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valzi edited this page Dec 4, 2019 · 1 revision

Player Duties

Write these on index cards and randomly assign them to players. Then rotate roles each session, ensuring no one has the same role twice until they've had every role.

Caller - Gain 100 XP at end of session.

  • Ensures the party quickly makes decisions and moves forward.
  • Relays party decisions to Referee so the Referee can take notes and prepare while the party schemes.

Mapper - Gains XP from sale of maps as treasure. (Valued for clarity, detail, aesthetic.)

  • Notes world details, especially adventure locations. A flowchart is often enough.

Note-Taker - Gains 50 XP when a question can only be answered by notes.

  • Writes a session log. This is usually just bullet points, though some organization can help.

Quartermaster - Gain 100 XP at end of session.

  • Tracks consumables. Food, water, torches, pack animals.
  • Tracks damage applied to enemies and other NPCs.
  • Rolls the encounter die and tracks turns, hours, and days.
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