertip and fires off at enormous speed. Any creatures struck must Save or be stunned for 1 round. If you cast this spell outside, or in a very large room with multiple exits, you strike 1 target before the spell vanishes into the distance. If you cast this spell indoors, in a room with a limited number of exits, the sphere is trapped and begins to bounce around at high speed. The effects depend on the room size. 400 square feet or less (20'x20'): all creatures must Save or be stunned each round for the spell's duration. All objects that could be shattered or broken have a 20% chance of breaking each round. This includes potions, flimsy furniture, windows, etc. 1600 square feet or less (40'x40'): creatures have a 20% chance per round to be hit. Objects have a 10% chance of breaking each round. Any larger rooms: creatures have a 5% chance per round to be hit. Objects have a 5% chance of breaking each round. These chances may be adjusted by the GM depending on the room size and contents. If you invest 3 [dice] or more in this spell, creatures that fail their Save also take 1 damage. If you invest 4 [dice] or more, creatures that fail their Save are also knocked prone.
R: T: D:
200' creature Instant
You fire a whirling disc of force and light from your fingertip. The disc screeches like a sawblade. It deals [sum] damage to its target. If it deals more than 6 damage, it bounces towards a random creature within 20', dealing [sum]-2 damage. If it deals more than 6 damage, it bounces towards another random creature within 20', dealing [sum]-4 damage. This continues, losing 2 damage with each bounce, until there are no valid targets or the spell deals 6 or less damage to a creature.
R: T: D:
Touch [sum] objects concentration or 1 minute
Objects that weigh no more than [dice] lbs are suspended in the air. The slightest effort knocks them to the ground. You do not need to see the suspended objects, but you do need to maintain concentration to keep them afloat. If you break concentration, the objects fall in up to one minute.
R: T: D:
10' area [sum]x2 hours
In an area you designate, no larger than 15'x15' by 10'x high, a magical camp appears. The camp includes a bedroll, a sleeping platform, a small purple and gold tent, a small table and chair, a kettle, a cookpot, an iron arm to hold the kettle or cookpot over a fire, a book entitled "The Erotic Poems of Plumtarch" (less erotic than expected), and a pair of dry wool socks. Any items removed from the area vanish Instantly. In the spell's area, the temperature is moderated very slightly, wind and rain are lessened, and vermin cannot enter.
R: T: D:
Touch point [dice] hours
You summon a yellow sponge the size of your head. The sponge can Instantly absorb up to [sum]x100L of liquid without growing heavier. You can squeeze the liquid free, but only at the rate of a normal sponge (10L/minute). The sponge can be reused if it is wrung out completely. If you cast this spell with 4 [dice], the sponge lasts for a year and a day, but the spell does not return to your spellbook until the sponge duration expires or the sponge is dispelled. The sponge is impervious to harm caused by the liquids it absorbs.
R: T: D:
Touch, 50' object [sum] rounds
A writhing arcane symbol appears on an object you Touch. Any creature within 100' of the sigil who looks at it must Save or be pushed back 5' and knocked prone. The symbol vanishes after [sum] rounds. If you invest 3 [dice] or more, you can instead set the duration of this spell to permanent, provided no one looks at the sigil. Once it is seen, the duration is [sum] rounds as usual.
R: T: D:
touch person instant
If 4+ dice are invested, the target’s heart explodes.
R: T: D:
touch self [sum] minutes
You summon a scarlet cape with a gold trim. Any person wearing the cape firmly believes they are a great warrior, leader, and tactician. They aren't, but you really believe they are. The effect ends if the wearer takes damage.
R: T: D:
30' Objects Instant
Everything in a 30' cone takes [sum] slashing damage. This spell leaves dozens of deep cuts. It shreds clothing, paper, and other fragile items.
R: T: D:
Touch point [sum] hours
You summon a stone sphere with a radius up to [dice]x2'. The sphere is immensely heavy. 2' radius: 2.5 tons. 4' radius: 22.5 tons. 6' radius: 78 tons. 8' radius: 182 tons. It is perfectly smooth and very difficult to lift. You must summon the stone onto a stable surface. For example, you can't summon it by Touching water or sand, but you could summon it on top of a flimsy wooden railing. If you invest 3 or more [dice], you can make the spell's duration permanent.
R: T: D:
100' creature of [dice]x2 HD or less [sum] varies
A blinking globe of light flies from your hand and sink's into the target's head. The target must Save or become befuddled for the spell's duration. The target may attempt a new save at the end of each duration interval. 1 [dice]: rounds, 2 [dice]: minutes, 3 [dice]: hours, 4 [dice] days. If you invest 3 [dice] or more, the target also loses 1D6 Intelligence, to a minimum of 1, for the duration of the spell.
R: T: D:
10' Damaged object or creature with Grit/2 Instant
Target must Save or take [sum]x2 damage as the prexisting weakness splits open. Touching the target deals half damage even on a successful save.
R: Touch T: Self D: Instant
Teleport up to [dice]x20' in the direction you are facing. If teleporting while moving, check Dex or fall prone.
R: 30' T: [Dice] creatures D: [Sum] turns
Humanoids of equal or lesser level than the caster regard the caster as a trusted friend. Invest 3 [dice] to instead target a monster up to 1 HD greater than the caster's level or 2D6 monsters of fewer HD than the caster's level.
Save to negate effect.
R: 30' T: [Dice] creatures D: [Dice] turns
Hostile creatures become neutral, neutral creatures become friendly, and friendly creatures become infatuated. Friendly creatures will be open to serving the sorcerer, given some basic incentive, and infatuated creatures require no incentive. Affects a number of levels worth of creatures equal to sorcerer level.
R: Touch T: Creature D: [Sum] turns
A creature obeys one non-violent command, so long as the command is within the scope of the creature's personality. The command may be made up of [dice] words.
R: Region of Deity T: A deity you have met D: Instant Contact a deity you've met and ask [dice] yes/no questions. If [sum] is 10 or greater, you may ask any question using [dice] words.
R: 0 T: Self D: [Dice] hours
Command the weather in a general manner, such as summoning powerful wind, covering the sky in clouds, or causing a downpour. Limited by what is appropriate in this location and in this season.
The weather will be horrible in the affected locale [sum] hours after the effect ends.
R: 50' T: 20' radius area D: [Dice] turns Creates darkness in an area.
R: 100' T: Objects/creatures. D: [sum] turns
Find malicious or antisocial intent.
R: 60' T: Objects/creatures D: [Dice] turns
Magical objects/creatures within 60' are known to you.
R: 50' T: Person/object D: [Dice] turns. Detect whether one target has been poisoned or is poisonous.
R: 50' T: Book or scroll. D: Permanent Erases mundane writing. Erasing magical writing requires an Int check. Up to [dice] magical scrolls or 2*[dice] pages in a book.
R: 150' T: D: [Dice] rounds Create any sound (except speech) no louder than a screaming human, originating at a location of your choice.
R: T: D:
R: 10' T: [sum] creatures or objects D: [dice]*2 rounds
Target(s) float gently downward at a rate of 25' per round.
R: 200' T: 20' diameter D: Instant Does [sum] fire damage to all objects within the sphere. Save for half.
R: Touch T: Point D: [Sum] turns
Additional 10 inventory slots moved alongside caster by floating disc (3' above ground.)
R: 50' T: 30' area D: [Sum] turns
Obscures anything beyond 5' away. Sunlight, wind, or heat dissipate the fog in 1 turn.
R: Touch **T:**Self D: [dice] turns Unhindered by magical/nonmagical terrain including water/fluids. Move as if walking/climbing normally.
R: 150' T: Direction D: 1 round Snuffs small flames or increases large flames. [Sum] HD or below creatures must Save or be knocked down.
Invest 4 MD to cause the target to save or die. 3 MD causes something eerie. Fewer than 2 MD causes a sense of dread or a skipped heartbeat.
R: Touch T: Object D: [Dice] turns while motionless + [sum] rounds in motion.
Causes target to become temporarily invisible (but not silent.)
R: 50' T: [dice] objects D: Instant
Object is opened. Doors are flung wide, locks are broken, shackles are bent open, belts are undone. Treat this as a Strength check made with Str 10 + [dice]x4. If target is an armored creature, Save or armor is undone.
Works on doors locked by wizards (including doors locked by Slam Portal.)
R: 60' + 10'*[Level] T: Object D: 2 turns
[Dice] turns of knowing the direction of the nearest desired object within 60'. Must be something the caster has seen before. Description of the item may be general (example: a guard) or specific (example: the captain of the city guards.)
R: 0 T: creature or object D: Concentration
You will an object to raise, lower, or hover. You cannot move the object horizontally, and you cannot move it more than 10' per round. Maximum weight is [dice]x250 lbs. Lasts as long as you concentrate, but you take 1D6 psychic damage per round after [dice]x3 rounds.
Level: M5 Range: See below Duration: See below This spell relocates the caster’s life essence, intelligence, and soul into an object (of virtually any kind). Te “jar” must be within 30 feet of the caster’s body for the transition to succeed. Once within the magic jar, the caster can possess the bodies of other creatures and people, provided that they are within 120 feet of the jar and fail a saving throw. Te caster can return his soul to the magic jar at any time, and if a body he controls is slain, his life essence returns immediately to the jar. If the caster’s body is destroyed while his soul is in the magic jar, the soul no longer has a home other than within the magic jar (although the disembodied wizard can still possess other bodies as before). If the jar itself is destroyed while the Magic-user’s soul is within, the soul is lost. Te Magic-user can return from the jar to his own body whenever desired, thus ending the spell.
R: Touch (container is enough) T: [Dice] rations or [sum] drinks D: Instant
Removes poison or causes good food/drink to spoil and become rancid.
R: 0 T: Self D: [Dice] turns
Understand any communication. This allows reading ancient languages and interpreting wildlife, but it does not allow speaking any unknown language.
R: touch T: creature D: Instant Target creature heals [sum] Grit.
R: Touch T: Creature D: [Sum] turns
Resist intense environmental conditions. This applies to storms, temperature, magic spells, etc. It grants a Boon to related Saving Throws and decreases related damage die results by 1.
R: Unlimited T: Someone you've seen before D: [Dice rounds] Watch a person as if you are present. Target may Save to notice your floating head.
R: 0 T: 25' area D: Instant Brittle objects of up to 1lb must Save or shatter within 25' radius.
R: 50' T: Creature or 15' area D: [Sum] turns.
Save or be enveloped by a 15' sphere of silence.
R: 100' T: door **D: **instant
Slams a door shut and locks it (if it has a lock.) Wooden doors will become stuck and require a Strength Check to open.
If you invest 2 or more [dice] the door becomes magically locked for [sum] hours.
If you invest 3 or more [dice], you may magically lock any number of doors in range for [sum] hours.
A Knock spell will open a magically-locked door instantly. Creatures with at least 3 more HD than the caster can noisily open a magically-locked door.
R: 100' T: [Sum] HD noticed living creatures D: 4*[dice] turns
Puts creatures into a light sleep.
(affects: 1 or 4-14 creatures, duration: 3-18 turns, range: 24") Causes 4-14 1-3HD or 1 3-7HD to fall into a fitful slumber. The magic is indiscriminate and must affect the indicated number of creatures beginning with those nearest the target. The magic affects only creatures that normally sleep but no saving throw is allowed.
R: Touch T: Corpse D: [Dice] real-time minutes Target will speak and knows what it knew in life, if it wishes. It might lie. It might ramble. It probably doesn't remember how it died.
R: Sight T: Object D: [Dice] turns
Your voice seems to originate from another source visible to you.
R: Touch T: [Dice] creatures D: [Sum] turns
Duration divided evenly between all creatures touched.
R: 20' T: Room or segment of passage D: [Dice]hours
Fills area with a web which takes [sum]/2 rounds to get through. Flammable.
R: 20' T: [Dice] Objects D: Instant
Objects are covered in a very sticky glue of instant adherence. The glue is strong enough to hold a [sum]x40-pound object to a wall.
R: Touch T: [Dice]+1 Objects D: 1 week
Targets are strongly magnetically attracted to each other if they come within 10'.
R: 0 T: Self D: Instant
Roll [sum] D20s and write each result down. Whenever you roll a D20, strike through one of the results until they are all gone.
R: 60' T: Inanimate object D: [Sum] turns
An object appears to be up to [dice]x10’ away from its actual location.
R: 0 T: Self D: [Dice] rounds
Movement speed is tripled. No other effect. Save or caster requires one extra ration today.
R: 0 T: Self D: [Dice] turns
You can hear faint sounds clearly, so long as there aren't any loud sounds at the same time to temporarily deafen you. (No permanent damage will occur.)
A sorcerer may use another person or thing as a relay for spells. The sorcerer's conduit sigil must be placed on the conduit. As long as the sigil remains, the sorcerer may meditate and perceive the surroundings ofthe sigil.
Recall A container marked with the sorcerer's recall sigil is transported to the sorcerer's current location. The capacity of this container is a number ofsignificant items per level (following encumbrance guidelines).
Spatial Coincidence The sorcerer (and a number of others equal to the sorcerer's level) may occupy the same space as another physical object, which must be large enough to contain the largest ofthe persons so affected (unwilling subjects must be physically forced into an object and are permitted a saving throw against the magic). While in an object, characters may not move, though they continue to perceive events around them as iffiltered though a dim haze. The spell subjects may exit and enter objects for the duration ofthe spell, though the sorcerer must will this to happen, subjects always emerge where they entered (thus, the spell may not be used to walk through a wall), and such reemergence occurs automatically when the spell ends.
Roll 2D20 and set them aside. These are the next 2 D20 rolls. The player decides which is used first.
R: Touch T: Creature D: [sum] hours Target is covered in battlescars. Gain +[dice] CHA, respect from some people, and disgust from others. If cast with 4 [dice], the duration may be permanent. Unwilling creatures get a Save.
R: Touch T: Creature D: [dice] days Target must Save or say the opposite of what it wants to communicate.