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Schmoozerd edited this page Apr 15, 2013 · 4 revisions

FILENAME=$(echo "loot template (2.4.3)" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`*_loot_template\` tables


Well, according to vocabulary the meaning of the word "loot" is good for corpse loot and may be for some gameobjects like chests but quite unfit for fishing "loot". Nevermind. We will use term "loot" here as "a set of items generated on an event for a player" and "loot definition" as "a set of rules for loot generation". And forget about vocabulary for a while.

This table format is used for 11 different tables to generate different loot items for different things. The 11 tables are creature_loot_template, disenchant_loot_template, fishing_loot_template, gameobject_loot_template, item_loot_template, pickpocketing_loot_template, prospecting_loot_template, skinning_loot_template, quest_mail_loot_template, reference_loot_template, milling_loot_template. The general description here is valid for all 11 because the loot system is the same for all eleven.

Loot templates define only items in the loot. See comments about money drop in corpse, pickpocketing and luggage loot in creature_template (2.4.3) and item_template (2.4.3).


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
entry mediumint unsigned NO PRI 0
item mediumint unsigned NO PRI 0
ChanceOrQuestChance float NO 100
groupid tinyint NO 0
mincountOrRef mediumint NO 1
maxcount tinyint unsigned NO 1
lootcondition tinyint unsigned NO 0
condition_value1 mediumint unsigned NO 0
condition_value2 mediumint unsigned NO 0


The 11 tables have different relations with other DB tables.

Loot table Field Relation Related table Field Comment
fishing_loot_template no relation entry is linked with ID of the fishing zone or area
spell_loot_template no relation entry is linked with ID of the Spell.
creature_loot_template entry many <- many creature_template (2.4.3) lootid]]
gameobject_loot_template entry many <- many gameobject_template (2.4.3) data1]] Only gameobject type 3 (GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_CHEST) or 25 (GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_FISHINGHOLE) use data1 as loot ID, for other types data1 is used in other ways
item_loot_template entry many <- one item_template (2.4.3) entry]]
disenchant_loot_template entry many <- many item_template (2.4.3) DisenchantID]]
prospecting_loot_template entry many <- one item_template (2.4.3) entry]]
milling_loot_template entry many <- one item_template (2.4.3) entry]]
pickpocketing_loot_template entry many <- many creature_template (2.4.3) pickpocketloot]]
skinning_loot_template entry many <- many creature_template (2.4.3) skinloot]] Can also store minable/herbable items gathered from creatures
quest_mail_loot_template entry quest_template (2.4.3) RewMailTemplateId]]
reference_loot_template entry many <- many * _loot_template -mincountOrRef In case of negative mincountOrRef

Description of the fields


The ID of the loot definition (loot template). The rows with the same ID defines a single loot.
It is often the same ID as the loot source (item, creature, etc) but when the link is made not on entry field of the Related table then ID can be different. For example, when several loot sources should provide the same loot, single loot definition can be used. In this case the loot sources have the same value in the link field.

It is possible also to set up artificial loot templates which are not used directly at all as they have ID which are not referenced from the related source. Such "support templates" can be referenced from "normal" loot templates.

When a common or artificial loot template is used a problem arises: what ID to use for that template? Depending on the loot table, different rules can be agreed on to simplify maintenance for the table. Moreover, such rules would be very handy but it seems at the moment there are very few rules explicitly defined.

Agreements on entry field values are described there.


Template ID (2.4.3)#entry of the item which can be included into the loot.

NOTE: For reference entries this field has no meaning and not used by the core in any way. Yet because of the PRIMARY KEY on the entry + item combination, this field will nonetheless need to be a unique number for each reference entry so that no indexing conflicts arise.


Meaning of that field is a bit different depending on its sign and the sign of mincountOrRef:

Plain entry

ChanceOrQuestChance > 0, mincountOrRef > 0

Absolute value of ChanceOrQuestChance (actuallu just the value as it’s positive in this case) signifies the percent chance that the item has to drop. Any floating point number is allowed but indeed any value larger that 100 will make the same result as 100.

Quest drop

ChanceOrQuestChance < 0, mincountOrRef > 0

Just as for plain entries absolute value of ChanceOrQuestChance signifies the percent chance that the item has to drop. But in addition negative ChanceOrQuestChance informs the core that the item should be shown only to characters having appropriate quest. This means that even if item is dropped, in order to see it in the loot the player must have at least one quest (2.4.3) that has the item ID in its ReqItemIdN (2.4.3)#ReqItemId fields or in its ReqSourceIdN (2.4.3)#ReqSourceId fields. The player must also have less copies of the item than ReqItemCountN (2.4.3)#ReqItemCount or ReqSourceCountN.

Chanced references

mincountOrRef < 0

For negative mincountOrRef (reference entries_) ChanceOrQuestChance signifies the percent chance that the reference has to be used. So it is very similar to plain entriesentry meaning, just note that entire reference is skipped if the chance is missed.

Negative and zero values of ChanceOrQuestChance make no sense for that case and should not be used.

Common remarks

Zero value of ChanceOrQuestChance is allowed for grouped entries only.

(Non-zero) values of ChanceOrQuestChance in loot definition are multiplied by RATE_DROP_ITEMS (mangos config setting) during loot generation for references and non-reference entries, but not for grouped entries.


A group is a set of loot definitions processed in such a way that at any given looting event the loot generated can receive only 1 (or none) item from the items declared in the loot definitions of the group. Groups are formed by loot definitions having the same values of entry and groupid fields.

A group may consists of explicitly-chanced (having non-zero ChanceOrQuestChance) and equal-chanced (ChanceOrQuestChance = 0) entries. Every equal-chanced entry of a group is considered having such a chance that:

  • all equal-chanced entries have the same chance
  • group chance (sum of chances of all entries) is 100%

Of course group may consist of

  • only explicitly-chanced entries or
  • only equal-chanced entries or
  • entries of both type.

The easiest way to understand what are groups is to understand how core processes grouped entries:

At loading time:

  • groups are formed – all grouped entries with the same values of groupid and entry fields are gathered into two sets – one for explicitly-chanced entries and one for equal-chanced. Note that order of entries in the sets can not be defined by DB – you should assume that the entries are in an unknown order. But indeed every time core processes a group the entries are in some order, constant during processing.

During loot generation:

  • core rolls for explicitly-chanced entries (if any):
    • a random number R is rolled in range 0 to 100 (floating point value).
    • chance to drop is checked for every (explicitly-chanced) entry in the group:
      • if R is less than absolute value of ChanceOrQuestChance of the entry then the entry ‘wins’: the item is included in the loot. Group processing stops, the rest of group entries are just skipped.
      • otherwise the entry ‘looses’: the item misses its chance to get into the loot. R is decreased by the absolute value of ChanceOrQuestChance and next explicitly-chanced entry is checked.
  • if none of explicitly-chanced entries got its chance then equal-chanced part (if any) is processed:
    • a random entry is selected from the set of equal-chanced entries and corresponding item is included in the loot.
  • If nothing selected yet (this never happens if the group has some equal-chanced entries) – no item from the group is included into the loot.

Let us use term group chance as the sum of ChanceOrQuestChance (absolute) values for the group. Please note that even one equal-chanced entry makes group chance to be 100% (provided that sum of explicit chances does not exceed 100%).

If you understand the process you can understand the results:

  • Not more than one item from a group may drop at any given time.
  • If group chance is at least 100 then one item will be dropped for sure.
  • If group chance does not exceed 100 then every item defined in group entries has exactly that chance to drop as set in ChanceOrQuestChance.
  • If group chance is greater than 100 then some entries will lost a part of their chance (or even not be checked at all – that will be the case for all equal-chanced entries) whatever value takes the roll R. So for some items chance to drop will be less than their ChanceOrQuestChance. That is very bad and that is why having group chance > 100 is strictly prohibited.
  • Processing of equal-chanced part takes much less time then of explicitly-chanced one. So usage of equal-chanced groups is recommended when possible.

So now basic applications of the groups are clear:

  • Groups with group chance of 100% generate exactly one item every time. This is needed quite often, for example such behavior is needed to define a loot template for tier item drop from a boss.
  • Groups with group chance < 100 generate one or zero items every time keeping chances of every item unchanged. Such behavior is useful to limit maximum number of items in the loot.
  • A single group may be defined for a set of items common for several loot sources. This could be very useful for decreasing DB size without any loss of data. See References for more details.

There is no way to have a reference as a part of a group.

Note: A group may contain definitions of non-quest drop, quest drop or both, but mixing non-quest and quest drop in a single group is not recommended.

Note: The core has a limitation – only 16 non-quest items (money and items added into the loot for quests are not counted for this "16") may come into the loot. And this is not a caprice of core devs – the client has some constraints. As most of loots have much more than 16 possible items (sometimes several hundreds) so without groups there is a (little) chance that more than 16 items will be rolled for a given loot but player will be able to see (and take) only first 16 of them. With groups you can ensure that more than 16 items will never drop. If DB pretends to be a quality software it must have loot template definitions which ensure that not more than 16 plain entries and groups are defined for any loot template. This is just a note – such declaration is not issued by UDB developers yet.

Note: The core has no limitation for number of groups (except 255 by DB field size), but according to the previous note there is no need to use values greater than 16.


This field defines

  • when positive: the minimum number of copies of the item that can drop in a single loot
  • when negative: a reference to another template.

Zero value makes no sense and should not be used.

Meaning of positive values is quite clear and requires no additional comments. References can point to either a whole template or to single group of a template and described below.

Template reference

mincountOrRef < 0, group = 0

Template reference asks core to process another loot template (having entry equal to "-mincountOrRef") and to include all items dropped for that template into current loot. Simple idea.

Value of maxcount field is used as a repetition factor for references – the reference will be processed not just once but exactly maxcount times. So if the referenced template can produce 3 to 10 items (depending on luck) and value of maxcount is ‘5’ then after processing of that reference 15 to 50 items will be added to the loot. An awful example, isn’t it? Actually no good example for whole template reference repetition is known, but it is quite useful for group references sometimes.

Be careful. Self references (loot template includes reference to itself) and loop references (loot template A includes reference to entire template B, loot template B includes reference to entire template A) are completely different from internal references. If you make a self-reference like

@INSERT INTO \`creature_loot_template\` (\`entry\`,\`item\`,\`mincountOrRef\`) VALUES (‘21215’,‘0’,‘-21215’); @

then the core will crash due to stack overflow at first attempt of loot 21215 processing. That is why self references and loop references are strictly forbidden.

Group reference

mincountOrRef < 0, group > 0

Group reference asks core to process another loot template (having entry equal to "-mincountOrRef") only in the part of one group – with id equal to value of \`groupid\` field of the reference entry. So this reference may add only none or 1 item into the loot (provided maxcount is equal to 1).

Meaning of maxcount field value is the same as described in Template reference.

Note that there is no way to have a reference as a part of a group as such grouped reference would have the same format as reference to group described here.

There are two types of group references:

  • external reference when group reference row has entry different from entry of the referenced group
  • internal reference when group reference row has the same entry as the referenced group.

Basic usage of group references is to avoid repetition of group definitions when several loot sources have common parts of the loot. In this case it is possible:

  • to define groups with the same contents (items/drop chances) again and again. The simplest way, but very RAM consumable.
  • to define the group once as a part of one of loot source loot definition and to include group references in loot definitions of the other loot sources instead of repeating group definition.
  • to define the group once as a part of an artificial loot definition (having entry not corresponding to any source) and to include group references in loot definitions for every related loot source.

The first way is deprecated, both second and third use external references. UDB recommends to use the third way.

As references have chance to be processed it is possible to use them efficiently for zone or world drop definitions. Those drops often have different chances for different loot sources (low/high skill gameobjects, non-elite/elite creatures etc) while having the same contents of the loot. The recommended way to define such drops is as following:

  • to set up a group with 100% group chance in an artificial loot template (using equal-chanced entries when possible)
  • to include references to that group into loot definition of every related loot source setting the drop chance for the reference.

Some bosses drop more than one tier item (two or three). Loot statistics looks like the same group is rolled 2 or 3 times and every time an item (possible the same) is chosen. It is simple to define a group for single item, but how to define drop for the second and the third? We can:

  • repeat group definition 2 (or 3) times with change of group id
  • define the group once and include 1 (or 2) internal references.
  • define the group once as a part of an artificial loot definition and include 2 (or 3) external group references.
  • define the group once as a part of an artificial loot definition and include an external group reference with repetition factor of 2 (or 3).

The in-game results will be the same. But again – the first way is very inefficient and then deprecated. UDB recommends to use the forth way.


For non-reference entries – the maximum number of copies of the item that can drop in a single loot.

For references value of maxcount field is used as a repetition factor for references – the reference will be processed not just once but exactly maxcount times. This is designed to serve a single purpose: to make definition of tier token drops a bit simplier (tokens of a tier are defined as a 100%-chance group of an artificial template and bosses’ loot templates include 100%-chanced reference to that group with repetition factor of 2 or 3 depending on the case). Using non-1 repetition factor for other things (references to a group with group chance less than 100% or chanced references with chance less than 100%) must be agreed with UDB devs first (and described here).

Note: core rolls chance for any loot definition entry just one time – so if a references looses its chance it is skipped for the current loot completely whatever is maxcount value.


Value that represents a loot condition that must be filled in order for the item to drop. This field combined with condition_value1-2 fields can provide conditions on when an item can be dropped.

Value Condition Comments
0 CONDITION_NONE Regular drop
1 CONDITION_AURA Player looting must have an aura active
2 CONDITION_ITEM Player must have a number of items in his/her inventory
3 CONDITION_ITEM_EQUIPPED Player must have an item equipped
4 CONDITION_ZONEID Player must be in a certain zone
5 CONDITION_REPUTATION_RANK Player must have a certain reputation rank with a certain faction
6 CONDITION_TEAM Player must be part of the specified team (Alliance or Horde)
7 CONDITION_SKILL Player must have a certain skill value
8 CONDITION_QUESTREWARDED Player must have completed a quest first
9 CONDITION_QUESTTAKEN Players must have the quest in the quest log and not completed yet
11 CONDITION_NO_AURA Miss some aura.
12 CONDITION_ACTIVE_EVENT event]] is active.
14 CONDITION_RACE_CLASS Has special race or class.
15 CONDITION_LEVEL Has special level.
16 CONDITION_NOITEM Has not enouth items yet.
17 CONDITION_SPELL Knows some spell.
19 CONDITION_QUESTAVAILABLE Some quest is availible.
20 CONDITION_ACHIEVEMENT Has or has no special achievement.
21 CONDITION_ACHIEVEMENT_REALM Realm-wideversion of 20.
22 CONDITION_QUEST_NONE Has not taken a quest yet.
23 CONDITION_ITEM_WITH_BANK Check’s presens of req. amount of items in inventory or bank.
24 CONDITION_NOITEM_WITH_BANK Check’s absentee of req. amount of items in inventory or bank.
28 CONDITION_LEARNABLE_ABILITY Check’s if the player has high enough skill level and may check if a special item is in the inventory.

NOTE: For reference entries this field has no meaning, not used by the core in any way and should have the default value of 0.


The values in the condition_value1 and condition_value2 fields depend on what condition was put in lootcondition.

    • condition_value1: The spell ID from where the aura came from.
    • condition_value2: The effect index of the spell that applied the aura (0, 1, or 2)
    • condition_value1: Item ID
    • condition_value2: Count
    • condition_value1: Item ID
    • condition_value2: Always 0
    • condition_value1: Zone ID
    • condition_value2: Always 0
    • condition_value1: Faction ID
    • condition_value2: Minimum rank
    • condition_value1: Player team (469 – Alliance, 67 – Horde)
    • condition_value2: Always 0
    • condition_value1: Skill ID (SkillLine (2.4.3).dbc|SkillLine.dbc)
    • condition_value2: Skill value needed
    • condition_value1: Quest ID
    • condition_value2: Always 0
    • condition_value1: Quest ID
    • condition_value2: Always 0
    • condition_value1: Always 0
    • condition_value2: Always 0
    • condition_value1: spellid
    • condition_value2: EffectIndex
    • condition_value1: event (2.4.3)
    • condition_value2: Always 0
    • condition_value1: area_flag
    • condition_value2: not_have_flag
    • condition_value1: race_mask
    • condition_value2: class_mask
    • condition_value1: level
    • condition_value2: 0: equal to, 1: equal or higher than, 2: equal or less than
    • condition_value1: itemid
    • condition_value2: count
    • condition_value1: spellid
    • condition_value2: 0: has spell, 1: has no spell
    • condition_value1: questid
    • condition_value2: 0
    • condition_value1: achievementid
    • condition_value2: 0: has achievement, 1: has no achievement
    • condition_value1: achievementid
    • condition_value2: 0: has achievement, 1: has no achievement
    • condition_value1: questid
    • condition_value2: Always 0
    • condition_value1: item_id
    • condition_value2: count
    • condition_value1: item_id
    • condition_value2: count
    • condition_value1: event_id
    • condition_value2: 0
    • condition_value1: holiday_id
    • condition_value2: 0
    • condition_value1: holiday_id
    • condition_value2: 0
    • condition_value1: spell_id
    • condition_value2: 0 or item_id

NOTE: For reference entries these fields have no meaning, not used by the core in any way and should have the default value of 0.


These agreements are different for different loot tables. Mainly agreements defines rules for loot template IDs (entry) and groups

Fishing haul

For fishing_loot_template, ID is the zone or area ID from AreaTable.dbc (2.4.3).dbc (Note: Area IDs are not included in the link)

Also an extra note on fishing_loot_template: if just one area ID is defined for a zone, then that whole zone ID is skipped and therefore all areas in that zone need to have entries in the table. Only when there doesn’t exist any area entries for a zone does the core use the zone ID directly. Zone = Wetlands, Elwynn, etc; Area = Northshire, Lakeshire, etc.

When several zones uses the same loot definition then

  • the loot template of the zone with minimal ID (minID) should be defined without references
  • the other zone with the same loot should have loot definition as a single reference to the minID loot definition

Note: To be confirmed by UDB developers

As successful fishing should give exactly 1 fish (with an exception for quest fishes) so non-quest part of every loot template should be

  • or single plain entry with 100% drop chance
  • or a single group with group chance equal to 100%
  • or a reference to a template made according to previous two variants. It is recommended to use group references.

When a fish is caught for a quest it becomes the second fish on the hook. Many people rolled on floor laughing but this is blizzlike and fortunately easy to implement. Just add necessary quest drop definition(s).

Corpse loot

For creature_loot_template basic approach is to use creature_template.lootid (2.4.3)#lootid equal to creature_template.entry (2.4.3)#entry. But this results in great overhead in the loot table as

  • many creatures use the same loot definition (well, stats on sites are similar due to the nature of random roll)
  • even more creatures use same parts of loot definition

That is why it is recommended to use grouping, group references and template references.

Disenchant outcome

Agreements for disenchant loot templates numbering is item.level (2.4.3)#level*100 + item.quality (2.4.3)#quality where item is disenchanting target.

As disenchanting should give exactly 1 type of shard/essence/dust/etc so every loot template should be

There is no use for references here as the reference is done with the relation field. No quest drop at all.

Gameobject harvest


Luggage contents


Pocket pick-ups

Agreements for pickpocketing loot templates numbering is not known.


Prospecting outcome

Agreements for prospecting loot templates numbering is not known.


Skinning pulls

Agreements for skinning loot templates numbering is not known. It’s a real pity as many creatures should use the same templates. In most cases mobs with the same family and level have very similar skinning statistics.

As skinning should give exactly 1 type of skin/hide/etc so every loot template should be

There is no use for references here as the reference is done with the relation field.

When a skin is pulled for a quest it becomes the second skin from the mob. Yes, funny. This is blizzlike and fortunately easy to implement. Just add necessary quest drop definition(s).


The example here mainly taken from current UDB (339) or from UDB forum. Often examples have several authors and it is uneasy to credit right people so: many thanks to ALL UDB devs and contributors.

But please note that some (or even all) example may contain incorrect data and are shown just for demonstration of different loot data organization.

Simple examples

Gameobject dropping a single non-quest item

# gameobject_template: entry=1622 name='Bruiseweed' type=3 data1=1419

DELETE gameobject_loot_template WHERE entry=1419;
INSERT INTO gameobject_loot_template
  (entry, item, ChanceOrRef, QuestChanceOrGroup, mincount, maxcount, freeforall, lootcondition, condition_value1, condition_value2)
  (1419, 2453, 100, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0);  # 100% drop a pile of 1 to 3 items [2453] 'Bruiseweed'

Taking into account default values of the table the second query could be simplified with no change of data (\`mincount\` is left on cosmetic reasons as \`maxcount\` has a non-default value):

gameobject_template: entry=1622 name='Bruiseweed' type=3 data1=1419

INSERT INTO gameobject_loot_template
  (entry, item, ChanceOrRef, mincount, maxcount)
  (1419, 2453, 100, 1, 3);  # 100% drop a pile of 1 to 3 items [2453] 'Bruiseweed'

Creature having in the pocket single quest item

# creature_template: entry=6846, name='Defias Dockmaster', pickpocketloot=6846
# Note: link with pickpocketing_loot_template is on \`pickpocketloot\` field (which is equal to \`entry\` field in this case)

DELETE pickpocketing_loot_template WHERE entry=6846;

INSERT INTO pickpocketing_loot_template
  (entry, item, ChanceOrRef, QuestChanceOrGroup, mincount, maxcount, freeforall, lootcondition, condition_value1, condition_value2)
  (6846, 7675, 0, 100, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

Again, taking into account default values of the table the second query could be simplified with no change of data:

INSERT INTO pickpocketing_loot_template
  (entry, item, ChanceOrRef, QuestChanceOrGroup)
  (6846, 7675, 0, 100);

Note that ChanceOrRef can not be skipped as it has default value of 100.

Wrong definition: combined quest and non-quest chances

SELECT * FROM \`pickpocketing_loot_template\` WHERE \`entry\` = '20424';
entry item ChanceOrRef QuestChanceOrGroup mincount maxcount freeforall lootcondition condition_value1 condition_value2
20424 422 0.1 100 1 1 0 0 0 0
20424 929 0.1 100 1 1 0 0 0 0
20424 4538 0.1 100 1 1 0 0 0 0
20424 4542 0.1 100 1 1 0 0 0 0
20424 5374 0.1 100 1 1 0 0 0 0
20424 16882 22.2222 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

First 5 rows in the result are incorrect, ChanceOrRef and QuestChanceOrGroup should not be positive simultanously. See allowed combinations. The core does not crash encounering that, but non-quest chances are ignored.


Simple skinning group

SELECT * FROM \`skinning_loot_template\` WHERE \`entry\` = '100003';


entry item ChanceOrRef QuestChanceOrGroup mincount maxcount freeforall lootcondition condition_value1 condition_value2
100003 8170 80 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0
100003 8171 20 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0

Quite correct. Used quite widely:

SELECT entry FROM \`creature_template\` WHERE \`skinloot\` = '100003';


659 2707 4242 4243 5347 5440 6582 6583 6648 7376 8024 8025 8204 8302 8303 8925 8932 9032 9297
9521 9526 9527 10177 10204 10376 10596 10619 10717 10942 10979 10988 11181 11374 11671 11672
11710 11740 11741 11885 11896 11897 11956 12124 12125 12803 13160 13178 13221 13618 13676 13916
14283 14344 14476 14477 14566 14568 14732 14884 14943 14944 14945 14946 14947 14948 14965 14986
14988 15041 15114 15172 15204 15220 15316 15338 15718

Almost correct skinning loot

SELECT * FROM \`skinning_loot_template\` WHERE \`entry\` = '5292';


entry item ChanceOrRef QuestChanceOrGroup mincount maxcount freeforall lootcondition condition_value1 condition_value2
5292 4304 49.655 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0
5292 4234 43.1624 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0
5292 8169 4.0984 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0
5292 4235 3.0676 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0
5292 8973 0 80 1 1 0 0 0 0

Quest entry and a group. Would be good if group chance was 100, but it is only 99.9834. So on average at 166 skinning attempts over 1000 000 player will get an empty loot window (withuot considering quest skins which are very rare).

Used for creadure with entry=5292 only.

Damnly wrong skinning loot

SELECT * FROM \`skinning_loot_template\` WHERE \`entry\` = '10151';


entry item ChanceOrRef QuestChanceOrGroup mincount maxcount freeforall lootcondition condition_value1 condition_value2
10151 8154 60 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0
10151 8170 48 -1 1 2 0 0 0 0
10151 4304 40 -1 1 2 0 0 0 0
10151 8368 5 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0
10151 8171 4 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0
10151 8169 3 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0
SELECT entry, name FROM \`creature_template\` WHERE \`skinloot\` = '10151';


entry name
11614 Bloodshot

First problem the group chance is 160 that is much higher than 100. If by a case order of records in core (actually it is unknown) is such that chances of 60 and 40 are in the beginning then the rest of the group will never be processed. The result will be exacly the same is if the loot template was

entry item ChanceOrRef QuestChanceOrGroup mincount maxcount freeforall lootcondition condition_value1 condition_value2
10151 8154 60 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0
10151 4304 40 -1 1 2 0 0 0 0

Moreover, skinloot in not equal to creature_template.entry and this is NOT a reference to the same loot – 10151 is used ONLY by creature 11614. And the last problem – wowhead has no data about this skinning loot of this pet at all…


FILENAME=$(echo "2 4 3" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

This is the list of tables in the regular ‘mangos’ database in MaNGOS One

® – Reloadable in-game with the .reload command.
[M] – MaNGOS table. These tables are either used by MaNGOS internally, or they are maintained by the MaNGOS team. Either way, the TBC-DB team does not touch them.
[S] – Script library tables. These tables are maintained by script library projects (such as ScriptDev2 or ACID). The TBC-DB team does not touch them.


FILENAME=$(echo "Account" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to realm database list of tables.

The \`account\` table

This table holds information on all available accounts.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id bigint(20) unsigned NO PRI auto_increment
username varchar(32) NO UNI
sha_pass_hash varchar(40) NO
gmlevel tinyint(3) unsigned NO MUL 0
sessionkey longtext YES
v longtext YES
s longtext YES
email varchar(255) NO
joindate timestamp NO CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
last_ip varchar(30) NO
failed_logins int(11) unsigned NO 0
locked tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
last_login timestamp NO 0000-00-00 00:00:00
online tinyint(4) NO 0
expansion tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
mutetime bigint(40) unsigned NO 0
locale tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


The unique account ID.


The account user name.


This field contains the encrypted password. The encryption is SHA1 and is in the following format: username:password. The SQL to create the password (or to compare with the current hash) is:

SELECT SHA1(CONCAT(UPPER(\`username\`), ':', UPPER(<pass>)));


The account security level. Different levels have access to different commands. The individual level required for a command is defined in the command table.





The e-mail address associated with this account.


The date when the account was created.


The last IP used by the person who logged in the account.


The number of failed logins attempted on the account.


Boolean 0 or 1 controlling if the account has been locked or not.


The date when the account was last logged into.


Boolean 0 or 1 controlling if the account is currently logged in and online.


ID Expansion
0 WoW Classic
1 WoW Burning Crusade
2 WoW Wrath of the Lich King

The world server will block access to accounts with 0 in this field in the TBC and WotLK areas in-game.

The world server will block access to accounts with 1 in this field in the WotLK areas in-game.


The time, in Unix time, when the account will be unmuted.


The locale used by the client logged into this account. If multiple locale data has been configured and added to the world servers, the world servers will return the proper locale strings to the client. See localization IDs


FILENAME=$(echo "Account banned" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to realm database list of tables.

The \`account_banned\` table

This table lists all of the accounts that have been banned along with the date when (or if) the ban will expire.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI 0
bandate bigint(40) NO PRI 0
unbandate bigint(40) NO 0
bannedby varchar(50) NO
banreason varchar(255) NO
active tinyint(4) NO 1

Description of the fields


The account ID. See


The date when the account was banned, in Unix time.


The date when the account will be automatically unbanned, in Unix time. A value less than the current date means, in effect, a permanent ban.


The character with the rights to the .ban command that banned the account.


The reason for the ban.


Boolean 0 or 1 controlling if the ban is currently active or not.


FILENAME=$(echo "Account data" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`account_data\` table

This table holds addition data for each account.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
account int(11) unsigned NO PRIMARY 0
type int(11) unsigned NO PRIMARY 0
time bigint(11) unsigned NO 0
data longtext NO


The account ID in which this character resides. See in the realm database.





FILENAME=$(echo "Achievement Category.dbc" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Back to dbc files list.


This DBC contains all achievement category’s.

Version is : 3.3.5a

ParentCategoryID is the CategoryID of the Parent. IE: 155 is the Category for World Events. 162 is the CategoryID for Brewfest and has a parent CategoryID of 155 indicating that it is also a "World Event."


CategoryID ParentCategoryID Name
1 4294967295 (None?) Statistics
21 1 Player vs. Player
81 4294967295 (None?) Feats of Strength
92 4294967295 (None?) General
95 4294967295 (None?) Player vs. Player
96 4294967295 (None?) Quests
97 4294967295 (None?) Exploration
122 1 (Statistics) Deaths
123 122 (Deaths) Arenas
124 122 (Deaths) Battlegrounds
125 122 (Deaths) Dungeons
126 122 (Deaths) World
127 122 (Deaths) Resurrection
128 1 (Statistics) Kills
130 1 (Statistics) Character
131 1 (Statistics) Social
132 1 (Statistics) Skills
133 1 (Statistics) Quests
134 1 (Statistics) Travel
135 128 (Kills) Creatures
136 128 (Kills) Honorable Kills
137 128 (Kills) Killing Blows
140 130 (Character) Wealth
141 1 (Statistics) Combat
145 130 (Character) Consumables
147 130 (Character) Reputation
148 131 (Social) Friends
149 131 (Social) Groups
151 131 (Social) Communication
152 21 (PvP) Rated Arenas
153 21 (PvP) Battlegrounds
154 21 (PvP) World
155 4294967295 (None?) World Events
156 155 (World Events) Winter Veil
157 155 (World Events) Darkmoon Faire
158 155 (World Events) Hallow’s End
159 155 (World Events) Novlegarden
160 155 (World Events) Lunar Festival
161 155 (World Events) Midsummer
162 155 (World Events) Brewfest
163 155 (World Events) Children’s Week
165 95 (PvP) Arena
168 4294967295 (None?) Dungeons & Raids
169 4294967295 (None?) Professions
170 169 (Professions) Cooking
171 169 (Professions) Fishing
172 169 (Professions) First Aid
173 132 (Skills) Professions
178 132 (Skills) Secondary Skills
187 155 (World Events) Love is in the Air
191 130 (Character) Gear
201 4294967295 (None?) Reputation
14777 97 (Exploration) Eastern Kingdoms
14778 97 (Exploration) Kalimdor
14779 97 (Exploration) Outland
14780 97 (Exploration) Northrend
14801 95 (PvP) Alterac Valley
14802 95 (PvP) Arathi Basin
14803 95 (PvP) Eye of the Storm
14804 95 (PvP) Warsong Gulch
14805 168 (Dungeons & Raids) The Burning Crusade
14806 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Lich King Dungeon
14807 1 (Statistics) Dungeons & Raids
14808 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Classic
14821 14807 (Dungeons & Raids) Classic
14822 14807 (Dungeons & Raids) The Burning Crusade
14823 14807 (Dungeons & Raids) Wrath of the Lich King
14861 96 (Quests) Classic
14862 96 (Quests) The Burning Crusade
14863 96 (Quests) Wrath of the Lich King
14864 201 (Reputation) Classic
14865 201 (Reputation) The Burning Crusade
14866 201 (Reputation) Wrath of the Lich King
14881 95 (PvP) Strand of the Ancients
14901 95 (PvP) Wintergrasp
14921 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Lich King Heroic
14922 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Lich King Raid
14923 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Lich King Heroic Raid
14941 155 (World Events) Argent Tournament
14961 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Secrets of Ulduar Raid
14962 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Secrets of Ulduar Heroic Raid
14963 14807 (Dungeons & Raids) Secrets of Ulduar
14981 155 (World Events) Pilgrim’s Bounty
15001 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Call of the Crusade 10-Player Raid
15002 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Call of the Crusade 25-Player Raid
15003 95 (PvP) Isle of Conquest
15021 14807 (Dungeons & Raids) Call of the Crusade
15041 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Fall of the Lich King 10-Player Raid
15042 168 (Dungeons & Raids) Fall of the Lich King 25-Player Raid
15062 14807 (Dungeons & Raids) Fall of the Lich King


FILENAME=$(echo "Achievement Criteria.dbc" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Back to dbc files list.


This DBC contains the requirments to aquire an achievement.

NOTE: Only a few entries from this DBC are included in this page as there are 6682 records in this DBC.

Version is : 3.1.3


Field Nb Name Type Notes
1 ID Int ID of Criteria
2 AchievementID Int Achievement criteria is used for See -> Achievements.dbc
3 Type Int Achievement_Criteria_Types]]
4 Value1 Int Achievement_Criteria_Types]]
5 Value2 Int Achievement_Criteria_Types]]
6 Value3 Int Achievement_Criteria_Types]]
7 Value4 Int Achievement_Criteria_Types]]
8 Value5 Int Achievement_Criteria_Types]]
9 Value6 Int Achievement_Criteria_Types]]
10-26 Description String Description of Criteria


ID AchievementID Type Value1 Value2 Value3 Value4 Value5 Value6 Description
34 6 5 0 10 0 0 0 0 Reach level 10
35 7 5 0 20 0 0 0 0 Reach level 20
36 8 5 0 30 0 0 0 0 Reach level 30
37 9 5 0 40 0 0 0 0 Reach level 40
38 10 5 0 50 0 0 0 0 Reach level 50
39 11 5 0 60 0 0 0 0 Reach level 60
40 12 5 0 70 0 0 0 0 Reach level 70
41 13 5 0 80 0 0 0 0 Reach level 80
72 31 10 0 5 2 0 2 0 Complete a daily quest every day for five consecutive days
73 32 9 0 2000 0 0 0 0 Complete 2000 quests
74 33 11 3537 130 0 0 0 0 Complete 130 quests in Boren Tundra
75 34 11 495 130 0 0 0 0 Complete 130 quests in Howling Fjord
76 35 11 65 115 0 0 0 0 Complete 115 quests in Dragonblight
77 36 11 66 100 0 0 0 0 Complete 100 Zul’Drak Quests
78 37 11 394 85 0 0 0 0 Complete 85 quests in Grizzly Hills
79 38 11 67 100 0 0 0 0 Complete 100 Storm Peaks Quests
80 39 11 3711 75 0 0 0 0 Complete 75 Sholazar Basin quests.
81 40 11 210 140 0 0 0 0 Complete 140 Icecrown Glacier quests
82 41 8 33 1 0 0 0 0 Nothing Boring About Borean
94 46 8 42 1 0 0 0 0 Eastern Kingdoms
100 49 1 30 0 0 0 0 0 Alterac Valley victories
101 52 1 566 0 0 0 0 0 Eye of the Storm Wins: [PH]
102 51 1 529 0 0 0 0 0 Arathi Basin victories
103 50 15 489 0 0 0 0 0 Warsong Gulch Played: [PH]
104 53 15 30 0 0 0 0 0 Alterac Valley battles
105 54 15 566 0 0 0 0 0 Eye of the Storm battles
106 55 15 529 0 0 0 0 0 Arathi Basin battles
107 56 16 489 0 0 0 0 0 Deaths in Warsong Gulch
108 57 16 30 0 0 0 0 0 Deaths in Alterac Valley
110 59 16 529 0 0 0 0 0 Arathi Basin Deaths
111 60 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total deaths
123 73 30 122 3 3 529 3 529 Assault 3 bases in a single Arathi Basin battle
134 99 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ruins of Lordaeron matches
137 103 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 Circle of Blood matches
138 100 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ring of Trials victories

NOTE: This is not all of the DBC Data, it is far to large to post it all here.


FILENAME=$(echo "Achievement Criteria Types" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Back to Achievement_Criteria.dbc list.


This table explains what the ‘type’ and ‘values’ do in the Achievement_Criteria.dbc

Version is : 3.1.3

Type Name Value1 Value2 Value3 Value4 Value5 Value6
1 PvP Wins MapID]] Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
2 Level Race RaceID]] Level No Death? No Death? No Death? Unknown
3 Level Class ClassID]] Level No Death? No Death? No Death? Unknown
4 Level Faction FactionID (0 – Alliance, 1 – Horde) Level No Death? No Death? No Death? Unknown
5 Level Unknown Level No Death? No Death? No Death? Unknown
6 Collect Pets Unknown Amount Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
7 Skill SkillID Skill Level Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
8 Multi-Criteria? Criteria Group ID? Worth? Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
9 Quests Unknown Amount Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
10 Daily Quests Unknown Days Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
11 Zone Quests AreaID]] Amount Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
12 Exploration MapID]] Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
13 Damage Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
14 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
15 PvP Played MapID]] Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
16 PvP Deaths MapID]] Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown


FILENAME=$(echo "Achievement criteria data" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

  1. REDIRECT Achievement criteria requirement criteria requirement


FILENAME=$(echo "Achievement criteria requirement" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`achievement_criteria_requirement\` table

This table contains what need to be done to complete an achievement criteria.


Field Type Attributes Can be null Default Comments
criteria_id mediumint(8) signed NO None
type tintint(3) unsigned NO 0
value1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
value2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


Column 0 (ID) of achievement_criteria.dbc This DBC contains the achievement_id on 2nd column and will be later extracted to show relations.


Describes how to use value1 and value2.

Type Name


Depending on what Type was set, the meaning and use for the following fields varies. TYPE_T are for targets and TYPE_S are for sources

    • value1: Target creature_template.entry
    • value1: Target Player class
    • value2: Target Player race
    • value1: Target Health percentage
  • ’’’TYPE_T_PLAYER_DEAD = 4 ‘’’
    • value1: Team value the source player and target dead player must both meet
  • ’’’TYPE_S_AURA = 5 ‘’’
    • value1: Spell ID
    • value2: Effect index
  • ’’’TYPE_S_AREA = 6 ‘’’
  • ’’’TYPE_T_AURA = 7 ‘’’
    • value1: Spell ID
    • value2: Effect index
  • TYPE_VALUE = 8
    • value1: Min Value. Value provided with achievement update must be not less that limit
  • TYPE_T_LEVEL = 9
    • value1: Target Min Level
  • TYPE_T_GENDER = 10
    • value1: Gender: 0=Male, 1=Female

Used to prevent achievement criteria to complete if not all requirements are implemented and listed in this table

    • value1: Map difficulty:
Description Flag
    • value1: Count. For criteria "with less than %u people in the zone"
  • TYPE_T_TEAM = 14
    • value1: Team: HORDE = 67, ALLIANCE = 469
  • TYPE_S_DRUNK = 15
    • value1: Druken State. DRUNKEN_SOBER = 0, DRUNKEN_TIPSY = 1, DRUNKEN_DRUNK = 2, DRUNKEN_SMASHED = 3
    • value1: Holiday ID which must be active from Holiday.dbc and game_event
  • ’’’TYPE_BG_LOSS_TEAM_SCORE = 17 ‘’’
    • value1: min_score
    • value2: max_score
  • ’’’TYPE_INSTANCE_SCRIPT = 18 ‘’’

Make instance script call for check current criteria requirements fit

  • ’’’TYPE_S_EQUIPED_ITEM_LVL = 19 ‘’’
    • value1: item_level
    • value2: item_quality

For equipped item in slot \`misc1\` to item level and quality

    • value1: nth-birthday


FILENAME=$(echo "Achievement reward" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`achievement_reward\` table

This table contains the rewards for achievements added with Wrath of the Lichking.


Field Type Attributes Can be null Default Comments
entry mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0 Identifier
gender TINYINT unsigned YES 2
title_A mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
title_H mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
item mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
sender mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
subject varchar(255) YES NULL
text text YES NULL

Description of the fields


This is the achievement identifier from Achievements.dbc


Indicates characters of which gender may gain that reward. MALE = 0 FEMALE = 1 BOTH = 2


This is the reference to CharTitles.dbc.. Player has the right to wear the title as name affix.


The item you get by mail for the achievement. Reference to item_template.


You recieve mail from this sender. Reference to creature_template


The mail subject. Just plain text up to 255 chars.


The mail text.


FILENAME=$(echo "Achievements.dbc" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Back to dbc files list.

\`Achievements\` dbc

This dbc contains all achievements.

Version is : 3.3.5a


Field Nb Name Type
1 ID Int
5 Name String


6 Level 10
7 Level 20
8 Level 30
9 Level 40
10 Level 50
11 Level 60
12 Level 70
13 Level 80
15 Plenty of Pets
16 Did Somebody Order a Knuckle Sandwich?
31 A Simple Re-Quest
32 2000 Quests Completed
33 Nothing Boring About Borean
34 I’ve Toured the Fjord
35 Might of Dragonblight
36 The Empire of Zul’Drak
37 Fo’ Grizzle My Shizzle
38 The Summit of Storm Peaks
39 Into the Basin
40 Icecrown: The Final Goal
41 Loremaster of Northrend
42 Explore Eastern Kingdoms
43 Explore Kalimdor
44 Explore Outland
45 Explore Northrend
46 World Explorer
49 Alterac Valley victories
50 Eye of the Storm victories
51 Arathi Basin victories
52 Warsong Gulch battles
53 Alterac Valley battles
54 Eye of the Storm battles
55 Arathi Basin battles
56 Deaths in Warsong Gulch
57 Deaths in Alterac Valley
58 Deaths from Drek’Thar
59 Deaths in Arathi Basin
60 Total deaths
73 Disgracin’ The Basin
94 Quests abandoned
95 Average quests completed per day
97 Daily quests completed
98 Quests completed
99 Ruins of Lordaeron matches
100 Ring of Trials victories
101 Ring of Trials matches
102 Ruins of Lordaeron victories
103 Circle of Blood matches
104 Circle of Blood victories
105 Warsong Gulch victories
107 Creatures killed
108 Critters killed
110 Lich King 5-player boss killed the most
112 Deaths from drowning
113 Deaths from fatigue
114 Deaths from falling
115 Deaths from fire and lava
116 Professional Journeyman
121 Journeyman Cook
122 Expert Cook
123 Artisan Cook
124 Master Cook
125 Grand Master Cook
126 Journeyman Fisherman
127 Expert Fisherman
128 Artisan Fisherman
129 Master Fisherman
130 Grand Master Fisherman
131 Journeyman in First Aid
132 Expert in First Aid
133 Artisan in First Aid
134 Master in First Aid
135 Grand Master in First Aid
137 Stocking Up
141 Ultimate Triage
144 The Lurker Above
150 The Fishing Diplomat
153 The Old Gnome and the Sea
154 Arathi Basin Victory
155 Arathi Basin Veteran
156 Territorial Dominance
157 To The Rescue!
158 Me and the Cappin’ Makin’ it Happen
159 Let’s Get This Done
161 Resilient Victory
162 We Had It All Along *cough*
165 Arathi Basin Perfection
166 Warsong Gulch Victory
167 Warsong Gulch Veteran
168 Warsong Gulch Perfection
178 Enchanting formulae learned
181 Items disenchanted
183 Materials produced from disenchanting
189 Largest heal cast
193 Largest hit dealt
197 Total damage done
198 Total healing done
199 Capture the Flag
200 Persistent Defender
201 Warsong Expedience
202 Quick Cap
203 Not In My House
204 Ironman
206 Supreme Defender
207 Save The Day
208 Eye of the Storm Victory
209 Eye of the Storm Veteran
211 Storm Glory
212 Storm Capper
213 Stormtrooper
214 Flurry
216 Bound for Glory
218 Alterac Valley Victory
219 Alterac Valley Veteran
220 Stormpike Perfection
221 Alterac Grave Robber
222 Tower Defense
223 The Sickly Gazelle
224 Loyal Defender
225 Everything Counts
226 The Alterac Blitz
227 Damage Control
229 The Grim Reaper
230 Battlemaster
231 Wrecking Ball
233 Bloodthirsty Berserker
238 An Honorable Kill
239 25000 Honorable Kills
245 That Takes Class
246 Know Thy Enemy
247 Make Love, Not Warcraft
248 Sunday’s Finest
249 Dressed for the Occasion
252 With a Little Helper from My Friends
255 Bring Me The Head of… Oh Wait
259 Scrooge
260 Charming
263 Ice the Frost Lord
271 Burning Hot Pole Dance
272 Torch Juggler
273 On Metzen!
275 Veteran Nanny
277 ’Tis the Season
279 Simply Abominable
281 First Aid skill
283 The Masquerade
284 A Mask for All Occasions
288 Out With It
289 The Savior of Hallow’s End
291 Check Your Head
292 Sinister Calling
293 Disturbing the Peace
295 Direbrewfest
303 Have Keg, Will Travel
306 Master Angler of Azeroth
318 Total deaths from opposite faction
319 Duels won
320 Duels lost
321 Total raid and dungeon deaths
322 Total deaths to Lich King dungeon bosses
323 Total deaths to Lich King 10-player raid bosses
324 Total deaths to Lich King 25-player raid bosses
326 Gold from quest rewards
328 Total gold acquired
329 Auctions posted
330 Auction purchases
331 Most expensive bid on auction
332 Most expensive auction sold
333 Gold looted
334 Most gold ever owned
336 Legendary items acquired
338 Vanity pets owned
339 Mounts owned
341 Epic items looted
342 Epic items acquired
344 Bandages used
345 Health potions consumed
346 Beverages consumed
347 Food eaten
349 Flight paths taken
350 Mage Portals taken
353 Number of times hearthed
362 5v5 victories
363 5v5 matches
364 3v3 victories
365 3v3 matches
366 2v2 victories
367 2v2 matches
370 Highest 2 man personal rating
374 Highest 2 man team rating
377 Most factions at Exalted
378 Most factions at Revered or higher
381 World Honorable Kills
382 Battleground Honorable Kills
383 Arena Honorable Kills
388 City Defender
389 Gurubashi Arena Master
393 Alterac Valley towers defended
394 Alterac Valley towers captured
395 Warsong Gulch flags captured
396 Gurubashi Arena Grand Master
397 Step Into The Arena
398 Mercilessly Dedicated
399 Just the Two of Us: 1550
400 Just the Two of Us: 1750
401 Just the Two of Us: 2000
402 Three’s Company: 1550
403 Three’s Company: 1750
404 High Five: 2000
405 Three’s Company: 2000
406 High Five: 1550
407 High Five: 1750
408 Hot Streak
409 Last Man Standing
411 Murky
412 Murloc Costume
414 Tyrael’s Hilt
415 Big Blizzard Bear
416 Scarab Lord
418 Merciless Gladiator
419 Vengeful Gladiator
420 Brutal Gladiator
424 Why? Because It’s Red
425 Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
426 Warglaives of Azzinoth
428 Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
429 Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros
430 Amani War Bear
431 Hand of A’dal
432 Champion of the Naaru
433 Grand Marshal
434 Field Marshal
435 Commander
436 Lieutenant Commander
437 Knight-Champion
438 Knight-Captain
439 Knight
440 Sergeant Major
441 Master Sergeant
442 Private
443 High Warlord
444 Lieutenant General
445 Warlord
446 General
447 Champion
448 Centurion
449 Blood Guard
450 Senior Sergeant
451 Stone Guard
452 First Sergeant
453 Sergeant
454 Scout
456 Realm First! Obsidian Slayer
457 Realm First! Level 80
458 Realm First! Level 80 Rogue
459 Realm First! Level 80 Warrior
460 Realm First! Level 80 Mage
461 Realm First! Level 80 Death Knight
462 Realm First! Level 80 Hunter
463 Realm First! Level 80 Warlock
464 Realm First! Level 80 Priest
465 Realm First! Level 80 Paladin
466 Realm First! Level 80 Druid
467 Realm First! Level 80 Shaman
468 Grunt
469 Legionnaire
470 Corporal
471 Sergeant
472 Knight-Lieutenant
473 Marshal
477 Utgarde Keep
478 The Nexus
479 The Culling of Stratholme
480 Azjol-Nerub
481 Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom
482 Drak’Tharon Keep
483 The Violet Hold
484 Gundrak
485 Halls of Stone
486 Halls of Lightning
487 The Oculus
488 Utgarde Pinnacle
489 Heroic: Utgarde Keep
490 Heroic: The Nexus
491 Heroic: Azjol-Nerub
492 Heroic: Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom
493 Heroic: Drak’Tharon Keep
494 Heroic: The Violet Hold
495 Heroic: Gundrak
496 Heroic: Halls of Stone
497 Heroic: Halls of Lightning
498 Heroic: The Oculus
499 Heroic: Utgarde Pinnacle
500 Heroic: The Culling of Stratholme
503 50 Quests Completed
504 100 Quests Completed
505 250 Quests Completed
506 500 Quests Completed
507 1000 Quests Completed
508 1500 Quests Completed
509 10000 Honorable Kills
512 5000 Honorable Kills
513 100 Honorable Kills
515 500 Honorable Kills
516 1000 Honorable Kills
518 30 Exalted Reputations
519 25 Exalted Reputations
520 20 Exalted Reputations
521 15 Exalted Reputations
522 Somebody Likes Me
523 5 Exalted Reputations
524 10 Exalted Reputations
527 Largest hit received
528 Total damage received
529 Most factions at Honored or higher
545 Shave and a Haircut
546 Safe Deposit
547 Veteran of the Wrathgate
556 Epic
557 Superior
558 Greedy
559 Needy
560 Deadliest Catch
561 D.E.H.T.A’s Little P.I.T.A.
562 The Arachnid Quarter (10 player)
563 The Arachnid Quarter (25 player)
564 The Construct Quarter (10 player)
565 The Construct Quarter (25 player)
566 The Plague Quarter (10 player)
567 The Plague Quarter (25 player)
568 The Military Quarter (10 player)
569 The Military Quarter (25 player)
572 Sapphiron’s Demise (10 player)
573 Sapphiron’s Demise (25 player)
574 Kel’Thuzad’s Defeat (10 player)
575 Kel’Thuzad’s Defeat (25 player)
576 The Fall of Naxxramas (10 player)
577 The Fall of Naxxramas (25 player)
578 The Dedicated Few (10 player)
579 The Dedicated Few (25 player)
582 Alterac Valley All-Star
583 Arathi Basin All-Star
584 Arathi Basin Assassin
585 Eye of the Storm flags captured
586 Warsong Gulch flags returned
587 Stormy Assassin
588 Total Honorable Kills
589 Highest 5 man team rating
590 Highest 3 man team rating
593 Deaths from Vanndar Stormpike
594 Deaths from Hogger
595 Highest 3 man personal rating
596 Highest 5 man personal rating
603 Wrath of the Horde
604 Wrath of the Alliance
605 A Coin of Ancestry
606 5 Coins of Ancestry
607 10 Coins of Ancestry
608 25 Coins of Ancestry
609 50 Coins of Ancestry
610 Death to the Warchief!
611 Bleeding Bloodhoof
612 Downing the Dark Lady
613 Killed in Quel’Thalas
614 For The Alliance!
615 Storming Stormwind
616 Death to the King!
617 Immortal No More
618 Putting Out the Light
619 For The Horde!
621 Represent
622 The Spellweaver’s Downfall (10 player)
623 The Spellweaver’s Downfall (25 player)
624 Less Is More (10 player)
625 Besting the Black Dragonflight (25 player)
626 Lunar Festival Finery
627 Explore Dun Morogh
628 Deadmines
629 Ragefire Chasm
630 Wailing Caverns
631 Shadowfang Keep
632 Blackfathom Deeps
633 Stormwind Stockade
634 Gnomeregan
635 Razorfen Kraul
636 Razorfen Downs
637 Scarlet Monastery
638 Uldaman
639 Zul’Farrak
640 Maraudon
641 Sunken Temple
642 Blackrock Depths
643 Lower Blackrock Spire
644 King of Dire Maul
645 Scholomance
646 Stratholme
647 Hellfire Ramparts
648 The Blood Furnace
649 The Slave Pens
650 Underbog
651 Mana-Tombs
652 The Escape From Durnholde
653 Sethekk Halls
654 Shadow Labyrinth
655 Opening of the Dark Portal
656 The Steamvault
657 The Shattered Halls
658 The Mechanar
659 The Botanica
660 The Arcatraz
661 Magister’s Terrace
662 Collector’s Edition: Mini-Diablo
663 Collector’s Edition: Panda
664 Collector’s Edition: Zergling
665 Collector’s Edition: Netherwhelp
666 Auchenai Crypts
667 Heroic: Hellfire Ramparts
668 Heroic: The Blood Furnace
669 Heroic: The Slave Pens
670 Heroic: Underbog
671 Heroic: Mana-Tombs
672 Heroic: Auchenai Crypts
673 Heroic: The Escape From Durnholde
674 Heroic: Sethekk Halls
675 Heroic: Shadow Labyrinth
676 Heroic: Opening of the Dark Portal
677 Heroic: The Steamvault
678 Heroic: The Shattered Halls
679 Heroic: The Mechanar
680 Heroic: The Botanica
681 Heroic: The Arcatraz
682 Heroic: Magister’s Terrace
683 Collector’s Edition: Frost Wyrm Whelp
684 Onyxia’s Lair (Level 60)
685 Blackwing Lair
686 Molten Core
687 Temple of Ahn’Qiraj
688 Zul’Gurub
689 Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj
690 Karazhan
691 Zul’Aman
692 Gruul’s Lair
693 Magtheridon’s Lair
694 Serpentshrine Cavern
695 The Battle for Mount Hyjal
696 Tempest Keep
697 The Black Temple
698 Sunwell Plateau
699 World Wide Winner
700 Freedom of the Horde
701 Freedom of the Alliance
705 Master of Arms
706 Frostwolf Howler
707 Stormpike Battle Charger
708 Hero of the Frostwolf Clan
709 Hero of the Stormpike Guard
710 The Defiler
711 Knight of Arathor
712 Warsong Outrider
713 Silverwing Sentinel
714 The Conqueror
725 Thori’dal, the Stars’ Fury
726 Mr. Pinchy’s Magical Crawdad Box
727 Call in the Cavalry
728 Explore Durotar
729 Deathcharger’s Reins
730 Skills to Pay the Bills
731 Professional Expert
732 Professional Artisan
733 Professional Master
734 Professional Grand Master
735 Working Day and Night
736 Explore Mulgore
750 Explore The Barrens
752 Deaths in Naxxramas
753 Average gold earned per day
759 Average daily quests completed per day
760 Explore Alterac Mountains
761 Explore Arathi Highlands
762 Ambassador of the Horde
763 The Burning Crusader
764 The Burning Crusader
765 Explore Badlands
766 Explore Blasted Lands
768 Explore Tirisfal Glades
769 Explore Silverpine Forest
770 Explore Western Plaguelands
771 Explore Eastern Plaguelands
772 Explore Hillsbrad Foothills
773 Explore The Hinterlands
774 Explore Searing Gorge
775 Explore Burning Steppes
776 Explore Elwynn Forest
777 Explore Deadwind Pass
778 Explore Duskwood
779 Explore Loch Modan
780 Explore Redridge Mountains
781 Explore Stranglethorn Vale
782 Explore Swamp of Sorrows
783 The Perfect Storm
784 Eye of the Storm Domination
796 Resurrected by priests
798 Rebirthed by druids
799 Spirit returned to body by shamans
800 Redeemed by paladins
801 Resurrected by soulstones
802 Explore Westfall
811 Flasks consumed
812 Healthstones used
829 Largest heal received
830 Total healing received
837 Arenas won
838 Arenas played
839 Battlegrounds played
840 Battlegrounds won
841 Explore Wetlands
842 Explore Teldrassil
843 Explore Netherstorm
844 Explore Darkshore
845 Explore Ashenvale
846 Explore Thousand Needles
847 Explore Stonetalon Mountains
848 Explore Desolace
849 Explore Feralas
850 Explore Dustwallow Marsh
851 Explore Tanaris Desert
852 Explore Azshara
853 Explore Felwood
854 Explore Un’Goro Crater
855 Explore Moonglade
856 Explore Silithus
857 Explore Winterspring
858 Explore Ghostlands
859 Explore Eversong Woods
860 Explore Azuremyst Isle
861 Explore Bloodmyst Isle
862 Explore Hellfire Peninsula
863 Explore Zangarmarsh
864 Explore Shadowmoon Valley
865 Explore Blade’s Edge Mountains
866 Explore Nagrand
867 Explore Terokkar Forest
868 Explore Isle of Quel’Danas
869 50000 Honorable Kills
870 100000 Honorable Kills
871 Avast Ye, Admiral!
872 Frenzied Defender
873 Frostwolf Perfection
875 Vengefully Dedicated
876 Brutally Dedicated
877 The Cake Is Not A Lie
878 One That Didn’t Get Away
879 Old School Ride
880 Swift Zulian Tiger
881 Swift Razzashi Raptor
882 Fiery Warhorse’s Reins
883 Reins of the Raven Lord
884 Swift White Hawkstrider
885 Ashes of Al’ar
886 Swift Nether Drake
887 Merciless Nether Drake
888 Vengeful Nether Drake
889 Fast and Furious
890 Into The Wild Blue Yonder
891 Giddy Up!
892 The Right Stuff
893 Cenarion War Hippogryph
894 Flying High Over Skettis
896 A Quest a Day Keeps the Ogres at Bay
897 You’re So Offensive
898 On Wings of Nether
899 Oh My, Kurenai
900 The Czar of Sporeggar
901 Mag’har of Draenor
902 Chief Exalted Officer
903 Shattrath Divided
905 Old Man Barlowned
906 Kickin’ It Up a Notch
907 The Justicar
908 Call to Arms!
909 Call to Arms!
910 Elders of the Dungeons
911 Elders of Kalimdor
912 Elders of Eastern Kingdoms
913 To Honor One’s Elders
914 Elders of the Horde
915 Elders of the Alliance
916 Total deaths in 25-player raids
917 Total deaths in 10-player raids
918 Total deaths in 5-player dungeons
919 Gold earned from auctions
921 Gold from vendors
922 Mana potions consumed
923 Elixirs consumed
924 Most Northrend factions at Exalted
925 Most Outland factions at Exalted
926 Most Horde factions at Exalted
927 Equipped epic items in item slots
928 Extra bank slots purchased
931 Total factions encountered
932 Total 5-player dungeons entered
933 Total 10-player raids entered
934 Total 25-player raids entered
937 Elune’s Blessing
938 The Snows of Northrend
939 Hills Like White Elekk
940 The Green Hills of Stranglethorn
941 Hemet Nesingwary: The Collected Quests
942 The Diplomat
943 The Diplomat
944 They Love Me In That Tunnel
945 The Argent Champion
946 The Argent Dawn
947 The Argent Crusade
948 Ambassador of the Alliance
949 Tuskarrmageddon
950 Frenzyheart Tribe
951 The Oracles
952 Mercenary of Sholazar
953 Guardian of Cenarius
955 Hydraxian Waterlords
956 Brood of Nozdormu
957 Hero of the Zandalar Tribe
958 Sworn to the Deathsworn
959 The Scale of the Sands
960 The Violet Eye
961 Honorary Frenzyheart
962 Savior of the Oracles
963 Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor
964 Going Down?
965 Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor
966 Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms
967 Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms
968 Tricks and Treats of Outland
969 Tricks and Treats of Outland
970 Tricks and Treats of Azeroth
971 Tricks and Treats of Azeroth
972 Trick or Treat!
973 5 Daily Quests Complete
974 50 Daily Quests Complete
975 200 Daily Quests Complete
976 500 Daily Quests Complete
977 1000 Daily Quests Complete
978 3000 Quests Completed
979 The Mask Task
980 The Horseman’s Reins
981 That Sparkling Smile
1005 Know Thy Enemy
1006 City Defender
1007 The Wyrmrest Accord
1008 The Kirin Tor
1009 Knights of the Ebon Blade
1010 Northrend Vanguard
1011 The Winds of the North
1012 The Winds of the North
1014 35 Exalted Reputations
1015 40 Exalted Reputations
1017 Can I Keep Him?
1020 Ten Tabards
1021 Twenty-Five Tabards
1022 Flame Warden of Eastern Kingdoms
1023 Flame Warden of Kalimdor
1024 Flame Warden of Outland
1025 Flame Keeper of Eastern Kingdoms
1026 Flame Keeper of Kalimdor
1027 Flame Keeper of Outland
1028 Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms
1029 Extinguishing Kalimdor
1030 Extinguishing Outland
1031 Extinguishing Eastern Kingdoms
1032 Extinguishing Kalimdor
1033 Extinguishing Outland
1034 The Fires of Azeroth
1035 Desecration of the Horde
1036 The Fires of Azeroth
1037 Desecration of the Alliance
1038 The Flame Warden
1039 The Flame Keeper
1040 Rotten Hallow
1041 Rotten Hallow
1042 Number of hugs
1043 Greed rolls made on loot
1044 Need rolls made on loot
1045 Total cheers
1047 Total facepalms
1057 Deaths in 2v2
1065 Total waves
1066 Total times LOL’d
1067 Total times playing world’s smallest violin
1068 Keli’dan the Breaker kills (The Blood Furnace)
1069 Nexus-Prince Shaffar kills (Mana Tombs)
1070 Epoch Hunter kills (The Escape From Durnholde)
1071 Quagmirran kills (Slave Pens)
1072 Black Stalker kills (Underbog)
1073 Exarch Maladaar kills (Auchenai Crypts)
1074 Talon King Ikiss kills (Sethekk Halls)
1075 Murmur kills (Shadow Labyrinth)
1076 Aeonus kills (Opening of the Dark Portal)
1077 Warlord Kalithresh kills (The Steamvault)
1078 Warchief Kargath Bladefist kills (The Shattered Halls)
1079 Pathaleon the Calculator kills (The Mechanar)
1080 Warp Splinter kills (The Botanica)
1081 Harbinger Skyriss kills (The Arcatraz)
1082 Kael’thas Sunstrider kills (Magister’s Terrace)
1083 Prince Malchezaar kills (Karazhan)
1084 Zul’jin kills (Zul’Aman)
1085 Gruul kills (Gruul’s Lair)
1086 Magtheridon kills (Magtheridon’s Lair)
1087 Lady Vashj kills (Serpentshrine Cavern)
1088 Kael’thas Sunstrider kills (Tempest Keep)
1089 Illidan Stormrage kills (The Black Temple)
1090 Kil’jaeden kills (Sunwell Plateau)
1091 Edwin VanCleef kills (Deadmines)
1092 Archmage Arugal kills (Shadowfang Keep)
1093 Scarlet Commander Mograine kills (Scarlet Monastery)
1094 Chief Ukorz Sandscalp kills (Zul’Farrak)
1095 Emperor Dagran Thaurissan kills (Blackrock Depths)
1096 General Drakkisath kills (Blackrock Spire)
1097 Baron Rivendare kills (Stratholme)
1098 Onyxia kills (Onyxia’s Lair)
1099 Ragnaros kills (Molten Core)
1100 Nefarian kills (Blackwing Lair)
1101 C’Thun kills (Temple of Ahn’Qiraj)
1102 Hakkar kills (Zul’Gurub)
1103 Lich King 5-player dungeons completed (final boss killed)
1104 Lich King 10-player raids completed (final boss killed)
1106 Deaths in Eye of the Storm
1107 Deaths in 3v3
1108 Deaths in 5v5
1109 5v5 Arena Honorable Kills
1110 3v3 Arena Honorable Kills
1111 2v2 Arena Honorable Kills
1112 Eye of the Storm Honorable Kills
1113 Alterac Valley Honorable Kills
1114 Arathi Basin Honorable Kills
1115 Warsong Gulch Honorable Kills
1125 Bandage used most
1145 King of the Fire Festival
1146 Gold spent on travel
1147 Gold spent at barber shops
1148 Gold spent on postage
1149 Talent tree respecs
1150 Gold spent on talent tree respecs
1151 Loyal Defender
1153 Overly Defensive
1157 Duel-icious
1159 Just the Two of Us: 2200
1160 Three’s Company: 2200
1161 High Five: 2200
1162 Hotter Streak
1164 Everything Counts
1165 My Sack is "Gigantique"
1166 To the Looter Go the Spoils
1167 Master of Alterac Valley
1168 Master of Alterac Valley
1169 Master of Arathi Basin
1170 Master of Arathi Basin
1171 Master of Eye of the Storm
1172 Master of Warsong Gulch
1173 Master of Warsong Gulch
1174 The Arena Master
1175 Battlemaster
1176 Got My Mind On My Money
1177 Got My Mind On My Money
1178 Got My Mind On My Money
1180 Got My Mind On My Money
1181 Got My Mind On My Money
1182 The Bread Winner
1183 Brew of the Year
1184 Strange Brew
1185 The Brewfest Diet
1186 Down With The Dark Iron
1187 The Keymaster
1188 Shafted!
1189 To Hellfire and Back
1190 Mysteries of the Marsh
1191 Terror of Terokkar
1192 Nagrand Slam
1193 On the Blade’s Edge
1194 Into the Nether
1195 Shadow of the Betrayer
1197 Total kills
1198 Total kills that grant experience or honor
1199 Professions learned
1200 Secondary skills at maximum skill
1201 Professions at maximum skill
1202 Weapon skills at maximum skill
1203 Strange Brew
1205 Hero of Shattrath
1206 To All The Squirrels I’ve Loved Before
1225 Outland Angler
1229 Revived by druids
1231 Keristrasza kills (The Nexus)
1232 Anub’arak kills (Azjol-Nerub)
1233 Herald Volazj kills (Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom)
1234 The Prophet Tharon’ja kills (Drak’Tharon Keep)
1235 Cyanigosa kills (The Violet Hold)
1236 Gal’darah kills (Gundrak)
1237 Sjonnir the Ironshaper kills (Halls of Stone)
1238 Loken kills (Halls of Lightning)
1239 Ley-Guardian Eregos kills (The Oculus)
1240 King Ymiron kills (Utgarde Pinnacle)
1241 Mal’Ganis defeated (Caverns of Time: Stratholme)
1242 Ingvar the Plunderer kills (Utgarde Keep)
1243 Fish Don’t Leave Footprints
1244 Well Read
1248 Plethora of Pets
1250 Shop Smart, Shop Pet…Smart
1251 Not In My House
1252 Supreme Defender
1253 Raised as a ghoul
1254 Friend or Fowl?
1255 Scrooge
1257 The Scavenger
1258 Take a Chill Pill
1259 Not So Fast
1260 Drunken Stupor
1261 G.N.E.R.D. Rage
1262 Loremaster of Outland
1263 Explore Howling Fjord
1264 Explore Borean Tundra
1265 Explore Dragonblight
1266 Explore Grizzly Hills
1267 Explore Zul’Drak
1268 Explore Sholazar Basin
1269 Explore Storm Peaks
1270 Explore Icecrown
1271 To Hellfire and Back
1272 Terror of Terokkar
1273 Nagrand Slam
1274 Loremaster of Outland
1275 Bombs Away
1276 Blade’s Edge Bomberman
1277 Rapid Defense
1279 Flirt With Disaster
1280 Flirt With Disaster
1281 The Rocket’s Red Glare
1282 Fa-la-la-la-Ogri’la
1283 Classic Dungeonmaster
1284 Outland Dungeonmaster
1285 Classic Raider
1286 Outland Raider
1287 Outland Dungeon Hero
1288 Northrend Dungeonmaster
1289 Northrend Dungeon Hero
1291 Lonely?
1292 Yellow Brewfest Stein
1293 Blue Brewfest Stein
1295 Crashin’ & Thrashin’
1296 Watch Him Die
1297 Hadronox Denied
1298 Different bandage types used
1299 Health potion used most
1300 Different health potions used
1301 Mana potion used most
1302 Different mana potions used
1303 Elixir consumed most
1304 Different elixirs used
1305 Flask consumed most
1306 Different flasks consumed
1307 Upper Blackrock Spire
1308 Strand of the Ancients Victory
1309 Strand of the Ancients Veteran
1310 Storm the Beach
1311 Medium Rare
1312 Bloody Rare
1336 Creature type killed the most
1337 Different creature types killed
1339 Mage portal taken most
1356 I’ve Toured the Fjord
1357 Fo’ Grizzle My Shizzle
1358 Nothing Boring About Borean
1359 Might of Dragonblight
1360 Loremaster of Northrend
1361 Anub’Rekhan kills (Naxxramas 10 player)
1362 Grand Widow Faerlina kills (Naxxramas 10 player)
1363 Maexxna kills (Naxxramas 10 player)
1364 Patchwerk kills (Naxxramas 10 player)
1365 Noth the Plaguebringer kills (Naxxramas 10 player)
1366 Gothik the Harvester kills (Naxxramas 10 player)
1367 Patchwerk kills (Naxxramas 25 player)
1368 Anub’Rekhan kills (Naxxramas 25 player)
1369 Heigan the Unclean kills (Naxxramas 10 player)
1370 Loatheb kills (Naxxramas 10 player)
1371 Grobbulus kills (Naxxramas 10 player)
1372 Gluth kills (Naxxramas 10 player)
1373 Thaddius kills (Naxxramas 10 player)
1374 Instructor Razuvious kills (Naxxramas 10 player)
1375 Four Horsemen kills (Naxxramas 10 player)
1376 Sapphiron kills (Naxxramas 10 player)
1377 Kel’Thuzad kills (Naxxramas 10 player)
1378 Gluth kills (Naxxramas 25 player)
1379 Gothik the Harvester kills (Naxxramas 25 player)
1380 Grand Widow Faerlina kills (Naxxramas 25 player)
1381 Grobbulus kills (Naxxramas 25 player)
1382 Heigan the Unclean kills (Naxxramas 25 player)
1383 Four Horsemen kills (Naxxramas 25 player)
1384 Instructor Razuvious kills (Naxxramas 25 player)
1385 Loatheb kills (Naxxramas 25 player)
1386 Maexxna kills (Naxxramas 25 player)
1387 Noth the Plaguebringer kills (Naxxramas 25 player)
1388 Thaddius kills (Naxxramas 25 player)
1389 Sapphiron kills (Naxxramas 25 player)
1390 Kel’Thuzad kills (Naxxramas 25 player)
1391 Malygos kills (10 player)
1392 Sartharion kills (Chamber of the Aspects 10 player)
1393 Sartharion kills (Chamber of the Aspects 25 player)
1394 Malygos kills (25 player)
1396 Elders of Northrend
1400 Realm First! Magic Seeker
1402 Realm First! Conqueror of Naxxramas
1404 Realm First! Level 80 Gnome
1405 Realm First! Level 80 Blood Elf
1406 Realm First! Level 80 Draenei
1407 Realm First! Level 80 Dwarf
1408 Realm First! Level 80 Human
1409 Realm First! Level 80 Night Elf
1410 Realm First! Level 80 Orc
1411 Realm First! Level 80 Tauren
1412 Realm First! Level 80 Troll
1413 Realm First! Level 80 Forsaken
1414 Realm First! Grand Master Blacksmith
1415 Realm First! Grand Master Alchemist
1416 Realm First! Cooking Grand Master
1417 Realm First! Grand Master Enchanter
1418 Realm First! Grand Master Engineer
1419 Realm First! First Aid Grand Master
1420 Realm First! Grand Master Angler
1421 Realm First! Grand Master Herbalist
1422 Realm First! Grand Master Scribe
1423 Realm First! Grand Master Jewelcrafter
1424 Realm First! Grand Master Leatherworker
1425 Realm First! Grand Master Miner
1426 Realm First! Grand Master Skinner
1427 Realm First! Grand Master Tailor
1428 Mine Sweeper
1436 Friends In High Places
1456 Fish and other things caught
1457 Explore Crystalsong Forest
1458 Continent with the most Honorable Kills
1462 Badges of Justice acquired
1463 Realm First! Northrend Vanguard
1464 Emblems of Heroism acquired
1465 Emblems of Valor acquired
1466 Most Alliance factions at Exalted
1467 Lich King 5-player bosses killed
1485 Lich King 5-player different bosses killed
1486 Strand of the Ancients Honorable Kills
1487 Total Killing Blows
1488 World Killing Blows
1489 Continent with the most Killing Blows
1490 Arena Killing Blows
1491 Battleground Killing Blows
1492 2v2 Arena Killing Blows
1493 3v3 Arena Killing Blows
1494 5v5 Arena Killing Blows
1495 Alterac Valley Killing Blows
1496 Arathi Basin Killing Blows
1497 Warsong Gulch Killing Blows
1498 Eye of the Storm Killing Blows
1499 Strand of the Ancients Killing Blows
1500 Deaths in Strand of the Ancients
1501 Total deaths from other players
1502 Quick Cap
1504 Ingvar the Plunderer kills (Heroic Utgarde Keep)
1505 Keristrasza kills (Heroic Nexus)
1506 Anub’arak kills (Heroic Azjol-Nerub)
1507 Herald Volazj kills (Heroic Ahn’kahet)
1508 The Prophet Tharon’ja kills (Heroic Drak’Tharon Keep)
1509 Cyanigosa kills (Heroic Violet Hold)
1510 Gal’darah kills (Heroic Gundrak)
1511 Sjonnir the Ironshaper kills (Heroic Halls of Stone)
1512 Loken kills (Heroic Halls of Lightning)
1513 Ley-Guardian Eregos kills (Heroic Oculus)
1514 King Ymiron kills (Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle)
1515 Mal’Ganis defeated (Heroic CoT: Stratholme)
1516 Accomplished Angler
1517 Northrend Angler
1518 Fish caught
1519 Fishing skill
1524 Cooking skill
1525 Cooking daily quests completed
1526 Fishing daily quests completed
1527 Highest Alchemy skill
1532 Highest Blacksmithing skill
1535 Highest Enchanting skill
1536 Highest Leatherworking skill
1537 Highest Mining skill
1538 Highest Herbalism skill
1539 Highest Inscription skill
1540 Highest Jewelcrafting skill
1541 Highest Skinning skill
1542 Highest Tailoring skill
1544 Highest Engineering skill
1545 Ring of Valor matches
1546 Ring of Valor victories
1547 Dalaran Sewers matches
1548 Dalaran Sewers victories
1549 Strand of the Ancients battles
1550 Strand of the Ancients victories
1552 Frenzied Firecracker
1556 25 Fish
1557 50 Fish
1558 100 Fish
1559 250 Fish
1560 500 Fish
1561 1000 Fish
1563 Hail to the Chef
1576 Of Blood and Anguish
1596 Guru of Drakuru
1636 Competitor’s Tabard
1637 Spirit of Competition
1638 Skyshattered
1656 Hallowed Be Thy Name
1657 Hallowed Be Thy Name
1658 Champion of the Frozen Wastes
1676 Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms
1677 Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms
1678 Loremaster of Kalimdor
1680 Loremaster of Kalimdor
1681 The Loremaster
1682 The Loremaster
1683 Brewmaster
1684 Brewmaster
1685 Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho’s
1686 Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho’s
1687 Let It Snow
1688 The Winter Veil Gourmet
1689 He Knows If You’ve Been Naughty
1690 A Frosty Shake
1691 Merrymaker
1692 Merrymaker
1693 Fool For Love
1694 Lovely Luck Is On Your Side
1695 Dangerous Love
1696 The Rocket’s Pink Glare
1697 Nation of Adoration
1698 Nation of Adoration
1699 Fistful of Love
1700 Perma-Peddle
1701 Be Mine!
1702 Sweet Tooth
1703 My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose
1704 I Pitied The Fool
1705 Clockwork Rocket Bot
1706 Crashin’ Thrashin’ Racer
1707 Fool For Love
1716 Battleground with the most Killing Blows
1717 Wintergrasp Victory
1718 Wintergrasp Veteran
1719 Battleground with the most Honorable Kills
1721 Archavon the Stone Watcher (25 player)
1722 Archavon the Stone Watcher (10 player)
1723 Vehicular Gnomeslaughter
1727 Leaning Tower
1729 Alchemy Recipes learned
1730 Blacksmithing Plans learned
1734 Engineering Schematics learned
1735 Inscriptions learned
1737 Destruction Derby
1738 Jewelcrafting Designs learned
1740 Leatherworking Patterns learned
1741 Tailoring Patterns learned
1745 Cooking Recipes known
1748 First Aid Manuals learned
1751 Didn’t Stand a Chance
1752 Master of Wintergrasp
1753 Archavon the Stone Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player)
1754 Archavon the Stone Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player)
1755 Within Our Grasp
1756 Lich King 25-player bosses killed
1757 Defense of the Ancients
1759 Lich King 25-player different bosses killed
1760 Lich King 25-player boss killed the most
1761 The Dapper Sapper
1762 Not Even a Scratch
1763 Artillery Veteran
1764 Drop it!
1765 Steady Hands
1766 Ancient Protector
1768 Lich King 25-player raids completed (final boss killed)
1770 Lich King 10-player bosses killed
1771 Lich King 10-player different bosses killed
1772 Lich King 10-player boss killed the most
1773 Beverage consumed most
1774 Different beverages consumed
1775 Different foods eaten
1776 Food eaten most
1777 The Northrend Gourmet
1778 The Northrend Gourmet
1779 The Northrend Gourmet
1780 Second That Emotion
1781 Critter Gitter
1782 Our Daily Bread
1783 Our Daily Bread
1784 Hail to the Chef
1785 Dinner Impossible
1786 School of Hard Knocks
1788 Bad Example
1789 Daily Chores
1790 Hail To The King, Baby
1791 Home Alone
1792 Aw, Isn’t It Cute?
1793 For The Children
1795 Lunch Lady
1796 Short Order Cook
1797 Chef de Partie
1798 Sous Chef
1799 Chef de Cuisine
1800 The Outland Gourmet
1801 Captain Rumsey’s Lager
1816 Defenseless
1817 The Culling of Time
1832 Tastes Like Chicken
1833 It’s Happy Hour Somewhere
1834 Lightning Struck
1836 Old Crafty
1837 Old Ironjaw
1856 Make Quick Werk Of Him (10 player)
1857 Make Quick Werk Of Him (25 player)
1858 Arachnophobia (10 player)
1859 Arachnophobia (25 player)
1860 Gotta Go!
1862 Volazj’s Quick Demise
1864 What the Eck?
1865 Lockdown!
1866 Good Grief
1867 Timely Death
1868 Make It Count
1869 A Poke In The Eye (10 player)
1870 A Poke In The Eye (25 player)
1871 Experienced Drake Rider
1872 Zombiefest!
1873 Lodi Dodi We Loves the Skadi
1874 You Don’t Have An Eternity (10 player)
1875 You Don’t Have An Eternity (25 player)
1876 Besting the Black Dragonflight (10 player)
1877 Less Is More (25 player)
1919 On The Rocks
1936 Does Your Wolpertinger Linger?
1956 Higher Learning
1957 There’s Gold In That There Fountain
1958 I Smell A Giant Rat
1976 Dalaran Cooking Awards gained
1977 Dalaran Jewelcrafter’s Tokens gained
1996 The Safety Dance (10 player)
1997 Momma Said Knock You Out (10 player)
1998 Dalaran Cooking Award
1999 10 Dalaran Cooking Awards
2000 25 Dalaran Cooking Awards
2001 50 Dalaran Cooking Awards
2002 100 Dalaran Cooking Awards
2016 Grizzled Veteran
2017 Grizzled Veteran
2018 Timear Foresees
2019 Proof of Demise
2036 Intense Cold
2037 Chaos Theory
2038 Respect Your Elders
2039 Better Off Dred
2040 Less-rabi
2041 Dehydration
2042 Shatter Resistant
2043 The Incredible Hulk
2044 Ruby Void
2045 Emerald Void
2046 Amber Void
2047 Gonna Go When the Volcano Blows (10 player)
2048 Gonna Go When the Volcano Blows (25 player)
2049 Twilight Assist (10 player)
2050 Twilight Duo (10 player)
2051 The Twilight Zone (10 player)
2052 Twilight Assist (25 player)
2053 Twilight Duo (25 player)
2054 The Twilight Zone (25 player)
2056 Volunteer Work
2057 Oh Novos!
2058 Snakes. Why’d It Have To Be Snakes?
2076 Armored Brown Bear
2077 Wooly Mammoth
2078 Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth
2079 Tabard of the Protector
2080 Black War Mammoth
2081 Grand Black War Mammoth
2082 Ice Mammoth
2083 Grand Ice Mammoth
2084 Ring of the Kirin Tor
2085 50 Stone Keeper’s Shards
2086 100 Stone Keeper’s Shards
2087 250 Stone Keeper’s Shards
2088 500 Stone Keeper’s Shards
2089 1000 Stone Keeper’s Shards
2090 Challenger
2091 Gladiator
2092 Duelist
2093 Rival
2094 A Penny For Your Thoughts
2095 Silver in the City
2096 The Coin Master
2097 Get to the Choppa!
2116 Tabard of the Argent Dawn
2136 Glory of the Hero
2137 Glory of the Raider (10 player)
2138 Glory of the Raider (25 player)
2139 The Safety Dance (25 player)
2140 Momma Said Knock You Out (25 player)
2141 Stable Keeper
2142 Filling Up The Barn
2143 Leading the Cavalry
2144 What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been
2145 What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been
2146 The Hundred Club (10 player)
2147 The Hundred Club (25 player)
2148 Denyin’ the Scion (10 player)
2149 Denyin’ the Scion (25 player)
2150 Split Personality
2151 Consumption Junction
2152 Share The Love
2153 A Void Dance
2154 Brann Spankin’ New
2155 Abuse the Ooze
2156 My Girl Loves to Skadi All the Time
2157 King’s Bane
2176 And They Would All Go Down Together (10 player)
2177 And They Would All Go Down Together (25 player)
2178 Shocking! (10 player)
2179 Shocking! (25 player)
2180 Subtraction (10 player)
2181 Subtraction (25 player)
2182 Spore Loser (10 player)
2183 Spore Loser (25 player)
2184 Just Can’t Get Enough (10 player)
2185 Just Can’t Get Enough (25 player)
2186 The Immortal
2187 The Undying
2188 Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy!
2189 Artillery Expert
2190 Drop it now!
2191 Ancient Courtyard Protector
2192 Not Even a Scratch
2193 Explosives Expert
2194 Master of Strand of the Ancients
2195 Master of Strand of the Ancients
2199 Wintergrasp Ranger
2200 Defense of the Ancients
2216 Most deadly Lich King dungeon boss
2217 Most deadly Lich King 10-player raid boss
2218 Most deadly Lich King 25-player raid boss
2219 Total deaths in 5-player heroic dungeons
2256 Northern Exposure
2257 Frostbitten
2277 Summons accepted
2316 Brutal Nether Drake
2336 Insane in the Membrane
2357 Dreadsteed of Xoroth
2358 Charger
2359 Swift Flight Form
2396 Battleground played the most
2397 Battleground won the most
2398 WoW’s 4th Anniversary
2416 Hard Boiled
2417 Chocolate Lover
2418 Chocoholic
2419 Spring Fling
2420 Noble Garden
2421 Noble Garden
2422 Shake Your Bunny-Maker
2436 Desert Rose
2456 Vampire Hunter
2476 Destruction Derby
2496 The Fifth Element
2497 Spring Fling
2516 Lil’ Game Hunter
2536 Mountain o’ Mounts
2537 Mountain o’ Mounts
2556 Pest Control
2557 To All The Squirrels Who Shared My Life
2576 Blushing Bride
2596 Mr. Bigglesworth kills
2676 I Found One!
2716 Dual Talent Specialization
2756 Argent Aspiration
2758 Argent Valor
2760 Exalted Champion of Darnassus
2761 Exalted Champion of the Exodar
2762 Exalted Champion of Gnomeregan
2763 Exalted Champion of Ironforge
2764 Exalted Champion of Stormwind
2765 Exalted Champion of Orgrimmar
2766 Exalted Champion of Sen’jin
2767 Exalted Champion of Silvermoon City
2768 Exalted Champion of Thunder Bluff
2769 Exalted Champion of the Undercity
2770 Exalted Champion of the Alliance
2771 Exalted Champion of the Horde
2772 Tilted!
2773 It’s Just a Flesh Wound
2776 Master of Wintergrasp
2777 Champion of Darnassus
2778 Champion of the Exodar
2779 Champion of Gnomeregan
2780 Champion of Ironforge
2781 Champion of Stormwind
2782 Champion of the Alliance
2783 Champion of Orgrimmar
2784 Champion of Sen’jin
2785 Champion of Silvermoon City
2786 Champion of Thunder Bluff
2787 Champion of the Undercity
2788 Champion of the Horde
2796 Brew of the Month
2797 Noble Gardener
2798 Noble Gardener
2816 Exalted Argent Champion of the Horde
2817 Exalted Argent Champion of the Alliance
2836 Lance a Lot
2856 Flame Leviathan kills (Ulduar 10 player)
2857 Razorscale kills (Ulduar 10 player)
2858 Ignis the Furnace Master kills (Ulduar 10 player)
2859 XT-002 Deconstructor kills (Ulduar 10 player)
2860 Assembly of Iron kills (Ulduar 10 player)
2861 Kologarn kills (Ulduar 10 player)
2862 Hodir victories (Ulduar 10 player)
2863 Thorim victories (Ulduar 10 player)
2864 Freya victories (Ulduar 10 player)
2865 Mimiron victories (Ulduar 10 player)
2866 General Vezax kills (Ulduar 10 player)
2867 Algalon the Observer kills (Ulduar 10 player)
2868 Auriaya kills (Ulduar 10 player)
2869 Yogg-Saron kills (Ulduar 10 player)
2870 Emalon the Storm Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player)
2872 Flame Leviathan kills (Ulduar 25 player)
2873 Razorscale kills (Ulduar 25 player)
2874 Ignis the Furnace Master kills (Ulduar 25 player)
2875 Kologarn kills (Ulduar 25 player)
2879 Mimiron victories (Ulduar 25 player)
2880 General Vezax kills (Ulduar 25 player)
2881 Algalon the Observer kills (Ulduar 25 player)
2882 Auriaya kills (Ulduar 25 player)
2883 Yogg-Saron kills (Ulduar 25 player)
2884 XT-002 Deconstructor kills (Ulduar 25 player)
2885 Assembly of Iron kills (Ulduar 25 player)
2886 The Siege of Ulduar (10 player)
2887 The Siege of Ulduar (25 player)
2888 The Antechamber of Ulduar (10 player)
2889 The Antechamber of Ulduar (25 player)
2890 The Keepers of Ulduar (10 player)
2891 The Keepers of Ulduar (25 player)
2892 The Descent into Madness (10 player)
2893 The Descent into Madness (25 player)
2894 The Secrets of Ulduar (10 player)
2895 The Secrets of Ulduar (25 player)
2903 Champion of Ulduar
2904 Conqueror of Ulduar
2905 Unbroken (10 player)
2906 Unbroken (25 player)
2907 Three Car Garage (10 player)
2908 Three Car Garage (25 player)
2909 Take Out Those Turrets (10 player)
2910 Take Out Those Turrets (25 player)
2911 Shutout (10 player)
2912 Shutout (25 player)
2913 Orbital Bombardment (10 player)
2914 Orbital Devastation (10 player)
2915 Nuked from Orbit (10 player)
2916 Orbital Devastation (25 player)
2917 Nuked from Orbit (25 player)
2918 Orbital Bombardment (25 player)
2919 A Quick Shave (10 player)
2921 A Quick Shave (25 player)
2923 Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare (10 player)
2924 Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare (25 player)
2925 Shattered (10 player)
2926 Shattered (25 player)
2927 Hot Pocket (10 player)
2928 Hot Pocket (25 player)
2929 Stokin’ the Furnace (25 player)
2930 Stokin’ the Furnace (10 player)
2931 Nerf Engineering (10 player)
2932 Nerf Engineering (25 player)
2933 Nerf Scrapbots (10 player)
2934 Nerf Gravity Bombs (10 player)
2935 Nerf Scrapbots (25 player)
2936 Nerf Gravity Bombs (25 player)
2937 Must Deconstruct Faster (10 player)
2938 Must Deconstruct Faster (25 player)
2939 I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim (10 player)
2940 I Choose You, Stormcaller Brundir (10 player)
2941 I Choose You, Steelbreaker (10 player)
2942 I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim (25 player)
2943 I Choose You, Stormcaller Brundir (25 player)
2944 I Choose You, Steelbreaker (25 player)
2945 But I’m On Your Side (10 player)
2946 But I’m On Your Side (25 player)
2947 Can’t Do That While Stunned (10 player)
2948 Can’t Do That While Stunned (25 player)
2951 With Open Arms (10 player)
2952 With Open Arms (25 player)
2953 Disarmed (10 player)
2954 Disarmed (25 player)
2955 If Looks Could Kill (10 player)
2956 If Looks Could Kill (25 player)
2957 Glory of the Ulduar Raider (10 player)
2958 Glory of the Ulduar Raider (25 player)
2959 Rubble and Roll (10 player)
2960 Rubble and Roll (25 player)
2961 Cheese the Freeze (10 player)
2962 Cheese the Freeze (25 player)
2963 I Have the Coolest Friends (10 player)
2965 I Have the Coolest Friends (25 player)
2967 Getting Cold in Here (10 player)
2968 Getting Cold in Here (25 player)
2969 Staying Buffed All Winter (10 player)
2970 Staying Buffed All Winter (25 player)
2971 Don’t Stand in the Lightning (10 player)
2972 Don’t Stand in the Lightning (25 player)
2973 I’ll Take You All On (10 player)
2974 I’ll Take You All On (25 player)
2975 Who Needs Bloodlust? (10 player)
2976 Who Needs Bloodlust? (25 player)
2977 Siffed (10 player)
2978 Siffed (25 player)
2979 Lumberjacked (10 player)
2980 Con-speed-atory (10 player)
2981 Con-speed-atory (25 player)
2982 Getting Back to Nature (10 player)
2983 Getting Back to Nature (25 player)
2984 Deforestation (25 player)
2985 Deforestation (10 player)
2989 Set Up Us the Bomb (10 player)
2995 Not-So-Friendly Fire (25 player)
2996 Shadowdodger (10 player)
2997 Shadowdodger (25 player)
3002 Supermassive (25 player)
3003 Supermassive (10 player)
3004 He Feeds On Your Tears (10 player)
3005 He Feeds On Your Tears (25 player)
3006 Crazy Cat Lady (10 player)
3007 Crazy Cat Lady (25 player)
3008 Drive Me Crazy (10 player)
3009 Kiss and Make Up (10 player)
3010 Drive Me Crazy (25 player)
3011 Kiss and Make Up (25 player)
3012 He’s Not Getting Any Older (10 player)
3013 He’s Not Getting Any Older (25 player)
3014 They’re Coming Out of the Walls (10 player)
3015 In His House He Waits Dreaming (10 player)
3016 In His House He Waits Dreaming (25 player)
3017 They’re Coming Out of the Walls (25 player)
3018 Emblems of Conquest acquired
3036 Observed (10 player)
3037 Observed (25 player)
3056 Orbit-uary (10 player)
3057 Orbit-uary (25 player)
3058 Heartbreaker (10 player)
3059 Heartbreaker (25 player)
3076 Nine Lives (10 player)
3077 Nine Lives (25 player)
3096 Deadly Gladiator’s Frostwyrm
3097 Dwarfageddon (10 player)
3098 Dwarfageddon (25 player)
3117 Realm First! Death’s Demise
3118 Lumberjacked (25 player)
3136 Emalon the Storm Watcher (10 player)
3137 Emalon the Storm Watcher (25 player)
3138 Not-So-Friendly Fire (10 player)
3141 Two Lights in the Darkness (10 player)
3142 Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings
3157 Three Lights in the Darkness (10 player)
3158 One Light in the Darkness (10 player)
3159 Alone in the Darkness (10 player)
3161 Three Lights in the Darkness (25 player)
3162 Two Lights in the Darkness (25 player)
3163 One Light in the Darkness (25 player)
3164 Alone in the Darkness (25 player)
3176 Lose Your Illusion (10 player)
3177 Knock on Wood (10 player)
3178 Knock, Knock on Wood (10 player)
3179 Knock, Knock, Knock on Wood (10 player)
3180 Firefighter (10 player)
3181 I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning (10 player)
3182 I Could Say That This Cache Was Rare (10 player)
3183 Lose Your Illusion (25 player)
3184 I Could Say That This Cache Was Rare (25 player)
3185 Knock on Wood (25 player)
3186 Knock, Knock on Wood (25 player)
3187 Knock, Knock, Knock on Wood (25 player)
3188 I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning (25 player)
3189 Firefighter (25 player)
3216 Smelting Recipes learned
3217 Chasing Marcia
3218 Turtles All the Way Down
3236 Emalon the Storm Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player)
3237 Set Up Us the Bomb (25 player)
3256 Hodir victories (Ulduar 25 player)
3257 Thorim victories (Ulduar 25 player)
3258 Freya victories (Ulduar 25 player)
3259 Realm First! Celestial Defender
3296 Cooking with Style
3316 Herald of the Titans
3336 Deadly Gladiator
3356 Winterspring Frostsaber
3357 Venomhide Ravasaur
3436 Furious Gladiator
3456 Dead Man’s Party
3457 The Captain’s Booty
3478 Pilgrim
3496 A Brew-FAST Mount
3516 Deaths in Ulduar
3536 The Marine Marine
3556 Pilgrim’s Paunch
3557 Pilgrim’s Paunch
3558 Sharing is Caring
3559 Turkey Lurkey
3576 Now We’re Cookin’
3577 Now We’re Cookin’
3578 The Turkinator
3579 "FOOD FIGHT!"
3580 Pilgrim’s Peril
3581 Pilgrim’s Peril
3582 Terokkar Turkey Time
3596 Pilgrim’s Progress
3597 Pilgrim’s Progress
3618 Murkimus the Gladiator
3636 Jade Tiger
3656 Pilgrim
3676 A Silver Confidant
3677 The Sunreavers
3736 Pony Up!
3756 Furious Gladiator’s Frostwyrm
3757 Relentless Gladiator’s Frostwyrm
3758 Relentless Gladiator
3776 Isle of Conquest Victory
3777 Isle of Conquest Veteran
3778 Trial of the Champion
3797 Upper Back Pain (10 player)
3798 Resilience Will Fix It (10 player)
3799 Salt and Pepper (10 player)
3800 The Traitor King (10 player)
3802 Argent Confessor
3803 The Faceroller
3804 I’ve Had Worse
3808 A Tribute to Skill (10 player)
3809 A Tribute to Mad Skill (10 player)
3810 A Tribute to Insanity (10 player)
3812 Call of the Grand Crusade (25 player)
3813 Upper Back Pain (25 player)
3814 Resilience Will Fix It (25 player)
3815 Salt and Pepper (25 player)
3816 The Traitor King (25 player)
3817 A Tribute to Skill (25 player)
3818 A Tribute to Mad Skill (25 player)
3819 A Tribute to Insanity (25 player)
3836 Koralon the Flame Watcher (10 player)
3837 Koralon the Flame Watcher (25 player)
3838 Dungeon & Raid Emblem
3839 25 Dungeon & Raid Emblems
3840 50 Dungeon & Raid Emblems
3841 100 Dungeon & Raid Emblems
3842 250 Dungeon & Raid Emblems
3843 500 Dungeon & Raid Emblems
3844 1000 Dungeon & Raid Emblems
3845 Isle of Conquest All-Star
3846 Resource Glut
3847 Four Car Garage
3848 A-bomb-inable
3849 A-bomb-ination
3850 Mowed Down
3851 Mine
3852 Cut the Blue Wire… No the Red Wire!
3853 All Over the Isle
3854 Back Door Job
3855 Glaive Grave
3856 Demolition Derby
3857 Master of Isle of Conquest
3876 1500 Dungeon & Raid Emblems
3896 Onyx Panther
3916 Call of the Crusade (25 player)
3917 Call of the Crusade (10 player)
3918 Call of the Grand Crusade (10 player)
3936 Not One, But Two Jormungars (10 player)
3937 Not One, But Two Jormungars (25 player)
3957 Master of Isle of Conquest
3996 Three Sixty Pain Spike (10 player)
3997 Three Sixty Pain Spike (25 player)
4016 Earth, Wind & Fire (10 player)
4017 Earth, Wind & Fire (25 player)
4018 Victories over Hunter Champion (Trial of the Champion)
4019 Victories over Hunter Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)
4022 Victories over Argent Confessor Paletress (Trial of the Champion)
4023 Victories over Argent Confessor Paletress (Heroic Trial of the Champion)
4024 Victories over Eadric the Pure (Trial of the Champion)
4025 Victories over Eadric the Pure (Heroic Trial of the Champion)
4026 The Black Knight kills (Trial of the Champion)
4027 The Black Knight kills (Heroic Trial of the Champion)
4028 Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Crusader 10 player)
4029 Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Grand Crusader 25 player)
4030 Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player)
4031 Victories over the Beasts of Northrend (Trial of the Crusader 25 player)
4032 Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Crusader 10 player)
4033 Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player)
4034 Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Crusader 25 player)
4035 Lord Jaraxxus kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 25 player)
4036 Victories over the Faction Champions (Trial of the Crusader 10 player)
4037 Victories over the Faction Champions (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player)
4038 Victories over the Faction Champions (Trial of the Crusader 25 player)
4039 Victories over the Faction Champions (Trial of the Grand Crusader 25 player)
4040 Val’kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Crusader 10 player)
4041 Val’kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 player)
4042 Val’kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Crusader 25 player)
4043 Val’kyr Twins kills (Trial of the Grand Crusader 25 player)
4044 Times completed the Trial of the Crusader (10 player)
4045 Times completed the Trial of the Grand Crusader (10 player)
4046 Times completed the Trial of the Crusader (25 player)
4047 Times completed the Trial of the Grand Crusader (25 player)
4048 Victories over Mage Champion (Trial of the Champion)
4049 Victories over Mage Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)
4050 Victories over Rogue Champion (Trial of the Champion)
4051 Victories over Rogue Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)
4052 Victories over Shaman Champion (Trial of the Champion)
4053 Victories over Shaman Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)
4054 Victories over Warrior Champion (Trial of the Champion)
4055 Victories over Warrior Champion (Heroic Trial of the Champion)
4074 Koralon the Flame Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player)
4075 Koralon the Flame Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player)
4078 Realm First! Grand Crusader
4079 A Tribute to Immortality
4080 A Tribute to Dedicated Insanity
4096 Isle of Conquest battles
4097 Isle of Conquest victories
4156 A Tribute to Immortality
4176 Resource Glut
4177 Mine
4256 Demolition Derby
4296 Trial of the Champion
4297 Heroic: Trial of the Champion
4298 Heroic: Trial of the Champion
4316 2500 Dungeon & Raid Emblems
4396 Onyxia’s Lair (10 player)
4397 Onyxia’s Lair (25 player)
4400 WoW’s 5th Anniversary
4402 More Dots! (10 player)
4403 Many Whelps! Handle It! (10 player)
4404 She Deep Breaths More (10 player)
4405 More Dots! (25 player)
4406 Many Whelps! Handle It! (25 player)
4407 She Deep Breaths More (25 player)
4436 BB King
4437 BB King
4456 Random Lich King (normal) dungeons completed
4476 Looking For More
4477 Looking For Many
4478 Looking For Multitudes
4496 It’s Over Nine Thousand!
4516 The Forge of Souls
4517 The Pit of Saron
4518 The Halls of Reflection
4519 Heroic: The Forge of Souls
4520 Heroic: The Pit of Saron
4521 Heroic: The Halls of Reflection
4522 Soul Power
4523 Three Faced
4524 Doesn’t Go to Eleven
4525 Don’t Look Up
4526 We’re Not Retreating; We’re Advancing in a Different Direction.
4527 The Frostwing Halls (10 player)
4528 The Plagueworks (10 player)
4529 The Crimson Hall (10 player)
4530 The Frozen Throne (10 player)
4531 Storming the Citadel (10 player)
4532 Fall of the Lich King (10 player)
4534 Boned (10 player)
4535 Full House (10 player)
4536 I’m on a Boat (10 player)
4537 I’ve Gone and Made a Mess (10 player)
4538 Dances with Oozes (10 player)
4539 Once Bitten, Twice Shy (10 player)
4556 Random Lich King (heroic) dungeons completed
4576 Realm First! Fall of the Lich King
4577 Flu Shot Shortage (10 player)
4578 Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion… (10 player)
4579 Portal Jockey (10 player)
4580 All You Can Eat (10 player)
4581 Neck-Deep in Vile (10 player)
4582 The Orb Whisperer (10 player)
4583 Bane of the Fallen King
4584 The Light of Dawn
4585 Toravon the Ice Watcher (10 player)
4586 Toravon the Ice Watcher (25 player)
4596 The Sword in the Skull
4597 The Frozen Throne (25 player)
4598 The Ashen Verdict
4599 Wrathful Gladiator
4600 Wrathful Gladiator’s Frostwyrm
4601 Been Waiting a Long Time for This (10 player)
4602 Glory of the Icecrown Raider (10 player)
4603 Glory of the Icecrown Raider (25 player)
4604 Storming the Citadel (25 player)
4605 The Plagueworks (25 player)
4606 The Crimson Hall (25 player)
4607 The Frostwing Halls (25 player)
4608 Fall of the Lich King (25 player)
4610 Boned (25 player)
4611 Full House (25 player)
4612 I’m on a Boat (25 player)
4613 I’ve Gone and Made a Mess (25 player)
4614 Dances with Oozes (25 player)
4615 Flu Shot Shortage (25 player)
4616 Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion… (25 player)
4617 The Orb Whisperer (25 player)
4618 Once Bitten, Twice Shy (25 player)
4619 Portal Jockey (25 player)
4620 All You Can Eat (25 player)
4621 Been Waiting a Long Time for This (25 player)
4622 Neck-Deep in Vile (25 player)
4623 Shadowmourne
4624 Tough Love
4625 Invincible’s Reins
4626 And I’ll Form the Head!
4627 Big Love Rocket
4628 Heroic: Storming the Citadel (10 player)
4629 Heroic: The Plagueworks (10 player)
4630 Heroic: The Crimson Hall (10 player)
4631 Heroic: The Frostwing Halls (10 player)
4632 Heroic: Storming the Citadel (25 player)
4633 Heroic: The Plagueworks (25 player)
4634 Heroic: The Crimson Hall (25 player)
4635 Heroic: The Frostwing Halls (25 player)
4636 Heroic: Fall of the Lich King (10 player)
4637 Heroic: Fall of the Lich King (25 player)
4639 Lord Marrowgar kills (Icecrown 10 player)
4640 Lord Marrowgar kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)
4641 Lord Marrowgar kills (Icecrown 25 player)
4642 Lord Marrowgar kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)
4643 Lady Deathwhisper kills (Icecrown 10 player)
4644 Gunship Battle victories (Icecrown 10 player)
4645 Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 10 player)
4646 Festergut kills (Icecrown 10 player)
4647 Rotface kills (Icecrown 10 player)
4648 Blood Prince Council kills (Icecrown 10 player)
4649 Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Icecrown 10 player)
4650 Professor Putricide kills (Icecrown 10 player)
4651 Blood Queen Lana’thel kills (Icecrown 10 player)
4652 Sindragosa kills (Icecrown 10 player)
4653 Victories over the Lich King (Icecrown 10 player)
4654 Lady Deathwhisper kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)
4655 Lady Deathwhisper kills (Icecrown 25 player)
4656 Lady Deathwhisper kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)
4657 Toravon the Ice Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 10 player)
4658 Toravon the Ice Watcher kills (Wintergrasp 25 player)
4659 Gunship Battle victories (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)
4660 Gunship Battle victories (Icecrown 25 player)
4661 Gunship Battle victories (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)
4662 Deathbringer kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)
4663 Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 25 player)
4664 Deathbringer kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)
4665 Festergut kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)
4666 Festergut kills (Icecrown 25 player)
4667 Festergut kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)
4668 Rotface kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)
4669 Rotface kills (Icecrown 25 player)
4670 Rotface kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)
4671 Blood Prince Council kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)
4672 Blood Prince Council kills (Icecrown 25 player)
4673 Blood Prince Council kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)
4674 Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)
4675 Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Icecrown 25 player)
4676 Valithria Dreamwalker rescues (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)
4677 Professor Putricide kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)
4678 Professor Putricide kills (Icecrown 25 player)
4679 Professor Putricide kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)
4680 Blood Queen Lana’thel kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)
4681 Blood Queen Lana’thel kills (Icecrown 25 player)
4682 Blood Queen Lana’thel kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)
4683 Sindragosa kills (Icecrown 25 player)
4684 Sindragosa kills (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)
4685 Sindragosa kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)
4686 Victories over the Lich King (Heroic Icecrown 10 player)
4687 Victories over the Lich King (Icecrown 25 player)
4688 Victories over the Lich King (Heroic Icecrown 25 player)
4713 Bronjahm kills (Forge of Souls)
4714 Bronjahm kills (Heroic Forge of Souls)
4715 Devourer of Souls kills (Forge of Souls)
4716 Devourer of Souls kills (Heroic Forge of Souls)
4717 Forgemaster Garfrost kills (Pit of Saron)
4718 Ick and Krick kills (Pit of Saron)
4719 Ick and Krick kills (Heroic Pit of Saron)
4720 Scourgelord Tyrannus kills (Pit of Saron)
4721 Scourgelord Tyrannus kills (Heroic Pit of Saron)
4722 Falric kills (Halls of Reflection)
4723 Falric kills (Heroic Halls of Reflection)
4724 Marwyn kills (Halls of Reflection)
4725 Marwyn kills (Heroic Halls of Reflection)
4726 Lich King escapes (Halls of Reflection)
4727 Lich King escapes (Heroic Halls of Reflection)
4728 Forgemaster Garfrost kills (Heroic Pit of Saron)
4729 Emblems of Triumph acquired
4730 Emblems of Frost acquired
4777 Isle of Conquest Killing Blows
4778 Disenchant rolls made on loot
4779 Isle of Conquest Honorable Kills
4780 Deaths in Trial of the Crusader
4781 Deaths in Icecrown Citadel
4782 Green Brewfest Stein
4784 Emblematic
4785 Emblematic
4786 Operation: Gnomeregan
4790 Zalazane’s Fall
4815 The Twilight Destroyer (25 player)
4816 Heroic: The Twilight Destroyer (25 player)
4817 The Twilight Destroyer (10 player)
4818 Heroic: The Twilight Destroyer (10 player)
4820 Halion kills (Ruby Sanctum 25 player)
4821 Halion kills (Ruby Sanctum 10 player)
4822 Halion kills (Heroic Ruby Sanctum 10 player)
4823 Halion kills (Heroic Ruby Sanctum 25 player)
4824 Collector’s Edition: Mini Thor


FILENAME=$(echo "Achievments.dbc" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

  1. REDIRECT Achievements.dbc


FILENAME=$(echo "AnimationData.dbc" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Back to dbc files list.


This DBC contains all Animation Data.

Version is : 3.3.5a


Field Nb Name Type
1 ID Int
2 ActionName String
3 WeaponState Int
6 PreviousAnimationID Int


AnimationID ActionName WeaponState PreviousAnimationID
0 Stand 0 147
1 Death 0 0
2 Spell 4 0
3 Stop 0 0
4 Walk 0 0
5 Run 0 0
6 Dead 0 1
7 Rise 0 0
8 StandWound 0 25
9 CombatWound 0 8
10 CombatCritical 0 9
11 ShuffleLeft 0 0
12 ShuffleRight 0 0
13 Walkbackwards 0 4
14 Stun 0 0
15 HandsClosed 0 0
16 AttackUnarmed 16 0
17 Attack1H 32 16
18 Attack2H 32 17
19 Attack2HL 32 18
20 ParryUnarmed 0 8
21 Parry1H 0 8
22 Parry2H 0 8
23 Parry2HL 0 8
24 ShieldBlock 0 8
25 ReadyUnarmed 16 0
26 Ready1H 32 25
27 Ready2H 32 25
28 Ready2HL 32 25
29 ReadyBow 0 0
30 Dodge 0 8
31 SpellPrecast 4 0
32 SpellCast 4 16
33 SpellCastArea 4 32
34 NPCWelcome 0 0
35 NPCGoodbye 0 0
36 Block 0 8
37 JumpStart 0 0
38 Jump 0 0
39 JumpEnd 0 0
40 Fall 0 41
41 SwimIdle 0 0
42 Swim 4 4
43 SwimLeft 4 0
44 SwimRight 4 0
45 SwimBackwards 4 42
46 AttackBow 16 0
47 FireBow 0 0
48 ReadyRifle 0 0
49 AttackRifle 16 0
50 Loot 4 0
51 ReadySpellDirected 4 52
52 ReadySpellOmni 4 31
53 SpellCastDirected 4 54
54 SpellCastOmni 4 33
55 BattleRoar 0 16
56 ReadyAbility 32 0
57 Special1H 32 17
58 Special2H 32 18
59 ShieldBash 0 87
60 EmoteTalk 16 0
61 EmoteEat 16 0
62 EmoteWork 16 0
63 EmoteUseStanding 16 123
64 EmoteTalkExclamation 16 0
65 EmoteTalkQuestion 16 0
66 EmoteBow 16 0
67 EmoteWave 16 0
68 EmoteCheer 16 0
69 EmoteDance 16 0
70 EmoteLaugh 16 0
71 EmoteSleep 16 100
72 EmoteSitGround 16 0
73 EmoteRude 16 0
74 EmoteRoar 0 0
75 EmoteKneel 16 0
76 EmoteKiss 16 0
77 EmoteCry 16 0
78 EmoteChicken 16 0
79 EmoteBeg 16 0
80 EmoteApplaud 16 0
81 EmoteShout 16 0
82 EmoteFlex 16 0
83 EmoteShy 16 0
84 EmotePoint 16 0
85 Attack1HPierce 32 17
86 Attack2HLoosePierce 32 19
87 AttackOff 32 88
88 AttackOffPierce 32 16
89 Sheath 0 0
90 HipSheath 0 0
91 Mount 4 0
92 RunRight 0 0
93 RunLeft 0 0
94 MountSpecial 0 0
95 Kick 0 16
96 SitGroundDown 16 0
97 SitGround 16 96
98 SitGroundUp 16 96
99 SleepDown 16 0
100 Sleep 4 99
101 SleepUp 0 99
102 SitChairLow 4 0
103 SitChairMed 4 0
104 SitChairHigh 4 0
105 LoadBow 0 0
106 LoadRifle 0 0
107 AttackThrown 16 16
108 ReadyThrown 16 0
109 HoldBow 0 0
110 HoldRifle 0 0
111 HoldThrown 0 0
112 LoadThrown 0 0
113 EmoteSalute 16 0
114 KneelStart 16 0
115 KneelLoop 16 114
116 KneelEnd 16 114
117 AttackUnarmedOff 16 87
118 SpecialUnarmed 16 57
119 StealthWalk 0 4
120 StealthStand 0 0
121 Knockdown 0 0
122 EatingLoop 0 0
123 UseStandingLoop 16 128
124 ChannelCastDirected 4 52
125 ChannelCastOmni 4 31
126 Whirlwind 32 0
127 Birth 0 0
128 UseStandingStart 4 0
129 UseStandingEnd 32 128
130 CreatureSpecial 0 0
131 Drown 20 1
132 Drowned 0 131
133 FishingCast 32 0
134 FishingLoop 32 0
135 Fly 0 42
136 EmoteWorkNoSheathe 32 62
137 EmoteStunNoSheathe 0 14
138 EmoteUseStandingNoSheathe 0 63
139 SpellSleepDown 0 0
140 SpellKneelStart 0 0
141 SpellKneelLoop 0 115
142 SpellKneelEnd 0 0
143 Sprint 0 5
144 InFlight 0 0
145 Spawn 0 0
146 Close 0 148
147 Closed 0 146
148 Open 0 146
149 Opened 0 148
150 Destroy 0 148
151 Destroyed 0 150
152 Rebuild 0 150
153 Custom0 0 0
154 Custom1 0 0
155 Custom2 0 0
156 Custom3 0 0
157 Despawn 0 0
158 Hold 0 0
159 Decay 0 0
160 BowPull 0 0
161 BowRelease 0 0
162 ShipStart 0 0
163 ShipMoving 0 0
164 ShipStop 0 0
165 GroupArrow 0 0
166 Arrow 0 0
167 CorpseArrow 0 0
168 GuideArrow 0 0
169 Sway 0 0
170 DruidCatPounce 0 0
171 DruidCatRip 0 0
172 DruidCatRake 0 0
173 DruidCatRavage 0 0
174 DruidCatClaw 0 0
175 DruidCatCower 0 0
176 DruidBearSwipe 0 0
177 DruidBearBite 0 0
178 DruidBearMaul 0 0
179 DruidBearBash 0 0
180 DragonTail 0 0
181 DragonStomp 0 0
182 DragonSpit 0 0
183 DragonSpitHover 0 0
184 DragonSpitFly 0 0
185 EmoteYes 0 0
186 EmoteNo 0 0
187 JumpLandRun 0 5
188 LootHold 0 50
189 LootUp 0 50
190 StandHigh 0 0
191 Impact 0 0
192 LiftOff 0 0
193 Hover 0 0
194 SuccubusEntice 0 0
195 EmoteTrain 0 0
196 EmoteDead 0 1
197 EmoteDanceOnce 0 69
198 Deflect 0 0
199 EmoteEatNoSheathe 0 61
200 Land 0 0
201 Submerge 0 0
202 Submerged 0 0
203 Cannibalize 0 115
204 ArrowBirth 0 0
205 GroupArrowBirth 0 0
206 CorpseArrowBirth 0 0
207 GuideArrowBirth 0 0
208 EmoteTalkNoSheathe 0 60
209 EmotePointNoSheathe 0 84
210 EmoteSaluteNoSheathe 0 113
211 EmoteDanceSpecial 16 69
212 Mutilate 32 16
213 CustomSpell01 0 0
214 CustomSpell02 0 0
215 CustomSpell03 0 0
216 CustomSpell04 0 0
217 CustomSpell05 0 0
218 CustomSpell06 0 0
219 CustomSpell07 0 0
220 CustomSpell08 0 0
221 CustomSpell09 0 0
222 CustomSpell10 0 0
223 StealthRun 0 119
224 Emerge 0 127
225 Cower 16 0
226 Grab 0 0
227 GrabClosed 0 0
228 GrabThrown 0 0
229 FlyStand 0 376
230 FlyDeath 0 229
231 FlySpell 4 229
232 FlyStop 0 229
233 FlyWalk 0 229
234 FlyRun 0 229
235 FlyDead 0 230
236 FlyRise 0 229
237 FlyStandWound 0 254
238 FlyCombatWound 0 237
239 FlyCombatCritical 0 238
240 FlyShuffleLeft 0 229
241 FlyShuffleRight 0 229
242 FlyWalkbackwards 0 233
243 FlyStun 0 229
244 FlyHandsClosed 0 229
245 FlyAttackUnarmed 16 229
246 FlyAttack1H 32 245
247 FlyAttack2H 32 246
248 FlyAttack2HL 32 247
249 FlyParryUnarmed 0 237
250 FlyParry1H 0 237
251 FlyParry2H 0 237
252 FlyParry2HL 0 237
253 FlyShieldBlock 0 237
254 FlyReadyUnarmed 16 229
255 FlyReady1H 32 254
256 FlyReady2H 32 254
257 FlyReady2HL 32 254
258 FlyReadyBow 0 229
259 FlyDodge 0 237
260 FlySpellPrecast 4 229
261 FlySpellCast 4 245
262 FlySpellCastArea 4 261
263 FlyNPCWelcome 0 229
264 FlyNPCGoodbye 0 229
265 FlyBlock 0 237
266 FlyJumpStart 0 229
267 FlyJump 0 229
268 FlyJumpEnd 0 229
269 FlyFall 0 229
270 FlySwimIdle 0 229
271 FlySwim 4 233
272 FlySwimLeft 4 229
273 FlySwimRight 4 229
274 FlySwimBackwards 4 271
275 FlyAttackBow 16 229
276 FlyFireBow 0 229
277 FlyReadyRifle 0 229
278 FlyAttackRifle 16 229
279 FlyLoot 4 229
280 FlyReadySpellDirected 4 281
281 FlyReadySpellOmni 4 260
282 FlySpellCastDirected 4 283
283 FlySpellCastOmni 4 262
284 FlyBattleRoar 0 245
285 FlyReadyAbility 32 229
286 FlySpecial1H 32 246
287 FlySpecial2H 32 247
288 FlyShieldBash 0 316
289 FlyEmoteTalk 16 229
290 FlyEmoteEat 16 229
291 FlyEmoteWork 16 229
292 FlyEmoteUseStanding 16 352
293 FlyEmoteTalkExclamation 16 229
294 FlyEmoteTalkQuestion 16 229
295 FlyEmoteBow 16 229
296 FlyEmoteWave 16 229
297 FlyEmoteCheer 16 229
298 FlyEmoteDance 16 229
299 FlyEmoteLaugh 16 229
300 FlyEmoteSleep 16 329
301 FlyEmoteSitGround 16 229
302 FlyEmoteRude 16 229
303 FlyEmoteRoar 0 229
304 FlyEmoteKneel 16 229
305 FlyEmoteKiss 16 229
306 FlyEmoteCry 16 229
307 FlyEmoteChicken 16 229
308 FlyEmoteBeg 16 229
309 FlyEmoteApplaud 16 229
310 FlyEmoteShout 16 229
311 FlyEmoteFlex 16 229
312 FlyEmoteShy 16 229
313 FlyEmotePoint 16 229
314 FlyAttack1HPierce 32 246
315 FlyAttack2HLoosePierce 32 248
316 FlyAttackOff 32 317
317 FlyAttackOffPierce 32 245
318 FlySheath 0 229
319 FlyHipSheath 0 229
320 FlyMount 4 229
321 FlyRunRight 0 229
322 FlyRunLeft 0 229
323 FlyMountSpecial 0 229
324 FlyKick 0 245
325 FlySitGroundDown 16 229
326 FlySitGround 16 325
327 FlySitGroundUp 16 325
328 FlySleepDown 16 229
329 FlySleep 4 328
330 FlySleepUp 0 328
331 FlySitChairLow 4 229
332 FlySitChairMed 4 229
333 FlySitChairHigh 4 229
334 FlyLoadBow 0 229
335 FlyLoadRifle 0 229
336 FlyAttackThrown 16 245
337 FlyReadyThrown 16 229
338 FlyHoldBow 0 229
339 FlyHoldRifle 0 229
340 FlyHoldThrown 0 229
341 FlyLoadThrown 0 229
342 FlyEmoteSalute 16 229
343 FlyKneelStart 16 229
344 FlyKneelLoop 16 343
345 FlyKneelEnd 16 343
346 FlyAttackUnarmedOff 16 316
347 FlySpecialUnarmed 16 286
348 FlyStealthWalk 0 233
349 FlyStealthStand 0 229
350 FlyKnockdown 0 229
351 FlyEatingLoop 0 229
352 FlyUseStandingLoop 16 357
353 FlyChannelCastDirected 4 281
354 FlyChannelCastOmni 4 260
355 FlyWhirlwind 32 229
356 FlyBirth 0 229
357 FlyUseStandingStart 4 229
358 FlyUseStandingEnd 32 357
359 FlyCreatureSpecial 0 229
360 FlyDrown 20 230
361 FlyDrowned 0 360
362 FlyFishingCast 32 229
363 FlyFishingLoop 32 229
364 FlyFly 0 271
365 FlyEmoteWorkNoSheathe 32 291
366 FlyEmoteStunNoSheathe 0 243
367 FlyEmoteUseStandingNoSheathe 0 292
368 FlySpellSleepDown 0 229
369 FlySpellKneelStart 0 229
370 FlySpellKneelLoop 0 344
371 FlySpellKneelEnd 0 229
372 FlySprint 0 234
373 FlyInFlight 0 229
374 FlySpawn 0 229
375 FlyClose 0 377
376 FlyClosed 0 375
377 FlyOpen 0 375
378 FlyOpened 0 377
379 FlyDestroy 0 377
380 FlyDestroyed 0 379
381 FlyRebuild 0 379
382 FlyCustom0 0 229
383 FlyCustom1 0 229
384 FlyCustom2 0 229
385 FlyCustom3 0 229
386 FlyDespawn 0 229
387 FlyHold 0 229
388 FlyDecay 0 229
389 FlyBowPull 0 229
390 FlyBowRelease 0 229
391 FlyShipStart 0 229
392 FlyShipMoving 0 229
393 FlyShipStop 0 229
394 FlyGroupArrow 0 229
395 FlyArrow 0 229
396 FlyCorpseArrow 0 229
397 FlyGuideArrow 0 229
398 FlySway 0 229
399 FlyDruidCatPounce 0 229
400 FlyDruidCatRip 0 229
401 FlyDruidCatRake 0 229
402 FlyDruidCatRavage 0 229
403 FlyDruidCatClaw 0 229
404 FlyDruidCatCower 0 229
405 FlyDruidBearSwipe 0 229
406 FlyDruidBearBite 0 229
407 FlyDruidBearMaul 0 229
408 FlyDruidBearBash 0 229
409 FlyDragonTail 0 229
410 FlyDragonStomp 0 229
411 FlyDragonSpit 0 229
412 FlyDragonSpitHover 0 229
413 FlyDragonSpitFly 0 229
414 FlyEmoteYes 0 229
415 FlyEmoteNo 0 229
416 FlyJumpLandRun 0 234
417 FlyLootHold 0 279
418 FlyLootUp 0 279
419 FlyStandHigh 0 229
420 FlyImpact 0 229
421 FlyLiftOff 0 229
422 FlyHover 0 229
423 FlySuccubusEntice 0 229
424 FlyEmoteTrain 0 229
425 FlyEmoteDead 0 230
426 FlyEmoteDanceOnce 0 298
427 FlyDeflect 0 229
428 FlyEmoteEatNoSheathe 0 290
429 FlyLand 0 229
430 FlySubmerge 0 229
431 FlySubmerged 0 229
432 FlyCannibalize 0 344
433 FlyArrowBirth 0 229
434 FlyGroupArrowBirth 0 229
435 FlyCorpseArrowBirth 0 229
436 FlyGuideArrowBirth 0 229
437 FlyEmoteTalkNoSheathe 0 289
438 FlyEmotePointNoSheathe 0 313
439 FlyEmoteSaluteNoSheathe 0 342
440 FlyEmoteDanceSpecial 16 298
441 FlyMutilate 32 245
442 FlyCustomSpell01 0 229
443 FlyCustomSpell02 0 229
444 FlyCustomSpell03 0 229
445 FlyCustomSpell04 0 229
446 FlyCustomSpell05 0 229
447 FlyCustomSpell06 0 229
448 FlyCustomSpell07 0 229
449 FlyCustomSpell08 0 229
450 FlyCustomSpell09 0 229
451 FlyCustomSpell10 0 229
452 FlyStealthRun 0 348
453 FlyEmerge 0 356
454 FlyCower 16 229
455 FlyGrab 0 229
456 FlyGrabClosed 0 229
457 FlyGrabThrown 0 229
458 ToFly 0 5
459 ToHover 0 5
460 ToGround 0 5
461 FlyToFly 0 234
462 FlyToHover 0 234
463 FlyToGround 0 234
464 Settle 0 0
465 FlySettle 0 229
466 DeathStart 0 1
467 DeathLoop 0 1
468 DeathEnd 0 1
469 FlyDeathStart 0 1
470 FlyDeathLoop 0 1
471 FlyDeathEnd 0 1
472 DeathEndHold 0 468
473 FlyDeathEndHold 0 471
474 Strangulate 16 0
475 FlyStrangulate 16 229
476 ReadyJoust 32 0
477 LoadJoust 0 0
478 HoldJoust 0 0
479 FlyReadyJoust 0 0
480 FlyLoadJoust 0 0
481 FlyHoldJoust 0 0
482 AttackJoust 32 85
483 FlyAttackJoust 32 314
484 ReclinedMount 0 484
485 FlyReclinedMount 0 484
486 ToAltered 16 486
487 FromAltered 16 487
488 FlyToAltered 16 486
489 FlyFromAltered 16 487
490 InStocks 16 490
491 FlyInStocks 16 490
492 VehicleGrab 0 492
493 VehicleThrow 0 493
494 FlyVehicleGrab 0 492
495 FlyVehicleThrow 0 493
496 ToAlteredPostSwap 16 496
497 FromAlteredPostSwap 16 497
498 FlyToAlteredPostSwap 16 496
499 FlyFromAlteredPostSwap 16 497
500 ReclinedMountPassenger 0 500
501 FlyReclinedMountPassenger 0 500
502 Carry2H 16 502
503 Carried2H 16 503
504 FlyCarry2H 16 502
505 FlyCarried2H 16 503

Description of the fields


WeaponState is bitmasked. 32 = pull out weapons during animation, 16 and 4 put weapons away during animation.


PreviousAnimationID refers to the animation that preceeds the stated one


FILENAME=$(echo "Archievement reward" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`archievement_reward\` table

This table contains the rewards for archievements added with Wrath of the Lichking.


Field Type Attributes Can be null Default Comments
entry mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0 Identifier
title_A mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
title_H mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
item mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
sender mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
subject varchar(255) YES NULL
text text YES NULL

Description of the fields


This is the archievement identifier from Achievement.dbc


This is the reference to CharTitles.dbc.. Player has the right to wear the title as name affix.


The item you get by mail for the archievement. Reference to item_template.


You recieve mail from this sender. Reference to creature_template


The mail subject. Just plain text up to 255 chars. (Hopefully a reference to multi language table in the future)


The mail text. (Hopefully a reference to multi language table in the future)


FILENAME=$(echo "AreaGroup.dbc" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Back to dbc files list.


This DBC stores Glyph IDs used in Character_glyphs glyphs table.

Version is : 3.3.5a


Column Name Type
1 ID Integer
2 Entry1 iRefID
3 Entry2 iRefID
4 Entry3 iRefID
5 Entry4 iRefID
6 Entry5 iRefID
7 Entry6 iRefID
8 Entry7 iRefID


Area ID’s used from AreaTable.dbc..


Area ID’s used from AreaTable.dbc.Not sure what these are used for, possibly to group several small areas into one larger area or category.


FILENAME=$(echo "AreaTable.dbc" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Back to dbc files list.


This dbc contains the zone and subzone lists. For the purposes of this wiki article, the zone IDs, names, mapID and AreaID will be included.

Version is : 3.3.5


Field Nb Name Type Notes
1 ID Int Zone Area
2 MapID]] Int Map or Continent
3 AreaID]] Int SubArea of Map
4 Explore Flag Int
5 Flags Int
8 SoundAmbienceID]] Int Reference to what Ambiance to use during day and night
9 ZoneMusicID]] Int Reference to what zone music to play
10 ZoneIntroMusicID]] Int Reference to what zone intro music to play when entering area
11 Area Level Int
12-28 Area Name String
29 FactionGroupID]] Int Faction that owns area

Description of the fields


Value Name Notes
0×00000001 AREA_FLAG_SNOW snow (only Dun Morogh, Naxxramas, Razorfen Downs and Winterspring)
0×00000002 AREA_FLAG_UNK1 may be necropolis?
0×00000004 AREA_FLAG_UNK2 Only used for areas on map 571 (development before)
0×00000008 AREA_FLAG_SLAVE_CAPITAL city and city subsones
0×00000010 AREA_FLAG_UNK3 can’t find common meaning
0×00000020 AREA_FLAG_SLAVE_CAPITAL2 slave capital city flag?
0×00000040 AREA_FLAG_UNK4 many zones have this flag
0×00000080 AREA_FLAG_ARENA arena, both instanced and world arenas
0×00000100 AREA_FLAG_CAPITAL main capital city flag
0×00000200 AREA_FLAG_CITY only for one zone named "City" (where it located?)
0×00000400 AREA_FLAG_OUTLAND expansion zones? (only Eye of the Storm not have this flag, but have 0×00004000 flag)
0×00000800 AREA_FLAG_SANCTUARY sanctuary area (PvP disabled)
0×00001000 AREA_FLAG_NEED_FLY only Netherwing Ledge, Socrethar’s Seat, Tempest Keep, The Arcatraz, The Botanica, The Mechanar, Sorrow Wing Point, Dragonspine Ridge, Netherwing Mines, Dragonmaw Base Camp, Dragonmaw Skyway
0×00002000 AREA_FLAG_UNUSED1 not used now (no area/zones with this flag set in 3.0.3)
0×00004000 AREA_FLAG_OUTLAND2 expansion zones? (only Circle of Blood Arena not have this flag, but have 0×00000400 flag)
0×00008000 AREA_FLAG_PVP pvp objective area? (Death’s Door also has this flag although it’s no pvp object area)
0×00010000 AREA_FLAG_ARENA_INSTANCE used by instanced arenas only
0×00020000 AREA_FLAG_UNUSED2 not used now (no area/zones with this flag set in 3.0.3)
0×00040000 AREA_FLAG_UNK5 only used for Amani Pass, Hatchet Hills
0×00080000 AREA_FLAG_UNK6 Valgarde and Acherus: The Ebon Hold
0×00100000 AREA_FLAG_LOWLEVEL used for some starting areas with area_level <=15
0×00200000 AREA_FLAG_TOWN small towns with Inn
0×00400000 AREA_FLAG_UNK7 Warsong Hold, Acherus: The Ebon Hold, New Agamand Inn, Vengeance Landing Inn
0×00800000 AREA_FLAG_UNK8 Westguard Inn, Acherus: The Ebon Hold, Valgarde
0×01000000 AREA_FLAG_OUTDOOR_PVP Wintergrasp and it’s subzones
0×02000000 AREA_FLAG_UNK9 unknown
0×04000000 AREA_FLAG_UNK10 unknown
0×08000000 AREA_FLAG_CAN_HEARTH_AND_RES Wintergrasp and it’s subzones
0×20000000 AREA_FLAG_CANNOT_FLY not allowed to fly, only used in Dalaran areas (zone 4395)

It’s complete! 2307 records


Field Nb Name MapID AreaID
1 Dun Morogh 0 0
2 Longshore 0 40
3 Badlands 0 0
4 Blasted Lands 0 0
7 Blackwater Cove 0 33
8 Swamp of Sorrows 0 0
9 Northshire Valley 0 12
10 Duskwood 0 0
11 Wetlands 0 0
12 Elwynn Forest 0 0
13 The World Tree 0 10
14 Durotar 1 0
15 Dustwallow Marsh 1 0
16 Azshara 1 0
17 The Barrens 1 0
18 Crystal Lake 0 12
19 Zul’Gurub 0 33
20 Moonbrook 0 40
21 Kul Tiras 0 0
22 Programmer Isle 451 0
23 Northshire River 0 12
24 Northshire Abbey 0 12
25 Blackrock Mountain 0 0
26 Lighthouse 0 40
28 Western Plaguelands 0 0
30 Nine 0 0
32 The Cemetary 0 10
33 Stranglethorn Vale 0 0
34 Echo Ridge Mine 0 12
35 Booty Bay 0 33
36 Alterac Mountains 0 0
37 Lake Nazferiti 0 33
38 Loch Modan 0 0
40 Westfall 0 0
41 Deadwind Pass 0 0
42 Darkshire 0 10
43 Wild Shore 0 33
44 Redridge Mountains 0 0
45 Arathi Highlands 0 0
46 Burning Steppes 0 0
47 The Hinterlands 0 0
49 Dead Man’s Hole 451 22
51 Searing Gorge 0 0
53 Thieves Camp 0 12
54 Jasperlode Mine 0 12
55 Valley of Heroes UNUSED 0 12
56 Heroes’ Vigil 0 12
57 Fargodeep Mine 0 12
59 Northshire Vineyards 0 12
60 Forest’s Edge 0 12
61 Thunder Falls 0 12
62 Brackwell Pumpkin Patch 0 12
63 The Stonefield Farm 0 12
64 The Maclure Vineyards 0 12
65 Dragonblight 571 0
66 Zul’Drak 571 0
67 The Storm Peaks 571 0
68 Lake Everstill 0 44
69 Lakeshire 0 44
70 Stonewatch 0 44
71 Stonewatch Falls 0 44
72 The Dark Portal 0 4
73 The Tainted Scar 0 4
74 Pool of Tears 0 8
75 Stonard 0 8
76 Fallow Sanctuary 0 8
77 Anvilmar 0 1
80 Stormwind Mountains 0 12
81 Jeff NE Quadrant Changed 451 22
82 Jeff NW Quadrant 451 22
83 Jeff SE Quadrant 451 22
84 Jeff SW Quadrant 451 22
85 Tirisfal Glades 0 0
86 Stone Cairn Lake 0 12
87 Goldshire 0 12
88 Eastvale Logging Camp 0 12
89 Mirror Lake Orchard 0 12
91 Tower of Azora 0 12
92 Mirror Lake 0 12
93 Vul’Gol Ogre Mound 0 10
94 Raven Hill 0 10
95 Redridge Canyons 0 44
96 Tower of Ilgalar 0 44
97 Alther’s Mill 0 44
98 Rethban Caverns 0 44
99 Rebel Camp 0 33
100 Nesingwary’s Expedition 0 33
101 Kurzen’s Compound 0 33
102 Ruins of Zul’Kunda 0 33
103 Ruins of Zul’Mamwe 0 33
104 The Vile Reef 0 33
105 Mosh’Ogg Ogre Mound 0 33
106 The Stockpile 0 33
107 Saldean’s Farm 0 40
108 Sentinel Hill 0 40
109 Furlbrow’s Pumpkin Farm 0 40
111 Jangolode Mine 0 40
113 Gold Coast Quarry 0 40
115 Westfall Lighthouse 0 40
116 Misty Valley 0 8
117 Grom’gol Base Camp 0 33
118 Whelgar’s Excavation Site 0 11
120 Westbrook Garrison 0 12
121 Tranquil Gardens Cemetery 0 10
122 Zuuldaia Ruins 0 33
123 Bal’lal Ruins 0 33
125 Kal’ai Ruins 0 33
126 Tkashi Ruins 0 33
127 Balia’mah Ruins 0 33
128 Ziata’jai Ruins 0 33
129 Mizjah Ruins 0 33
130 Silverpine Forest 0 0
131 Kharanos 0 1
132 Coldridge Valley 0 1
133 Gnomeregan 0 1
134 Gol’Bolar Quarry 0 1
135 Frostmane Hold 0 1
136 The Grizzled Den 0 1
137 Brewnall Village 0 1
138 Misty Pine Refuge 0 1
139 Eastern Plaguelands 0 0
141 Teldrassil 1 0
142 Ironband’s Excavation Site 0 38
143 Mo’grosh Stronghold 0 38
144 Thelsamar 0 38
145 Algaz Gate 0 38
146 Stonewrought Dam 0 38
147 The Farstrider Lodge 0 38
148 Darkshore 1 0
149 Silver Stream Mine 0 38
150 Menethil Harbor 0 11
151 Designer Island 451 0
152 The Bulwark 0 85
153 Ruins of Lordaeron 0 85
154 Deathknell 0 85
155 Night Web’s Hollow 0 85
156 Solliden Farmstead 0 85
157 Agamand Mills 0 85
158 Agamand Family Crypt 0 85
159 Brill 0 85
160 Whispering Gardens 0 85
161 Terrace of Repose 0 85
162 Brightwater Lake 0 85
163 Gunther’s Retreat 0 85
164 Garren’s Haunt 0 85
165 Balnir Farmstead 0 85
166 Cold Hearth Manor 0 85
167 Crusader Outpost 0 85
168 The North Coast 0 85
169 Whispering Shore 0 85
170 Lordamere Lake 0 0
172 Fenris Isle 0 130
173 Faol’s Rest 0 85
186 Dolanaar 1 141
187 Darnassus UNUSED 1 141
188 Shadowglen 1 141
189 Steelgrill’s Depot 0 1
190 Hearthglen 0 28
192 Northridge Lumber Camp 0 28
193 Ruins of Andorhal 0 28
195 School of Necromancy 0 28
196 Uther’s Tomb 0 28
197 Sorrow Hill 0 28
198 The Weeping Cave 0 28
199 Felstone Field 0 28
200 Dalson’s Tears 0 28
201 Gahrron’s Withering 0 28
202 The Writhing Haunt 0 28
203 Mardenholde Keep 0 28
204 Pyrewood Village 0 130
205 Dun Modr 0 11
206 Utgarde Keep 574 0
207 The Great Sea 36 0
208 Unused Ironcladcove 36 0
209 Shadowfang Keep 33 0
210 Icecrown 571 0
211 Iceflow Lake 0 1
212 Helm’s Bed Lake 0 1
213 Deep Elem Mine 0 130
214 The Great Sea 0 0
215 Mulgore 1 0
219 Alexston Farmstead 0 40
220 Red Cloud Mesa 1 215
221 Camp Narache 1 215
222 Bloodhoof Village 1 215
223 Stonebull Lake 1 215
224 Ravaged Caravan 1 215
225 Red Rocks 1 215
226 The Skittering Dark 0 130
227 Valgan’s Field 0 130
228 The Sepulcher 0 130
229 Olsen’s Farthing 0 130
230 The Greymane Wall 0 130
231 Beren’s Peril 0 130
232 The Dawning Isles 0 130
233 Ambermill 0 130
235 Fenris Keep 0 130
236 Shadowfang Keep 0 130
237 The Decrepit Ferry 0 130
238 Malden’s Orchard 0 130
239 The Ivar Patch 0 130
240 The Dead Field 0 130
241 The Rotting Orchard 0 10
242 Brightwood Grove 0 10
243 Forlorn Rowe 0 10
244 The Whipple Estate 0 10
245 The Yorgen Farmstead 0 10
246 The Cauldron 0 51
247 Grimesilt Dig Site 0 51
249 Dreadmaul Rock 0 46
250 Ruins of Thaurissan 0 46
251 Flame Crest 0 46
252 Blackrock Stronghold 0 46
253 The Pillar of Ash 0 46
254 Blackrock Mountain 0 46
255 Altar of Storms 0 46
256 Aldrassil 1 141
257 Shadowthread Cave 1 141
258 Fel Rock 1 141
259 Lake Al’Ameth 1 141
260 Starbreeze Village 1 141
261 Gnarlpine Hold 1 141
262 Ban’ethil Barrow Den 1 141
263 The Cleft 1 141
264 The Oracle Glade 1 141
265 Wellspring River 1 141
266 Wellspring Lake 1 141
267 Hillsbrad Foothills 0 0
268 Azshara Crater 37 0
269 Dun Algaz 0 0
271 Southshore 0 267
272 Tarren Mill 0 267
275 Durnholde Keep 0 267
276 UNUSED Stonewrought Pass 0 0
277 The Foothill Caverns 0 36
278 Lordamere Internment Camp 0 36
279 Dalaran Crater 0 36
280 Strahnbrad 0 36
281 Ruins of Alterac 0 36
282 Crushridge Hold 0 36
283 Slaughter Hollow 0 36
284 The Uplands 0 36
285 Southpoint Tower 0 267
286 Hillsbrad Fields 0 267
287 Hillsbrad 0 267
288 Azurelode Mine 0 267
289 Nethander Stead 0 267
290 Dun Garok 0 267
293 Thoradin’s Wall 0 0
294 Eastern Strand 0 267
295 Western Strand 0 267
296 South Seas UNUSED 0 0
297 Jaguero Isle 0 33
298 Baradin Bay 0 11
299 Menethil Bay 0 11
300 Misty Reed Strand 0 8
301 The Savage Coast 0 33
302 The Crystal Shore 0 33
303 Shell Beach 0 33
305 North Tide’s Run 0 130
306 South Tide’s Run 0 130
307 The Overlook Cliffs 0 47
308 The Forbidding Sea 0 0
309 Ironbeard’s Tomb 0 11
310 Crystalvein Mine 0 33
311 Ruins of Aboraz 0 33
312 Janeiro’s Point 0 33
313 Northfold Manor 0 45
314 Go’Shek Farm 0 45
315 Dabyrie’s Farmstead 0 45
316 Boulderfist Hall 0 45
317 Witherbark Village 0 45
318 Drywhisker Gorge 0 45
320 Refuge Pointe 0 45
321 Hammerfall 0 45
322 Blackwater Shipwrecks 0 45
323 O’Breen’s Camp 0 45
324 Stromgarde Keep 0 45
325 The Tower of Arathor 0 45
326 The Sanctum 0 45
327 Faldir’s Cove 0 45
328 The Drowned Reef 0 45
330 Thandol Span 0 0
331 Ashenvale 1 0
332 The Great Sea 1 0
333 Circle of East Binding 0 45
334 Circle of West Binding 0 45
335 Circle of Inner Binding 0 45
336 Circle of Outer Binding 0 45
337 Apocryphan’s Rest 0 3
338 Angor Fortress 0 3
339 Lethlor Ravine 0 3
340 Kargath 0 3
341 Camp Kosh 0 3
342 Camp Boff 0 3
343 Camp Wurg 0 3
344 Camp Cagg 0 3
345 Agmond’s End 0 3
346 Hammertoe’s Digsite 0 3
347 Dustbelch Grotto 0 3
348 Aerie Peak 0 47
349 Wildhammer Keep 0 47
350 Quel’Danil Lodge 0 47
351 Skulk Rock 0 47
352 Zun’watha 0 47
353 Shadra’Alor 0 47
354 Jintha’Alor 0 47
355 The Altar of Zul 0 47
356 Seradane 0 47
357 Feralas 1 0
358 Brambleblade Ravine 1 215
359 Bael Modan 1 17
360 The Venture Co. Mine 1 215
361 Felwood 1 0
362 Razor Hill 1 14
363 Valley of Trials 1 14
364 The Den 1 14
365 Burning Blade Coven 1 14
366 Kolkar Crag 1 14
367 Sen’jin Village 1 14
368 Echo Isles 1 14
369 Thunder Ridge 1 14
370 Drygulch Ravine 1 14
371 Dustwind Cave 1 14
372 Tiragarde Keep 1 14
373 Scuttle Coast 1 14
374 Bladefist Bay 1 14
375 Deadeye Shore 1 14
377 Southfury River 1 0
378 Camp Taurajo 1 17
379 Far Watch Post 1 17
380 The Crossroads 1 17
381 Boulder Lode Mine 1 17
382 The Sludge Fen 1 17
383 The Dry Hills 1 17
384 Dreadmist Peak 1 17
385 Northwatch Hold 1 17
386 The Forgotten Pools 1 17
387 Lushwater Oasis 1 17
388 The Stagnant Oasis 1 17
390 Field of Giants 1 17
391 The Merchant Coast 1 17
392 Ratchet 1 17
393 Darkspear Strand 1 14
394 Grizzly Hills 571 0
395 Grizzlemaw 571 394
396 Winterhoof Water Well 1 215
397 Thunderhorn Water Well 1 215
398 Wildmane Water Well 1 215
399 Skyline Ridge 1 215
400 Thousand Needles 1 0
401 The Tidus Stair 1 17
403 Shady Rest Inn 1 15
404 Bael’dun Digsite 1 215
405 Desolace 1 0
406 Stonetalon Mountains 1 0
407 Orgrimmar UNUSED 1 14
408 Gillijim’s Isle 0 0
409 Island of Doctor Lapidis 0 0
410 Razorwind Canyon 1 14
411 Bathran’s Haunt 1 331
412 The Ruins of Ordil’Aran 1 331
413 Maestra’s Post 1 331
414 The Zoram Strand 1 331
415 Astranaar 1 331
416 The Shrine of Aessina 1 331
417 Fire Scar Shrine 1 331
418 The Ruins of Stardust 1 331
419 The Howling Vale 1 331
420 Silverwind Refuge 1 331
421 Mystral Lake 1 331
422 Fallen Sky Lake 1 331
424 Iris Lake 1 331
425 Moonwell 1 331
426 Raynewood Retreat 1 331
427 The Shady Nook 1 331
428 Night Run 1 331
429 Xavian 1 331
430 Satyrnaar 1 331
431 Splintertree Post 1 331
432 The Dor’Danil Barrow Den 1 331
433 Falfarren River 1 331
434 Felfire Hill 1 331
435 Demon Fall Canyon 1 331
436 Demon Fall Ridge 1 331
437 Warsong Lumber Camp 1 331
438 Bough Shadow 1 331
439 The Shimmering Flats 1 400
440 Tanaris 1 0
441 Lake Falathim 1 331
442 Auberdine 1 148
443 Ruins of Mathystra 1 148
444 Tower of Althalaxx 1 148
445 Cliffspring Falls 1 148
446 Bashal’Aran 1 148
447 Ameth’Aran 1 148
448 Grove of the Ancients 1 148
449 The Master’s Glaive 1 148
450 Remtravel’s Excavation 1 148
452 Mist’s Edge 1 148
453 The Long Wash 1 148
454 Wildbend River 1 148
455 Blackwood Den 1 148
456 Cliffspring River 1 148
457 The Veiled Sea 1 0
458 Gold Road 1 17
459 Scarlet Watch Post 0 85
460 Sun Rock Retreat 1 406
461 Windshear Crag 1 406
463 Cragpool Lake 1 406
464 Mirkfallon Lake 1 406
465 The Charred Vale 1 406
466 Valley of the Bloodfuries 1 406
467 Stonetalon Peak 1 406
468 The Talon Den 1 406
469 Greatwood Vale 1 406
470 Thunder Bluff UNUSED 1 215
471 Brave Wind Mesa 1 215
472 Fire Stone Mesa 1 215
473 Mantle Rock 1 215
474 Hunter Rise UNUSED 1 215
475 Spirit RiseUNUSED 1 215
476 Elder RiseUNUSED 1 215
477 Ruins of Jubuwal 0 33
478 Pools of Arlithrien 1 141
479 The Rustmaul Dig Site 1 400
480 Camp E’thok 1 400
481 Splithoof Crag 1 400
482 Highperch 1 400
483 The Screeching Canyon 1 400
484 Freewind Post 1 400
485 The Great Lift 1 400
486 Galak Hold 1 400
487 Roguefeather Den 1 400
488 The Weathered Nook 1 400
489 Thalanaar 1 357
490 Un’Goro Crater 1 0
491 Razorfen Kraul 47 0
492 Raven Hill Cemetery 0 10
493 Moonglade 1 0
495 Howling Fjord 571 0
496 Brackenwall Village 1 15
497 Swamplight Manor 1 15
498 Bloodfen Burrow 1 15
499 Darkmist Cavern 1 15
500 Moggle Point 1 15
501 Beezil’s Wreck 1 15
502 Witch Hill 1 15
503 Sentry Point 1 15
504 North Point Tower 1 15
505 West Point Tower 1 15
506 Lost Point 1 15
507 Bluefen 1 15
508 Stonemaul Ruins 1 15
509 The Den of Flame 1 15
510 The Dragonmurk 1 15
511 Wyrmbog 1 15
512 Blackhoof Village 1 15
513 Theramore Isle 1 15
514 Foothold Citadel 1 15
515 Ironclad Prison 1 15
516 Dustwallow Bay 1 15
517 Tidefury Cove 1 15
518 Dreadmurk Shore 1 15
536 Addle’s Stead 0 10
537 Fire Plume Ridge 1 490
538 Lakkari Tar Pits 1 490
539 Terror Run 1 490
540 The Slithering Scar 1 490
541 Marshal’s Refuge 1 490
542 Fungal Rock 1 490
543 Golakka Hot Springs 1 490
556 The Loch 0 38
576 Beggar’s Haunt 0 10
596 Kodo Graveyard 1 405
597 Ghost Walker Post 1 405
598 Sar’theris Strand 1 405
599 Thunder Axe Fortress 1 405
600 Bolgan’s Hole 1 405
602 Mannoroc Coven 1 405
603 Sargeron 1 405
604 Magram Village 1 405
606 Gelkis Village 1 405
607 Valley of Spears 1 405
608 Nijel’s Point 1 405
609 Kolkar Village 1 405
616 Hyjal 1 0
618 Winterspring 1 0
636 Blackwolf River 1 406
637 Kodo Rock 1 215
638 Hidden Path 1 14
639 Spirit Rock 1 14
640 Shrine of the Dormant Flame 1 14
656 Lake Elune’ara 1 493
657 The Harborage 0 8
676 Outland 150 0
696 Craftsmen’s Terrace UNUSED 1 141
697 Tradesmen’s Terrace UNUSED 1 141
698 The Temple Gardens UNUSED 1 141
699 Temple of Elune UNUSED 1 141
700 Cenarion Enclave UNUSED 1 141
701 Warrior’s Terrace UNUSED 1 141
702 Rut’theran Village 1 141
716 Ironband’s Compound 0 1
717 The Stockade 34 0
718 Wailing Caverns 43 0
719 Blackfathom Deeps 48 0
720 Fray Island 1 17
721 Gnomeregan 90 0
722 Razorfen Downs 129 0
736 Ban’ethil Hollow 1 141
796 Scarlet Monastery 189 0
797 Jerod’s Landing 0 12
798 Ridgepoint Tower 0 12
799 The Darkened Bank 0 10
800 Coldridge Pass 0 1
801 Chill Breeze Valley 0 1
802 Shimmer Ridge 0 1
803 Amberstill Ranch 0 1
804 The Tundrid Hills 0 1
805 South Gate Pass 0 1
806 South Gate Outpost 0 1
807 North Gate Pass 0 1
808 North Gate Outpost 0 1
809 Gates of Ironforge 0 1
810 Stillwater Pond 0 85
811 Nightmare Vale 0 85
812 Venomweb Vale 0 85
813 The Bulwark 0 28
814 Southfury River 1 14
815 Southfury River 1 17
816 Razormane Grounds 1 14
817 Skull Rock 1 14
818 Palemane Rock 1 215
819 Windfury Ridge 1 215
820 The Golden Plains 1 215
821 The Rolling Plains 1 215
836 Dun Algaz 0 11
837 Dun Algaz 0 38
838 North Gate Pass 0 38
839 South Gate Pass 0 38
856 Twilight Grove 0 10
876 GM Island 1 0
877 Delete ME 1 17
878 Southfury River 1 16
879 Southfury River 1 331
880 Thandol Span 0 45
881 Thandol Span 0 11
896 Purgation Isle 0 267
916 The Jansen Stead 0 40
917 The Dead Acre 0 40
918 The Molsen Farm 0 40
919 Stendel’s Pond 0 40
920 The Dagger Hills 0 40
921 Demont’s Place 0 40
922 The Dust Plains 0 40
923 Stonesplinter Valley 0 38
924 Valley of Kings 0 38
925 Algaz Station 0 38
926 Bucklebree Farm 0 130
927 The Shining Strand 0 130
928 North Tide’s Hollow 0 130
936 Grizzlepaw Ridge 0 38
956 The Verdant Fields 169 0
976 Gadgetzan 1 440
977 Steamwheedle Port 1 440
978 Zul’Farrak 1 440
979 Sandsorrow Watch 1 440
980 Thistleshrub Valley 1 440
981 The Gaping Chasm 1 440
982 The Noxious Lair 1 440
983 Dunemaul Compound 1 440
984 Eastmoon Ruins 1 440
985 Waterspring Field 1 440
986 Zalashji’s Den 1 440
987 Land’s End Beach 1 440
988 Wavestrider Beach 1 440
989 Uldum 1 440
990 Valley of the Watchers 1 440
991 Gunstan’s Post 1 440
992 Southmoon Ruins 1 440
996 Render’s Camp 0 44
997 Render’s Valley 0 44
998 Render’s Rock 0 44
999 Stonewatch Tower 0 44
1000 Galardell Valley 0 44
1001 Lakeridge Highway 0 44
1002 Three Corners 0 44
1016 Direforge Hill 0 11
1017 Raptor Ridge 0 11
1018 Black Channel Marsh 0 11
1019 The Green Belt 0 139
1020 Mosshide Fen 0 11
1021 Thelgen Rock 0 11
1022 Bluegill Marsh 0 11
1023 Saltspray Glen 0 11
1024 Sundown Marsh 0 11
1025 The Green Belt 0 11
1036 Angerfang Encampment 0 11
1037 Grim Batol 0 11
1038 Dragonmaw Gates 0 11
1039 The Lost Fleet 0 11
1056 Darrow Hill 0 267
1057 Thoradin’s Wall 0 267
1076 Webwinder Path 1 406
1097 The Hushed Bank 0 10
1098 Manor Mistmantle 0 10
1099 Camp Mojache 1 357
1100 Grimtotem Compound 1 357
1101 The Writhing Deep 1 357
1102 Wildwind Lake 1 357
1103 Gordunni Outpost 1 357
1104 Mok’Gordun 1 357
1105 Feral Scar Vale 1 357
1106 Frayfeather Highlands 1 357
1107 Idlewind Lake 1 357
1108 The Forgotten Coast 1 357
1109 East Pillar 1 357
1110 West Pillar 1 357
1111 Dream Bough 1 357
1112 Jademir Lake 1 357
1113 Oneiros 1 357
1114 Ruins of Ravenwind 1 357
1115 Rage Scar Hold 1 357
1116 Feathermoon Stronghold 1 357
1117 Ruins of Solarsal 1 357
1118 Lower Wilds UNUSED 1 357
1119 The Twin Colossals 1 357
1120 Sardor Isle 1 357
1121 Isle of Dread 1 357
1136 High Wilderness 1 357
1137 Lower Wilds 1 357
1156 Southern Barrens 1 17
1157 Southern Gold Road 1 17
1176 Zul’Farrak 209 0
1196 Utgarde Pinnacle 575 0
1216 Timbermaw Hold 1 16
1217 Vanndir Encampment 1 16
1218 TESTAzshara 1 16
1219 Legash Encampment 1 16
1220 Thalassian Base Camp 1 16
1221 Ruins of Eldarath 1 16
1222 Hetaera’s Clutch 1 16
1223 Temple of Zin-Malor 1 16
1224 Bear’s Head 1 16
1225 Ursolan 1 16
1226 Temple of Arkkoran 1 16
1227 Bay of Storms 1 16
1228 The Shattered Strand 1 16
1229 Tower of Eldara 1 16
1230 Jagged Reef 1 16
1231 Southridge Beach 1 16
1232 Ravencrest Monument 1 16
1233 Forlorn Ridge 1 16
1234 Lake Mennar 1 16
1235 Shadowsong Shrine 1 16
1236 Haldarr Encampment 1 16
1237 Valormok 1 16
1256 The Ruined Reaches 1 16
1276 The Talondeep Path 1 331
1277 The Talondeep Path 1 406
1296 Rocktusk Farm 1 14
1297 Jaggedswine Farm 1 14
1316 Razorfen Downs 1 17
1336 Lost Rigger Cove 1 440
1337 Uldaman 70 0
1338 Lordamere Lake 0 130
1339 Lordamere Lake 0 36
1357 Gallows’ Corner 0 36
1377 Silithus 1 0
1397 Emerald Forest 169 0
1417 Sunken Temple 109 0
1437 Dreadmaul Hold 0 4
1438 Nethergarde Keep 0 4
1439 Dreadmaul Post 0 4
1440 Serpent’s Coil 0 4
1441 Altar of Storms 0 4
1442 Firewatch Ridge 0 51
1443 The Slag Pit 0 51
1444 The Sea of Cinders 0 51
1445 Blackrock Mountain 0 51
1446 Thorium Point 0 51
1457 Garrison Armory 0 4
1477 The Temple of Atal’Hakkar 109 0
1497 Undercity 0 0
1517 Uldaman 0 3
1518 Not Used Deadmines 0 40
1519 Stormwind City 0 0
1537 Ironforge 0 0
1557 Splithoof Hold 1 400
1577 The Cape of Stranglethorn 0 33
1578 Southern Savage Coast 0 33
1579 Unused The Deadmines 002 0 0
1580 Unused Ironclad Cove 003 0 1579
1581 The Deadmines 36 0
1582 Ironclad Cove 36 1581
1583 Blackrock Spire 229 0
1584 Blackrock Depths 230 0
1597 Raptor Grounds UNUSED 1 17
1598 Grol’dom Farm UNUSED 1 17
1599 Mor’shan Base Camp 1 17
1600 Honor’s Stand UNUSED 1 17
1601 Blackthorn Ridge UNUSED 1 17
1602 Bramblescar UNUSED 1 17
1603 Agama’gor UNUSED 1 17
1617 Valley of Heroes 0 1519
1637 Orgrimmar 1 0
1638 Thunder Bluff 1 0
1639 Elder Rise 1 1638
1640 Spirit Rise 1 1638
1641 Hunter Rise 1 1638
1657 Darnassus 1 0
1658 Cenarion Enclave 1 1657
1659 Craftsmen’s Terrace 1 1657
1660 Warrior’s Terrace 1 1657
1661 The Temple Gardens 1 1657
1662 Tradesmen’s Terrace 1 1657
1677 Gavin’s Naze 0 36
1678 Sofera’s Naze 0 36
1679 Corrahn’s Dagger 0 36
1680 The Headland 0 36
1681 Misty Shore 0 36
1682 Dandred’s Fold 0 36
1683 Growless Cave 0 36
1684 Chillwind Point 0 36
1697 Raptor Grounds 1 17
1698 Bramblescar 1 17
1699 Thorn Hill 1 17
1700 Agama’gor 1 17
1701 Blackthorn Ridge 1 17
1702 Honor’s Stand 1 17
1703 The Mor’shan Rampart 1 17
1704 Grol’dom Farm 1 17
1717 Razorfen Kraul 1 17
1718 The Great Lift 1 17
1737 Mistvale Valley 0 33
1738 Nek’mani Wellspring 0 33
1739 Bloodsail Compound 0 33
1740 Venture Co. Base Camp 0 33
1741 Gurubashi Arena 0 33
1742 Spirit Den 0 33
1757 The Crimson Veil 0 33
1758 The Riptide 0 33
1759 The Damsel’s Luck 0 33
1760 Venture Co. Operations Center 0 33
1761 Deadwood Village 1 361
1762 Felpaw Village 1 361
1763 Jaedenar 1 361
1764 Bloodvenom River 1 361
1765 Bloodvenom Falls 1 361
1766 Shatter Scar Vale 1 361
1767 Irontree Woods 1 361
1768 Irontree Cavern 1 361
1769 Timbermaw Hold 1 361
1770 Shadow Hold 1 361
1771 Shrine of the Deceiver 1 361
1777 Itharius’s Cave 0 8
1778 Sorrowmurk 0 8
1779 Draenil’dur Village 0 8
1780 Splinterspear Junction 0 8
1797 Stagalbog 0 8
1798 The Shifting Mire 0 8
1817 Stagalbog Cave 0 8
1837 Witherbark Caverns 0 45
1857 Thoradin’s Wall 0 45
1858 Boulder’gor 0 45
1877 Valley of Fangs 0 3
1878 The Dustbowl 0 3
1879 Mirage Flats 0 3
1880 Featherbeard’s Hovel 0 47
1881 Shindigger’s Camp 0 47
1882 Plaguemist Ravine 0 47
1883 Valorwind Lake 0 47
1884 Agol’watha 0 47
1885 Hiri’watha 0 47
1886 The Creeping Ruin 0 47
1887 Bogen’s Ledge 0 47
1897 The Maker’s Terrace 0 3
1898 Dustwind Gulch 0 3
1917 Shaol’watha 0 47
1937 Noonshade Ruins 1 440
1938 Broken Pillar 1 440
1939 Abyssal Sands 1 440
1940 Southbreak Shore 1 440
1941 Caverns of Time 1 0
1942 The Marshlands 1 490
1943 Ironstone Plateau 1 490
1957 Blackchar Cave 0 51
1958 Tanner Camp 0 51
1959 Dustfire Valley 0 51
1977 Zul’Gurub 309 0
1978 Misty Reed Post 0 8
1997 Bloodvenom Post 1 361
1998 Talonbranch Glade 1 361
2017 Stratholme 329 0
2037 Quel’thalas 0 0
2057 Scholomance 289 0
2077 Twilight Vale 1 148
2078 Twilight Shore 1 148
2079 Alcaz Island 1 15
2097 Darkcloud Pinnacle 1 400
2098 Dawning Wood Catacombs 0 10
2099 Stonewatch Keep 0 44
2100 Maraudon 349 0
2101 Stoutlager Inn 0 38
2102 Thunderbrew Distillery 0 1
2103 Menethil Keep 0 11
2104 Deepwater Tavern 0 11
2117 Shadow Grave 0 85
2118 Brill Town Hall 0 85
2119 Gallows’ End Tavern 0 85
2137 The Pools of VisionUNUSED 1 215
2138 Dreadmist Den 1 17
2157 Bael’dun Keep 1 17
2158 Emberstrife’s Den 1 15
2159 Onyxia’s Lair 1 0
2160 Windshear Mine 1 406
2161 Roland’s Doom 0 10
2177 Battle Ring 0 33
2197 The Pools of Vision 1 1638
2198 Shadowbreak Ravine 1 405
2217 Broken Spear Village 1 405
2237 Whitereach Post 1 400
2238 Gornia 1 400
2239 Zane’s Eye Crater 1 400
2240 Mirage Raceway 1 400
2241 Frostsaber Rock 1 618
2242 The Hidden Grove 1 618
2243 Timbermaw Post 1 618
2244 Winterfall Village 1 618
2245 Mazthoril 1 618
2246 Frostfire Hot Springs 1 618
2247 Ice Thistle Hills 1 618
2248 Dun Mandarr 1 618
2249 Frostwhisper Gorge 1 618
2250 Owl Wing Thicket 1 618
2251 Lake Kel’Theril 1 618
2252 The Ruins of Kel’Theril 1 618
2253 Starfall Village 1 618
2254 Ban’Thallow Barrow Den 1 618
2255 Everlook 1 618
2256 Darkwhisper Gorge 1 618
2257 Deeprun Tram 369 0
2258 The Fungal Vale 0 139
2259 UNUSEDThe Marris Stead 0 139
2260 The Marris Stead 0 139
2261 The Undercroft 0 139
2262 Darrowshire 0 139
2263 Crown Guard Tower 0 139
2264 Corin’s Crossing 0 139
2265 Scarlet Base Camp 0 139
2266 Tyr’s Hand 0 139
2267 The Scarlet Basilica 0 139
2268 Light’s Hope Chapel 0 139
2269 Browman Mill 0 139
2270 The Noxious Glade 0 139
2271 Eastwall Tower 0 139
2272 Northdale 0 139
2273 Zul’Mashar 0 139
2274 Mazra’Alor 0 139
2275 Northpass Tower 0 139
2276 Quel’Lithien Lodge 0 139
2277 Plaguewood 0 139
2278 Scourgehold 0 139
2279 Stratholme 0 139
2280 DO NOT USE 0 0
2297 Darrowmere Lake 0 28
2298 Caer Darrow 0 28
2299 Darrowmere Lake 0 139
2300 Caverns of Time 1 440
2301 Thistlefur Village 1 331
2302 The Quagmire 1 15
2303 Windbreak Canyon 1 400
2317 South Seas 1 440
2318 The Great Sea 1 15
2319 The Great Sea 1 17
2320 The Great Sea 1 14
2321 The Great Sea 1 16
2322 The Veiled Sea 1 141
2323 The Veiled Sea 1 357
2324 The Veiled Sea 1 405
2325 The Veiled Sea 1 331
2326 The Veiled Sea 1 148
2337 Razor Hill Barracks 1 14
2338 South Seas 0 33
2339 The Great Sea 0 33
2357 Bloodtooth Camp 1 331
2358 Forest Song 1 331
2359 Greenpaw Village 1 331
2360 Silverwing Outpost 1 331
2361 Nighthaven 1 493
2362 Shrine of Remulos 1 493
2363 Stormrage Barrow Dens 1 493
2364 The Great Sea 0 40
2365 The Great Sea 0 11
2366 The Black Morass 269 0
2367 Old Hillsbrad Foothills 560 0
2368 Tarren Mill 560 2367
2369 Southshore 560 2367
2370 Durnholde Keep 560 2367
2371 Dun Garok 560 2367
2372 Hillsbrad Fields 560 2367
2373 Eastern Strand 560 2367
2374 Nethander Stead 560 2367
2375 Darrow Hill 560 2367
2376 Southpoint Tower 560 2367
2377 Thoradin’s Wall 560 2367
2378 Western Strand 560 2367
2379 Azurelode Mine 560 2367
2397 The Great Sea 0 267
2398 The Great Sea 0 130
2399 The Great Sea 0 85
2400 The Forbidding Sea 0 47
2401 The Forbidding Sea 0 45
2402 The Forbidding Sea 0 11
2403 The Forbidding Sea 0 8
2404 Tethris Aran 1 405
2405 Ethel Rethor 1 405
2406 Ranazjar Isle 1 405
2407 Kormek’s Hut 1 405
2408 Shadowprey Village 1 405
2417 Blackrock Pass 0 46
2418 Morgan’s Vigil 0 46
2419 Slither Rock 0 46
2420 Terror Wing Path 0 46
2421 Draco’dar 0 46
2437 Ragefire Chasm 389 0
2457 Nightsong Woods 1 331
2477 The Veiled Sea 1 1377
2478 Morlos’Aran 1 361
2479 Emerald Sanctuary 1 361
2480 Jadefire Glen 1 361
2481 Ruins of Constellas 1 361
2497 Bitter Reaches 1 16
2517 Rise of the Defiler 0 4
2518 Lariss Pavilion 1 357
2519 Woodpaw Hills 1 357
2520 Woodpaw Den 1 357
2521 Verdantis River 1 357
2522 Ruins of Isildien 1 357
2537 Grimtotem Post 1 406
2538 Camp Aparaje 1 406
2539 Malaka’jin 1 406
2540 Boulderslide Ravine 1 406
2541 Sishir Canyon 1 406
2557 Dire Maul 429 0
2558 Deadwind Ravine 0 41
2559 Diamondhead River 0 41
2560 Ariden’s Camp 0 41
2561 The Vice 0 41
2562 Karazhan 0 41
2563 Morgan’s Plot 0 41
2577 Dire Maul 1 357
2597 Alterac Valley 30 0
2617 Scrabblescrew’s Camp 1 405
2618 Jadefire Run 1 361
2619 Thondroril River 0 139
2620 Thondroril River 0 28
2621 Lake Mereldar 0 139
2622 Pestilent Scar 0 139
2623 The Infectis Scar 0 139
2624 Blackwood Lake 0 139
2625 Eastwall Gate 0 139
2626 Terrorweb Tunnel 0 139
2627 Terrordale 0 139
2637 Kargathia Keep 1 331
2657 Valley of Bones 1 405
2677 Blackwing Lair 469 0
2697 Deadman’s Crossing 0 41
2717 Molten Core 409 0
2737 The Scarab Wall 1 1377
2738 Southwind Village 1 1377
2739 Twilight Base Camp 1 1377
2740 The Crystal Vale 1 1377
2741 The Scarab Dais 1 1377
2742 Hive’Ashi 1 1377
2743 Hive’Zora 1 1377
2744 Hive’Regal 1 1377
2757 Shrine of the Fallen Warrior 1 17
2777 UNUSED Alterac Valley 0 267
2797 Blackfathom Deeps 1 331
2817 Crystalsong Forest 571 0
2837 The Master’s Cellar 0 41
2838 Stonewrought Pass 0 51
2839 Alterac Valley 0 36
2857 The Rumble Cage 1 440
2877 Chunk Test 451 22
2897 Zoram’gar Outpost 1 331
2917 Hall of Legends 1 0
2918 Champions’ Hall 449 0
2937 Grosh’gok Compound 0 41
2938 Sleeping Gorge 0 41
2957 Irondeep Mine 30 2597
2958 Stonehearth Outpost 30 2597
2959 Dun Baldar 30 2597
2960 Icewing Pass 30 2597
2961 Frostwolf Village 30 2597
2962 Tower Point 30 2597
2963 Coldtooth Mine 30 2597
2964 Winterax Hold 30 2597
2977 Iceblood Garrison 30 2597
2978 Frostwolf Keep 30 2597
2979 Tor’kren Farm 1 14
3017 Frost Dagger Pass 30 2597
3037 Ironstone Camp 1 400
3038 Weazel’s Crater 1 400
3039 Tahonda Ruins 1 400
3057 Field of Strife 30 2597
3058 Icewing Cavern 30 2597
3077 Valor’s Rest 1 1377
3097 The Swarming Pillar 1 1377
3098 Twilight Post 1 1377
3099 Twilight Outpost 1 1377
3100 Ravaged Twilight Camp 1 1377
3117 Shalzaru’s Lair 1 357
3137 Talrendis Point 1 16
3138 Rethress Sanctum 1 16
3139 Moon Horror Den 1 618
3140 Scalebeard’s Cave 1 16
3157 Boulderslide Cavern 1 406
3177 Warsong Labor Camp 1 331
3197 Chillwind Camp 0 28
3217 The Maul 429 2557
3237 The Maul UNUSED 429 2557
3257 Bones of Grakkarond 1 1377
3277 Warsong Gulch 489 0
3297 Frostwolf Graveyard 30 2597
3298 Frostwolf Pass 30 2597
3299 Dun Baldar Pass 30 2597
3300 Iceblood Graveyard 30 2597
3301 Snowfall Graveyard 30 2597
3302 Stonehearth Graveyard 30 2597
3303 Stormpike Graveyard 30 2597
3304 Icewing Bunker 30 2597
3305 Stonehearth Bunker 30 2597
3306 Wildpaw Ridge 30 2597
3317 Revantusk Village 0 47
3318 Rock of Durotan 30 2597
3319 Silverwing Grove 1 331
3320 Warsong Lumber Mill 489 3277
3321 Silverwing Hold 489 3277
3337 Wildpaw Cavern 30 2597
3338 The Veiled Cleft 30 2597
3357 Yojamba Isle 0 33
3358 Arathi Basin 529 0
3377 The Coil 309 1977
3378 Altar of Hir’eek 309 1977
3379 Shadra’zaar 309 1977
3380 Hakkari Grounds 309 1977
3381 Naze of Shirvallah 309 1977
3382 Temple of Bethekk 309 1977
3383 The Bloodfire Pit 309 1977
3384 Altar of the Blood God 309 1977
3397 Zanza’s Rise 309 1977
3398 Edge of Madness 309 1977
3417 Trollbane Hall 529 3358
3418 Defiler’s Den 529 3358
3419 Pagle’s Pointe 309 1977
3420 Farm 529 3358
3421 Blacksmith 529 3358
3422 Lumber Mill 529 3358
3423 Gold Mine 529 3358
3424 Stables 529 3358
3425 Cenarion Hold 1 1377
3426 Staghelm Point 1 1377
3427 Bronzebeard Encampment 1 1377
3428 Ahn’Qiraj 531 0
3429 Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj 509 0
3430 Eversong Woods 530 0
3431 Sunstrider Isle 530 3430
3432 Shrine of Dath’Remar 530 3430
3433 Ghostlands 530 0
3434 Scarab Terrace 531 3428
3435 General’s Terrace 531 3428
3436 The Reservoir 531 3428
3437 The Hatchery 531 3428
3438 The Comb 531 3428
3439 Watchers’ Terrace 531 3428
3440 Scarab Terrace 509 3429
3441 General’s Terrace 509 3429
3442 The Reservoir 509 3429
3443 The Hatchery 509 3429
3444 The Comb 509 3429
3445 Watchers’ Terrace 509 3429
3446 Twilight’s Run 1 1377
3447 Ortell’s Hideout 1 1377
3448 Scarab Terrace 509 3429
3449 General’s Terrace 509 3429
3450 The Reservoir 509 3429
3451 The Hatchery 509 3429
3452 The Comb 509 3429
3453 Watchers’ Terrace 509 3429
3454 Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj 1 1377
3455 The North Sea 530 0
3456 Naxxramas 533 0
3457 Karazhan 532 0
3459 City 0 0
3460 Golden Strand 530 3430
3461 Sunsail Anchorage 530 3430
3462 Fairbreeze Village 530 3430
3463 Magisters Gate 530 3430
3464 Farstrider Retreat 530 3430
3465 North Sanctum 530 3430
3466 West Sanctum 530 3430
3467 East Sanctum 530 3430
3468 Saltheril’s Haven 530 3430
3469 Thuron’s Livery 530 3430
3470 Stillwhisper Pond 530 3430
3471 The Living Wood 530 3430
3472 Azurebreeze Coast 530 3430
3473 Lake Elrendar 530 3430
3474 The Scorched Grove 530 3430
3475 Zeb’Watha 530 3430
3476 Tor’Watha 530 3430
3477 Azjol-Nerub 571 0
3478 Gates of Ahn’Qiraj 1 0
3479 The Veiled Sea 530 0
3480 Duskwither Grounds 530 3430
3481 Duskwither Spire 530 3430
3482 The Dead Scar 530 3430
3483 Hellfire Peninsula 530 0
3484 The Sunspire 530 3430
3485 Falthrien Academy 530 3430
3486 Ravenholdt Manor 0 36
3487 Silvermoon City 530 0
3488 Tranquillien 530 3433
3489 Suncrown Village 530 3433
3490 Goldenmist Village 530 3433
3491 Windrunner Village 530 3433
3492 Windrunner Spire 530 3433
3493 Sanctum of the Sun 530 3433
3494 Sanctum of the Moon 530 3433
3495 Dawnstar Spire 530 3433
3496 Farstrider Enclave 530 3433
3497 An’daroth 530 3433
3498 An’telas 530 3433
3499 An’owyn 530 3433
3500 Deatholme 530 3433
3501 Bleeding Ziggurat 530 3433
3502 Howling Ziggurat 530 3433
3503 Shalandis Isle 530 3433
3504 Toryl Estate 530 3433
3505 Underlight Mines 530 3433
3506 Andilien Estate 530 3433
3507 Hatchet Hills 530 3433
3508 Amani Pass 530 3433
3509 Sungraze Peak 530 3433
3510 Amani Catacombs 530 3433
3511 Tower of the Damned 530 3433
3512 Zeb’Sora 530 3433
3513 Lake Elrendar 530 3433
3514 The Dead Scar 530 3433
3515 Elrendar River 530 3433
3516 Zeb’Tela 530 3433
3517 Zeb’Nowa 530 3433
3518 Nagrand 530 0
3519 Terokkar Forest 530 0
3520 Shadowmoon Valley 530 0
3521 Zangarmarsh 530 0
3522 Blade’s Edge Mountains 530 0
3523 Netherstorm 530 0
3524 Azuremyst Isle 530 0
3525 Bloodmyst Isle 530 0
3526 Ammen Vale 530 3524
3527 Crash Site 530 3524
3528 Silverline Lake 530 3524
3529 Nestlewood Thicket 530 3524
3530 Shadow Ridge 530 3524
3531 Skulking Row 530 3430
3532 Dawning Lane 530 3430
3533 Ruins of Silvermoon 530 3430
3534 Feth’s Way 530 3430
3535 Hellfire Citadel 540 0
3536 Thrallmar 530 3483
3537 Borean Tundra 571 0
3538 Honor Hold 530 3483
3539 The Stair of Destiny 530 3483
3540 Twisting Nether 530 0
3541 Forge Camp: Mageddon 530 3483
3542 The Path of Glory 530 3483
3543 The Great Fissure 530 3483
3544 Plain of Shards 530 3483
3545 Hellfire Citadel 530 3483
3546 Expedition Armory 530 3483
3547 Throne of Kil’jaeden 530 3483
3548 Forge Camp: Rage 530 3483
3549 Invasion Point: Annihilator 530 3483
3550 Borune Ruins 530 3483
3551 Ruins of Sha’naar 530 3483
3552 Temple of Telhamat 530 3483
3553 Pools of Aggonar 530 3483
3554 Falcon Watch 530 3483
3555 Mag’har Post 530 3483
3556 Den of Haal’esh 530 3483
3557 The Exodar 530 0
3558 Elrendar Falls 530 3430
3559 Nestlewood Hills 530 3524
3560 Ammen Fields 530 3524
3561 The Sacred Grove 530 3524
3562 Hellfire Ramparts 543 0
3563 Hellfire Citadel 543 3562
3564 Emberglade 530 3524
3565 Cenarion Refuge 530 3521
3566 Moonwing Den 530 3524
3567 Pod Cluster 530 3524
3568 Pod Wreckage 530 3524
3569 Tides’ Hollow 530 3524
3570 Wrathscale Point 530 3524
3571 Bristlelimb Village 530 3524
3572 Stillpine Hold 530 3524
3573 Odesyus’ Landing 530 3524
3574 Valaar’s Berth 530 3524
3575 Silting Shore 530 3524
3576 Azure Watch 530 3524
3577 Geezle’s Camp 530 3524
3578 Menagerie Wreckage 530 3524
3579 Traitor’s Cove 530 3524
3580 Wildwind Peak 530 3524
3581 Wildwind Path 530 3524
3582 Zeth’Gor 530 3483
3583 Beryl Coast 530 3525
3584 Blood Watch 530 3525
3585 Bladewood 530 3525
3586 The Vector Coil 530 3525
3587 The Warp Piston 530 3525
3588 The Cryo-Core 530 3525
3589 The Crimson Reach 530 3525
3590 Wrathscale Lair 530 3525
3591 Ruins of Loreth’Aran 530 3525
3592 Nazzivian 530 3525
3593 Axxarien 530 3525
3594 Blacksilt Shore 530 3525
3595 The Foul Pool 530 3525
3596 The Hidden Reef 530 3525
3597 Amberweb Pass 530 3525
3598 Wyrmscar Island 530 3525
3599 Talon Stand 530 3525
3600 Bristlelimb Enclave 530 3525
3601 Ragefeather Ridge 530 3525
3602 Kessel’s Crossing 530 3525
3603 Tel’athion’s Camp 530 3525
3604 The Bloodcursed Reef 530 3525
3605 Hyjal Past 560 0
3606 Hyjal Summit 534 0
3607 Serpentshrine Cavern 548 0
3608 Vindicator’s Rest 530 3525
3609 Unused3 530 3518
3610 Burning Blade Ruins 530 3518
3611 Clan Watch 530 3518
3612 Bloodcurse Isle 530 3525
3613 Garadar 530 3518
3614 Skysong Lake 530 3518
3615 Throne of the Elements 530 3518
3616 Laughing Skull Ruins 530 3518
3617 Warmaul Hill 530 3518
3618 Gruul’s Lair 530 3518
3619 Auren Ridge 530 3518
3620 Auren Falls 530 3518
3621 Lake Sunspring 530 3518
3622 Sunspring Post 530 3518
3623 Aeris Landing 530 3518
3624 Forge Camp: Fear 530 3518
3625 Forge Camp: Hate 530 3518
3626 Telaar 530 3518
3627 Northwind Cleft 530 3518
3628 Halaa 530 3518
3629 Southwind Cleft 530 3518
3630 Oshu’gun 530 3518
3631 Spirit Fields 530 3518
3632 Shamanar 530 3518
3633 Ancestral Grounds 530 3518
3634 Windyreed Village 530 3518
3635 Unused2 530 3518
3636 Elemental Plateau 530 3518
3637 Kil’sorrow Fortress 530 3518
3638 The Ring of Trials 530 3518
3639 Silvermyst Isle 530 3524
3640 Daggerfen Village 530 3521
3641 Umbrafen Village 530 3521
3642 Feralfen Village 530 3521
3643 Bloodscale Enclave 530 3521
3644 Telredor 530 3521
3645 Zabra’jin 530 3521
3646 Quagg Ridge 530 3521
3647 The Spawning Glen 530 3521
3648 The Dead Mire 530 3521
3649 Sporeggar 530 3521
3650 Ango’rosh Grounds 530 3521
3651 Ango’rosh Stronghold 530 3521
3652 Funggor Cavern 530 3521
3653 Serpent Lake 530 3521
3654 The Drain 530 3521
3655 Umbrafen Lake 530 3521
3656 Marshlight Lake 530 3521
3657 Portal Clearing 530 3521
3658 Sporewind Lake 530 3521
3659 The Lagoon 530 3521
3660 Blades’ Run 530 3521
3661 Blade Tooth Canyon 530 3521
3662 Commons Hall 530 3430
3663 Derelict Manor 530 3430
3664 Huntress of the Sun 530 3430
3665 Falconwing Square 530 3430
3666 Halaani Basin 530 3518
3667 Hewn Bog 530 3521
3668 Boha’mu Ruins 530 3521
3669 The Stadium 530 3483
3670 The Overlook 530 3483
3671 Broken Hill 530 3483
3672 Mag’hari Procession 530 3518
3673 Nesingwary Safari 530 3518
3674 Cenarion Thicket 530 3519
3675 Tuurem 530 3519
3676 Veil Shienor 530 3519
3677 Veil Skith 530 3519
3678 Veil Shalas 530 3519
3679 Skettis 530 3519
3680 Blackwind Valley 530 3519
3681 Firewing Point 530 3519
3682 Grangol’var Village 530 3519
3683 Stonebreaker Hold 530 3519
3684 Allerian Stronghold 530 3519
3685 Bonechewer Ruins 530 3519
3686 Veil Lithic 530 3519
3687 Olembas 530 3519
3688 Auchindoun 530 3519
3689 Veil Reskk 530 3519
3690 Blackwind Lake 530 3519
3691 Lake Ere’Noru 530 3519
3692 Lake Jorune 530 3519
3693 Skethyl Mountains 530 3519
3694 Misty Ridge 530 3519
3695 The Broken Hills 530 3519
3696 The Barrier Hills 530 3519
3697 The Bone Wastes 530 3519
3698 Nagrand Arena 559 0
3699 Laughing Skull Courtyard 530 3518
3700 The Ring of Blood 530 3518
3701 Arena Floor 530 3518
3702 Blade’s Edge Arena 562 0
3703 Shattrath City 530 0
3704 The Shepherd’s Gate 530 3487
3705 Telaari Basin 530 3518
3706 The Dark Portal 269 2366
3707 Alliance Base 534 3606
3708 Horde Encampment 534 3606
3709 Night Elf Village 534 3606
3710 Nordrassil 534 3606
3711 Sholazar Basin 571 0
3712 Area 52 530 3523
3713 The Blood Furnace 542 0
3714 The Shattered Halls 540 0
3715 The Steamvault 545 0
3716 The Underbog 546 0
3717 The Slave Pens 547 0
3718 Swamprat Post 530 3521
3719 Bleeding Hollow Ruins 530 3519
3720 Twin Spire Ruins 530 3521
3721 The Crumbling Waste 530 3523
3722 Manaforge Ara 530 3523
3723 Arklon Ruins 530 3523
3724 Cosmowrench 530 3523
3725 Ruins of Enkaat 530 3523
3726 Manaforge B’naar 530 3523
3727 The Scrap Field 530 3523
3728 The Vortex Fields 530 3523
3729 The Heap 530 3523
3730 Manaforge Coruu 530 3523
3731 The Tempest Rift 530 3523
3732 Kirin’Var Village 530 3523
3733 The Violet Tower 530 3523
3734 Manaforge Duro 530 3523
3735 Voidwind Plateau 530 3523
3736 Manaforge Ultris 530 3523
3737 Celestial Ridge 530 3523
3738 The Stormspire 530 3523
3739 Forge Base: Oblivion 530 3523
3740 Forge Base: Gehenna 530 3523
3741 Ruins of Farahlon 530 3523
3742 Socrethar’s Seat 530 3523
3743 Legion Hold 530 3520
3744 Shadowmoon Village 530 3520
3745 Wildhammer Stronghold 530 3520
3746 The Hand of Gul’dan 530 3520
3747 The Fel Pits 530 3520
3748 The Deathforge 530 3520
3749 Coilskar Cistern 530 3520
3750 Coilskar Point 530 3520
3751 Sunfire Point 530 3520
3752 Illidari Point 530 3520
3753 Ruins of Baa’ri 530 3520
3754 Altar of Sha’tar 530 3520
3755 The Stair of Doom 530 3520
3756 Ruins of Karabor 530 3520
3757 Ata’mal Terrace 530 3520
3758 Netherwing Fields 530 3520
3759 Netherwing Ledge 530 3520
3760 The Barrier Hills 530 3518
3761 The High Path 530 3518
3762 Windyreed Pass 530 3518
3763 Zangar Ridge 530 3518
3764 The Twilight Ridge 530 3518
3765 Razorthorn Trail 530 3483
3766 Orebor Harborage 530 3521
3767 Blades’ Run 530 3522
3768 Jagged Ridge 530 3522
3769 Thunderlord Stronghold 530 3522
3770 Blade Tooth Canyon 530 3522
3771 The Living Grove 530 3522
3772 Sylvanaar 530 3522
3773 Bladespire Hold 530 3522
3774 Gruul’s Lair 530 3522
3775 Circle of Blood 530 3522
3776 Bloodmaul Outpost 530 3522
3777 Bloodmaul Camp 530 3522
3778 Draenethyst Mine 530 3522
3779 Trogma’s Claim 530 3522
3780 Blackwing Coven 530 3522
3781 Grishnath 530 3522
3782 Veil Lashh 530 3522
3783 Veil Vekh 530 3522
3784 Forge Camp: Terror 530 3522
3785 Forge Camp: Wrath 530 3522
3786 Ogri’la 530 3522
3787 Forge Camp: Anger 530 3522
3788 The Low Path 530 3518
3789 Shadow Labyrinth 555 0
3790 Auchenai Crypts 558 0
3791 Sethekk Halls 556 0
3792 Mana-Tombs 557 0
3793 Felspark Ravine 530 3483
3794 Valley of Bones 530 3483
3795 Sha’naari Wastes 530 3483
3796 The Warp Fields 530 3483
3797 Fallen Sky Ridge 530 3483
3798 Haal’eshi Gorge 530 3483
3799 Stonewall Canyon 530 3483
3800 Thornfang Hill 530 3483
3801 Mag’har Grounds 530 3483
3802 Void Ridge 530 3483
3803 The Abyssal Shelf 530 3483
3804 The Legion Front 530 3483
3805 Zul’Aman 568 0
3806 Supply Caravan 530 3483
3807 Reaver’s Fall 530 3483
3808 Cenarion Post 530 3483
3809 Southern Rampart 530 3483
3810 Northern Rampart 530 3483
3811 Gor’gaz Outpost 530 3483
3812 Spinebreaker Post 530 3483
3813 The Path of Anguish 530 3483
3814 East Supply Caravan 530 3483
3815 Expedition Point 530 3483
3816 Zeppelin Crash 530 3483
3817 Testing 13 0
3818 Bloodscale Grounds 530 3521
3819 Darkcrest Enclave 530 3521
3820 Eye of the Storm 566 0
3821 Warden’s Cage 530 3520
3822 Eclipse Point 530 3520
3823 Isle of Tribulations 530 3433
3824 Bloodmaul Ravine 530 3522
3825 Dragons’ End 530 3522
3826 Daggermaw Canyon 530 3522
3827 Vekhaar Stand 530 3522
3828 Ruuan Weald 530 3522
3829 Veil Ruuan 530 3522
3830 Raven’s Wood 530 3522
3831 Death’s Door 530 3522
3832 Vortex Pinnacle 530 3522
3833 Razor Ridge 530 3522
3834 Ridge of Madness 530 3522
3835 Dustquill Ravine 530 3483
3836 Magtheridon’s Lair 544 0
3837 Sunfury Hold 530 3523
3838 Spinebreaker Mountains 530 3483
3839 Abandoned Armory 530 3518
3840 The Black Temple 530 3520
3841 Darkcrest Shore 530 3521
3842 Tempest Keep 530 3523
3844 Mok’Nathal Village 530 3522
3845 Tempest Keep 550 0
3846 The Arcatraz 530 3525
3847 The Botanica 553 0
3848 The Arcatraz 552 0
3849 The Mechanar 554 0
3850 Netherstone 530 3523
3851 Midrealm Post 530 3523
3852 Tuluman’s Landing 530 3523
3854 Protectorate Watch Post 530 3523
3855 Circle of Blood Arena 530 3522
3856 Elrendar Crossing 530 3433
3857 Ammen Ford 530 3524
3858 Razorthorn Shelf 530 3519
3859 Silmyr Lake 530 3519
3860 Raastok Glade 530 3519
3861 Thalassian Pass 530 3433
3862 Churning Gulch 530 3522
3863 Broken Wilds 530 3522
3864 Bash’ir Landing 530 3522
3865 Crystal Spine 530 3522
3866 Skald 530 3522
3867 Bladed Gulch 530 3522
3868 Gyro-Plank Bridge 530 3523
3869 Mage Tower 566 3820
3870 Blood Elf Tower 566 3820
3871 Draenei Ruins 566 3820
3872 Fel Reaver Ruins 566 3820
3873 The Proving Grounds 530 3523
3874 Eco-Dome Farfield 530 3523
3875 Eco-Dome Skyperch 530 3523
3876 Eco-Dome Sutheron 530 3523
3877 Eco-Dome Midrealm 530 3523
3878 Ethereum Staging Grounds 530 3523
3879 Chapel Yard 530 3523
3880 Access Shaft Zeon 530 3523
3881 Trelleum Mine 530 3523
3882 Invasion Point: Destroyer 530 3523
3883 Camp of Boom 530 3523
3884 Spinebreaker Pass 530 3483
3885 Netherweb Ridge 530 3519
3886 Derelict Caravan 530 3519
3887 Refugee Caravan 530 3519
3888 Shadow Tomb 530 3519
3889 Veil Rhaze 530 3519
3890 Tomb of Lights 530 3519
3891 Carrion Hill 530 3519
3892 Writhing Mound 530 3519
3893 Ring of Observance 530 3519
3894 Auchenai Grounds 530 3519
3895 Cenarion Watchpost 530 3521
3896 Aldor Rise 530 3703
3897 Terrace of Light 530 3703
3898 Scryer’s Tier 530 3703
3899 Lower City 530 3703
3900 Invasion Point: Overlord 530 3523
3901 Allerian Post 530 3519
3902 Stonebreaker Camp 530 3519
3903 Boulder’mok 530 3522
3904 Cursed Hollow 530 3522
3905 Coilfang Reservoir 530 3521
3906 The Bloodwash 530 3525
3907 Veridian Point 530 3525
3908 Middenvale 530 3525
3909 The Lost Fold 530 3525
3910 Mystwood 530 3525
3911 Tranquil Shore 530 3430
3912 Goldenbough Pass 530 3430
3913 Runestone Falithas 530 3430
3914 Runestone Shan’dor 530 3430
3915 Fairbridge Strand 530 3524
3916 Moongraze Woods 530 3524
3917 Auchindoun 530 0
3918 Toshley’s Station 530 3522
3919 Singing Ridge 530 3522
3920 Shatter Point 530 3483
3921 Arklonis Ridge 530 3523
3922 Bladespire Outpost 530 3522
3923 Gruul’s Lair 565 0
3924 Northmaul Tower 530 3522
3925 Southmaul Tower 530 3522
3926 Shattered Plains 530 3520
3927 Oronok’s Farm 530 3520
3928 The Altar of Damnation 530 3520
3929 The Path of Conquest 530 3520
3930 Eclipsion Fields 530 3520
3931 Bladespire Grounds 530 3522
3932 Sketh’lon Base Camp 530 3520
3933 Sketh’lon Wreckage 530 3520
3934 Town Square 530 3523
3935 Wizard Row 530 3523
3936 Deathforge Tower 530 3520
3937 Slag Watch 530 3520
3938 Sanctum of the Stars 530 3520
3939 Dragonmaw Fortress 530 3520
3940 The Fetid Pool 530 3520
3941 Test 530 3520
3942 Razaan’s Landing 530 3522
3943 Invasion Point: Cataclysm 530 3520
3944 The Altar of Shadows 530 3520
3945 Netherwing Pass 530 3520
3946 Wayne’s Refuge 530 3519
3947 The Scalding Pools 530 3520
3948 Brian and Pat Test 451 0
3949 Magma Fields 530 3520
3950 Crimson Watch 530 3520
3951 Evergrove 530 3522
3952 Wyrmskull Bridge 530 3522
3953 Scalewing Shelf 530 3522
3954 Wyrmskull Tunnel 530 3522
3955 Hellfire Basin 530 3483
3956 The Shadow Stair 530 3519
3957 Sha’tari Outpost 530 3519
3958 Sha’tari Base Camp 530 3519
3959 Black Temple 564 0
3960 Soulgrinder’s Barrow 530 3522
3961 Sorrow Wing Point 530 3519
3962 Vim’gol’s Circle 530 3522
3963 Dragonspine Ridge 530 3522
3964 Skyguard Outpost 530 3522
3965 Netherwing Mines 530 3520
3966 Dragonmaw Base Camp 530 3520
3967 Dragonmaw Skyway 530 3520
3968 Ruins of Lordaeron 572 0
3969 Rivendark’s Perch 530 3522
3970 Obsidia’s Perch 530 3522
3971 Insidion’s Perch 530 3522
3972 Furywing’s Perch 530 3522
3973 Blackwind Landing 530 3519
3974 Veil Harr’ik 530 3519
3975 Terokk’s Rest 530 3519
3976 Veil Ala’rak 530 3519
3977 Upper Veil Shil’ak 530 3519
3978 Lower Veil Shil’ak 530 3519
3979 The Frozen Sea 571 0
3980 Daggercap Bay 571 495
3981 Valgarde 571 495
3982 Wyrmskull Village 571 495
3983 Utgarde Keep 571 495
3984 Nifflevar 571 495
3985 Falls of Ymiron 571 495
3986 Echo Reach 571 495
3987 The Isle of Spears 571 495
3988 Kamagua 571 495
3989 Garvan’s Reef 571 495
3990 Scalawag Point 571 495
3991 New Agamand 571 495
3992 The Ancient Lift 571 495
3993 Westguard Turret 571 495
3994 Halgrind 571 495
3995 The Laughing Stand 571 495
3996 Baelgun’s Excavation Site 571 495
3997 Explorers’ League Outpost 571 495
3998 Westguard Keep 571 495
3999 Steel Gate 571 495
4000 Vengeance Landing 571 495
4001 Baleheim 571 495
4002 Skorn 571 495
4003 Fort Wildervar 571 495
4004 Vileprey Village 571 495
4005 Ivald’s Ruin 571 495
4006 Gjalerbron 571 495
4007 Tomb of the Lost Kings 571 495
4008 Shartuul’s Transporter 530 3522
4009 Illidari Training Grounds 564 3959
4010 Mudsprocket 1 15
4018 Camp Winterhoof 571 495
4019 Development Land 451 0
4020 Mightstone Quarry 571 3537
4021 Bloodspore Plains 571 3537
4022 Gammoth 571 3537
4023 Amber Ledge 571 3537
4024 Coldarra 571 3537
4025 The Westrift 571 3537
4026 The Transitus Stair 571 3537
4027 Coast of Echoes 571 3537
4028 Riplash Strand 571 3537
4029 Riplash Ruins 571 3537
4030 Coast of Idols 571 3537
4031 Pal’ea 571 3537
4032 Valiance Keep 571 3537
4033 Winterfin Village 571 3537
4034 The Borean Wall 571 3537
4035 The Geyser Fields 571 3537
4036 Fizzcrank Pumping Station 571 3537
4037 Taunka’le Village 571 3537
4038 Magnamoth Caverns 571 3537
4039 Coldrock Quarry 571 3537
4040 Njord’s Breath Bay 571 3537
4041 Kaskala 571 3537
4042 Transborea 571 3537
4043 The Flood Plains 571 3537
4046 Direhorn Post 1 15
4047 Nat’s Landing 1 15
4048 Ember Clutch 571 495
4049 Tabetha’s Farm 1 15
4050 Derelict Strand 571 495
4051 The Frozen Glade 571 495
4052 The Vibrant Glade 571 495
4053 The Twisted Glade 571 495
4054 Rivenwood 571 495
4055 Caldemere Lake 571 495
4056 Utgarde Catacombs 571 495
4057 Shield Hill 571 495
4058 Lake Cauldros 571 495
4059 Cauldros Isle 571 495
4060 Bleeding Vale 571 495
4061 Giants’ Run 571 495
4062 Apothecary Camp 571 495
4063 Ember Spear Tower 571 495
4064 Shattered Straits 571 495
4065 Gjalerhorn 571 495
4066 Frostblade Peak 571 495
4067 Plaguewood Tower 0 139
4068 West Spear Tower 571 495
4069 North Spear Tower 571 495
4070 Chillmere Coast 571 495
4071 Whisper Gulch 571 495
4072 Sub zone 451 151
4073 Winter’s Terrace 571 495
4074 The Waking Halls 571 495
4075 Sunwell Plateau 580 0
4076 Reuse Me 7 598 0
4077 Sorlof’s Strand 571 495
4078 Razorthorn Rise 530 3519
4079 Frostblade Pass 571 495
4080 Isle of Quel’Danas 530 0
4081 The Dawnchaser 530 4080
4082 The Sin’loren 530 4080
4083 Silvermoon’s Pride 530 4080
4084 The Bloodoath 530 4080
4085 Shattered Sun Staging Area 530 4080
4086 Sun’s Reach Sanctum 530 4080
4087 Sun’s Reach Harbor 530 4080
4088 Sun’s Reach Armory 530 4080
4089 Dawnstar Village 530 4080
4090 The Dawning Square 530 4080
4091 Greengill Coast 530 4080
4092 The Dead Scar 530 4080
4093 The Sun Forge 530 4080
4094 Sunwell Plateau 530 4080
4095 Magisters’ Terrace 530 4080
4096 Clayt├Ân’s WoWEdit Land 451 4019
4097 Winterfin Caverns 571 3537
4098 Glimmer Bay 571 3537
4099 Winterfin Retreat 571 3537
4100 The Culling of Stratholme 595 0
4101 Sands of Nasam 571 3537
4102 Krom’s Landing 571 3537
4103 Nasam’s Talon 571 3537
4104 Echo Cove 571 3537
4105 Beryl Point 571 3537
4106 Garrosh’s Landing 571 3537
4107 Warsong Jetty 571 3537
4108 Fizzcrank Airstrip 571 3537
4109 Lake Kum’uya 571 3537
4110 Farshire Fields 571 3537
4111 Farshire 571 3537
4112 Farshire Lighthouse 571 3537
4113 Unu’pe 571 3537
4114 Death’s Stand 571 3537
4115 The Abandoned Reach 571 3537
4116 Scalding Pools 571 3537
4117 Steam Springs 571 3537
4118 Talramas 571 3537
4119 Festering Pools 571 3537
4120 The Nexus 571 3537
4121 Transitus Shield 571 3537
4122 Bor’gorok Outpost 571 3537
4123 Magmoth 571 3537
4124 The Dens of Dying 571 3537
4125 Temple City of En’kilah 571 3537
4126 The Wailing Ziggurat 571 3537
4127 Steeljaw’s Caravan 571 3537
4128 Naxxanar 571 3537
4129 Warsong Hold 571 3537
4130 Plains of Nasam 571 3537
4131 Magisters’ Terrace 585 0
4132 Ruins of Eldra’nath 571 3537
4133 Charred Rise 571 3537
4134 Blistering Pool 571 3537
4135 Spire of Blood 571 3537
4136 Spire of Decay 571 3537
4137 Spire of Pain 571 3537
4138 Frozen Reach 571 3537
4139 Parhelion Plaza 580 4075
4140 The Dead Scar 580 4075
4141 Torp’s Farm 571 3537
4142 Warsong Granary 571 3537
4143 Warsong Slaughterhouse 571 3537
4144 Warsong Farms Outpost 571 3537
4145 West Point Station 571 3537
4146 North Point Station 571 3537
4147 Mid Point Station 571 3537
4148 South Point Station 571 3537
4149 D.E.H.T.A. Encampment 571 3537
4150 Kaw’s Roost 571 3537
4151 Westwind Refugee Camp 571 65
4152 Moa’ki Harbor 571 65
4153 Indu’le Village 571 65
4154 Snowfall Glade 571 65
4155 The Half Shell 571 65
4156 Surge Needle 571 65
4157 Moonrest Gardens 571 65
4158 Stars’ Rest 571 65
4159 Westfall Brigade Encampment 571 394
4160 Lothalor Woodlands 571 65
4161 Wyrmrest Temple 571 65
4162 Icemist Falls 571 65
4163 Icemist Village 571 65
4164 The Pit of Narjun 571 65
4165 Agmar’s Hammer 571 65
4166 Lake Indu’le 571 65
4167 Obsidian Dragonshrine 571 65
4168 Ruby Dragonshrine 571 65
4169 Fordragon Hold 571 65
4170 Kor’kron Vanguard 571 65
4171 The Court of Skulls 571 65
4172 Angrathar the Wrathgate 571 65
4173 Galakrond’s Rest 571 65
4174 The Wicked Coil 571 65
4175 Bronze Dragonshrine 571 65
4176 The Mirror of Dawn 571 65
4177 Wintergarde Keep 571 65
4178 Wintergarde Mine 571 65
4179 Emerald Dragonshrine 571 65
4180 New Hearthglen 571 65
4181 Crusader’s Landing 571 65
4182 Sinner’s Folly 571 65
4183 Azure Dragonshrine 571 65
4184 Path of the Titans 571 65
4185 The Forgotten Shore 571 65
4186 Venomspite 571 65
4187 The Crystal Vice 571 65
4188 The Carrion Fields 571 65
4189 Onslaught Base Camp 571 65
4190 Thorson’s Post 571 65
4191 Light’s Trust 571 65
4192 Frostmourne Cavern 571 65
4193 Scarlet Point 571 65
4194 Jintha’kalar 571 65
4195 Ice Heart Cavern 571 65
4196 Drak’Tharon Keep 600 0
4197 Wintergrasp 571 0
4198 Kili’ua’s Atoll 571 65
4199 Silverbrook 571 394
4200 Vordrassil’s Heart 571 394
4201 Vordrassil’s Tears 571 0
4202 Vordrassil’s Tears 571 394
4203 Vordrassil’s Limb 571 394
4204 Amberpine Lodge 571 394
4205 Solstice Village 571 394
4206 Conquest Hold 571 394
4207 Voldrune 571 394
4208 Granite Springs 571 394
4209 Zeb’Halak 571 394
4210 Drak’Tharon Keep 571 394
4211 Camp Oneqwah 571 394
4212 Eastwind Shore 571 394
4213 The Broken Bluffs 571 394
4214 Boulder Hills 571 394
4215 Rage Fang Shrine 571 394
4216 Drakil’jin Ruins 571 394
4217 Blackriver Logging Camp 571 394
4218 Heart’s Blood Shrine 571 394
4219 Hollowstone Mine 571 394
4220 Dun Argol 571 394
4221 Thor Modan 571 394
4222 Blue Sky Logging Grounds 571 394
4223 Maw of Neltharion 571 65
4224 The Briny Pinnacle 571 65
4225 Glittering Strand 571 65
4226 Iskaal 571 495
4227 Dragon’s Fall 571 65
4228 The Oculus 578 0
4229 Prospector’s Point 571 394
4230 Coldwind Heights 571 65
4231 Redwood Trading Post 571 394
4232 Vengeance Pass 571 65
4233 Dawn’s Reach 571 65
4234 Naxxramas 571 65
4235 Heartwood Trading Post 571 394
4236 Evergreen Trading Post 571 394
4237 Spruce Point Post 571 394
4238 White Pine Trading Post 571 394
4239 Aspen Grove Post 571 394
4240 Forest’s Edge Post 571 394
4241 Eldritch Heights 571 65
4242 Venture Bay 571 394
4243 Wintergarde Crypt 571 65
4244 Bloodmoon Isle 571 394
4245 Shadowfang Tower 571 394
4246 Wintergarde Mausoleum 571 65
4247 Duskhowl Den 571 394
4248 The Conquest Pit 571 394
4249 The Path of Iron 571 394
4250 Ruins of Tethys 571 394
4251 Silverbrook Hills 571 394
4252 The Broken Bluffs 571 495
4253 7th Legion Front 571 65
4254 The Dragon Wastes 571 65
4255 Ruins of Drak’Zin 571 394
4256 Drak’Mar Lake 571 65
4257 Dragonspine Tributary 571 65
4258 The North Sea 571 0
4259 Drak’ural 571 394
4260 Thorvald’s Camp 571 495
4261 Ghostblade Post 571 495
4262 Ashwood Post 571 394
4263 Lydell’s Ambush 571 495
4264 Halls of Stone 599 0
4265 The Nexus 576 0
4266 Harkor’s Camp 571 394
4267 Vordrassil Pass 571 394
4268 Ruuna’s Camp 571 394
4269 Shrine of Scales 571 3537
4270 Drak’atal Passage 571 394
4271 Utgarde Pinnacle 571 495
4272 Halls of Lightning 602 0
4273 Ulduar 603 0
4275 The Argent Stand 571 66
4276 Altar of Sseratus 571 66
4277 Azjol-Nerub 601 0
4278 Drak’Sotra Fields 571 66
4279 Drak’Sotra 571 66
4280 Drak’Agal 571 66
4281 Acherus: The Ebon Hold 0 139
4282 The Avalanche 571 3711
4283 The Lost Lands 571 3711
4284 Nesingwary Base Camp 571 3711
4285 The Seabreach Flow 571 3711
4286 The Bones of Nozronn 571 3711
4287 Kartak’s Hold 571 3711
4288 Sparktouched Haven 571 3711
4289 The Path of the Lifewarden 571 3711
4290 River’s Heart 571 3711
4291 Rainspeaker Canopy 571 3711
4292 Frenzyheart Hill 571 3711
4293 Wildgrowth Mangal 571 3711
4294 Heb’Valok 571 66
4295 The Sundered Shard 571 3711
4296 The Lifeblood Pillar 571 3711
4297 Mosswalker Village 571 3711
4298 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave 609 0
4299 Kolramas 571 66
4300 Waygate 571 3711
4302 The Skyreach Pillar 571 3711
4303 Hardknuckle Clearing 571 3711
4304 Sapphire Hive 571 3711
4306 Mistwhisper Refuge 571 3711
4307 The Glimmering Pillar 571 3711
4308 Spearborn Encampment 571 3711
4309 Drak’Tharon Keep 571 66
4310 Zeramas 571 66
4311 Reliquary of Agony 571 66
4312 Ebon Watch 571 66
4313 Thrym’s End 571 66
4314 Voltarus 571 66
4315 Reliquary of Pain 571 66
4316 Rageclaw Den 571 66
4317 Light’s Breach 571 66
4318 Pools of Zha’Jin 571 66
4319 Zim’Abwa 571 66
4320 Amphitheater of Anguish 571 66
4321 Altar of Rhunok 571 66
4322 Altar of Har’koa 571 66
4323 Zim’Torga 571 66
4324 Pools of Jin’Alai 571 66
4325 Altar of Quetz’lun 571 66
4326 Heb’Drakkar 571 66
4327 Drak’Mabwa 571 66
4328 Zim’Rhuk 571 66
4329 Altar of Mam’toth 571 66
4342 Acherus: The Ebon Hold 609 4298
4343 New Avalon 609 4298
4344 New Avalon Fields 609 4298
4345 New Avalon Orchard 609 4298
4346 New Avalon Town Hall 609 4298
4347 Havenshire 609 4298
4348 Havenshire Farms 609 4298
4349 Havenshire Lumber Mill 609 4298
4350 Havenshire Stables 609 4298
4351 Scarlet Hold 609 4298
4352 Chapel of the Crimson Flame 609 4298
4353 Light’s Point Tower 609 4298
4354 Light’s Point 609 4298
4355 Crypt of Remembrance 609 4298
4356 Death’s Breach 609 4298
4357 The Noxious Glade 609 4298
4358 Tyr’s Hand 609 4298
4359 King’s Harbor 609 4298
4360 Scarlet Overlook 609 4298
4361 Light’s Hope Chapel 609 4298
4362 Sinner’s Folly 609 4298
4363 Pestilent Scar 609 4298
4364 Browman Mill 609 4298
4365 Havenshire Mine 609 4298
4366 Ursoc’s Den 571 394
4367 The Blight Line 571 3711
4368 The Bonefields 571 3711
4369 Dorian’s Outpost 571 3711
4371 Mam’toth Crater 571 66
4372 Zol’Maz Stronghold 571 66
4373 Zol’Heb 571 66
4374 Rageclaw Lake 571 66
4375 Gundrak 571 66
4376 The Savage Thicket 571 3711
4377 New Avalon Forge 609 4298
4378 Dalaran Arena 617 0
4379 Valgarde 571 495
4380 Westguard Inn 571 495
4381 Waygate 1 490
4382 The Shaper’s Terrace 1 490
4383 Lakeside Landing 571 3711
4384 Strand of the Ancients 607 0
4385 Bittertide Lake 571 3711
4386 Rainspeaker Rapids 571 3711
4387 Frenzyheart River 571 3711
4388 Wintergrasp River 571 3711
4389 The Suntouched Pillar 571 3711
4390 Frigid Breach 571 66
4391 Swindlegrin’s Dig 571 3711
4392 The Stormwright’s Shelf 571 3711
4393 Death’s Hand Encampment 571 3711
4394 Scarlet Tavern 609 4298
4395 Dalaran 571 0
4396 Nozzlerust Post 571 65
4399 Farshire Mine 571 3537
4400 The Mosslight Pillar 571 3711
4401 Saragosa’s Landing 571 3537
4402 Vengeance Lift 571 495
4403 Balejar Watch 571 495
4404 New Agamand Inn 571 495
4405 Passage of Lost Fiends 601 4277
4406 The Ring of Valor 618 0
4407 Hall of the Frostwolf 30 2597
4408 Hall of the Stormpike 30 2597
4411 Stormwind Harbor 0 1519
4412 The Makers’ Overlook 571 3711
4413 The Makers’ Perch 571 3711
4414 Scarlet Tower 571 65
4415 The Violet Hold 608 0
4416 Gundrak 604 0
4417 Onslaught Harbor 571 210
4418 K3 571 67
4419 Snowblind Hills 571 67
4420 Snowblind Terrace 571 67
4421 Garm 571 67
4422 Brunnhildar Village 571 67
4423 Sifreldar Village 571 67
4424 Valkyrion 571 67
4425 The Forlorn Mine 571 67
4426 Bor’s Breath River 571 67
4427 Argent Vanguard 571 67
4428 Frosthold 571 67
4429 Grom’arsh Crash-Site 571 67
4430 Temple of Storms 571 67
4431 Engine of the Makers 571 67
4432 The Foot Steppes 571 67
4433 Dragonspine Peaks 571 67
4434 Nidavelir 571 67
4435 Narvir’s Cradle 571 67
4436 Snowdrift Plains 571 67
4437 Valley of Ancient Winters 571 67
4438 Dun Niffelem 571 67
4439 Frostfield Lake 571 67
4440 Thunderfall 571 67
4441 Camp Tunka’lo 571 67
4442 Brann’s Base-Camp 571 67
4443 Gate of Echoes 571 67
4444 Plain of Echoes 571 67
4445 Ulduar 571 67
4446 Terrace of the Makers 571 67
4447 Gate of Lightning 571 67
4448 Path of the Titans 571 67
4449 Uldis 571 67
4450 Loken’s Bargain 571 67
4451 Bor’s Fall 571 67
4452 Bor’s Breath 571 67
4453 Rohemdal Pass 571 67
4454 The Storm Foundry 571 67
4455 Hibernal Cavern 571 67
4456 Voldrune Dwelling 571 394
4457 Torseg’s Rest 571 67
4458 Sparksocket Minefield 571 67
4459 Ricket’s Folly 571 67
4460 Garm’s Bane 571 67
4461 Garm’s Rise 571 67
4462 Crystalweb Cavern 571 67
4463 Temple of Life 571 67
4464 Temple of Order 571 67
4465 Temple of Winter 571 67
4466 Temple of Invention 571 67
4467 Death’s Rise 571 210
4468 The Dead Fields 571 66
4469 Dargath’s Demise 571 66
4470 The Hidden Hollow 571 210
4471 Bernau’s Happy Fun Land 451 4019
4472 Frostgrip’s Hollow 571 67
4473 The Frigid Tomb 571 67
4474 Twin Shores 571 495
4475 Zim’bo’s Hideout 571 394
4476 Abandoned Camp 571 67
4477 The Shadow Vault 571 210
4478 Coldwind Pass 571 65
4479 Winter’s Breath Lake 571 495
4480 The Forgotten Overlook 571 394
4481 Jintha’kalar Passage 571 66
4482 Arriga Footbridge 571 394
4483 The Lost Passage 571 3711
4484 Bouldercrag’s Refuge 571 67
4485 The Inventor’s Library 571 67
4486 The Frozen Mine 571 67
4487 Frostfloe Deep 571 67
4488 The Howling Hollow 571 67
4489 Crusader Forward Camp 571 66
4490 Stormcrest 571 67
4491 Bonesnap’s Camp 571 394
4492 Ufrang’s Hall 571 210
4493 The Obsidian Sanctum 615 0
4494 Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom 619 0
4495 Fjorn’s Anvil 571 67
4496 Jotunheim 571 210
4497 Savage Ledge 571 210
4498 Halls of the Ancestors 571 210
4499 The Blighted Pool 571 67
4500 The Eye of Eternity 616 0
4501 The Argent Vanguard 571 210
4502 Mimir’s Workshop 571 67
4503 Ironwall Dam 571 210
4504 Valley of Echoes 571 210
4505 The Breach 571 210
4506 Scourgeholme 571 210
4507 The Broken Front 571 210
4508 Mord’rethar: The Death Gate 571 210
4509 The Bombardment 571 210
4510 Aldur’thar: The Desolation Gate 571 210
4511 The Skybreaker 571 210
4512 Orgrim’s Hammer 571 210
4513 Ymirheim 571 210
4514 Saronite Mines 571 210
4515 The Conflagration 571 210
4516 Ironwall Rampart 571 210
4517 Weeping Quarry 571 210
4518 Corp’rethar: The Horror Gate 571 210
4519 The Court of Bones 571 210
4520 Malykriss: The Vile Hold 571 210
4521 Cathedral of Darkness 571 210
4522 Icecrown Citadel 571 210
4523 Icecrown Glacier 571 210
4524 Valhalas 571 210
4525 The Underhalls 571 210
4526 Njorndar Village 571 210
4527 Balargarde Fortress 571 210
4528 Kul’galar Keep 571 210
4529 The Crimson Cathedral 571 210
4530 Sanctum of Reanimation 571 210
4531 The Fleshwerks 571 210
4532 Vengeance Landing Inn 571 495
4533 Sindragosa’s Fall 571 210
4534 Wildervar Mine 571 495
4535 The Pit of the Fang 571 67
4536 Frosthowl Cavern 571 67
4537 The Valley of Lost Hope 571 210
4538 The Sunken Ring 571 4197
4539 The Broken Temple 571 4197
4540 The Valley of Fallen Heroes 571 210
4541 Vanguard Infirmary 571 210
4542 Hall of the Shaper 571 67
4543 Temple of Wisdom 571 67
4544 Death’s Breach 0 139
4545 Abandoned Mine 0 139
4546 Ruins of the Scarlet Enclave 0 139
4547 Halls of Stone 571 67
4548 Halls of Lightning 571 67
4549 The Great Tree 571 2817
4550 The Mirror of Twilight 571 2817
4551 The Twilight Rivulet 571 2817
4552 The Decrepit Flow 571 2817
4553 Forlorn Woods 571 2817
4554 Ruins of Shandaral 571 2817
4555 The Azure Front 571 2817
4556 Violet Stand 571 2817
4557 The Unbound Thicket 571 2817
4558 Sunreaver’s Command 571 2817
4559 Windrunner’s Overlook 571 2817
4560 The Underbelly 571 4395
4564 Krasus’ Landing 571 4395
4567 The Violet Hold 571 4395
4568 The Eventide 571 4395
4569 Sewer Exit Pipe 571 4395
4570 Circle of Wills 571 4395
4571 Silverwing Flag Room 489 3277
4572 Warsong Flag Room 489 3277
4575 Wintergrasp Fortress 571 4197
4576 Central Bridge 571 4197
4577 Eastern Bridge 571 4197
4578 Western Bridge 571 4197
4579 Dubra’Jin 571 66
4580 Crusaders’ Pinnacle 571 210
4581 Flamewatch Tower 571 4197
4582 Winter’s Edge Tower 571 4197
4583 Shadowsight Tower 571 4197
4584 The Cauldron of Flames 571 4197
4585 Glacial Falls 571 4197
4586 Windy Bluffs 571 4197
4587 The Forest of Shadows 571 4197
4588 Blackwatch 571 210
4589 The Chilled Quagmire 571 4197
4590 The Steppe of Life 571 4197
4591 Silent Vigil 571 210
4592 Gimorak’s Den 571 67
4593 The Pit of Fiends 571 210
4594 Battlescar Spire 571 210
4595 Hall of Horrors 571 210
4596 The Circle of Suffering 571 210
4597 Rise of Suffering 571 210
4598 Krasus’ Landing 571 4395
4599 Sewer Exit Pipe 571 4395
4601 Dalaran Island 571 4395
4602 Force Interior 571 0
4603 Vault of Archavon 624 0
4604 Gate of the Red Sun 607 4384
4605 Gate of the Blue Sapphire 607 4384
4606 Gate of the Green Emerald 607 4384
4607 Gate of the Purple Amethyst 607 4384
4608 Gate of the Yellow Moon 607 4384
4609 Courtyard of the Ancients 607 4384
4610 Landing Beach 607 4384
4611 Westspark Workshop 571 4197
4612 Eastspark Workshop 571 4197
4613 Dalaran City 571 4395
4614 The Violet Citadel Spire 571 4395
4615 Naz’anak: The Forgotten Depths 571 210
4616 Sunreaver’s Sanctuary 571 4395
4617 Elevator 0 1497
4618 Antonidas Memorial 571 4395
4619 The Violet Citadel 571 4395
4620 Magus Commerce Exchange 571 4395
4621 UNUSED 571 67
4622 First Legion Forward Camp 571 210
4623 Hall of the Conquered Kings 619 4494
4624 Befouled Terrace 619 4494
4625 The Desecrated Altar 619 4494
4626 Shimmering Bog 619 4494
4627 Fallen Temple of Ahn’kahet 619 4494
4628 Halls of Binding 229 1583
4629 Winter’s Heart 571 67
4630 The North Sea 571 0
4631 The Broodmother’s Nest 571 67
4632 Dalaran Floating Rocks 571 4395
4633 Raptor Pens 600 4196
4635 Drak’Tharon Keep 571 66
4636 The Noxious Pass 609 4298
4637 Vargoth’s Retreat 571 4395
4638 Violet Citadel Balcony 571 4395
4639 Band of Variance 571 3537
4640 Band of Acceleration 571 3537
4641 Band of Transmutation 571 3537
4642 Band of Alignment 571 3537
4646 Ashwood Lake 571 394
4650 Iron Concourse 603 4273
4652 Formation Grounds 603 4273
4653 Razorscale’s Aerie 603 4273
4654 The Colossal Forge 603 4273
4655 The Scrapyard 603 4273
4656 The Conservatory of Life 603 4273
4657 The Archivum 603 4273
4658 Argent Tournament Grounds 571 210
4665 Expedition Base Camp 603 4273
4666 Sunreaver Pavilion 571 210
4667 Silver Covenant Pavilion 571 210
4668 The Cooper Residence 0 40
4669 The Ring of Champions 571 210
4670 The Aspirants’ Ring 571 210
4671 The Argent Valiants’ Ring 571 210
4672 The Alliance Valiants’ Ring 571 210
4673 The Horde Valiants’ Ring 571 210
4674 Argent Pavilion 571 210
4676 Sunreaver Pavilion 571 210
4677 Silver Covenant Pavilion 571 210
4679 The Forlorn Cavern 0 1537
4688 claytonio test area 451 151
4692 Quel’Delar’s Rest 571 210
4710 Isle of Conquest 628 0
4722 Trial of the Crusader 649 0
4723 Trial of the Champion 650 0
4739 Runeweaver Square 571 4395
4740 The Silver Enclave 571 4395
4741 Isle of Conquest No Man’s Land 628 4710
4742 Hrothgar’s Landing 571 0
4743 Deathspeaker’s Watch 571 210
4747 Workshop 628 4710
4748 Quarry 628 4710
4749 Docks 628 4710
4750 Hangar 628 4710
4751 Refinery 628 4710
4752 Horde Keep 628 4710
4753 Alliance Keep 628 4710
4760 The Sea Reaver’s Run 571 4742
4763 Transport: Alliance Gunship 641 0
4764 Transport: Horde Gunship 642 0
4769 Hrothgar’s Landing 571 4742
4809 The Forge of Souls 632 0
4812 Icecrown Citadel 631 0
4813 Pit of Saron 658 0
4820 Halls of Reflection 668 0
4832 Transport: Alliance Gunship (IGB) 672 0
4833 Transport: Horde Gunship (IGB) 673 0
4859 The Frozen Throne 631 4812
4862 The Frozen Halls 571 210
4889 The Frost Queen’s Lair 631 4812
4890 Putricide’s Laboratory of Alchemical Horrors and Fun 631 4812
4891 The Sanctum of Blood 631 4812
4892 The Crimson Hall 631 4812
4893 The Frost Queen’s Lair 631 0
4894 Putricide’s Laboratory of Alchemical Horrors and Fun 631 0
4895 The Crimson Hall 631 0
4896 The Frozen Throne 631 0
4897 The Sanctum of Blood 631 0
4898 Frostmourne 631 4896
4904 The Dark Approach 658 4813
4905 Scourgelord’s Command 658 4813
4906 The Shadow Throne 668 4820
4908 The Hidden Passage 668 4820
4910 Frostmourne 631 4812
4987 The Ruby Sanctum 724 0


FILENAME=$(echo "AreaTrigger.dbc" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Back to dbc files list.

\`AreaTrigger.dbc\` dbc

1220 entries

Version is : 3.3.5a


Field Nb Name Type Description
1 ID int
2 MapId int See Map.dbc
3 X float
4 Y float
5 Z float
6 Size float Seems to be a box of size yards with center at x,y,z
7 box_X float Most commonly used when size is 0, but not always
8 box_Y float
9 box_Z float
10 box_O float


ID MapId X Y Z Size Box_X Box_Y Box_Z Box_O
45 0 2924.379883 -798.429016 161.610992 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
71 0 -10645.900391 1179.060059 48.178101 27.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
78 0 -11208.500000 1685.339966 25.761200 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
84 0 16449.900391 16393.199219 69.444397 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
87 0 -9077.339844 -552.924988 60.347599 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
88 0 -9843.540039 127.525002 5.369800 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
97 0 -5660.330078 755.299011 389.605011 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
98 0 -11634.799805 -54.069698 13.443900 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
100 0 2019.349365 1904.359375 105.144447 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
101 0 -8761.849609 848.557007 87.805199 0.00 4.972000 9.694000 7.444000 0.663200
107 0 -8667.559570 623.562988 85.405403 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
145 0 -229.490005 1576.349976 78.890900 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
168 0 -5584.206543 759.832153 384.290161 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
169 0 -5586.459961 679.297974 384.954987 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
171 0 -5763.720215 -3439.580078 306.365997 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
173 0 1058.109985 1554.680054 -15.00 90.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
175 0 -4086.360107 -2610.949951 46.014301 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
178 0 683.770996 -912.143982 174.500000 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
196 0 -12153.621094 894.013733 9.538913 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
197 0 -9796.179688 157.772995 25.387800 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
284 0 -8681.370117 434.406006 99.257896 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
286 0 -6053.729980 -2954.629883 213.686005 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
324 0 -5161.330078 939.622986 258.287994 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
342 0 -9029.173828 -608.328857 56.467899 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
362 0 -10429.434570 -3828.840820 -31.629646 150.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
382 0 -8681.400391 434.438995 99.259003 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
446 0 -10162.700195 -3998.649902 -107.977997 11.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
482 0 -8932.780273 -1986.400024 139.904999 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
523 0 -4858.270020 785.030029 241.059998 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
562 0 -9465.580078 16.847200 65.920998 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
610 0 2925.179932 -820.544983 161.634003 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
612 0 2877.979980 -839.267029 163.048996 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
614 0 2859.729980 -824.909973 162.082993 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
682 0 -9219.370117 -2149.939941 70.606003 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
702 0 -9023.259766 892.398010 33.509602 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
704 0 -9020.089844 880.502014 151.576004 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
707 0 -10517.00 -1158.390015 39.054199 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
708 0 -854.546997 -576.314026 18.465900 0.00 56.189999 27.530001 28.530001 4.712000
710 0 -5601.459961 -530.747009 395.483002 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
712 0 -5390.180176 -2953.929932 322.029999 36.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
713 0 -3823.060059 -834.526001 18.278900 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
719 0 2266.679932 245.992996 44.414501 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
720 0 511.536011 1638.630005 75.417297 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
721 0 -4.944440 -934.909973 62.468601 0.00 24.559999 25.719999 11.580000 5.829000
802 0 -3752.810059 -851.557983 10.115300 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
803 0 -3668.340088 -823.838989 9.899150 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
844 0 -10487.299805 -3256.870117 39.896400 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
862 0 -14457.00 496.450012 39.139198 28.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
902 0 -6606.479980 -3762.189941 266.910004 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1042 0 357.220001 -2106.090088 121.838997 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1103 0 -14468.00 457.513000 15.982200 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1104 0 -5096.759766 750.205017 260.549988 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1125 0 -8561.540039 823.382996 106.518997 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1205 0 -295.639008 -3460.679932 193.884003 14.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1426 0 -11204.500000 -2730.610107 14.897200 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1427 0 -11079.700195 -2855.639893 10.691100 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1428 0 -11208.099609 -2960.479980 9.214490 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1429 0 -11337.400391 -2848.929932 9.344040 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1446 0 -11185.099609 -2834.629883 116.473999 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1466 0 -7176.629883 -937.666992 170.205994 13.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1468 0 -7518.189941 -1239.130005 287.243011 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1506 0 -7921.140137 -2604.179932 223.345993 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1606 0 -6657.350098 -2157.100098 264.132996 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1646 0 -907.864990 -3534.239990 83.787804 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2146 0 16299.200195 16277.299805 73.972298 0.00 41.279999 4.667000 9.306000 0.00
2173 0 -8346.459961 514.031006 96.598900 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2175 0 -4840.259766 -1330.459961 508.171997 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2214 0 3237.459961 -4060.600098 112.010002 0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00
2216 0 3392.459961 -3396.770020 143.072998 0.00 22.830000 8.083000 34.689999 0.00
2217 0 3392.560059 -3361.780029 142.802002 0.00 27.940001 7.083000 35.189999 0.00
2246 0 1757.260010 -1165.930054 59.602501 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2248 0 1855.130005 -1569.219971 59.182499 20.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
2250 0 1462.130005 -1864.020020 58.702801 20.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
2252 0 1668.119995 -2282.560059 59.222099 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2387 0 -9897.209961 -3725.090088 24.667101 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2412 0 97.431999 -176.274002 127.865997 0.00 10.560000 16.500000 22.170000 5.253000
2413 0 544.830017 -1079.949951 109.494003 0.00 12.170000 19.059999 12.060000 3.822000
2567 0 1282.050049 -2548.729980 85.399399 0.00 10.560000 13.030000 21.670000 0.471200
2626 0 1756.790039 -1200.150024 60.735199 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2627 0 1723.319946 -1198.380005 60.009602 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2628 0 1723.099976 -1166.709961 59.577499 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2629 0 1879.598511 -1546.082642 59.030109 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2630 0 1903.00 -1570.260010 59.703499 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2631 0 1878.079956 -1593.739990 59.473900 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2632 0 1487.030029 -1840.910034 58.667500 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2633 0 1510.459961 -1863.239990 59.105999 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2634 0 1485.609985 -1888.689941 59.090199 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2635 0 1681.116821 -2250.931885 59.021118 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2636 0 1712.750000 -2263.280029 64.088898 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2637 0 1700.250000 -2295.360107 58.984600 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2647 0 2841.810059 -1544.520020 190.516006 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2706 0 2964.560059 -2712.889893 98.744598 10.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
2707 0 2980.100098 -2720.919922 99.933701 10.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
2726 0 1868.959961 -3223.389893 123.065002 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2746 0 -8821.360352 633.296997 94.075798 15.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
2786 0 -9050.870117 445.458008 93.055801 1.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
3066 0 40.967300 -1490.369995 174.516006 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3106 0 -30.053301 -1576.500000 194.453003 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3366 0 2832.070068 -1540.479980 190.164993 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3367 0 2843.399902 -1553.260010 190.720993 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3528 0 -7510.870117 -1035.869995 182.951996 0.00 3.833000 0.361100 2.056000 0.715600
3529 0 -7512.160156 -1034.780029 177.207993 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3530 0 -8536.179688 452.165009 104.917000 10.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
3547 0 1642.099976 239.843002 62.591599 13.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3548 0 -4754.560059 -3313.800049 313.563995 14.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3552 0 -11413.599609 1954.910034 14.240900 22.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3606 0 -7514.810059 -1033.119995 163.806000 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3690 0 -622.142029 -4582.140137 21.00 0.00 27.389999 27.170000 21.639999 3.194000
3847 0 -7663.399902 -1218.369995 287.787994 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3886 0 -12432.799805 205.169006 2.365150 18.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3928 0 -11915.799805 -1236.430054 96.150200 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3953 0 -1189.270020 -2532.189941 22.705000 0.00 7.500000 13.500000 17.309999 0.034910
3954 0 -811.424988 -3505.820068 73.137703 0.00 5.167000 14.310000 16.920000 0.663200
3991 0 1733.319946 526.473999 34.249401 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4017 0 -10636.200195 -391.307007 101.877998 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4026 0 -5049.339844 -818.453979 495.295013 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4028 0 2051.360107 272.571991 57.163399 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4029 0 -14294.299805 516.088013 8.953990 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4030 0 -3755.104980 -775.704773 9.888010 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4032 0 -8823.480469 540.301025 96.903603 2.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4058 0 2298.169922 -5340.979980 90.879898 0.00 33.500000 17.690001 24.559999 2.182000
4092 0 -9242.969727 419.161987 86.538002 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.00
4094 0 -9240.959961 238.408005 71.388298 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4095 0 -9182.620117 414.856995 89.557602 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.00
4096 0 -9218.129883 318.627014 73.884102 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4098 0 -5273.180176 -739.620972 391.010986 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4099 0 -5375.600098 -735.182007 396.016998 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4100 0 1979.989990 305.252014 41.186501 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4131 0 -11101.900391 -1998.119995 49.330700 0.00 20.080000 13.830000 14.690000 0.698100
4135 0 -11041.900391 -1995.010010 93.033401 0.00 8.972000 5.583000 13.330000 5.376000
4189 0 1782.199951 151.591995 -62.290298 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4294 0 2541.943115 -4785.322266 117.451073 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4354 0 -11908.900391 -3209.100098 -14.790500 0.00 3.833000 15.470000 25.830000 3.281000
4409 0 3483.580078 -4510.189941 138.138000 0.00 27.500000 67.330002 45.970001 5.306000
4712 0 -5139.780273 -623.596802 397.409027 5.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4715 0 -5172.120117 -611.083984 397.217010 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4716 0 -5140.403320 -596.006958 397.493805 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4718 0 -5173.604004 -624.049805 397.176178 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4733 0 -9017.099609 876.969971 148.617996 0.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00
4734 0 -9020.400391 889.085999 29.620701 0.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.00
4769 0 -4920.970215 -954.648987 501.511993 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4770 0 -4704.660156 -1218.949951 501.658997 27.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4772 0 -4969.569824 -1204.680054 501.621002 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4774 0 -4662.939941 -956.395996 500.377014 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4786 0 -5604.450195 -462.580994 401.929993 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4787 0 -5202.517090 -487.071136 388.798828 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4788 0 -5604.100098 -462.395996 402.061005 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4789 0 -5202.628418 -486.891754 388.820557 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4820 0 -5187.410156 -557.625000 397.175995 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4990 0 -481.041992 1492.949951 19.932100 0.00 121.699997 113.300003 16.030001 0.00
5127 0 2479.340088 -5495.729980 421.841003 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5128 0 2469.290039 -5545.839844 546.101013 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5129 0 2362.550049 -5574.540039 421.838013 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5130 0 2412.679932 -5584.649902 546.101013 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5131 0 2558.370117 -5612.560059 421.834991 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5132 0 2508.139893 -5602.500000 546.101013 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5133 0 2441.370117 -5691.419922 421.834015 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5134 0 2451.500000 -5641.270020 546.101013 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5135 0 2427.669922 -5548.640137 542.091003 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5136 0 2505.389893 -5563.899902 542.088989 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5137 0 2419.030029 -5622.169922 542.070984 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5138 0 2486.989990 -5636.419922 542.135986 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5537 0 1419.719971 442.839996 -77.236504 0.00 5.270000 6.525000 10.00 0.610500
5538 0 1390.949951 416.714996 -77.237297 0.00 5.270000 6.525000 10.00 0.772900
5703 0 -9033.269531 352.936005 92.981102 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5704 0 -8867.900391 652.443970 95.919098 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5710 0 -8907.559570 628.034973 99.522697 0.00 0.825300 7.187000 7.636000 0.458800
5711 0 -8807.059570 666.098999 99.201401 0.00 15.840000 1.060000 6.273000 1.327000
5712 0 -8756.030273 657.330017 106.091003 0.00 2.807000 0.779500 2.157000 1.890000
5807 0 -5161.629883 642.471008 343.222992 0.00 38.709999 65.919998 2.00 0.00
5827 0 -9459.769531 516.825989 56.288700 18.396299 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5828 0 -8966.150391 511.010010 96.353104 0.00 33.459999 26.510000 31.320000 0.660200
5829 0 -9646.030273 679.736023 37.413601 0.00 37.720001 8.514000 20.370001 5.869000
5830 0 -9465.250000 61.840302 55.914600 0.00 68.519997 22.559999 17.650000 0.00
5831 0 -8553.129883 1208.180054 5.220420 16.511700 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
205 1 -1895.780029 -1109.040039 86.182999 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
216 1 90.100304 -1943.439941 79.472702 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
217 1 10708.799805 762.091980 1321.369995 14.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
218 1 9859.089844 588.760986 1300.609985 14.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
219 1 9556.240234 1654.770020 1299.489990 14.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
220 1 10675.200195 1857.449951 1324.170044 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
223 1 4508.169922 373.376007 32.512501 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
224 1 4605.569824 385.157990 31.482700 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
225 1 4558.359863 421.446014 33.742500 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
228 1 -753.596008 -2212.780029 21.540300 13.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
230 1 6744.979980 41.116402 47.604099 13.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
231 1 5996.560059 365.209991 21.866100 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
232 1 5980.169922 330.669006 21.765499 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
233 1 4916.990234 328.429993 36.767799 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
234 1 4641.189941 55.380100 66.630699 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
235 1 4554.649902 146.354004 59.502701 70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
236 1 4643.379883 145.348999 57.904701 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
237 1 4504.310059 32.329601 86.491302 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
238 1 6876.279785 -486.028992 40.143600 65.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
239 1 3469.429932 847.619995 5.364760 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
244 1 -4456.700195 -1655.989990 86.109497 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
246 1 -4932.529785 -1596.050049 84.815697 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
257 1 4252.370117 756.973999 -23.063200 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
302 1 -3463.260010 -4123.129883 17.104300 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
303 1 -4058.750000 -2732.540039 35.330101 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
422 1 -93.161400 1691.150024 89.064903 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
442 1 -4666.520020 -2536.820068 86.967102 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
522 1 -1679.300049 -4328.959961 2.585910 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
527 1 9947.480469 2630.040039 1318.599976 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
542 1 8799.410156 969.786987 30.240900 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
709 1 -3615.489990 -4467.339844 24.314100 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
715 1 9809.049805 959.187988 1315.349976 32.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
716 1 6410.009766 527.034973 14.057800 32.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
717 1 2756.639893 -423.057007 119.387001 32.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
722 1 -2366.699951 -345.983002 -1.293130 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
742 1 -405.311005 -2645.290039 111.972000 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
743 1 -1051.439941 -3653.810059 31.135201 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
843 1 341.420013 -4684.700195 30.949301 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
924 1 -6773.490234 -2889.770020 15.106300 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
942 1 -4950.649902 -1625.140015 -3.015700 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
943 1 -4950.740234 -1595.140015 -3.015700 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
944 1 -4950.649902 -1567.099976 -3.015700 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
982 1 -2372.510010 -1991.640015 120.974998 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1022 1 898.481995 922.687988 126.788002 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1023 1 -7162.140137 -3845.949951 8.781930 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1024 1 -4370.830078 3289.149902 23.782301 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1025 1 -4461.919922 242.578003 45.246498 0.00 52.669998 20.530001 14.190000 3.560000
1387 1 4260.729980 -6273.640137 90.228897 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1388 1 4277.580078 -6296.00 95.576401 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1667 1 -3464.709961 -4120.930176 17.098700 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1726 1 -7286.009766 -2125.060059 -272.114014 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1727 1 -7208.419922 -2027.089966 -271.739990 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1728 1 -7170.020020 -1852.790039 -272.988007 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1729 1 -7395.189941 -1735.680054 -279.763000 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1730 1 -7449.899902 -2111.570068 -271.765991 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1731 1 -7463.350098 -1957.640015 -272.532013 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1732 1 -7509.580078 -1946.560059 -270.536987 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1733 1 -7516.870117 -1829.760010 -272.647003 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1734 1 -7594.120117 -1771.619995 -273.612000 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1735 1 -7748.899902 -1721.140015 -271.908997 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1736 1 -7768.609863 -1957.630005 -272.126007 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1737 1 -7612.560059 -1930.869995 -271.828003 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1738 1 -7952.200195 -1792.010010 -272.893005 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1739 1 -7895.290039 -1623.619995 -269.707001 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1740 1 -7874.180176 -1806.300049 -271.459015 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1766 1 -7308.713379 -2001.473145 -272.450500 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1906 1 6818.560059 -391.734985 40.123001 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1966 1 4988.970215 547.002014 5.379290 11.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2206 1 5483.899902 -749.880981 334.621002 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2207 1 5552.089844 -683.812988 335.250000 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2208 1 5587.020020 -784.025024 335.821991 23.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2211 1 6107.620117 -4181.600098 852.322021 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2213 1 5893.319824 -4054.830078 596.322021 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2230 1 1818.400024 -4427.259766 -10.447800 0.00 21.690001 11.830000 21.219999 0.576000
2266 1 245.587006 1251.989990 210.145004 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2267 1 -1596.160034 3145.260010 61.361801 0.00 30.030001 30.030001 30.030001 0.00
2286 1 -5477.910156 -2460.320068 89.283699 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2287 1 6687.990234 -4670.069824 723.890991 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2327 1 5018.910156 -4563.939941 851.750000 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2486 1 6207.500000 -152.832993 79.818497 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2610 1 2343.570068 -2569.00 118.827003 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2848 1 -4768.609863 -3752.110107 53.431702 16.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2926 1 1999.150024 -1121.280029 97.353699 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2946 1 2.005750 402.673004 101.012001 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3133 1 -1484.069946 2617.570068 75.714401 0.00 24.690001 15.780000 35.189999 4.538000
3134 1 -1181.979980 2861.949951 85.258102 0.00 31.690001 17.330000 34.189999 3.211000
3146 1 -7180.939941 441.136993 26.544901 10.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
3183 1 -3730.479980 933.974976 160.973007 0.00 9.389000 12.780000 19.670000 0.00
3184 1 -3981.580078 771.192993 160.962006 0.00 10.310000 5.972000 20.219999 0.00
3185 1 -4028.209961 123.966003 26.810900 0.00 9.833000 4.583000 15.690000 0.471200
3186 1 -3837.790039 1250.229980 160.223007 0.00 8.194000 9.083000 18.360001 0.00
3187 1 -3741.959961 1249.180054 160.216995 0.00 7.861000 10.330000 18.690001 0.00
3189 1 -3520.649902 1068.719971 161.128006 0.00 9.861000 11.860000 23.219999 0.00
3546 1 9933.940430 2500.979980 1317.819946 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3549 1 1253.790039 -2227.520020 92.248001 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3550 1 -959.299011 -3759.209961 4.986190 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3551 1 -998.182983 -3822.070068 5.295400 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3586 1 6221.839844 -1152.750000 383.230988 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3587 1 6221.890137 -1153.00 383.272003 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3650 1 1422.329956 -1855.329956 135.774994 0.00 6.583000 4.833000 6.944000 3.037000
3654 1 1034.189941 -2087.739990 123.372002 0.00 5.972000 9.333000 18.309999 1.588000
3985 1 -6864.979980 731.612000 50.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3986 1 -8215.089844 -4622.040039 7.531950 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4008 1 -8424.940430 1508.650024 32.014198 0.00 12.140000 50.060001 35.639999 2.635000
4010 1 -8230.400391 2005.329956 129.863007 0.00 16.690001 31.190001 46.580002 0.925000
4015 1 5085.819824 -5110.640137 929.979004 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4027 1 1332.270020 -4607.669922 24.369499 2.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4031 1 -7166.060059 -3917.939941 9.395580 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4085 1 7763.328125 -4010.724365 694.280151 95.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4090 1 2716.600098 1496.819946 236.828003 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4101 1 1179.459961 -4564.490234 20.485800 6.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4102 1 1204.859985 -4536.290039 18.909500 6.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
4103 1 -1545.390015 51.300598 5.393390 6.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4104 1 9914.169922 1864.670044 1321.260010 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4105 1 9948.009766 1932.530029 1328.699951 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4162 1 -7142.040039 1397.920044 4.326890 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4168 1 -7588.479980 756.806030 -16.424801 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4299 1 -7376.839844 447.272003 4.520450 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4319 1 -8158.899902 -4155.649902 -163.341003 0.00 27.580000 28.610001 30.690001 0.959900
4320 1 -8777.389648 -4156.919922 -208.067993 0.00 28.440001 55.080002 51.939999 1.920000
4321 1 -8326.269531 -4047.439941 -207.522003 0.00 40.830002 21.440001 112.400002 2.199000
4666 1 3637.820068 -3957.879883 20.257999 0.00 1.944000 46.830002 39.080002 0.00
4667 1 3263.370117 -4082.659912 28.329500 0.00 1.861000 69.440002 43.610001 0.00
4670 1 2869.600098 -3860.629883 28.264400 0.00 0.444400 46.189999 21.719999 5.114000
4671 1 2634.729980 -3743.649902 15.584700 0.00 1.944000 33.439999 33.689999 0.00
4672 1 2416.389893 -3682.469971 22.099800 0.00 0.944400 71.809998 27.440001 0.00
4673 1 3451.850098 -4011.010010 21.309900 0.00 1.556000 59.110001 31.190001 0.00
4680 1 -381.844238 -2022.348511 92.108604 0.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4681 1 -378.178009 -2043.199951 92.577202 10.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4682 1 -399.252991 -2032.170044 91.666702 10.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4714 1 -4622.310059 -3172.120117 34.812698 0.00 22.129999 15.290000 25.780001 0.00
4719 1 -2108.449951 -437.260010 -7.831830 15.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4720 1 -2494.570068 -4989.330078 94.234596 0.00 0.388900 26.639999 38.439999 1.693000
4752 1 -4234.479980 -3909.550049 -4.463160 50.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4775 1 -3182.409912 -2920.820068 33.562901 21.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4797 1 1216.829956 -4284.870117 22.936100 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4798 1 1179.150024 -4301.629883 21.085501 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4799 1 1195.849976 -4268.250000 21.573200 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4800 1 1178.130005 -4287.649902 21.188499 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4801 1 1646.765869 -4413.300293 16.729399 0.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 0.00
4802 1 1953.400024 -4687.290039 24.934200 35.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 0.00
4803 1 1931.219971 -4288.549805 27.101000 0.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 0.00
4804 1 1573.079956 -4183.069824 40.140900 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 0.00
4807 1 835.071899 -4515.310547 5.789046 25.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4808 1 1283.798340 -4406.811035 26.344566 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4809 1 1284.239624 -4406.837891 26.336815 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4810 1 835.313782 -4515.071289 5.789226 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4829 1 1200.660034 -4377.620117 24.648800 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5047 1 -6157.589844 -1336.140015 -167.923996 0.00 3.317000 5.271000 11.00 5.534000
5049 1 -6161.970215 -1331.439941 -168.959000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5150 1 -8758.780273 -4469.580078 -201.283005 0.00 13.890000 15.00 4.00 6.222000
5263 1 1331.589966 -4355.540039 28.271799 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5264 1 1335.560059 -4413.709961 27.078100 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5265 1 1289.089966 -4422.080078 26.610600 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5266 1 1352.310059 -4348.649902 27.138300 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5267 1 1368.400024 -4411.00 29.349199 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5268 1 1434.069946 -4360.259766 25.235399 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5269 1 1438.199951 -4423.430176 25.235399 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5270 1 1511.280029 -4428.259766 20.891800 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5271 1 1505.170044 -4400.859863 21.422701 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5272 1 1591.250000 -4426.459961 8.756060 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5279 1 1920.170044 -4126.339844 42.914799 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5311 1 1921.699951 -4147.270020 40.411098 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5462 1 -6161.169922 -1332.439941 -168.591995 0.00 1.271000 13.480000 11.00 5.534000
5463 1 -6154.700195 -1339.479980 -168.311005 0.00 1.943000 13.790000 11.00 5.534000
5464 1 -6159.640137 -1334.020020 -168.113998 0.00 1.184000 13.540000 11.00 5.534000
5485 1 -1048.00 -288.609009 159.029999 13.356100 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5518 1 7886.830078 -2500.469971 489.294006 0.00 23.549999 57.689999 40.00 4.783000
5557 1 9684.389648 2525.010010 1335.109985 0.00 4.859000 11.660000 10.00 0.00
5705 1 1391.400024 -4486.089844 31.450001 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5706 1 1657.969971 -4391.799805 23.503500 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5714 1 1669.510010 -4433.549805 19.630100 0.00 15.840000 1.060000 6.273000 3.576000
5715 1 1615.239990 -4380.00 12.637000 0.00 0.825300 7.187000 7.636000 0.458800
5716 1 1766.859985 -4343.759766 -6.819850 0.00 12.350000 1.314000 3.079000 1.986000
5802 1 1226.900024 -4579.149902 18.137899 18.594601 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5810 1 1247.449951 -4162.700195 26.854799 18.237499 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5813 1 1342.609985 -4651.109863 46.524399 0.00 30.020000 26.590000 45.650002 0.162000
5814 1 1164.109985 -4158.410156 43.494301 0.00 30.020000 26.590000 45.650002 0.594000
5815 1 306.239990 -4742.720215 10.280400 27.550400 50.840000 48.820000 45.650002 0.730200
5843 1 -1121.760010 -5126.140137 2.886820 0.00 115.400002 58.099998 56.730000 5.521000
5847 1 -972.737976 -5181.020020 4.458330 0.00 107.099998 35.529999 56.730000 5.682000
5848 1 -816.543030 -5362.640137 2.355840 62.877499 162.199997 51.889999 56.730000 6.043000
60 24 47.613499 -28.946199 -8.817590 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
81 28 -259.246979 137.751175 36.568306 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
83 28 254.569397 -4.322051 6.486521 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
95 30 -409.828125 -802.770813 -13.246962 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2606 30 -1510.089966 -715.864014 48.877399 0.00 9.556000 14.060000 16.170000 0.722500
2608 30 946.833008 -500.092010 94.929497 0.00 8.667000 18.309999 24.309999 1.134000
3326 30 -767.072998 -358.703003 68.657997 5.00 5.028000 5.028000 5.028000 1.466000
3327 30 -1221.349976 -352.877014 57.721199 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.00
3328 30 -1305.239990 -268.868011 92.022301 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.00
3329 30 213.923004 -373.737000 56.389099 5.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
3330 30 326.269867 -503.789063 71.143768 4.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
3331 30 683.106995 -129.845993 63.598301 5.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
194 33 -230.953003 2105.060059 79.753304 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
254 33 -236.470001 2202.419922 97.345200 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
255 33 -223.399002 2101.969971 97.389900 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
256 33 -189.005997 2145.689941 97.389900 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2406 33 -287.071014 2175.639893 36.886101 0.00 98.860001 185.600006 80.580002 2.880000
2407 33 -315.990997 2179.629883 91.754204 0.00 36.060001 182.800003 212.600006 2.897000
2408 33 -232.371994 2077.100098 68.117699 0.00 44.669998 123.199997 43.310001 4.311000
2409 33 -255.272995 2035.760010 114.436996 0.00 59.689999 228.500000 169.399994 4.328000
2410 33 -167.091995 2104.219971 73.449699 0.00 53.00 114.699997 17.080000 6.021000
2411 33 -179.729004 2079.370117 42.694500 0.00 19.030001 162.100006 187.100006 6.091000
5571 33 -159.274002 2231.00 83.374901 0.00 2.429000 18.309999 20.00 1.384000
5572 33 -239.417999 2163.030029 90.096603 0.00 4.00 4.00 8.00 5.870000
5722 33 -177.882004 2225.030029 81.00 0.00 4.00 3.00 10.00 3.392000
503 34 39.374100 0.803469 -12.788300 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
109 35 -0.900420 16.443001 -14.236000 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
119 36 -14.362800 -393.380005 64.560501 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
121 36 -110.760002 -1009.190002 34.804401 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3746 36 -29.554701 -374.502991 59.356201 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
226 43 -172.181000 138.979996 -66.647102 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3766 43 -108.563004 160.914993 -79.791100 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
242 47 1936.390015 1534.469971 86.876900 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
262 47 2019.729980 2004.599976 61.687401 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
462 47 2107.719971 1823.770020 79.969597 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
463 47 2165.750000 1944.750000 61.463501 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
259 48 -148.632996 121.080002 -33.414101 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
283 48 -527.658020 321.109009 -50.258400 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
762 48 -842.075989 -472.462006 -34.065601 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
288 70 -228.192993 34.160198 -39.233898 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
822 70 -234.444000 319.127014 -47.588501 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
882 70 -213.720001 370.606995 -35.388699 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
322 90 -312.204987 -4.632560 -148.656998 14.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
525 90 -717.867981 1.372070 -241.292999 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1105 90 -377.056000 44.049999 -156.483002 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
448 109 -300.00 99.00 -127.00 13.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1306 109 -496.854004 42.692902 -91.131798 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1326 109 -467.520996 95.308296 -105.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4016 109 -662.106018 3.831050 -90.835098 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
444 129 2593.939941 1124.640015 56.179001 11.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
602 189 1687.569946 1040.089966 20.982901 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
604 189 853.679016 1308.099976 19.671400 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
606 189 1608.650024 -308.970001 20.782400 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
608 189 253.600998 -196.804001 21.038500 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4089 189 864.622986 1321.599976 18.068300 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4261 189 1693.770020 1053.339966 18.725000 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4262 189 1617.180054 -323.432007 18.677799 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4263 189 269.061005 -211.903000 19.201000 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
922 209 1190.349976 840.586975 13.434200 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
962 209 1909.270020 1015.109985 11.515500 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1447 209 1811.050049 700.976013 15.294000 30.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 0.00
1470 229 73.508301 -215.044006 52.386902 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1628 229 -78.581902 -401.394989 38.942799 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1946 229 70.861099 -409.014008 64.347702 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1986 229 91.085403 -408.373993 64.347702 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1987 229 109.608002 -415.697998 64.347702 10.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
2026 229 153.763000 -419.833008 110.472000 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2046 229 102.430000 -319.166992 65.463501 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2066 229 75.262199 -547.679016 110.928001 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2067 229 26.458300 -522.471008 110.943001 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2068 229 25.928499 -299.325012 24.109501 0.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 0.00
3726 229 178.729004 -474.411987 120.565002 0.00 3.806000 7.917000 7.889000 0.00
1472 230 456.968994 48.368000 -65.275299 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1526 230 596.432007 -188.498001 -50.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1590 230 376.105988 -191.242004 -70.544899 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1686 230 319.973999 -215.184998 -77.954201 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1746 230 411.617004 -201.645996 -65.144600 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1786 230 690.518005 -280.052002 -43.196899 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1826 230 471.141998 -9.343780 -69.799301 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1827 230 1380.150024 -554.604004 -89.642998 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1828 230 497.398987 13.231900 -70.137199 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1926 230 845.911011 -317.368988 -50.286800 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2886 230 1097.989990 -466.493988 -96.071899 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4751 230 876.874023 -179.580002 -43.925201 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1064 249 29.242701 -22.181200 10.527200 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1626 269 3122.199951 2324.639893 -129.320007 70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4288 269 -2023.579956 7118.580078 22.316401 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4322 269 -1498.380005 7017.879883 33.258701 0.00 58.310001 24.059999 71.669998 2.950000
4485 269 -1529.839966 7105.859863 32.061100 0.00 3.583000 36.860001 25.940001 0.00
2547 289 332.865997 94.310799 92.222099 0.00 8.194000 38.439999 60.419998 0.00
2548 289 322.884003 112.137001 98.672600 0.00 11.250000 37.439999 44.029999 0.802900
2549 289 325.183990 75.618103 93.874397 0.00 9.694000 31.420000 54.169998 5.236000
2568 289 182.264999 126.449997 143.707001 0.00 12.330000 8.889000 16.389999 0.00
3926 309 -11594.099609 -1621.369995 47.144600 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3930 309 -11917.00 -1221.00 97.561600 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3956 309 -11918.599609 -1433.949951 44.544998 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3957 309 -11916.799805 -1256.699951 92.543404 0.00 7.806000 11.170000 0.333300 0.00
3958 309 -11915.043945 -1312.676392 77.501915 10.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
3959 309 -11945.688477 -1597.607300 36.756897 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3960 309 -11788.900391 -1595.060059 36.998901 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3961 309 -11614.200195 -1361.510010 76.839996 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3962 309 -11957.599609 -1819.969971 54.311401 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3963 309 -12112.900391 -1794.630005 80.416298 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3964 309 -11791.00 -1562.859985 19.742001 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3965 309 -11610.00 -1749.859985 38.734200 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3966 309 -12072.299805 -1479.050049 106.495003 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2187 329 3673.600098 -3633.870117 139.942993 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2209 329 3665.110107 -3164.959961 127.223999 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2210 329 3663.949951 -3164.270020 127.361000 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2221 329 3584.780029 -3632.050049 142.117996 10.00 9.778000 17.940001 27.920000 0.00
3126 349 756.877991 -633.960022 -32.819099 0.00 15.940000 26.440001 44.139999 1.641000
3131 349 1005.020020 -460.539001 -43.250702 0.00 10.140000 31.420000 23.420000 0.017450
2166 369 76.027000 10.504300 -4.296590 0.00 9.417000 19.00 20.639999 0.00
2171 369 80.163300 2490.879883 -1.856930 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2226 389 2.580190 -0.013587 -13.366800 0.00 30.690001 12.190000 25.559999 0.00
2890 409 1115.219971 -462.959015 -95.014801 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3190 429 -55.965801 159.867004 -3.462060 0.00 7.222000 10.080000 19.559999 0.00
3191 429 24.560900 159.449997 -3.466770 0.00 7.694000 9.694000 21.610001 0.00
3193 429 255.248993 -9.056060 -2.587370 0.00 8.333000 8.583000 20.719999 0.00
3194 429 37.449902 -154.822006 -2.712010 0.00 8.917000 9.167000 19.440001 0.00
3195 429 -202.664001 -314.876007 -2.723530 0.00 9.806000 10.170000 17.440001 0.00
3196 429 4.311190 -837.085022 -33.040501 0.00 6.167000 11.440000 22.940001 0.00
3197 429 194.350998 -240.820999 -25.630699 0.00 12.860000 8.333000 25.330000 1.117000
3506 429 580.754028 487.506012 29.464100 8.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 0.00
3507 429 580.656982 475.885010 29.464100 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3508 429 592.507019 486.309998 29.464100 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3509 429 591.919983 476.403992 29.464100 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2534 449 -0.358041 -1.979860 -0.255884 0.00 7.306000 3.833000 6.194000 0.00
2530 450 215.194000 71.156998 30.127600 0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 3.595000
2416 451 16186.00 16286.00 52.086700 0.00 183.600006 60.910000 30.00 6.185000
4750 451 15683.660156 -15593.958008 39.762554 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4836 451 15838.500000 15759.299805 11.805600 0.00 50.730000 52.200001 0.00 0.00
4840 451 14666.900391 -16268.00 0.000080 0.00 69.309998 4.004000 10.00 0.00
4841 451 14667.299805 -16165.500000 0.00 0.00 69.309998 4.004000 10.00 0.00
4854 451 16528.900391 16138.799805 69.444397 0.00 5.443000 8.211000 10.410000 0.002603
4901 451 9456.349609 -9920.730469 -0.000017 0.00 26.020000 36.380001 1.00 0.00
4905 451 9542.030273 -9877.519531 -0.000006 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4909 451 16116.599609 16251.200195 69.444504 18.973101 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4911 451 9438.030273 -9826.759766 0.000003 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4953 451 4686.160156 -328.256989 271.201996 26.806499 39.810001 35.910000 20.00 5.498000
4958 451 -15914.099609 -12969.500000 3.293870 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00
4962 451 4690.509766 -378.871002 272.571991 0.00 35.360001 35.360001 50.00 0.00
5453 451 15634.200195 -15578.00 39.762501 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5477 451 16217.299805 16185.500000 69.813400 0.00 28.110001 22.410000 17.270000 0.00
2426 469 -7474.009766 -1286.339966 431.303986 0.00 181.800003 234.699997 63.939999 5.323000
2427 469 -7375.319824 -1240.140015 494.279999 0.00 53.860001 189.899994 77.059998 0.733000
2428 469 -7568.399902 -1375.660034 468.507996 0.00 225.300003 75.970001 132.199997 5.341000
2429 469 -7412.970215 -1371.589966 413.425995 0.00 243.300003 72.940002 245.899994 3.787000
3626 469 -7529.100098 -1007.190002 408.565002 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3728 469 -7676.109863 -1109.709961 399.122986 0.00 2.472000 8.694000 5.083000 3.752000
3646 489 1539.890015 1481.359985 352.658997 5.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
3647 489 918.495972 1434.040039 346.053986 5.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
3649 489 1532.066650 1151.666748 373.975006 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3686 489 1449.766724 1470.566650 342.625000 4.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
3687 489 1005.266724 1447.266724 335.893005 4.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
3688 489 1125.226685 1541.500732 307.392487 0.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
3706 489 1316.966675 1550.967651 313.234009 4.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
3707 489 1319.766724 1378.666748 314.752991 4.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
3708 489 1112.640015 1351.109985 316.618988 4.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
3709 489 1140.066650 1560.766724 306.824005 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4628 489 1470.00 1475.00 373.730988 0.00 40.00 100.00 76.779999 6.255000
4629 489 973.293030 1444.829956 367.281006 0.00 40.00 100.00 64.139999 0.00
4006 509 -8419.580078 1504.280029 31.735600 0.00 18.00 41.810001 40.500000 5.794000
3866 529 1185.449951 1184.709961 -56.363300 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3867 529 817.939026 842.369019 -56.540600 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3868 529 809.007690 1185.277466 11.921605 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3869 529 1147.010010 816.854004 -98.399002 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3870 529 989.851990 1009.159973 -42.603298 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3948 529 1394.359985 1303.640015 -8.025860 0.00 7.306000 16.889999 17.639999 0.366500
3949 529 627.192017 699.956970 -11.992100 0.00 7.889000 14.220000 17.280001 3.334000
4020 529 1313.930054 1310.770020 -7.704870 0.00 6.333000 6.361000 7.583000 0.00
4021 529 683.960999 681.229980 -12.915800 0.00 5.472000 5.500000 4.722000 0.00
4674 529 976.840027 1046.280029 -43.817402 60.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4064 530 7922.680176 -6501.509766 47.362301 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4071 530 7567.669922 -7359.470215 161.738007 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4108 530 7557.310059 -6889.649902 96.026604 13.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4109 530 7557.439941 -6888.649902 115.00 0.00 32.189999 57.779999 8.056000 4.241000
4150 530 -365.610992 3087.620117 -14.559400 0.00 11.440000 12.220000 15.580000 1.798000
4151 530 -310.210999 3091.590088 -4.152630 0.00 8.333000 6.972000 17.440001 1.466000
4152 530 -307.251007 3170.510010 28.914400 0.00 6.972000 13.750000 15.360000 2.147000
4153 530 -309.678009 3079.120117 -116.570999 0.00 9.444000 15.440000 17.940001 5.184000
4170 530 -17.608101 3803.610107 94.094803 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4186 530 -3849.139893 -12812.299805 9.603850 3.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4233 530 9336.219727 -7883.459961 74.909500 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4240 530 -4133.419922 -12471.799805 44.572102 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4241 530 -2058.159912 -11895.00 46.145199 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4252 530 -329.145996 2890.050049 -52.827202 5.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
4253 530 -274.725586 2804.727051 -39.513546 0.00 9.278000 9.111000 8.222000 0.00
4265 530 8701.480469 -6636.799805 64.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4267 530 9285.969727 -7916.009766 176.130005 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4280 530 -1163.689941 -11828.700195 28.850599 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4291 530 -111.149002 8751.440430 18.663500 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4293 530 -751.145996 5918.370117 15.416200 80.00 174.100006 249.500000 159.100006 0.00
4298 530 565.372009 6944.279785 -14.331100 0.00 29.389999 36.639999 33.110001 0.00
4300 530 -201.399994 5515.040039 22.121300 0.00 8.583000 8.583000 14.720000 0.261800
4301 530 -383.097992 7257.319824 55.470100 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4326 530 -2336.629883 -11971.400391 32.574299 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4336 530 192.903000 2607.370117 87.283501 20.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4337 530 -704.893005 2733.989990 100.00 0.00 26.420000 55.060001 25.440001 0.00
4339 530 9851.129883 -7500.490234 -4.001570 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4342 530 304.738159 6839.749023 40.394764 60.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4345 530 -3544.860107 4008.899902 86.293999 125.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4352 530 -247.677002 895.674988 84.362198 0.00 72.830002 6.611000 53.810001 0.00
4356 530 -248.242996 1042.729980 54.318298 50.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4363 530 782.879028 6741.939941 -72.540604 0.00 29.830000 7.833000 33.860001 3.211000
4364 530 818.487000 6951.299805 -80.570396 0.00 30.580000 7.833000 29.690001 0.00
4365 530 745.838989 7015.270020 -72.118500 0.00 12.190000 35.860001 24.080000 0.00
4368 530 -3279.520020 6024.609863 -1.307470 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4369 530 -1511.619995 8528.240234 3.195220 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4370 530 -711.754272 7885.953125 46.373379 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4371 530 -790.687012 7719.680176 49.433601 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4372 530 -1338.250000 7223.770020 37.687000 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4373 530 229.352005 7933.049805 35.00 0.00 32.919998 36.189999 20.889999 2.758000
4374 530 282.220001 6099.00 132.479004 0.00 49.689999 21.559999 35.110001 0.00
4375 530 -1224.930054 7158.390137 57.265099 32.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4376 530 -2734.679932 7308.689941 71.409798 0.00 134.500000 67.610001 106.599998 2.740000
4377 530 -2912.374023 4024.911133 0.425284 14.00 16.469999 43.830002 25.030001 2.985000
4378 530 -2620.050049 4461.379883 36.093399 32.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4380 530 -573.994995 4147.890137 68.519897 13.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4381 530 218.737000 4333.859863 119.043999 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4382 530 -172.554840 5524.599121 29.407532 0.00 18.809999 27.250000 19.969999 5.027000
4383 530 1060.506470 7372.805664 39.342094 20.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4386 530 6107.259766 -6990.640137 137.317001 0.00 42.139999 18.639999 45.669998 0.663200
4387 530 -3080.820068 5334.560059 17.272800 100.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4389 530 -2072.469971 5278.430176 -37.323502 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4404 530 -3361.550049 5236.870117 -101.047997 0.00 26.330000 11.440000 19.610001 0.00
4405 530 -3068.129883 4942.799805 -101.047997 0.00 12.330000 22.190001 27.080000 0.00
4406 530 -3362.350098 4650.310059 -101.047997 0.00 25.219999 9.611000 23.809999 0.00
4407 530 -3656.050049 4943.109863 -101.047997 0.00 12.190000 23.860001 26.670000 0.00
4410 530 -1852.670044 5070.020020 -32.193802 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4415 530 4160.229980 3051.610107 337.029999 14.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4416 530 843.885010 6865.240234 -66.989799 0.00 12.470000 22.080000 41.080002 0.00
4422 530 3044.149902 3611.399902 143.505997 4.500000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4425 530 -1636.510010 5301.060059 -40.209202 0.00 24.309999 23.280001 11.830000 0.00
4426 530 -1831.109985 5363.220215 -12.428100 0.00 8.278000 11.780000 16.780001 2.147000
4427 530 -1659.579956 5341.870117 -46.920200 0.00 11.610000 16.610001 12.110000 2.077000
4428 530 -1669.867676 5424.997559 -38.826454 0.00 16.420000 13.060000 10.690000 0.00
4429 530 -1871.057739 5304.662598 -12.428138 0.00 17.920000 27.580000 21.830000 0.00
4430 530 -1979.291260 5414.715332 -12.428136 0.00 29.420000 12.810000 20.719999 0.139600
4431 530 -1877.930054 5546.750000 -12.428100 0.00 10.030000 20.559999 16.170000 0.00
4432 530 -2013.459961 5479.830078 3.717890 0.00 6.222000 27.940001 10.970000 2.862000
4433 530 -2020.329956 5481.890137 3.285800 0.00 6.861000 17.059999 11.330000 2.862000
4434 530 -1812.729980 5588.319824 3.285780 0.00 5.333000 33.720001 10.030000 1.187000
4435 530 -1815.880005 5577.890137 3.717870 0.00 14.310000 34.110001 7.444000 1.187000
4439 530 -591.479980 4074.540039 93.828102 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4440 530 -591.715027 4074.520020 143.257996 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4443 530 -2260.120117 3219.219971 5.996970 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4445 530 -2245.020020 3124.320068 27.388800 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4466 530 3114.179932 3687.979980 143.557999 4.500000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4467 530 3418.919922 1479.010010 184.059006 0.00 9.278000 10.220000 24.00 5.620000
4468 530 3314.780029 1325.920044 507.347992 0.00 9.472000 10.580000 15.940000 5.096000
4469 530 2861.370117 1545.390015 252.158005 0.00 2.417000 11.110000 17.110001 3.857000
4470 530 3087.179932 1364.530029 184.070999 0.00 9.972000 12.330000 31.080000 4.625000
4471 530 3017.810059 3746.679932 144.248993 4.500000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4472 530 2951.229980 3720.129883 143.279007 4.500000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4473 530 4199.700195 1766.390015 133.210007 10.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4475 530 3923.060059 3873.360107 180.751999 10.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4478 530 4682.100098 2509.129883 240.238007 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4479 530 4131.009766 2930.300049 354.522003 0.00 5.806000 0.861100 16.330000 4.747000
4482 530 4007.320068 1517.180054 -115.927002 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4486 530 9477.669922 -6858.700195 17.357500 0.00 45.610001 21.469999 43.110001 5.480000
4493 530 281.500000 6117.00 146.00 0.00 17.580000 26.330000 9.361000 0.00
4494 530 2405.00 5941.00 153.00 30.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4495 530 4180.390137 3052.909912 336.841003 0.00 7.611000 11.690000 6.556000 5.690000
4496 530 -3836.715332 2499.777344 84.690628 15.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4497 530 2345.530029 2790.439941 133.084000 0.00 8.750000 7.472000 10.580000 4.259000
4499 530 2099.500000 6904.669922 183.229996 0.00 37.560001 29.219999 49.860001 0.820300
4506 530 3905.639893 2104.290039 139.016006 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4507 530 3895.120117 2086.040039 136.804001 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4521 530 3070.639893 3699.790039 142.477005 0.00 26.969999 24.639999 13.420000 2.059000
4523 530 4798.129883 3780.389893 213.856003 0.00 10.610000 10.080000 9.444000 0.680700
4526 530 -2961.929932 2559.290039 78.518303 14.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
4527 530 -2960.250000 2557.159912 113.00 0.00 29.170000 29.309999 50.080002 0.00
4528 530 -4085.00 2176.00 111.676003 0.00 39.669998 33.419998 26.580000 3.194000
4529 530 -4090.080078 2202.00 97.224503 0.00 18.440001 20.639999 10.500000 0.00
4535 530 3556.790039 5083.410156 1.442480 0.00 3.361000 39.689999 56.860001 5.707000
4542 530 2484.820068 6420.379883 -10.338400 50.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4546 530 2035.670044 6835.00 173.699997 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00
4548 530 -3300.379883 2927.280029 170.938004 0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00
4555 530 4112.020020 3071.00 339.464996 0.00 24.059999 27.330000 22.530001 0.418900
4556 530 4131.540039 3070.050049 339.464996 0.00 14.170000 14.690000 10.610000 0.506100
4557 530 4097.350098 3053.379883 341.00 0.00 14.640000 12.750000 7.250000 5.027000
4558 530 1945.359985 5537.419922 266.630005 7.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4560 530 -3277.380127 2819.630127 125.240013 0.00 8.333000 9.583000 0.444400 0.00
4561 530 -2829.780029 1953.760010 202.460007 2.300000 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4562 530 -2745.239990 2730.419922 127.776001 2.300000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4563 530 -3279.629883 2828.459961 123.228996 0.00 7.056000 2.500000 12.190000 0.00
4566 530 -3278.770020 2831.00 123.019997 0.00 9.306000 1.889000 11.750000 0.00
4576 530 3673.100098 6638.589844 129.145004 0.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
4577 530 -2978.520020 864.132019 -7.486870 18.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4578 530 -3277.600098 2801.419922 122.992996 0.00 10.310000 0.972200 9.389000 0.00
4579 530 -3277.469971 2803.090088 122.986000 0.00 9.139000 1.472000 10.190000 0.00
4580 530 3661.050049 6755.399902 132.498993 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4581 530 -4300.959961 1390.930054 143.988007 40.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4582 530 -4124.470215 1308.079956 54.139000 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4583 530 -4405.350098 1302.989990 84.944603 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4588 530 -4230.580078 1419.349976 130.501999 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4589 530 -4109.419922 1355.260010 72.084999 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4590 530 -4436.020020 1276.479980 71.619202 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4591 530 813.934021 6865.660156 -67.714996 20.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
4595 530 2230.120117 4716.430176 161.945999 14.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4598 530 -3671.959961 318.533997 31.619400 0.00 25.940001 27.440001 33.610001 3.002000
4607 530 -4133.799805 1131.439941 50.00 17.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4608 530 -4133.799805 1131.479980 74.00 26.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4609 530 -4118.00 1158.089966 72.258003 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4613 530 3784.540039 6727.669922 170.447006 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4615 530 3625.020020 6543.509766 155.005997 6.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4616 530 3734.399902 6639.750000 133.645996 7.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4617 530 3575.689941 6666.129883 128.488998 6.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4640 530 3020.919922 5434.319824 146.617004 0.00 15.440000 25.360001 27.860001 5.393000
4713 530 -2106.040039 5107.839844 -0.567709 12.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
4722 530 8702.080078 -6636.339844 99.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4738 530 6851.879883 -8008.729980 192.317993 0.00 33.779999 17.170000 26.940001 0.00
4847 530 12831.200195 -7011.439941 50.593201 0.00 103.599998 64.040001 67.040001 5.434000
4851 530 9346.080078 -7266.770020 14.702400 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4852 530 -3999.620117 -11909.599609 -1.509360 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4874 530 -1983.060059 5089.100098 7.853940 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4887 530 12878.799805 -7348.740234 65.530998 0.00 19.00 17.00 36.00 5.802000
4889 530 12551.00 -6775.149902 15.053100 0.00 5.00 12.00 35.00 6.264000
5151 530 -4018.040039 -12151.00 2.148090 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.00
5152 530 -4105.229980 -12068.700195 3.362830 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.00
5153 530 -4184.00 -12084.500000 2.373280 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.00
5154 530 -4156.459961 -12123.500000 0.432977 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.00
5158 530 9348.219727 -7351.720215 12.682800 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5159 530 9290.879883 -7356.089844 24.000999 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5160 530 9252.740234 -7315.209961 26.006901 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5161 530 9218.450195 -7346.950195 39.114498 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4012 531 -8231.330078 2003.599976 129.860992 0.00 38.889999 10.310000 81.639999 5.655000
4033 531 -8546.230469 1987.650024 -96.520699 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4034 531 -8545.678711 1987.701416 -32.939228 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4036 531 -8578.00 1986.800049 100.220001 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4047 531 -8967.959961 1312.619995 -104.695999 20.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4052 531 -8176.830078 1673.369995 -32.218300 0.00 19.420000 48.110001 26.420000 6.091000
4191 532 -11038.599609 -1969.199951 96.472000 0.00 3.944000 4.444000 0.333300 3.054000
4216 532 -11178.599609 -1896.349976 232.009003 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4242 532 -11171.900391 -1908.020020 232.009003 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4436 532 -11118.400391 -2007.949951 47.080299 0.00 17.360001 33.689999 21.190001 0.680700
4520 532 -11036.500000 -2001.650024 93.468300 0.00 5.944000 6.833000 10.670000 5.411000
4522 532 -11048.200195 -1984.089966 101.700996 0.00 6.861000 4.444000 0.333300 0.279300
5014 532 -11104.700195 -1961.550049 74.908203 6.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5015 532 -11099.700195 -1967.219971 76.159302 0.00 8.00 4.00 12.00 0.687000
4086 533 3292.738525 -3151.590576 297.568726 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4087 533 3291.106934 -3151.294922 297.580353 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4088 533 3321.290039 -3119.879883 297.570007 90.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4097 533 3320.935547 -3119.121826 297.573395 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4112 533 3716.379883 -5106.779785 141.289993 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4113 533 3432.810059 -3007.209961 295.609009 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4114 533 3432.300049 -3007.280029 295.609009 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4115 533 3322.739990 -3700.379883 262.700989 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4116 533 2740.00 -3383.419922 267.684998 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4117 533 2917.030029 -3344.550049 298.145996 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4119 533 3214.340088 -3476.679932 287.071991 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4120 533 3493.449951 -5375.379883 138.167999 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4156 533 3006.090088 -3434.169922 306.195007 6.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4158 533 3754.550049 -5115.359863 142.434998 0.00 30.719999 19.219999 16.889999 6.074000
4163 533 3320.729980 -3115.070068 297.609009 100.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4166 533 3310.223633 -2990.238037 294.660583 100.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4167 533 3498.159912 -5349.029785 144.968002 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4177 533 2661.040039 -3467.169922 262.141998 90.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4180 533 3374.042969 -3059.254395 294.662292 0.00 26.610001 41.939999 41.889999 0.00
4184 533 2793.959229 -3707.179199 276.542023 21.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
5196 533 3005.469971 -3445.110107 297.924988 0.00 9.300000 1.718000 8.00 0.028050
5197 533 3016.939941 -3434.389893 297.928009 0.00 9.300000 1.718000 8.00 4.714000
5198 533 3005.669922 -3423.280029 297.927002 0.00 9.300000 1.718000 8.00 6.276000
5199 533 2994.629883 -3434.370117 297.928009 0.00 9.300000 1.718000 8.00 4.728000
4311 534 4162.020020 -4227.069824 869.184998 0.00 11.170000 25.309999 35.060001 3.054000
4312 534 4284.149902 -4138.850098 866.810974 0.00 20.309999 21.250000 21.969999 0.331600
4313 534 4203.640137 -4103.240234 878.362976 0.00 26.280001 14.330000 22.940001 0.279300
4323 534 4273.799805 -4235.810059 866.119995 0.00 17.170000 15.610000 30.080000 6.004000
4341 534 5189.879883 -3397.639893 1635.050049 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4487 534 4274.660156 -4234.810059 866.039001 0.00 18.500000 26.690001 24.639999 6.056000
4145 540 -41.748001 -32.453602 -13.529400 0.00 10.690000 7.667000 15.420000 1.466000
4182 540 -28.071884 -5.202989 -10.890538 0.00 4.278000 4.278000 4.417000 3.648000
4183 540 -23.701105 -2.835872 -11.094698 0.00 3.583000 4.083000 4.583000 3.683000
4246 540 281.840240 -84.566422 2.119067 8.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4347 540 181.404999 220.669998 -20.122000 30.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
4524 540 226.899994 266.490997 -13.203300 0.00 12.970000 15.440000 19.110001 0.00
4575 540 483.441010 233.694000 0.253047 100.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4147 542 0.276847 27.549000 -44.758499 0.00 6.444000 7.361000 18.250000 1.222000
4200 542 327.363007 -153.923004 -17.983101 0.00 3.500000 15.670000 15.810000 4.660000
4201 542 326.417999 -160.035004 -19.713600 0.00 2.861000 18.420000 13.060000 1.518000
4297 543 -1360.180054 1631.939941 68.436996 0.00 8.222000 11.780000 19.250000 4.154000
4304 543 -1070.00 1732.00 35.00 0.00 294.00 292.600006 82.610001 3.211000
4149 544 189.018005 57.102798 68.107697 0.00 25.309999 26.559999 32.060001 0.00
4192 544 -39.738174 18.283709 -0.412460 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4193 544 -13.630307 27.318035 -0.412483 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4194 544 7.181800 1.720100 -0.404406 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4195 544 -11.572740 -25.558283 -0.412465 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4196 544 -20.714199 -0.352886 -0.405400 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4366 545 -29.303801 4.546380 -4.306450 0.00 11.860000 35.250000 31.440001 0.00
4281 546 331.800995 -331.265991 22.188299 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4292 546 330.184998 -384.734009 48.259102 0.00 31.530001 14.220000 12.560000 3.334000
4302 546 234.979996 -379.276001 72.522102 10.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
4303 546 162.528000 -459.920013 73.702904 20.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4367 546 3.968630 -8.230960 -2.751570 0.00 22.389999 8.306000 22.750000 0.523600
4295 547 -139.876999 -753.075989 37.901299 0.00 12.750000 43.360001 28.00 0.192000
4379 547 120.382004 -144.003998 -0.315267 0.00 29.860001 12.940000 29.420000 0.00
4411 547 -85.933647 -490.414398 -1.582488 0.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
4418 548 -13.080900 1.481450 824.931030 0.00 21.469999 24.030001 47.189999 0.00
4652 548 39.00 -418.00 -19.506701 25.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4457 550 -25.827499 -0.898902 -2.428380 0.00 20.110001 21.809999 47.580002 0.00
4455 552 -11.150200 0.063509 -0.205516 0.00 14.110000 16.690001 43.939999 0.00
4459 553 53.134998 -40.983299 -1.109370 0.00 16.190001 12.610000 27.219999 5.515000
4612 553 166.009003 391.589996 -37.092400 0.00 11.830000 10.580000 28.309999 0.00
4461 554 -47.159401 0.086916 -1.812370 0.00 17.030001 31.920000 49.779999 0.00
4614 554 65.968201 149.679001 25.580799 0.00 15.00 30.530001 40.669998 0.00
4397 555 13.237300 -0.036384 -1.127900 0.00 11.500000 16.940001 22.219999 0.00
4399 556 -14.381100 -0.530536 0.007507 0.00 12.750000 27.690001 28.500000 0.00
4401 557 13.069100 1.371880 -0.954291 0.00 13.750000 22.110001 29.500000 0.00
4403 558 -33.929699 0.442540 -0.120535 0.00 11.610000 23.639999 25.580000 0.00
4536 559 4009.189941 2895.250000 13.052700 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4537 559 4103.330078 2946.350098 13.051300 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4917 559 4054.149902 2923.699951 -40.00 0.00 214.00 216.00 20.00 0.468000
5006 559 4054.149902 2923.699951 0.00 0.00 214.00 216.00 20.00 0.468000
5008 559 4054.149902 2923.699951 -20.00 0.00 214.00 216.00 20.00 0.468000
4324 560 2768.300049 1292.790039 13.635800 0.00 15.080000 59.830002 38.810001 5.969000
4498 560 1810.900024 1033.219971 11.069800 3.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4501 560 1872.099976 1078.670044 17.621500 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4502 560 1822.640015 991.419983 11.413900 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4503 560 1794.719971 1018.690002 11.298700 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4504 560 1900.869995 1111.920044 18.057199 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4538 562 6248.729980 274.695007 11.221300 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4539 562 6228.209961 249.557007 11.217300 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4919 562 6188.009766 320.00 20.00 0.00 313.899994 27.059999 60.00 0.878200
4921 562 6288.220215 210.00 20.00 0.00 313.899994 27.059999 60.00 0.878200
4922 562 6214.870117 200.261002 20.00 0.00 71.110001 24.620001 60.00 5.579000
4923 562 6187.770020 196.880005 20.00 0.00 159.00 23.260000 60.00 5.579000
4924 562 6264.759766 329.752014 3.414210 0.00 71.110001 24.620001 60.00 5.623000
4925 562 6290.770020 333.411987 20.00 0.00 208.00 37.570000 60.00 5.623000
4944 562 6237.839844 261.363007 -20.00 0.00 185.100006 227.00 20.00 5.623000
5039 562 6237.839844 261.363007 -40.00 0.00 185.100006 227.00 20.00 5.623000
5040 562 6237.839844 261.363007 -60.00 0.00 185.100006 227.00 20.00 5.623000
4619 564 75.829002 997.843994 -89.827698 0.00 18.469999 46.080002 54.939999 0.00
4648 564 706.400024 305.061005 353.803009 50.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4649 564 678.184998 285.959015 355.901001 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4650 564 676.403992 323.602997 355.509003 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4653 564 677.052002 323.684998 355.549011 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4654 564 676.521973 286.520996 355.587006 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4655 564 639.987000 306.816986 353.286987 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4656 564 855.838989 1148.579956 11.658300 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4657 564 1166.619995 1199.819946 -55.706299 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4665 564 517.278992 403.156006 193.199997 10.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4760 564 760.823975 237.677002 353.308014 0.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4534 565 21.269899 -2.935410 0.064370 0.00 96.809998 120.699997 39.439999 1.117000
4476 566 2048.479980 1393.599976 1194.540039 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4512 566 2048.469971 1393.589966 1194.540039 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4514 566 2044.00 1729.729980 1190.030029 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4515 566 2043.949951 1729.780029 1190.040039 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4516 566 2284.780029 1731.119995 1190.079956 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4517 566 2284.770020 1731.109985 1190.079956 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4518 566 2286.560059 1402.359985 1197.290039 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4519 566 2286.560059 1402.339966 1197.290039 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4530 566 1807.709961 1539.579956 1268.00 28.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4531 566 2523.479980 1596.560059 1269.00 28.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4568 566 2050.459961 1372.260010 1194.560059 3.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4569 566 2046.329956 1748.810059 1190.030029 3.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4570 566 2283.379883 1748.979980 1189.709961 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4571 566 2302.689941 1391.270020 1197.770020 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5866 566 2024.599976 1743.040039 1194.839966 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4723 568 -80.145798 1345.640015 40.771099 0.00 59.439999 59.189999 7.333000 0.00
4724 568 -37.061001 1149.979980 19.063601 0.00 32.419998 38.220001 5.583000 0.00
4725 568 362.480011 1402.699951 74.438904 0.00 48.720001 71.309998 15.610000 0.261800
4726 568 369.783997 1100.719971 6.057140 0.00 31.809999 27.139999 13.940000 0.00
4739 568 120.559998 1789.880005 43.505798 0.00 32.189999 19.080000 42.060001 0.00
4768 568 124.795998 1471.829956 16.701900 0.00 300.00 260.00 335.700012 0.00
4782 568 -34.455898 1089.489990 18.711500 35.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4745 571 1257.109985 -4854.479980 41.248001 0.00 25.969999 45.029999 100.699997 1.902000
4747 571 1226.229980 -4861.700195 223.223007 0.00 15.970000 19.670000 13.00 3.456000
4753 571 1451.439941 -3277.969971 180.330002 0.00 29.920000 57.830002 29.440001 0.855200
4755 571 2683.270020 -4392.060059 284.359009 11.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4756 571 2486.590088 -5063.609863 284.334015 16.00 0.333300 0.333300 0.333300 0.00
4778 571 1062.930054 -5036.549805 9.924290 0.00 2.861000 17.440001 18.190001 3.438000
4779 571 914.632019 -5576.549805 198.612000 20.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4806 571 2563.219971 -5008.759766 293.707001 0.00 0.796300 7.906000 16.910000 5.725000
4850 571 3841.500000 6415.009766 26.115801 0.00 94.809998 38.360001 12.710000 5.457000
4857 571 4111.399902 3734.860107 92.142899 0.00 36.660000 39.270000 28.010000 1.986000
4858 571 4094.129883 3493.500000 131.667007 0.00 22.440001 26.139999 21.219999 4.222000
4860 571 3794.659912 3431.489990 82.972603 0.00 26.930000 31.160000 33.650002 2.696000
4861 571 4512.049805 5709.589844 81.504097 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4867 571 4177.100098 5280.729980 35.693100 0.00 19.490000 19.240000 24.250000 6.248000
4868 571 3464.729980 4169.049805 17.193001 29.917900 18.00 57.060001 0.00 6.212000
4871 571 2782.770020 6575.040039 48.981098 0.00 109.199997 48.459999 5.00 0.694300
4872 571 2879.860107 6477.700195 79.132599 0.00 57.369999 37.230000 5.00 10.00
4873 571 3073.209961 6301.740234 94.521301 0.00 49.340000 71.220001 10.00 2.227000
4883 571 3210.939941 6091.290039 138.026993 0.00 37.619999 34.509998 7.880000 0.00
4894 571 3728.830078 5146.299805 24.628099 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4896 571 3964.909912 5462.490234 28.311701 0.00 34.480000 35.830002 71.279999 0.00
4899 571 4012.530029 4832.459961 -12.895900 0.00 188.699997 184.600006 35.980000 0.780900
4910 571 2814.050049 6205.060059 86.006897 0.00 19.600000 34.910000 13.870000 0.759000
4914 571 3571.270020 6650.790039 195.179993 15.584000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4916 571 4154.009766 7424.169922 534.107971 0.00 132.00 52.570000 65.110001 0.00
4946 571 4784.299805 -4404.069824 198.184998 0.00 10.520000 13.720000 14.720000 0.512100
4947 571 4662.240234 -4609.609863 208.776001 0.00 7.131000 21.240000 19.139999 0.921000
4948 571 4530.120117 -4442.180176 186.354996 0.00 24.480000 16.00 21.110001 4.369000
4949 571 3831.360107 1582.250000 290.140991 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4950 571 3684.760010 2154.149902 35.050201 0.00 48.250000 27.080000 17.240000 6.204000
4951 571 2432.399902 1702.130005 -13.786900 0.00 65.900002 37.209999 105.099998 0.00
4952 571 4013.179932 5376.049805 24.280199 0.00 6.349000 59.439999 20.00 5.851000
4956 571 3107.729980 616.758972 25.017799 0.00 284.100006 85.00 159.199997 0.010270
4960 571 3819.709961 1537.180054 89.724503 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4961 571 2293.719971 5195.290039 12.207200 22.112900 6.972000 32.259998 20.00 1.147000
4963 571 2418.659912 6455.669922 54.478500 70.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4964 571 3474.560059 2009.880005 64.867699 5.500000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4965 571 3410.580078 -2792.510010 201.520996 0.00 36.209999 29.139999 30.00 0.624000
4966 571 4600.540039 -4241.680176 178.854996 0.00 6.630000 5.859000 6.00 0.820600
4967 571 3873.290039 -4544.740234 209.455002 0.00 12.970000 10.00 11.00 6.128000
4968 571 4245.740234 1035.630005 58.636700 0.00 26.400000 19.040001 50.00 1.994000
4969 571 4153.410156 1100.760010 58.923801 0.00 26.400000 19.040001 50.00 0.433200
4970 571 3275.550049 -2186.709961 112.098999 0.00 60.709999 73.099998 130.00 5.895000
4971 571 4676.140137 -62.810699 68.877296 0.00 63.380001 22.420000 30.00 0.480900
4972 571 4679.390137 -126.663002 74.073700 0.00 23.570000 11.420000 30.00 0.085630
4973 571 4631.700195 -258.707001 82.805702 0.00 23.570000 11.420000 30.00 5.938000
4974 571 4594.689941 -334.825012 83.000801 0.00 27.160000 10.260000 30.00 6.142000
4975 571 2777.360107 930.286987 22.538700 9.477020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4976 571 700.151978 -2933.399902 -3.068440 13.964500 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4977 571 3003.399902 4050.110107 26.368200 10.260800 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4979 571 3215.040039 -677.956970 176.00 0.00 17.00 23.00 20.00 5.811000
4983 571 3902.790039 6985.689941 75.00 0.00 4.500000 10.00 12.00 0.062630
4984 571 2724.919922 -241.809998 142.766006 0.00 8.149000 5.427000 20.00 0.643800
4985 571 4376.709961 1681.459961 130.436996 0.00 16.370001 9.333000 30.00 0.129400
4986 571 4415.350098 1852.890015 164.205002 26.323700 34.570000 33.169998 30.00 5.894000
4987 571 2827.860107 -423.102997 119.440002 0.00 8.396000 8.197000 2.411000 6.273000
4988 571 4527.149902 1741.890015 168.423996 26.323700 34.570000 33.169998 30.00 5.894000
4989 571 4569.930176 1674.319946 171.233994 26.323700 34.570000 33.169998 30.00 5.894000
4993 571 3635.00 -712.00 225.00 0.00 54.00 26.00 25.00 6.162000
4998 571 4775.319824 -2017.160034 235.00 0.00 12.00 13.00 12.00 0.00
5003 571 6375.709961 -2611.989990 319.190002 0.00 61.020000 38.470001 24.540001 0.00
5010 571 8922.030273 -963.434021 1052.00 0.00 6.00 27.120001 30.00 4.689000
5030 571 6721.120117 5113.890137 -15.046200 15.653000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5045 571 3842.399902 1478.420044 90.516502 0.00 61.070000 73.220001 110.00 0.027970
5046 571 4873.240234 5170.080078 -82.009804 0.00 5.136000 8.152000 20.040001 0.405600
5048 571 4884.939941 5175.640137 -83.702904 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.459900
5051 571 6175.180176 -2017.310059 245.078003 3.750000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5052 571 5718.060059 -4384.450195 386.178009 0.00 19.250000 12.320000 13.260000 6.271000
5056 571 5961.350098 -2168.949951 422.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5057 571 5365.839844 -2283.550049 365.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5058 571 6287.959961 -3780.310059 480.419006 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5059 571 5968.299805 -3316.750000 400.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5060 571 6967.720215 -4266.589844 560.00 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5061 571 6175.410156 -2017.660034 404.222992 3.750000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5062 571 5451.109863 -2632.320068 306.252991 0.00 49.970001 50.599998 30.00 0.00
5079 571 6175.169922 -2017.839966 411.958008 3.750000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5080 571 6175.240234 -2017.430054 454.997986 3.750000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5093 571 9188.820313 -1390.010010 1144.00 0.00 10.00 40.00 71.00 5.541000
5095 571 6630.660156 -4605.930176 560.00 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5096 571 6230.040039 -4213.370117 490.00 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5097 571 5245.00 -3422.659912 342.360992 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5098 571 6042.680176 -1895.150024 330.00 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5108 571 6309.870117 5950.040039 81.952499 0.00 14.460000 6.961000 21.330000 5.059000
5117 571 3668.290039 2174.629883 36.234299 0.00 8.00 22.500000 5.00 5.538000
5163 571 6045.299805 -652.203979 369.476990 11.994200 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5164 571 5765.540039 -3579.860107 386.928986 45.818802 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5171 571 7028.990234 -56.580200 810.804016 0.00 11.860000 10.820000 20.00 6.136000
5172 571 6910.910156 93.257599 807.825989 0.00 5.979000 28.840000 30.00 0.799600
5173 571 6959.410156 12.027200 807.424988 0.00 21.620001 4.962000 20.00 5.522000
5174 571 5753.279785 -1479.339966 234.399994 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5175 571 5693.459961 -1383.599976 233.052994 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5176 571 5951.350098 -1850.410034 248.309006 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5177 571 5544.950195 -1853.569946 238.268005 0.00 74.099998 66.949997 166.100006 0.00
5182 571 6679.049805 -198.673004 951.729980 0.00 5.139000 3.588000 2.00 0.239800
5183 571 6123.029785 -1090.650024 403.296997 0.00 30.00 25.00 2.00 0.00
5187 571 6314.339844 -1763.829956 457.207001 0.00 1.942000 1.758000 12.00 0.00
5190 571 6153.930176 -1075.589966 402.307007 0.00 1.942000 1.758000 12.00 0.00
5191 571 3681.290039 -1280.189941 248.466003 0.00 11.100000 3.257000 10.00 0.822100
5192 571 3680.639893 -1258.160034 248.569000 0.00 11.100000 3.100000 10.00 5.572000
5193 571 3659.260010 -1281.219971 248.565994 0.00 11.100000 3.100000 10.00 5.572000
5194 571 3658.040039 -1259.020020 248.569000 0.00 11.100000 3.257000 10.00 0.822100
5200 571 7115.279785 -1632.579956 820.486023 0.00 36.00 80.00 10.00 0.212800
5204 571 8414.790039 -369.308990 908.00 0.00 40.00 80.00 10.00 5.540000
5205 571 6700.479980 -4666.020020 458.285004 0.00 6.801000 24.150000 34.00 0.770700
5206 571 6976.540039 -4396.330078 457.500000 0.00 12.00 24.00 35.00 0.770700
5209 571 5675.430176 480.919006 659.193970 0.00 3.556000 8.730000 16.00 0.902000
5215 571 3639.399902 2027.199951 6.500000 0.00 12.630000 3.450000 8.00 5.931000
5217 571 5570.279785 5766.899902 -75.225700 0.00 10.830000 11.950000 14.00 0.00
5227 571 6220.029785 0.873372 411.972992 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5243 571 3442.629883 260.950989 -100.00 0.00 3.00 15.00 25.00 0.080930
5245 571 6466.350098 2038.310059 570.750977 11.878600 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5246 571 3869.840088 6984.160156 112.500000 0.00 2.00 9.00 10.00 0.039920
5248 571 6379.540039 455.328003 513.690979 14.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.018000
5254 571 5172.120117 -1666.760010 410.335999 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5257 571 4851.220215 1463.699951 209.748993 80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5258 571 5494.879883 2839.810059 420.811005 0.00 10.00 24.00 10.00 0.00
5273 571 5886.270020 651.448975 640.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5274 571 6316.850098 -1740.329956 456.679993 0.00 74.510002 12.340000 60.00 0.00
5275 571 6311.609863 -1704.910034 455.596985 0.00 74.510002 12.340000 60.00 0.00
5280 571 7239.669922 1586.819946 362.954010 14.407400 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5281 571 7628.859863 2060.729980 600.258972 18.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5282 571 7889.200195 2057.979980 600.258972 18.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5283 571 5832.890137 630.354004 775.00 0.00 240.00 201.600006 200.00 5.789000
5284 571 7487.439941 2060.770020 499.727997 0.00 215.899994 230.699997 248.500000 0.00
5285 571 7761.549805 2056.050049 499.936005 0.00 317.600006 152.300003 154.00 0.00
5286 571 8110.00 1985.680054 499.729004 0.00 353.600006 340.399994 336.500000 0.00
5287 571 8151.899902 2403.739990 515.333008 0.00 435.399994 466.600006 409.799988 0.00
5290 571 3870.290039 6984.200195 153.847000 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5294 571 5157.160156 2196.489990 377.707001 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5296 571 5088.930176 2281.110107 356.006012 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5298 571 5116.470215 3482.899902 358.300995 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5300 571 5022.310059 3695.459961 362.743011 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5302 571 4327.359863 3207.780029 372.020996 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5304 571 4344.140137 2407.979980 374.660004 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5305 571 6784.680176 1788.290039 572.481018 0.00 93.339996 10.710000 50.00 6.206000
5306 571 7024.479980 2133.310059 623.109009 11.691500 23.270000 24.670000 30.00 6.187000
5307 571 7198.390137 1968.569946 572.000977 11.691500 23.270000 24.670000 30.00 6.187000
5308 571 6978.620117 1727.300049 511.100006 11.691500 23.270000 24.670000 30.00 6.187000
5309 571 8535.540039 2660.669922 650.353027 103.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5310 571 5825.040039 642.557007 647.830994 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5312 571 7143.620117 1833.160034 512.346985 23.916100 23.270000 24.670000 30.00 6.187000
5313 571 7049.740234 1759.079956 502.244995 23.916100 23.270000 24.670000 30.00 6.187000
5314 571 3538.929932 358.567993 52.287899 12.059900 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
5315 571 3637.800049 282.852997 52.230999 12.059900 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
5316 571 3555.300049 183.757004 52.293400 12.059900 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
5317 571 3451.580078 263.977997 52.230301 12.059900 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
5318 571 3650.439941 283.794006 -120.172997 12.059900 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
5323 571 7796.740234 -2970.719971 1259.050049 0.00 29.040001 14.400000 20.00 5.821000
5327 571 5832.890137 501.109985 657.372986 6.243390 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5332 571 3798.620117 3581.189941 51.718601 0.00 4.564000 5.437000 7.467000 4.387000
5334 571 3739.659912 3567.290039 290.785004 0.00 5.645000 5.946000 3.055000 0.00
5338 571 3787.570068 3558.110107 473.321991 0.00 4.380000 4.825000 5.768000 5.998000
5339 571 3739.500000 3567.00 341.563995 0.00 4.402000 4.690000 3.371000 0.00
5340 571 3738.639893 3567.669922 298.522003 0.00 1.378000 8.497000 1.402000 0.00
5341 571 3740.320068 3567.879883 298.522003 0.00 1.232000 7.863000 2.042000 0.00
5360 571 7843.930176 -799.789001 1183.800049 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5379 571 9364.360352 -1113.439941 1320.00 0.00 14.00 50.00 160.00 6.280000
5392 571 8466.179688 871.096985 547.293030 14.545800 13.710000 11.900000 0.00 0.00
5403 571 8484.929688 927.895020 547.309021 0.00 16.629999 57.770000 10.00 0.00
5404 571 8574.469727 667.114014 547.374023 0.00 40.430000 17.00 10.00 1.405000
5405 571 8421.389648 704.429993 547.336975 0.00 35.490002 13.420000 10.00 0.00
5440 571 4200.279785 5265.830078 31.667000 2.818020 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5460 571 4866.419922 5168.270020 -83.388397 0.00 2.338000 26.700001 20.040001 0.405600
5461 571 4880.209961 5173.419922 -83.111000 0.00 2.338000 26.700001 20.040001 0.405600
5500 571 8454.509766 459.433990 596.072021 6.488840 8.090000 6.413000 0.00 0.00
5503 571 8515.209961 744.413025 562.906006 0.00 26.00 12.00 12.00 0.00
5505 571 8562.599609 791.784973 562.898987 0.00 12.00 26.00 12.00 0.00
5635 571 5678.560059 1995.280029 808.00 0.00 14.500000 12.00 21.00 0.695000
5636 571 5627.410156 1957.319946 819.00 0.00 15.00 25.00 35.00 1.500000
5637 571 5584.109863 2003.160034 807.200012 0.00 14.500000 12.00 21.00 2.265000
5650 571 4800.009766 -578.348999 159.809006 0.00 15.260000 68.309998 21.299999 5.836000
5670 571 5772.109863 2063.270020 647.064026 0.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 0.429200
5691 571 5816.220215 760.518982 640.668030 0.00 1.00 10.060000 8.422000 1.776000
5692 571 5815.700195 761.744995 640.583008 0.00 1.00 10.060000 8.422000 1.776000
5693 571 5783.060059 538.762024 642.559021 0.00 1.00 6.700000 2.422000 0.881900
5694 571 5782.740234 541.598999 642.00 0.00 1.00 10.00 2.422000 0.886600
5774 571 5805.950195 605.463989 655.422974 0.00 10.150000 17.790001 8.112000 3.309000
5869 571 3608.189941 186.169998 -100.00 0.00 5.00 16.00 24.00 5.341000
4696 572 1328.719971 1632.719971 36.730400 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4697 572 1243.300049 1699.170044 34.872601 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4927 572 1200.329956 1682.089966 33.078098 0.00 158.399994 26.139999 40.00 0.887500
4928 572 1223.609985 1630.810059 32.607101 0.00 127.300003 28.430000 40.00 5.617000
4929 572 1359.180054 1692.250000 37.070499 0.00 158.399994 26.139999 40.00 5.615000
4930 572 1371.510010 1649.079956 34.508900 0.00 158.399994 26.139999 40.00 0.887500
4931 572 1299.760010 1554.739990 40.00 0.00 127.00 30.629999 40.00 0.125000
4932 572 1274.510010 1774.680054 27.036600 0.00 127.00 30.629999 40.00 0.125000
4933 572 1246.060059 1743.619995 40.00 0.00 33.880001 21.230000 40.00 1.675000
4934 572 1305.439941 1754.140015 40.00 0.00 33.880001 21.230000 40.00 1.675000
4935 572 1321.619995 1586.979980 40.00 0.00 33.880001 21.230000 40.00 1.675000
4936 572 1269.119995 1579.989990 40.00 0.00 33.880001 21.230000 40.00 1.675000
4941 572 1285.359985 1667.680054 10.00 0.00 212.500000 207.300003 20.00 2.479000
5041 572 1285.359985 1667.680054 -10.00 0.00 212.500000 207.300003 20.00 2.479000
5042 572 1285.359985 1667.680054 -30.00 0.00 212.500000 207.300003 20.00 2.479000
4741 574 136.729004 -90.446800 12.554300 0.00 47.189999 23.969999 70.940002 1.900000
4757 574 260.497009 231.136993 42.791401 10.00 0.333300 0.333300 43.360001 0.00
4762 574 164.324997 -83.172997 12.554800 0.00 5.611000 30.440001 12.080000 3.473000
4764 574 168.774002 -79.550598 12.554800 0.00 4.944000 30.940001 11.110000 3.473000
4791 574 377.471039 -69.208931 24.672588 8.00 0.277800 0.277800 0.277800 0.00
4792 574 373.926270 -56.261719 22.756962 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4793 574 369.697845 -43.662491 24.146912 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4838 574 273.721985 -148.903000 190.104004 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4743 575 595.190002 -328.291992 113.143997 0.00 10.970000 10.690000 12.00 6.269000
4991 575 330.903015 -508.429993 104.272003 0.00 31.620001 21.840000 30.00 0.00
5140 575 312.645996 -291.173004 104.702003 0.00 37.290001 13.790000 35.230000 0.00
4954 576 184.843994 -6.531750 -10.00 0.00 8.00 75.00 20.00 0.00
4955 576 184.843994 -6.531750 -10.00 0.00 8.00 75.00 20.00 0.00
4981 576 145.759003 -17.642099 -13.00 0.00 10.00 4.00 10.00 0.00
5004 576 601.693970 -255.199997 -225.00 0.00 420.00 725.00 100.00 0.00
5001 578 1084.349976 1054.619995 225.00 0.00 700.00 700.00 100.00 0.00
4853 580 1595.599976 679.533020 52.630299 0.00 35.139999 88.180000 33.689999 5.576000
4891 580 1797.290039 925.317017 15.056600 0.00 4.924000 14.660000 16.770000 6.264000
4937 580 1807.270020 597.651001 52.00 0.00 65.129997 10.160000 17.629999 5.953000
5626 580 1766.939941 683.090027 71.190201 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5652 580 1772.630005 683.450989 71.190201 0.00 1.067000 44.930000 71.400002 2.253000
5664 580 1772.939941 681.028015 71.190201 0.00 1.067000 44.930000 71.400002 2.253000
5681 580 1703.890015 865.252014 26.637699 0.00 1.186000 50.389999 71.400002 3.123000
5682 580 1698.939941 865.216980 25.606199 0.00 0.510600 51.119999 71.400002 3.105000
5684 580 1681.660034 578.431030 31.313499 0.00 55.209999 2.634000 48.310001 5.903000
5685 580 1645.880005 609.794983 31.318800 0.00 34.369999 1.053000 48.310001 5.076000
4849 585 231.891006 -271.377014 -7.651130 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00
4885 585 -5.894530 -0.123698 -2.803230 0.00 3.432000 16.139999 7.543000 0.00
5085 595 1807.489990 1275.989990 141.677002 6.549320 9.694000 8.810000 4.00 0.00
5148 595 1427.339966 564.166016 37.987701 0.00 24.00 6.00 4.00 3.610000
5181 595 2235.439941 1472.050049 132.363998 0.00 8.719000 11.580000 6.00 0.470500
5249 595 2110.989990 1372.900024 132.453003 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5250 595 2199.550049 1294.170044 134.130005 7.00 9.900000 9.900000 1.00 0.00
5251 595 2148.530029 1260.910034 134.865005 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5252 595 2233.899902 1136.180054 139.042007 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5253 595 2325.310059 1153.540039 135.302002 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5256 595 2384.659912 1202.810059 134.041000 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5291 595 1561.310059 580.874023 99.763901 2.170770 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5795 595 2107.149902 1289.280029 137.020996 0.00 21.00 50.00 12.00 0.00
5012 599 1153.869995 816.262024 195.350006 0.00 50.00 6.00 25.00 0.00
5000 600 -519.182007 -481.424011 16.00 0.00 5.00 20.00 15.00 2.364000
5113 601 404.282013 53.538300 252.427994 0.00 7.588000 10.940000 5.00 0.310800
5115 601 405.541992 803.135010 831.913025 0.00 24.00 8.00 5.00 0.698600
5292 601 549.182007 433.334991 286.00 0.00 15.560000 15.560000 3.00 0.00
5082 602 1225.810059 -164.371994 60.00 0.00 10.00 60.00 20.00 0.00
5083 602 1187.089966 -164.227997 60.00 0.00 10.00 60.00 20.00 0.00
5084 602 1174.979980 -193.798996 60.00 0.00 10.00 60.00 20.00 4.712000
5091 602 1330.839966 281.895996 65.00 0.00 70.00 15.00 30.00 0.00
5357 603 2133.780029 -312.114990 441.233002 0.00 44.320000 27.860001 15.00 0.00
5358 603 -811.104004 -158.973999 450.00 0.00 32.580002 371.100006 70.00 0.00
5359 603 -841.468018 -147.115005 450.00 0.00 22.510000 345.299988 70.00 0.00
5366 603 477.850006 754.044006 354.865997 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5369 603 139.018997 56.201401 409.803986 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5381 603 -927.00 -149.059006 550.00 0.00 10.00 60.00 170.00 0.00
5388 603 -771.429993 -149.451996 430.078003 19.062799 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5390 603 1800.00 -22.976601 420.953003 0.00 75.00 200.00 30.00 0.00
5398 603 583.054993 -9.908750 409.803986 0.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 0.00
5399 603 1752.900024 -27.006599 448.804993 0.00 7.291000 42.090000 5.00 0.00
5400 603 1637.890015 -164.639008 427.259003 0.00 1.797000 21.200001 13.340000 0.00
5401 603 1640.770020 -164.218002 427.261993 0.00 1.797000 21.200001 13.340000 0.00
5402 603 2309.719971 1430.00 388.00 0.00 170.00 2420.00 44.00 0.00
5414 603 -349.794006 -106.073997 409.803986 0.00 50.389999 405.00 102.699997 0.00
5415 603 -181.199997 72.678299 420.737000 0.00 71.910004 214.500000 102.699997 0.00
5416 603 74.258499 -184.421997 413.291992 0.00 54.700001 100.00 24.480000 0.00
5417 603 117.374001 179.934998 409.803986 0.00 50.00 188.399994 24.480000 0.00
5420 603 -705.737000 -92.300797 429.872986 6.646130 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5423 603 131.035995 -128.302994 409.803986 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5426 603 -54.910198 -66.939598 409.803986 0.00 50.00 188.399994 24.480000 0.00
5427 603 588.018005 62.748699 404.621002 0.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 0.00
5428 603 -401.944000 -14.549100 409.803986 0.00 50.00 250.00 24.480000 0.00
5432 603 2307.100098 1415.00 415.549988 0.00 6.00 2420.00 1.00 0.00
5433 603 1629.079956 -308.356995 390.00 0.00 180.00 180.00 4.00 0.00
5442 603 44.472099 -32.558800 409.803986 0.00 50.00 250.00 24.480000 0.00
5443 603 -513.848999 31.768299 409.803986 0.00 50.389999 405.00 102.699997 0.00
5231 604 1896.959961 825.632019 185.00 0.00 4.00 17.00 20.00 1.553000
5233 604 1913.790039 644.726990 144.00 0.00 4.00 20.00 20.00 3.144000
5276 604 1981.119995 841.818970 144.00 0.00 4.00 20.00 20.00 3.141000
5277 604 1899.310059 658.893982 185.00 0.00 4.00 17.00 20.00 4.703000
5354 607 1357.060059 -323.050995 36.830700 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5355 607 1367.550049 219.315002 37.069199 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5356 607 978.716980 -3.431970 86.714600 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5211 608 1798.739990 803.857971 47.364700 0.00 3.646000 12.240000 8.00 0.012300
5017 609 2990.570068 -5632.359863 330.942993 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5029 609 2985.489990 -5640.009766 327.269012 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5086 609 1410.060059 -5834.189941 132.429993 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5087 609 1877.310059 -5769.00 83.807503 0.00 27.559999 22.660000 9.063000 0.00
5088 609 1407.900024 -5836.549805 139.233994 0.00 10.910000 13.580000 19.309999 5.489000
5089 609 1392.849976 -5831.529785 140.604004 0.00 17.440001 28.120001 19.309999 5.489000
5094 609 1319.810059 -5771.600098 137.748993 0.00 10.520000 8.039000 5.212000 0.00
5099 609 1322.280029 -5742.740234 137.475006 0.00 7.264000 7.130000 5.212000 0.00
5100 609 1320.780029 -5763.850098 137.819000 0.00 8.149000 3.909000 5.733000 0.00
5101 609 1330.719971 -5755.859863 137.479996 0.00 7.676000 4.392000 5.075000 0.00
5102 609 1321.060059 -5754.200195 137.429001 0.00 9.819000 6.171000 4.644000 0.00
5103 609 1328.689941 -5771.259766 137.774002 0.00 5.275000 7.314000 4.924000 0.00
5104 609 1330.099976 -5764.620117 137.820999 0.00 8.725000 4.932000 4.186000 0.00
5105 609 1330.719971 -5748.669922 137.393005 0.00 8.973000 6.474000 4.800000 0.00
5106 609 1330.500000 -5741.339844 137.565002 0.00 7.662000 7.904000 2.694000 0.00
5107 609 1321.790039 -5748.830078 137.382004 0.00 7.594000 3.916000 5.814000 0.00
5228 615 3242.989990 554.299988 58.756302 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5229 615 3244.340088 512.375000 58.578499 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5241 615 3228.399902 380.247009 75.00 0.00 15.00 3.00 25.00 0.00
5342 616 754.596985 1301.739990 200.00 0.00 600.900024 964.799988 30.00 0.00
5326 617 1330.00 800.00 -10.00 0.00 214.00 216.00 20.00 90.00
5328 617 1289.719971 736.612976 3.159700 0.00 40.00 10.00 20.00 0.003541
5329 617 1292.050049 845.273010 5.630660 0.00 40.00 10.00 20.00 0.003541
5330 617 1238.079956 780.106018 3.159730 0.00 100.00 8.500000 9.00 4.711000
5331 617 1348.500000 792.828003 3.823050 0.00 100.00 8.500000 9.00 4.703000
5343 617 1330.00 800.00 -40.00 0.00 214.00 216.00 20.00 90.00
5344 617 1330.00 800.00 -60.00 0.00 214.00 216.00 20.00 0.468000
5347 617 1249.430054 764.601013 21.466200 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5348 617 1333.510010 817.031006 21.389999 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5224 618 765.145996 -294.882996 -1.00 0.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 0.00
5226 618 764.301025 -272.006989 -1.00 0.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 0.00
5447 618 801.663025 -278.856995 -24.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 50.00 0.00
5473 618 743.663025 -272.490997 28.684099 0.00 2.300000 96.610001 10.00 0.00
5474 618 783.203003 -271.968994 28.690001 0.00 2.300000 95.00 10.00 0.00
5213 619 332.397003 -1110.699951 72.774399 0.00 1.998000 10.560000 7.00 0.631000
5235 619 523.231018 -300.268005 71.360497 0.00 11.250000 1.536000 8.00 0.00
5322 619 548.745972 -1001.950012 37.939701 0.00 18.020000 31.360001 53.880001 0.161400
5262 624 -517.960022 -103.653000 156.623993 0.00 8.322000 31.020000 20.00 0.00
5530 628 1049.310059 -225.00 81.138100 19.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5535 628 1216.880005 -763.715027 48.916302 0.00 119.500000 162.00 50.00 0.00
5536 628 350.885010 -832.692993 50.00 0.00 107.00 126.400002 50.00 0.00
5555 628 340.625000 -836.116028 48.916199 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5604 631 4396.569824 2482.969971 203.376007 0.00 58.910000 113.00 60.00 0.00
5608 631 51.470501 2212.379883 30.115700 0.00 8.00 75.00 20.00 0.00
5609 631 61.191002 2209.120117 30.115700 0.00 8.00 75.00 20.00 0.00
5611 631 -142.085007 2211.320068 35.233501 0.00 15.00 35.00 30.00 0.00
5612 631 -205.858002 2210.070068 35.233501 0.00 45.00 160.00 30.00 0.00
5616 631 4356.879883 2700.500000 355.031006 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5617 631 4313.910156 2672.050049 344.769989 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5618 631 4386.040039 2668.739990 348.846008 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5619 631 4356.750000 2653.260010 351.101013 0.00 30.00 15.00 20.00 0.00
5623 631 4181.279785 2483.649902 211.031998 15.00 21.209999 21.209999 1.00 0.00
5628 631 -497.942993 2324.310059 198.787003 0.00 75.00 10.00 50.00 5.017000
5629 631 -370.787994 2319.820068 199.970001 0.00 75.00 10.00 50.00 4.413000
5630 631 -504.694000 2094.969971 199.970001 0.00 75.00 10.00 50.00 4.203000
5631 631 -375.691010 2106.810059 199.970001 0.00 75.00 10.00 50.00 5.062000
5647 631 4360.089844 3125.629883 378.970001 0.00 40.00 15.00 30.00 0.00
5649 631 4234.189941 2768.699951 350.963013 0.00 10.00 30.00 20.00 0.00
5668 631 85.939201 2211.560059 38.115700 0.00 10.00 20.00 18.00 0.00
5698 631 -465.351990 2212.129883 545.00 0.00 5.00 35.00 20.00 0.00
5700 631 4120.350098 2768.010010 355.579010 0.00 10.00 35.00 20.00 0.00
5708 631 4694.490234 2769.090088 364.085999 60.00 21.209999 21.209999 1.00 0.00
5709 631 -543.424988 2212.919922 55.341801 0.00 41.540001 67.760002 40.00 0.00
5718 631 4357.089844 2769.260010 356.072998 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5729 631 4489.020020 2767.570068 351.101013 0.00 20.799999 33.470001 30.00 0.00
5730 631 4245.879883 2768.870117 340.963013 0.00 11.800000 34.259998 40.00 0.00
5732 631 -333.615997 2212.629883 42.564400 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5736 631 28.501699 2211.810059 30.115700 0.00 35.00 35.00 20.00 0.00
5744 631 4354.649902 2872.239990 349.428009 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5745 631 4457.759766 2769.500000 349.306000 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5746 631 4271.220215 2770.669922 351.009003 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5747 631 4256.709961 2736.429932 347.662994 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5748 631 4257.649902 2804.169922 346.824005 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5749 631 4357.569824 2622.129883 351.101013 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5772 631 -458.920013 2212.110107 545.00 0.00 5.00 35.00 20.00 0.00
5642 632 4925.850098 2169.169922 649.00 0.00 25.00 5.00 25.00 0.464800
5672 632 5661.350098 2507.090088 708.828979 10.425900 22.500000 3.994000 16.670000 5.573000
5688 632 5684.479980 2537.010010 714.690979 0.00 1.109000 8.192000 20.00 0.908200
5475 649 744.226013 132.110992 150.00 0.00 150.00 165.00 30.00 1.570000
5508 649 563.455017 68.432297 401.191986 0.00 40.00 16.00 14.00 0.00
5562 649 563.645996 92.120003 395.200989 0.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 0.00
5491 650 790.564026 620.513977 411.937988 0.00 97.290001 1.00 20.00 1.581000
5492 650 793.122986 618.575012 412.390015 0.00 70.430000 1.00 20.00 1.576000
5510 650 819.268982 618.674011 418.00 0.00 18.00 42.00 15.00 0.00
5573 658 464.421997 206.578003 528.710022 0.00 18.950001 200.699997 40.00 6.253000
5578 658 859.281006 44.402802 515.033997 34.538200 42.430000 150.399994 40.00 0.00
5579 658 960.056030 75.253502 566.166016 38.135201 42.430000 150.399994 40.00 0.00
5580 658 969.913025 -117.435997 597.942993 20.505800 42.430000 150.399994 40.00 0.00
5581 658 1066.619995 76.786499 630.908997 20.135201 42.430000 150.399994 40.00 0.00
5582 658 1002.650024 -131.897995 617.732971 0.00 30.00 20.00 30.00 6.255000
5583 658 1038.589966 -117.975998 628.364014 0.00 30.00 25.00 30.00 0.757700
5584 658 1059.040039 -84.769096 633.620972 0.00 30.00 25.00 30.00 1.273000
5585 658 1066.290039 -51.446201 633.947998 0.00 30.00 25.00 30.00 1.273000
5586 658 1073.050049 -14.191000 633.135986 0.00 30.00 25.00 30.00 1.273000
5587 658 1077.810059 24.630199 631.455017 0.00 30.00 25.00 30.00 1.660000
5588 658 822.989990 65.840302 510.217987 0.00 10.300000 60.590000 40.00 5.484000
5589 658 752.456970 -52.558998 508.742004 20.00 42.430000 150.399994 40.00 0.00
5593 658 706.056030 158.104004 510.595001 29.00 42.430000 150.399994 40.00 0.00
5594 658 619.679016 57.675301 512.435974 0.00 10.300000 60.590000 40.00 4.380000
5595 658 622.713989 1.803820 513.741028 0.00 28.170000 71.169998 40.00 4.646000
5596 658 656.747009 -75.276001 513.742004 0.00 25.309999 77.010002 40.00 5.317000
5597 658 726.296997 -93.413200 513.674988 0.00 11.350000 59.610001 40.00 0.298700
5598 658 777.763977 -33.769100 508.352997 0.00 11.350000 59.610001 40.00 0.775500
5599 658 805.752014 -9.270830 509.496002 0.00 11.350000 59.610001 40.00 0.775500
5600 658 794.789978 85.274300 510.364990 0.00 16.830000 59.020000 40.00 2.405000
5601 658 763.643982 139.731003 510.632996 0.00 16.830000 59.020000 40.00 2.405000
5602 658 662.418030 94.855904 505.071991 0.00 40.00 66.610001 40.00 2.405000
5633 658 1006.859985 178.960007 628.156006 51.501099 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5643 658 423.846985 212.520996 528.708008 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5683 658 1189.729980 347.863007 629.620972 0.00 5.500000 3.600000 6.00 5.560000
5570 668 5381.020020 2089.909912 707.695007 0.00 35.00 3.00 10.00 2.373000
5605 668 5539.649902 2247.050049 733.010986 0.00 20.530001 94.510002 72.139999 3.942000
5632 668 5244.520020 1939.209961 707.695007 0.00 32.619999 5.417000 37.860001 5.511000
5646 668 5228.240234 1921.219971 717.695007 0.00 25.00 10.00 25.00 5.528000
5660 668 5276.169922 1971.699951 707.695007 0.00 25.629999 3.486000 37.860001 5.549000
5689 668 5249.520020 1942.949951 707.695007 0.00 46.770000 4.574000 30.00 5.508000
5697 668 5309.560059 2006.670044 709.341003 9.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5740 668 5361.100098 2061.020020 707.695007 0.00 4.00 24.00 6.00 0.807400
5742 668 5374.439941 2075.050049 707.695007 0.00 20.00 36.00 6.00 0.807400
5752 668 5433.129883 2137.969971 720.091980 0.00 46.770000 4.574000 30.00 5.508000
5867 724 3152.080078 362.875000 85.517502 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5872 724 3286.800049 533.392029 98.571800 0.00 5.00 16.00 24.00 6.248000


FILENAME=$(echo "Areatrigger involvedrelation" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`areatrigger_involvedrelation\` table

Enable a trigger to finish one condition of a quest (explore)

If there is a record in the table for this a quest, then the quest will not be completed until the player activates this areatriger. The quest is not necessarily finished after that, but that one condition of the quest is satisfied. If the only condition of the quest is to explore an area, then the quest will be complete.


Field Type Attributes Can be null Default Comments
id int(11) unsigned NO 0 Identifier
quest int(11) unsigned NO 0 Quest Identifier

Description of the fields


This is the trigger identifier from AreaTrigger.dbc


Quest’s identifier (see quest_template.entry)


FILENAME=$(echo "Areatrigger involvedrelation (2.4.3)" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`areatrigger_involvedrelation\` table

Enable a trigger to finish one condition of a quest (explore)

If there is a record in the table for this a quest, then the quest will not be completed until the player activates this areatriger. The quest is not necessarily finished after that, but that one condition of the quest is satisfied. If the only condition of the quest is to explore an area, then the quest will be complete.


Field Type Attributes Can be null Default Comments
id int(11) unsigned NO 0 Identifier
quest int(11) unsigned NO 0 Quest Identifier

Description of the fields


This is the trigger identifier from AreaTrigger.dbc


Quest’s identifier (see quest_template.entry (2.4.3)#entry)


FILENAME=$(echo "Areatrigger involvedrelation m" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Simple merge — no brainer.


FILENAME=$(echo "Areatrigger scripts" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

  1. REDIRECT Scripted areatrigger areatrigger


FILENAME=$(echo "Areatrigger tavern" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`areatrigger_tavern\` table

Enable a trigger when player enters a city or tavern. This causes the player to enter a resting state.


Field Type NULL Key Default Comments
id int(11) unsigned NO PRIMARY 0 Identifier, auto_increment
name text YES

Description of the fields


This is the trigger identifier, see AreaTrigger.dbc


Name of the city or tavern. This is purely for descriptive purposes.


FILENAME=$(echo "Areatrigger tavern (2.4.3)" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`areatrigger_tavern\` table

Enable a trigger when player enters a city or tavern. This causes the player to enter a resting state.


Field Type NULL Key Default Comments
id int(11) unsigned NO PRIMARY 0 Identifier, auto_increment
name text YES

Description of the fields


This is the trigger identifier from AreaTrigger.dbc


Name of the city or tavern. This is purely for descriptive purposes.


FILENAME=$(echo "Areatrigger tavern m" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Simple merge record based.


FILENAME=$(echo "Areatrigger teleport" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`areatrigger_teleport\` table

Contains all the teleport triggers definition. This table is used to complete .dbc file information.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id mediumint(8) unsigned NO PRI 0
name text YES
required_level tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
required_item mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
required_item2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
heroic_key mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
heroic_key2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
required_quest_done int(11) unsigned NO 0
required_quest_done_heroic int(11) unsigned NO 0
required_failed_text text YES
target_map smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
target_position_x float NO 0
target_position_y float NO 0
target_position_z float NO 0
target_orientation float NO 0

Description of the fields


This is the trigger identifier, it must match with the one from AreaTrigger.dbc


Name of the trigger. This can be an arbitrary name, and is for descriptive purposes only.


Level necessary to activate this trigger


The necessary item(s) to activate this trigger (see item_template.entry)


The key that unlocks heroic version for a trigger leading to an instatiable map with heroic mode support. If two are specified, you only need one to activate heroic mode.


Required quest done as attunement to use the trigger (see quest_template.entry).


Required Heroic quest done as attunement to use the trigger (see quest_template.entry).


Failed text shown to players who do have not done the attunement quest yet.


Target map of the trigger (See Maps.dbc)


X coordinate for the target destination of the trigger


Y coordinate for the target destination of the trigger


Z coordinate for the target destination of the trigger


Orientation the player will get when appearing at this location


FILENAME=$(echo "Areatrigger teleport (2.4.3)" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`areatrigger_teleport\` table

Contains all the teleport triggers definition. This table is used to complete .dbc file information.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id mediumint(8) unsigned NO PRI 0
name text YES
required_level tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
required_item mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
required_item2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
heroic_key mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
heroic_key2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
required_quest_done int(11) unsigned NO 0
required_quest_done_heroic int(11) unsigned NO 0
required_failed_text text YES
target_map smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
target_position_x float NO 0
target_position_y float NO 0
target_position_z float NO 0
target_orientation float NO 0

Description of the fields


This is the trigger identifier, it must match with the one from AreaTrigger.dbc


Name of the trigger. This can be an arbitrary name, and is for descriptive purposes only.


Level necessary to activate this trigger


The necessary item(s) to activate this trigger (see item_template.entry (2.4.3)#entry)


The key that unlocks heroic version for a trigger leading to an instatiable map with heroic mode support. If two are specified, you only need one to activate heroic mode.


Required quest done as attunement to use the trigger (see quest_template.entry (2.4.3)#entry).


Required heroic quest done as attunement to use the trigger (see quest_template.entry (2.4.3)#entry).


Failed text shown to players who do have not done the attunement quest yet.


Target map of the trigger (See Maps.dbc (2.4.3).dbc)


X coordinate for the target destination of the trigger


Y coordinate for the target destination of the trigger


Z coordinate for the target destination of the trigger


Orientation the player will get when appearing at this location


FILENAME=$(echo "Areatrigger template m" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Simple merge record based.


FILENAME=$(echo "Arena team" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to characters database list of tables.

The \`arena_team\` table


Field Type Null Key Default
arenateamid int(10) unsigned NO PRI 0
name char(255) NO
captainguid int(10) unsigned NO 0
type tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
EmblemStyle int(10) unsigned NO 0
EmblemColor int(10) unsigned NO 0
BorderStyle int(10) unsigned NO 0
BorderColor int(10) unsigned NO 0
BackgroundColor int(10) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields



The name of the team


The character global unique identifier of leader. View Characters.guid


0 = 2v2 1 = 3v3 2 = 5v5







FILENAME=$(echo "Arena team member" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to characters database list of tables.

The \`arena_team_member\` table


Field Type Null Key Default
arenateamid int(10) unsigned NO 0
guid int(10) unsigned NO 0
played_week int(10) unsigned NO 0
wons_week int(10) unsigned NO 0
played_season int(10) unsigned NO 0
wons_season int(10) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields








FILENAME=$(echo "Arena team stats" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to characters database list of tables.

The \`arena_team_stats\` table


Field Type Null Key Default
arenateamid int(10) unsigned NO PRI 0
rating int(10) unsigned NO 0
games int(10) unsigned NO 0
wins int(10) unsigned NO 0
played int(10) unsigned NO 0
wins2 int(10) unsigned NO 0
rank int(10) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields









FILENAME=$(echo "Auctionhouse" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`auctionhouse\` table

Contains all information about the currently ongoing auctions in the auction houses. It controls what items are put up for auction and who put it up, who is the highest bidder, etc.

This table is used by MaNGOS while running and not a table that you would usually edit.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
auctioneerguid int(11) unsigned NO 0
itemguid int(11) unsigned NO 0
item_template int(11) unsigned NO 0
itemowner int(11) unsigned NO 0
buyoutprice int(11) NO 0
time bigint(40) NO 0
buyguid int(11) unsigned NO 0
lastbid int(11) NO 0
startbid int(11) NO 0
deposit int(11) NO 0

Description of the fields


Unique identifier for every auction.


The GUID of the creature where the auction item was added. See creature.guid


The GUID of the item that is up for auction. See item_instance.guid


The entry of the item up for auction. See item_template.entry


The GUID of the owner of the item up for auction. See character.guid


The buyout price of the item in copper. Divide by 100 to get silver and by 100 again to get gold.


The time when the auction will end, measured in Unix time (number of seconds from 00:00 Jan 1, 1970).


The GUID of the highest bidder. See character.guid


The amount of copper of the last bid put on the item.


The amount of copper of the starting bid.


The amount of copper spent on the deposit.


FILENAME=$(echo "Battleground events" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`battleground_events\` table

This table contains the description of battleground events.


Field Type Null Key Default
map smallint(5) NO PRI NULL
event1 tinyint(3) unsigned NO PRI NULL
event2 tinyint(3) unsigned NO PRI NULL
description VARCHAR NO NULL

Description of the fields






FILENAME=$(echo "Battleground events (2.4.3)" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`battleground_events\` table

This table contains the description of battleground events.


Field Type Null Key Default
map smallint(5) NO PRI NULL
event1 tinyint(3) unsigned NO PRI NULL
event2 tinyint(3) unsigned NO PRI NULL
description VARCHAR NO NULL

Description of the fields


Map ID of the Battleground the Event is located in.


This is a Primary Event ID.


This is used to identify Sub Event ID’s that occur within a Primary Event.


Description of the Battleground Event. This is purely for descriptive purposes.


FILENAME=$(echo "Battleground template" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`battleground_template\` table

Contains information about the different battlegrounds, like how many players are needed to start, how many can be inside the same one, and the locations where each side starts.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id mediumint(8) unsigned NO PRI
MinPlayersPerTeam smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
MaxPlayersPerTeam smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
AllianceStartLoc mediumint(8) unsigned NO
AllianceStartO float NO
HordeStartLoc mediumint(8) unsigned NO
HordeStartO float NO

Description of the fields


The battleground ID. See BattlemasterList.dbc

ID Type
1 Alterac Valley
2 Warsong Gulch
3 Arathi Basin
4 Nagrand Arena
5 Blade’s Edge Arena
6 Nagrand Arena
7 Eye of the Storm
8 Ruins of Lordaeron
9 Strand of the Ancients
10 Dalaran Sewers
11 The Ring of Valor


Controls the minimum number of players that need to join the battleground on each faction side for the battleground to start. For the battleground to start, all characters (between min and max player values) must be in the same tier. Tiers are set up in ranges of 10 levels except for level 70. So the first tier is 10-19, the next are 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and finally 70. If characters of different tiers all join the queue, they will join their respective tier’s queue and wait for more players of their tier to join the queue. Characters in different tiers can never join the same battleground.


Controls how many players from each team can join the battleground.
NOTE2: If left to be 0, mangos will use the default DBC value.


The minimum level that players need to be in order to join the battleground.
NOTE: If left to be 0, mangos will use the default DBC value.


The maximum level that players can be to enter the battleground.
NOTE: If left to be 0, mangos will use the default DBC value.


The location where the alliance players get teleported to when the battleground first starts. See WorldSafeLocs.dbc


The orientation of the alliance players upon teleport into the battleground. North is 0, south is Pi (3.14159).


The location where the horde players get teleported to when the battleground first starts. See WorldSafeLocs.dbc


The orientation of the horde players upon teleport into the battleground. North is 0, south is Pi (3.14159).


FILENAME=$(echo "Battleground template (2.4.3)" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`battleground_template\` table

Contains information about the different battlegrounds, like how many players are needed to start, how many can be inside the same one, and the locations where each side starts.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(10) unsigned NO PRI
MinPlayersPerTeam int(11) unsigned NO 0
MaxPlayersPerTeam int(11) NO
MinLvl int(11) NO
MaxLvl int(11) NO
AllianceStartLoc int(10) unsigned NO
AllianceStartO float NO
HordeStartLoc int(10) unsigned NO
HordeStartO float NO

Description of the fields


The battleground ID. Below is Summary of DBC Data (See BattlemasterList.dbc (2.4.3).dbc For Full Details).

ID Type
1 Alterac Valley
2 Warsong Gulch
3 Arathi Basin
4 Nagrand Arena
5 Blade’s Edge Arena
6 All Arena’s
7 Eye of the Storm
8 Ruins of Lordaeron


Controls the minimum number of players that need to join the battleground on each faction side for the battleground to start. For the battleground to start, all characters (between min and max player values) must be in the same tier. Tiers are set up in ranges of 10 levels except for level 70. So the first tier is 10-19, the next are 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and finally 70. If characters of different tiers all join the queue, they will join their respective tier’s queue and wait for more players of their tier to join the queue. Characters in different tiers can never join the same battleground.


Controls how many players from each team can join the battleground.
NOTE: If left to be 0, mangos will use the default DBC value.


The minimum level that players need to be in order to join the battleground.
NOTE: If left to be 0, mangos will use the default DBC value.


The maximum level that players can be to enter the battleground.
NOTE: If left to be 0, mangos will use the default DBC value.


The location where the alliance players get teleported to when the battleground first starts. See WorldSafeLocs.dbc (2.4.3).dbc


The orientation of the alliance players upon teleport into the battleground. North is 0, south is Pi (3.14159).


The location where the horde players get teleported to when the battleground first starts. See WorldSafeLocs.dbc (2.4.3).dbc


The orientation of the horde players upon teleport into the battleground. North is 0, south is Pi (3.14159).


FILENAME=$(echo "Battleground template m" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR SDB one has wrong values, so Modb one.


FILENAME=$(echo "BattlemasterList (2.4.3).dbc" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Back to 2.4.3 DBC Files (2.4.3) list.

Back to world database list of tables.

\`Battlemaster List\` DBC

This DBC contains all Battlegrounds to display for Battlemasters, including conditions for Level, Grouping and associated Holidays

Version is : 3.3.5a DBC LAYOUT




Column Field Type Notes
1 ID Integer
2-9 MapID]] Integer Ref-ID
10 Type Integer 3=bg, 4=arena
11 CanJoinAsGroup Boolean
12-28 Name String Loc.]]
29 MaxGroupSize Integer
30 HolidayWorldStateID Integer Ref to somewhere?
31 MinLevel Integer PvPDifficulty.dbc]] content
32 MaxLevel Integer PvPDifficulty.dbc]] content


ID MapID Name MaxGroupSize MinLevel MaxLevel
1 30 Alterac Valley 5 51 80
2 489 Warsong Gulch 10 10 80
3 529 Arathi Basin 15 20 80
4 559 Nagrand Arena 5 10 80
5 562 Blade’s Edge Arena 5 10 80
6 X All Arenas 5 10 80
7 566 Eye of the Storm 15 61 80
8 572 Ruins of Lordaeron 5 10 80


FILENAME=$(echo "Battlemaster entry" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`battlemaster_entry\` table

Holds information on which NPC can start what battleground or arena.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
entry mediumint(8) unsigned NO PRI 0 Entry of a creature
bg_template mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0 Battleground template id

Description of the fields


The ID of the creature. See creature_template.entry


The battleground template ID. See Battleground_template


FILENAME=$(echo "Battlemaster entry (2.4.3)" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`battlemaster_entry\` table

Holds information on which NPC can start what battleground or arena.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
entry mediumint(8) unsigned NO PRI 0 Entry of a creature
bg_template mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0 Battleground template id

Description of the fields


The ID of the creature. See creature_template.entry (2.4.3)#entry for Creature ID’s.


The battleground template ID. See Battleground_template (2.4.3) for defined values.


FILENAME=$(echo "Bugreport" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`bugreport\` table

This table stores all the Bug/Suggestion submitted ingame by Players.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) NO PRI None auto_increment
type varchar(255) NO
content varchar(255) NO

Description of the fields


Auto generated value when records are inserted by MaNGOS. This id is just here to be a primary key and eases the data insertion.


The text description of the type of bug/suggestion.


The text content of the bug/suggestion.


FILENAME=$(echo "CharClasses.dbc" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Back to dbc files list.

\`ChrClasses\` dbc

This dbc contains all players possible classes.

Version is : 3.3.5a


Field Nb Name Type
1 ID Int
5 Name String


When including this template in another page, use parameter binary=1 to get binary values instead of ID, eg: 2^(ID-1).

}}} | Value | ID }}’’’ Name
}}} | 1 | 1 }} Warrior
}}} | 2 | 2 }} Paladin
}}} | 4 | 3 }} Hunter
}}} | 8 | 4 }} Rogue
}}} | 16 | 5 }} Priest
}}} | 32 | 6 }} Death Knight
}}} | 64 | 7 }} Shaman
}}} | 128 | 8 }} Mage
}}} | 256 | 9 }} Warlock
}}} | 1024 | 11 }} Druid


FILENAME=$(echo "CharRaces.dbc" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Back to dbc files list.

\`ChrRaces\` dbc

This dbc contains all players possible races, some are not available in players but defined.

Version is : 3.3.5.a


Field Nb Name Type
1 ID Int
15 Name String


When including this template in another page, use parameter binary=1 to get binary values instead of ID, eg: 2^(ID-1).

}}} | Value | ID }}’’’ Name
}}} | 1 | 1 }} Human
}}} | 2 | 2 }} Orc
}}} | 4 | 3 }} Dwarf
}}} | 8 | 4 }} Night Elf
}}} | 16 | 5 }} Undead
}}} | 32 | 6 }} Tauren
}}} | 64 | 7 }} Gnome
}}} | 128 | 8 }} Troll
}}} | 256 | 9 }} Goblin
}}} | 512 | 10 }} Blood Elf
}}} | 1024 | 11 }} Draenei
}}} | 2048 | 12 }} Fel Orc
}}} | 4096 | 13 }} Naga
}}} | 8192 | 14 }} Broken
}}} | 16384 | 15 }} Skeleton
}}} | 32768 | 16 }} Vrykul
}}} | 65536 | 17 }} Tuskarr
}}} | 131072 | 18 }} Forest Troll
}}} | 262144 | 19 }} Taunka
}}} | 524288 | 20 }} Northrend Skeleton
}}} | 1048576 | 21 }} Ice Troll
}}} | 2097152 | 22 }} Worgen (4.x)


FILENAME=$(echo "CharTitles.dbc" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Back to dbc files list.

\`CharTitles\` dbc

This dbc contains all titles which can be achieved by the player.

Version is : 3.3.5


Field Nb Name Type
1 ID Int
3 Title String


%s is replaced by the characters name
TitleID UnkRef? MaleTitle FemaleTitle InGameOrder
1 5879 Private %s Private %s 1
2 5880 Corporal %s Corporal %s 2
3 5881 Sergeant %s Sergeant %s 3
4 5882 Master Sergeant %s Master Sergeant %s 4
5 5883 Sergeant Major %s Sergeant Major %s 5
6 5884 Knight %s Knight %s 6
7 5885 Knight-Lieutenant %s Knight-Lieutenant %s 7
8 5886 Knight-Captain %s Knight-Captain %s 8
9 5887 Knight-Champion %s Knight-Champion %s 9
10 5888 Lieutenant Commander %s Lieutenant Commander %s 10
11 5889 Commander %s Commander %s 11
12 5890 Marshal %s Marshal %s 12
13 5891 Field Marshal %s Field Marshal %s 13
14 5892 Grand Marshal %s Grand Marshal %s 14
15 5893 Scout %s Scout %s 15
16 5894 Grunt %s Grunt %s 16
17 5895 Sergeant %s Sergeant %s 17
18 5896 Senior Sergeant %s Senior Sergeant %s 18
19 5897 First Sergeant %s First Sergeant %s 19
20 5898 Stone Guard %s Stone Guard %s 20
21 5899 Blood Guard %s Blood Guard %s 21
22 5900 Legionnaire %s Legionnaire %s 22
23 5901 Centurion %s Centurion %s 23
24 5902 Champion %s Champion %s 24
25 5903 Lieutenant General %s Lieutenant General %s 25
26 5904 General %s General %s 26
27 5905 Warlord %s Warlord %s 27
28 5906 High Warlord %s High Warlord %s 28
42 0 Gladiator %s Gladiator %s 29
43 0 Duelist %s Duelist %s 30
44 0 Rival %s Rival %s 31
45 0 Challenger %s Challenger %s 32
46 6341 Scarab Lord %s Scarab Lord %s 33
47 6407 Conqueror %s Conqueror %s 34
48 6406 Justicar %s Justicar %s 35
53 6686  %s, Champion of the Naaru  %s, Champion of the Naaru 36
62 0 Merciless Gladiator %s Merciless Gladiator %s 37
63 6806  %s of the Shattered Sun  %s of the Shattered Sun 38
64 6944  %s, Hand of A’dal  %s, Hand of A’dal 39
71 0 Vengeful Gladiator %s Vengeful Gladiator %s 40
72 7530 Battlemaster %s Battlemaster %s 41
74 7533 Elder %s Elder %s 43
75 7534 Flame Warden %s Flame Warden %s 44
76 7535 Flame Keeper %s Flame Keeper %s 45
77 7565  %s the Exalted  %s the Exalted 46
78 7695  %s the Explorer  %s the Explorer 47
79 7748  %s the Diplomat  %s the Diplomat 48
80 0 Brutal Gladiator %s Brutal Gladiator %s 49
81 7759  %s the Seeker  %s the Seeker 42
82 7749 Arena Master %s Arena Master %s 50
83 7750 Salty %s Salty %s 51
84 7754 Chef %s Chef %s 52
85 0  %s the Supreme  %s the Supreme 53
86 0  %s of the Ten Storms  %s of the Ten Storms 54
87 0  %s of the Emerald Dream  %s of the Emerald Dream 55
89 0 Prophet %s Prophet %s 57
90 0  %s the Malefic  %s the Malefic 58
91 0 Stalker %s Stalker %s 59
92 0  %s of the Ebon Blade  %s of the Ebon Blade 60
93 0 Archmage %s Archmage %s 61
94 0 Warbringer %s Warbringer %s 62
95 0 Assassin %s Assassin %s 63
96 0 Grand Master Alchemist %s Grand Master Alchemist %s 64
97 0 Grand Master Blacksmith %s Grand Master Blacksmith %s 65
98 0 Iron Chef %s Iron Chef %s 66
99 0 Grand Master Enchanter %s Grand Master Enchanter %s 67
100 0 Grand Master Engineer %s Grand Master Engineer %s 68
101 0 Doctor %s Doctor %s 69
102 0 Grand Master Angler %s Grand Master Angler %s 70
103 0 Grand Master Herbalist %s Grand Master Herbalist %s 71
104 0 Grand Master Scribe %s Grand Master Scribe %s 72
105 0 Grand Master Jewelcrafter %s Grand Master Jewelcrafter %s 73
106 0 Grand Master Leatherworker %s Grand Master Leatherworker %s 74
107 0 Grand Master Miner %s Grand Master Miner %s 75
108 0 Grand Master Skinner %s Grand Master Skinner %s 76
109 0 Grand Master Tailor %s Grand Master Tailor %s 77
110 0  %s of Quel’Thalas  %s of Quel’Thalas 78
111 0  %s of Argus  %s of Argus 79
112 0  %s of Khaz Modan  %s of Khaz Modan 80
113 8236  %s of Gnomeregan  %s of Gnomeregan 81
114 0  %s the Lion Hearted  %s the Lion Hearted 82
115 0  %s, Champion of Elune  %s, Champion of Elune 83
116 0  %s, Hero of Orgrimmar  %s, Hero of Orgrimmar 84
117 0 Plainsrunner %s Plainsrunner %s 85
118 0  %s of the Darkspear  %s of the Darkspear 86
119 0  %s the Forsaken  %s the Forsaken 87
120 7812  %s the Magic Seeker  %s the Magic Seeker 88
121 7813 Twilight Vanquisher %s Twilight Vanquisher %s 89
122 7814  %s, Conqueror of Naxxramas  %s, Conqueror of Naxxramas 90
123 7815  %s, Hero of Northrend  %s, Hero of Northrend 91
124 7820  %s the Hallowed  %s the Hallowed 92
125 7849 Loremaster %s Loremaster %s 93
126 7853  %s of the Alliance  %s of the Alliance 94
127 7854  %s of the Horde  %s of the Horde 95
128 7856  %s the Flawless Victor  %s the Flawless Victor 96
129 7857  %s, Champion of the Frozen Wastes  %s, Champion of the Frozen Wastes 97
130 7858 Ambassador %s Ambassador %s 98
131 7859  %s the Argent Champion  %s the Argent Champion 99
132 7860  %s, Guardian of Cenarius  %s, Guardian of Cenarius 100
133 7861 Brewmaster %s Brewmaster %s 101
134 7864 Merrymaker %s Merrymaker %s 102
135 7875  %s the Love Fool  %s the Love Fool 103
137 7893 Matron %s Matron %s 104
138 7894 Patron %s Patron %s 105
139 7964 Obsidian Slayer %s Obsidian Slayer %s 106
140 7965  %s of the Nightfall  %s of the Nightfall 107
141 7990  %s the Immortal  %s the Immortal 108
142 7991  %s the Undying  %s the Undying 109
143 7997  %s Jenkins  %s Jenkins 110
144 8045 Bloodsail Admiral %s Bloodsail Admiral %s 111
145 8121  %s the Insane  %s the Insane 112
146 8237  %s of the Exodar  %s of the Exodar 113
147 8238  %s of Darnassus  %s of Darnassus 114
148 8239  %s of Ironforge  %s of Ironforge 115
149 8240  %s of Stormwind  %s of Stormwind 116
150 8241  %s of Orgrimmar  %s of Orgrimmar 117
151 8242  %s of Sen’jin  %s of Sen’jin 118
152 8243  %s of Silvermoon  %s of Silvermoon 119
153 8244  %s of Thunder Bluff  %s of Thunder Bluff 120
154 8245  %s of the Undercity  %s of the Undercity 121
155 8303  %s the Noble  %s the Noble 122
156 8332 Crusader %s Crusader %s 123
157 0 Deadly Gladiator %s Deadly Gladiator %s 56
158 8450  %s, Death’s Demise  %s, Death’s Demise 124
159 8451  %s the Celestial Defender  %s the Celestial Defender 125
160 8453  %s, Conqueror of Ulduar  %s, Conqueror of Ulduar 126
161 8452  %s, Champion of Ulduar  %s, Champion of Ulduar 127
163 0 Vanquisher %s Vanquisher %s 128
164 8467 Starcaller %s Starcaller %s 129
165 8468  %s the Astral Walker  %s the Astral Walker 130
166 8469  %s, Herald of the Titans  %s, Herald of the Titans 131
167 0 Furious Gladiator %s Furious Gladiator %s 132
168 8596  %s the Pilgrim  %s the Pilgrim 133
169 0 Relentless Gladiator %s Relentless Gladiator %s 134
170 8777 Grand Crusader %s Grand Crusader %s 135
171 8778  %s the Argent Defender  %s the Argent Defender 136
172 8977  %s the Patient  %s the Patient 137
173 9043  %s the Light of Dawn  %s the Light of Dawn 138
174 9045  %s, Bane of the Fallen King  %s, Bane of the Fallen King 139
175 9046  %s the Kingslayer  %s the Kingslayer 140
176 9138  %s of the Ashen Verdict  %s of the Ashen Verdict 141
177 0 Wrathful Gladiator %s Wrathful Gladiator %s 142


FILENAME=$(echo "Character" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

  1. REDIRECT Characters


FILENAME=$(echo "Character achievement" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_achievement\` table

This table holds information for each character and its achievement.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRIMARY
achievement int(11) NO PRIMARY
date int(11) NO


The GUID of the character. See character.guid


The ID of the achievement. See achievements.dbc


Unix timestamp when achievement was completed.


FILENAME=$(echo "Character achievement progress" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_achievement_progress\` table

This table holds information for each character and its achievement progress.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRIMARY
criteria int(11) NO PRIMARY
counter int(11) NO
date int(11) NO


The GUID of the character. See character.guid





FILENAME=$(echo "Character action" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_action\` table

Contains all the individual button data for each character. A button is any of the places in the GUI where you can place for example a spell, item, or macro as a shortcut.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
button tinyint(3) unsigned NO PRI 0
action smallint(5) unsigned NO 0
type tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
misc tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


The GUID of the character. See character.guid


The ID of the button on the action bar where the action icon will be placed.
Special bars are used for stances, auras, pets, stealth, and other similar special modes.

Possible values
Button IDs Set (key)
1-11 1 (SHIFT + 1)
12-23 2 (SHIFT + 2)
24-35 3 (SHIFT + 3) == Right Side Bar
36-47 4 (SHIFT + 4) == Right Side Bar 2
48-59 5 (SHIFT + 5) == Bottom Right Bar
60-71 6 (SHIFT + 6) == Bottom Left Bar
72-83 1 SpecialA
84-95 1 SpecialB
96-107 1 SpecialC
108-119 1 SpecialD


Depending on the type value, this could be either the spell ID (Spell.dbc), the item ID or macro ID.


The type of action:

Possible types
0 Spell
64 Macro
128 Item


More info needed here.
It is mostly 0 however it is sometimes 11.
If it is 11, the type is always 128 and the action ID is 57xxx.


FILENAME=$(echo "Character aura" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_aura\` table

Contains aura information that is loaded when a character is loaded, so the auras that were on the character when it logged out are still kept when it logs back in. A spell can have up to three auras, one in each of its effects.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
caster_guid bigint(20) unsigned NO 0
spell int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
effect_index int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
amount int(11) NO 0
maxduration int(11) NO 0
remaintime int(11) NO 0
remaincharges int(11) NO 0

Description of the fields


The GUID of the target affected by the aura. See character.guid


The GUID of the player who casted the aura. See character.guid


The spell from which the aura was applied. See Spell.dbc column 1


The effect index of the spell from which the aura came from. A spell has up to three effects, with the index being 0, 1, or 2.


The modifier value associated with the aura.


The maximum duration of the aura.


The time remaining in seconds on the aura. -1 means that the aura is indefinite.


The number of charges remaining on the aura.


FILENAME=$(echo "Character data" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR The following is a table containing indices and what values they contain for The source of this data is UpdateFields.h

The .getvalue and .setvalue commands deal with the indices in this table. To modify any of the values in this table in real time, use the .setvalue command with the correct index (eg. .setvalue 4 2 0 sets the target’s size to 2.00 (notice that it is a float, hence the 0 at the end)).

All objects in the game (game objects, creatures, and players) share the OBJECT_* fields while only creatures and players share the UNIT_* fields while only players use the PLAYER_* fields.

If you want to use direct SQL to extract a single value from this rather large blob, the syntax to use is this:

SELECT CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(\`data\`, ' ', <index + 1>), ' ', -1) AS UNSIGNED) AS \`fieldName\` FROM \`characters\`;

Just replace <index + 1> with the index in this table and add one to it.
The reason why you are adding one is because of how the nested SUBSTRING_INDEX syntax works. Let’s analyze the function calls. Working from the inside out, the first function called is SUBSTRING_INDEX(\`data\`, ' ', <index + 1>). The SUBSTRING_INDEX function creates a substring from the big data blob after <index + 1> spaces. Notice that if we used just , the substring would be everything up to the value we want but not including it. The second function call is SUBSTRING_INDEX(<substring from inner function>, ' ', -1). This function call uses -1 as the count, meaning that it will substring from the end to the front. Since it is a count of one, it will create a substring that is exactly the value we want because the value we want is sandwiched between the end of the string and a space. The final function call CAST(<substring> AS UNSIGNED) casts the final string into an unsigned integer. This is because the data blob contains only numbers and if we cast the string into an integer, we can use integer operations on it (say if we use it in a WHERE clause to compare to another integer).

An example of the syntax in use is the following query where we are making a list of characters and their levels who have more than 1000 gold.

SELECT \`guid\`, \`name\`, CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(\`data\`, ' ', 35), ' ', -1) AS UNSIGNED) AS \`level\` FROM \`characters\` 
   WHERE CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(\`data\`, ' ', 1398), ' ', -1) AS UNSIGNED) > 10000000;

If you want to edit the value of one of these fields, the query to do that is the following but don’t forget to backup your table first:

UPDATE \`characters\` SET \`data\`=CONCAT(CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(\`data\`, ' ', <index>) AS CHAR), ' ', <value>, ' ', 
   CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(\`data\`, ' ', <-(max index - index) - 1>)AS CHAR)) [WHERE ...]

Replace "" with the index that you want to change (look at table below), "<-(max index – index) -1>" with the negative of the subtraction of the last index (look at table) minus the index that you want to change and finally minus one. Finally replace "" with the new value you want to put.

For example, to reset gold to zero for all characters with level higher than 70, you can use the following query:

UPDATE \`characters\` SET \`data\`=CONCAT(CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(\`data\`, ' ', 1397) AS CHAR), ' ', 0, ' ',
(\`data\`, ' ', 35), ' ', -1) AS UNSIGNED) > 70; 

Again, don’t forget to backup first!!

3.0.3 Character Data Table

This table was last updated for 3.0.3 values.

Index Value Name Comments
0 OBJECT_FIELD_GUID Character GUID (full GUID includes both index 0 and index 1 as 64bit number)
4 OBJECT_FIELD_SCALE_X Size of how model appears in-game (float value)
22 UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0 (gender << 16) | (class_ << 8) | race)
23 UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH Current health
24 UNIT_FIELD_POWER1 Current mana
25 UNIT_FIELD_POWER2 Current rage
26 UNIT_FIELD_POWER3 Current focus
27 UNIT_FIELD_POWER4 Current energy
28 UNIT_FIELD_POWER5 Current happiness
36 UNIT_FIELD_MAXPOWER5 Max happiness
53 UNIT_FIELD_LEVEL Character level
54 UNIT_FIELD_FACTIONTEMPLATE Currently used faction template ID (FactionTemplate.dbc)
66 UNIT_FIELD_DISPLAYID Current model ID (can be different from regular if character is morphed, etc)
67 UNIT_FIELD_NATIVEDISPLAYID The native model ID. Model always reverts to this number when player is demorphed.
68 UNIT_FIELD_MOUNTDISPLAYID Units current mount display id.
(stealthFlag << 16) | (petTalentPoints << 8) | standState) *standState*
PLAYER_STATE_NONE              = 0
PLAYER_STATE_SIT               = 1
PLAYER_STATE_SLEEP             = 3
PLAYER_STATE_DEAD              = 7
PLAYER_STATE_KNEEL             = 8

PLAYER_STATE_FORM_ALL          = 0x00FF0000


PLAYER_STATE_FLAG_ALWAYS_STAND = 0x01             // byte 4
PLAYER_STATE_FLAG_CREEP        = 0x02000000
PLAYER_STATE_FLAG_ALL          = 0xFF000000|
|80|UNIT&#95;MOD&#95;CAST&#95;SPEED|Units cast speed multiplier (float)|
|82|UNIT&#95;NPC&#95;FLAGS|npc flag]]|
|84|UNIT&#95;FIELD&#95;STAT0|Base strength (before any item bonuses)|
|85|UNIT&#95;FIELD&#95;STAT1|Base agility|
|86|UNIT&#95;FIELD&#95;STAT2|Base stamina|
|87|UNIT&#95;FIELD&#95;STAT3|Base intellect|
|88|UNIT&#95;FIELD&#95;STAT4|Base spirit|
|99|UNIT&#95;FIELD&#95;RESISTANCES|Base armor (before any item bonuses)|
|100||Base holy resistance|
|101||Base fire resistance|
|102||Base nature resistance|
|103||Base frost resistance|
|104||Base shadow resistance|
|105||Base arcane resistance|
|122|UNIT&#95;FIELD&#95;BYTES&#95;2|(unitRename &lt;&lt; 16) &#124; (unitFlags &lt;&lt; 8) &#124; sheathState)</nowiki> *sheathState*
SHEATH_STATE_UNARMED  = 0 // non prepared weapon
SHEATH_STATE_MELEE    = 1 // prepared melee weapon
SHEATH_STATE_RANGED   = 2 // prepared ranged weapon


UNIT_BYTE2_FLAG_PVP         = 0x01
UNIT_BYTE2_FLAG_UNK1        = 0x02
UNIT_BYTE2_FLAG_UNK4        = 0x10
UNIT_BYTE2_FLAG_UNK5        = 0x20
UNIT_BYTE2_FLAG_UNK6        = 0x40
UNIT_BYTE2_FLAG_UNK7        = 0x80




FORM_NONE               = 0x00
FORM_CAT                = 0x01
FORM_TREE               = 0x02
FORM_TRAVEL             = 0x03
FORM_AQUA               = 0x04
FORM_BEAR               = 0x05
FORM_AMBIENT            = 0x06
FORM_GHOUL              = 0x07
FORM_DIREBEAR           = 0x08
FORM_GHOSTWOLF          = 0x10
FORM_TEST               = 0x14
FORM_ZOMBIE             = 0x15
FORM_FLIGHT_EPIC        = 0x1B
FORM_SHADOW             = 0x1C
FORM_FLIGHT             = 0x1D
FORM_STEALTH            = 0x1E
FORM_MOONKIN            = 0x1F
|148|PLAYER&#95;DUEL&#95;ARBITER|GUID of the players duel flag (if in a duel)|
|151|PLAYER&#95;GUILDID|Id of guild the player is in (guild.guildid)|
|152|PLAYER&#95;GUILDRANK|The player's rank ID (guild&#95;rank.rid)|
|153|PLAYER&#95;BYTES|(hairStyle &lt;&lt; 16) &#124; (face &lt;&lt; 8) &#124; skin)</nowiki>|
|154|PLAYER&#95;BYTES&#95;2|(maxslot &lt;&lt; 16) &#124; (unused &lt;&lt; 8) &#124; facialHair)</nowiki> *restState*
rested = 0x01
normal = 0x02|
|155|PLAYER&#95;BYTES&#95;3|gender, drunken state|
|260|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;1&#95;0|Item ID equipped on head slot|
|278|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;2&#95;0|Item ID equipped on neck slot|
|296|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;3&#95;0|Item ID equipped on shoulder slot|
|314|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;4&#95;0|Item ID equipped on shirt slot|
|332|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;5&#95;0|Item ID equipped on chest slot|
|350|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;6&#95;0|Item ID equipped on belt slot|
|368|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;7&#95;0|Item ID equipped on legs slot|
|386|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;8&#95;0|Item ID equipped on feet slot|
|404|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;9&#95;0|Item ID equipped on wrist slot|
|422|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;10&#95;0|Item ID equipped on gloves slot|
|440|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;11&#95;0|Item ID equipped on finger 1 slot|
|458|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;12&#95;0|Item ID equipped on finger 2 slot|
|476|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;13&#95;0|Item ID equipped on trinket 1 slot|
|494|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;14&#95;0|Item ID equipped on trinket 2 slot|
|512|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;15&#95;0|Item ID equipped on back slot|
|530|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;16&#95;0|Item ID equipped on main hand slot|
|548|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;17&#95;0|Item ID equipped on off hand slot|
|566|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;18&#95;0|Item ID equipped on ranged slot|
|584|PLAYER&#95;VISIBLE&#95;ITEM&#95;19&#95;0|Item ID equipped on tabard|
|1546|PLAYER&#95;FIELD&#95;COINAGE|Money the player currently has (in copper).|

2.4.1 Character Data Table

This table was last updated for 2.4.1 values.

Index Value Name Comments
0 OBJECT_FIELD_GUID Character GUID (full GUID includes both index 0 and index 1 as 64bit number)
4 OBJECT_FIELD_SCALE_X Size of how model appears in-game (float value)
22 UNIT_FIELD_HEALTH Current health
23 UNIT_FIELD_POWER1 Current mana
24 UNIT_FIELD_POWER2 Current rage
25 UNIT_FIELD_POWER3 Current focus
26 UNIT_FIELD_POWER4 Current energy
27 UNIT_FIELD_POWER5 Current happiness
33 UNIT_FIELD_MAXPOWER5 Max happiness
34 UNIT_FIELD_LEVEL Character level
35 UNIT_FIELD_FACTIONTEMPLATE Currently used faction template ID (FactionTemplate.dbc)
36 UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0 ( class_ << 8 ) | ( gender << 16 ) | ( powertype << 24 )
152 UNIT_FIELD_DISPLAYID Current model ID (can be different from regular if character is morphed, etc)
153 UNIT_FIELD_NATIVEDISPLAYID The native model ID. Model always reverts to this number when player is demorphed.
171 UNIT_FIELD_STAT0 Base strength (before any item bonuses)
172 UNIT_FIELD_STAT1 Base agility
173 UNIT_FIELD_STAT2 Base stamina
174 UNIT_FIELD_STAT3 Base intellect
175 UNIT_FIELD_STAT4 Base spirit
186 UNIT_FIELD_RESISTANCES Base armor (before any item bonuses)
187 Base holy resistance
188 Base fire resistance
189 Base nature resistance
190 Base frost resistance
191 Base shadow resistance
192 Base arcane resistance
237 PLAYER_GUILDID guild.guildid]])
238 PLAYER_GUILDRANK guild_rank.rid]])
239 PLAYER_BYTES (face << 8) | (hairStyle << 16) | (hairColor << 24))
240 PLAYER_BYTES_2 (0×00 << 8) | (0×00 << 16) | (0×02 << 24)))
241 PLAYER_BYTES_3 gender
346 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_1_0 Item ID equipped on head slot
362 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_2_0 Item ID equipped on neck slot
378 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_3_0 Item ID equipped on shoulder slot
394 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_4_0 Item ID equipped on shirt slot
410 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_5_0 Item ID equipped on chest slot
426 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_6_0 Item ID equipped on belt slot
442 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_7_0 Item ID equipped on legs slot
458 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_8_0 Item ID equipped on feet slot
474 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_9_0 Item ID equipped on wrist slot
490 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_10_0 Item ID equipped on gloves slot
506 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_11_0 Item ID equipped on finger 1 slot
522 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_12_0 Item ID equipped on finger 2 slot
538 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_13_0 Item ID equipped on trinket 1 slot
554 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_14_0 Item ID equipped on trinket 2 slot
570 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_15_0 Item ID equipped on back slot
586 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_16_0 Item ID equipped on main hand slot
602 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_17_0 Item ID equipped on off hand slot
618 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_18_0 Item ID equipped on ranged slot
634 PLAYER_VISIBLE_ITEM_19_0 Item ID equipped on tabard
926 PLAYER_XP Current XP
927 PLAYER_NEXT_LEVEL_XP XP needed to level up
1312 PLAYER_CHARACTER_POINTS1 Number of unused talent points
1313 PLAYER_CHARACTER_POINTS2 Number of free primary professions
1397 PLAYER_FIELD_COINAGE Character money (in copper)
1498 PLAYER_FIELD_HONOR_CURRENCY Character total honor points
1499 PLAYER_FIELD_ARENA_CURRENCY Character total arena points


FILENAME=$(echo "Character gifts" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_gifts\` table

This table holds data about wrapped/gift items.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(20) unsigned NO MUL 0
item_guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
entry int(20) unsigned NO 0
flags int(20) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


The GUID of the character. See character.guid


The GUID of the item. See item_instance.guid


The entry of the item. See item_template.entry



FILENAME=$(echo "Character glyphs" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_glyphs\` table

Contains all the individual glyph data for each character.


Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment
guid int(10) unsigned PRI NO
slot tinyint(3) unsigned PRI NO 0
glyph smallint(5) unsigned YES 0

Description of the fields


The GUID of the character. See characters.guid


spec = 0 is the first spec, spec = 1 is the second spec.


The GlyphProperties entry of the glyph in that particular spec.


FILENAME=$(echo "Character homebind" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_homebind\` table

Contains information on the location where characters get teleported when they use for example the soul stone or the .start command.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
map int(11) unsigned NO 0
zone int(11) unsigned NO 0
position_x float NO 0
position_y float NO 0
position_z float NO 0

Description of the fields


The GUID of the character. See character.guid


The map ID where the character gets teleported to. See Maps.dbc column 1


The zone ID where the character gets teleported to. See WorldMapArea.dbc column 1


The x position where the character gets teleported to.


The y position where the character gets teleported to.


The z position where the character gets teleported to.


FILENAME=$(echo "Character instance" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_instance\` table

Contains the instance data for characters.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
instance bigint(40) NO MUL 0
permanent tinyint(1) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


The GUID of the character. See character.guid


The instance ID. See


Boolean 0 or 1 controlling if the player has been bound to the instance. A player is bound to the instance only when he (or his party/raid) kills a creature with the CREATURE_FLAG_EXTRA_INSTANCE_BIND flag set in the flags_extra field.


FILENAME=$(echo "Character inventory" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_inventory\` table

Contains all the character inventory data, including the bank data.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO 0
bag int(11) unsigned NO 0
slot tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
item int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
item_template int(11) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


The GUID of the character. See character.guid


If it isn’t 0, then it is the bag’s item GUID. See item_instance.guid


If the bag field is non-zero, then the slot is the slot in the bag where the item is kept. The range can differ depending on the number of slots the bag has.
If the bag field is zero, then the slot has a range of 0 to 84 and the value stands for the following:

Slot # Value
0 Head
1 Neck
2 Shoulders
3 Body
4 Chest
5 Waist
6 Legs
7 Feet
8 Wrists
9 Hands
10 Finger 1
11 Finger 2
12 Trinket 1
13 Trinket 2
14 Back
15 Main Hand
16 Off Hand
17 Ranged
18 Tabard
19-22 Equipped Bags
23-38 Main Backpack
39-67 Main Bank
68-74 Bank Bags


The item’s GUID. See item_instance.guid


The item’s template entry. See item_template.entry


FILENAME=$(echo "Character pet" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_pet\` table

This table holds the pet data for each pet summoned by anyone in the game.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
entry int(11) unsigned NO 0
owner int(11) unsigned NO MUL 0
modelid int(11) unsigned YES 0
CreatedBySpell int(11) unsigned NO 0
PetType tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
level int(11) unsigned NO 1
exp int(11) unsigned NO 0
Reactstate tinyint(1) unsigned NO 0
talentpoints int(11) unsigned NO 0
name varchar(100) YES Pet
renamed tinyint(1) unsigned NO 0
slot int(11) unsigned NO 0
curhealth int(11) unsigned NO 1
curmana int(11) unsigned NO 0
curhappiness int(11) unsigned NO 0
savetime bigint(20) unsigned NO 0
resettalents_cost int(11) unsigned NO 0
resettalents_time bigint(20) unsigned NO 0
abdata longtext YES None
teachspelldata longtext YES None

Description of the fields


The special pet ID. This is a unique identifier among all pets.


The creature entry of this pet. See creature_template.entry


The GUID of the pet’s owner. See character.guid


The model ID to use to display the pet.


The ID of the spell that has created this pet. For hunters, this is usually the Tame Beast spell. For warlocks or other classes (mages), it is the spell ID that summoned the creature. See Spell.dbc column 1


The type of pet that this is. 0 = summoned pet, 1 = tamed pet


The current level of the pet.


The current experience that this pet has. For summoned pets, this field is always 0.


The current reaction state of the pet (passive, aggressive, etc).



The pet’s name.


Boolean 1 or 0. 1 = Pet has been renamed, 0 = Pet has never been renamed and still uses the same name as the creature that was tamed.


The pet slot that the pet is in. The slot is a number between 0 and 3 inclusive.


The current pet health at the time it was saved to DB.


The current pet mana at the time it was saved to DB.


The current pet happiness.


The time when the pet was last saved, in Unix time.




data about pet action bar and action type ten pairs of action bar entry (from 1 to 10) and action or spell IDs


This field holds IDs of spells that have been taught to this pet, abilities that this pet has.


FILENAME=$(echo "Character queststatus" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_queststatus\` table

Holds information on the quest status of each character.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
quest int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
status int(11) unsigned NO 0
rewarded tinyint(1) unsigned NO 0
explored tinyint(1) unsigned NO 0
timer bigint(20) unsigned NO 0
mobcount1 int(11) unsigned NO 0
mobcount2 int(11) unsigned NO 0
mobcount3 int(11) unsigned NO 0
mobcount4 int(11) unsigned NO 0
itemcount1 int(11) unsigned NO 0
itemcount2 int(11) unsigned NO 0
itemcount3 int(11) unsigned NO 0
itemcount4 int(11) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


The GUID of the character. See character.guid


The quest ID. See quest_template.entry


The current quest status.

Possible values
Value Status Comments
0 QUEST_STATUS_NONE Quest isn’t shown in quest list; default
1 QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE Quest has been completed
2 QUEST_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE Quest is unavailable to the character
3 QUEST_STATUS_INCOMPLETE Quest is active in quest log but incomplete
4 QUEST_STATUS_AVAILABLE Quest is available to be taken by character


Boolean 1 or 0 representing whether the quest has been rewarded or not.


Boolean 1 or 0 representing if the character has explored what was needed to explore for the quest.


Remaining time left on the quest if the quest has a timer. See quest_template.LimitTime


Current count of the number of kills or casts on the first creature or gameobject, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqCreatureOrGOCount1


Current count of the number of kills or casts on the second creature or gameobject, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqCreatureOrGOCount2


Current count of the number of kills or casts on the third creature or gameobject, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqCreatureOrGOCount3


Current count of the number of kills or casts on the fourth creature or gameobject, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqCreatureOrGOCount4


Current item count for the first item in a delivery quest, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqItemCount1


Current item count for the second item in a delivery quest, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqItemCount2


Current item count for the third item in a delivery quest, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqItemCount3


Current item count for the fourth item in a delivery quest, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqItemCount4


FILENAME=$(echo "Character queststatus daily" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_queststatus_daily\` table

Holds information on the daily quest status of every player. The quest must have type = 87 or the 4096 flag at SpecialFlags.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
quest int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
time bigint(20) unsigned NO 0


The character GUID. See character.guid


The quest ID of the daily quest. See quest_template.entry


The time when the quest was taken, in Unix time.


FILENAME=$(echo "Character reputation" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_reputation\` table

This table holds the reputation information for each character.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
faction int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
standing int(11) NO 0
flags int(11) NO 0

Description of the fields


The GUID of the character. See character.guid


The faction ID that the character has the given reputation in. See Faction.dbc


The current reputation value that the character has.


This field is a bitmask containing flags that apply to the faction and how it’s displayed to the character. Just like any flag field, you can combine flags by adding them together. If this field is 0, then it is not shown in the reputation list in-game.

Flag Name Comments
1 FACTION_FLAG_VISIBLE Displayed in the reputation tab
2 FACTION_FLAG_AT_WAR Active when the player sets the at war checkbox


FILENAME=$(echo "Character social" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_social\` table

Contains data about characters’ friends/ignored list.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
name varchar(21) NO
friend int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
flags varchar(21) NO PRI

Description of the fields


The GUID of the character. See character.guid


The name of the friend/ignored. See


The GUID of the friend/ignored. See character.guid


0 = Friend
1 = Ignored


FILENAME=$(echo "Character spell" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_spell\` table

Holds information for each character’s spells.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
spell int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
slot int(11) unsigned NO 0
active tinyint(3) unsigned NO 1

Description of the fields


The GUID of the character. See character.guid


The spell ID. See Spell.dbc column 1


The slot in the spell book that the spell is in.


Boolean 1 or 0 signifying whether the spell is active (appears in the spell book).


FILENAME=$(echo "Character spell cooldown" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_spell_cooldown\` table

Holds the remaining cooldowns from either character spells or item spells for each character.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
spell int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
item int(11) unsigned NO 0
time bigint(20) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


The GUID of the character. See character.guid


The spell ID. See Spell.dbc column 1


If the spell was casted from an item, the item ID. See item_template.entry


The time when the spell cooldown will finish, measured in Unix time


FILENAME=$(echo "Character ticket" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_ticket\` table

Holds ticket information from tickets written through the client help request -function.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
ticket_id int(11) NO PRI None auto_increment
guid int(11) unsigned NO 0
ticket_text text YES None
ticket_category int(1) NO 0
ticket_lastchange timestamp NO CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

Description of the fields


A unique ticket ID.


The GUID of the character sending the ticket. See character.guid


The ticket description text; the text written by the player in describing the problem.


The ticket category:

Ticket Categories
ID Category
0 Item
1 Behavior/Harassment
2 Guild
3 Character
4 Non-quest/Creep
5 Stuck
6 Environmental
7 Quest/Quest NPC
8 Account/Billing


Stores the time when this ticket was last changed.


FILENAME=$(echo "Character tutorial" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_tutorial\` table

This table is used to store the tutorial state of all the characters.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
tut0 int(11) unsigned NO 0
tut1 int(11) unsigned NO 0
tut2 int(11) unsigned NO 0
tut3 int(11) unsigned NO 0
tut4 int(11) unsigned NO 0
tut5 int(11) unsigned NO 0
tut6 int(11) unsigned NO 0
tut7 int(11) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


Guid of the player. See character.guid.


These values 32bits flags. So 8 × 32bits values makes 256 bits available to store 256 tutorial messages status.

Each bit means:

  0  -  Not yet shown
  1  -  Shown

This is used to diplay only tutorial messages the character did not see before.

Unselecting the "Show tutorial" option in game, makes all bits to be set, so all tutX columns will contain then 11111111111111111111111111111111 binary = 4294967295 in decimal after this option is changed.


FILENAME=$(echo "Characters" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character\` table

This table holds vital static information for each character. This information loaded and used to create the player objects in-game.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
account int(11) unsigned NO MUL 0
data longtext YES None
name varchar(12) NO
race tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
class tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
position_x float NO 0
position_y float NO 0
position_z float NO 0
map int(11) unsigned NO 0
dungeon_difficulty tinyint(1) unsigned NO 0
orientation float NO 0
taximask longtext YES None
online tinyint(3) unsigned NO MUL 0
cinematic tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
totaltime int(11) unsigned NO 0
leveltime int(11) unsigned NO 0
logout_time int(11) NO 0
is_logout_resting tinyint(3) NO 0
rest_bonus float NO 0
resettalents_cost int(11) unsigned NO 0
resettalents_time bigint(20) unsigned NO 0
trans_x float NO 0
trans_y float NO 0
trans_z float NO 0
trans_o float NO 0
transguid bigint(20) unsigned NO 0
extra_flags tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
stable_slots tinyint(1) unsigned NO 0
at_login int(11) unsigned NO 0
zone int(11) unsigned NO 0
death_expire_time bigint(20) unsigned NO 0
taxi_path text YES
arena_pending_points int(10) unsigned NO 0
bgid int(10) unsigned NO 0
bgteam int(10) unsigned NO 0
bgmap int(10) unsigned NO 0
bgx float NO 0
bgy float NO 0
bgz float NO 0
bgo float NO 0

Description of the fields


The character global unique identifier. This number must be unique and is the best way to identify separate characters.


The account ID in which this character resides. See in the realm database.


Big text field holding many different numbers all separated by a space that can be separated into an array with an explode function on the space. Table on what values are stored at what index can be found at character_data


The name of the character.


The race of the character:


The class of the character:


The x position of the character’s location.


The y position of the character’s location.


The z position of the character’s location.


The map ID the character is in.


The current difficulty that the player is in.


The orientation the character is facing. (North = 0.0, South = 3.14159)



Records whether the character is online (1) or offline (0).


Boolean 1 or 0 controlling whether the start cinematic has been shown or not.


The total time that the character has been active in the world, measured in seconds.


The total time the character has spent in the world at the current level, measured in seconds.


The time when the character last logged out, measured in Unix time.


Boolean 1 or 0 controlling if the character is currently in a resting zone or not.



The cost for the character to reset its talents, measured in copper.








These flags control certain player specific attributes, mostly GM features

Bit Name Description
1 PLAYER_EXTRA_GM_ON Defines GM state
2 PLAYER_EXTRA_GM_ACCEPT_TICKETS Defines if tickets are accepted
4 PLAYER_EXTRA_ACCEPT_WHISPERS Defines if whispers are accepted
16 PLAYER_EXTRA_GM_INVISIBLE Control’s GM’s invisibly
32 PLAYER_EXTRA_GM_CHAT Show GM badge in chat messages
64 PLAYER_EXTRA_PVP_DEATH Store PvP death status until corpse creating


The number of stable slots the player has available. Maximum is 2.


This field is a bitmask controlling different actions taken once a player logs in with the character.

  • 1 = Force character to change name
  • 2 = Reset spells (professions as well)
  • 4 = Reset talents
  • 8 = Character Customization enabled

For multiple actions, add values together.


The zone ID the character is in.


Time when a character can be resurrected in case of a server crash or client exit while in ghost form.


Stores the players current taxi path (TaxiPath.dbc) if logged off while on one.


FILENAME=$(echo "Charactersdb struct" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

This is the list of tables in the ‘characters’ database


FILENAME=$(echo "ChrClasses.dbc" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

  1. REDIRECT CharClasses.dbc


FILENAME=$(echo "ChrRaces.dbc" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

  1. REDIRECT CharRaces.dbc


FILENAME=$(echo "ChrTitles.dbc" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

  1. REDIRECT CharTitles.dbc


FILENAME=$(echo "Command" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`command\` table

Holds help and security information for commands.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
name varchar(50) NO PRI
security tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
help longtext YES None

Description of the fields


The name of the command.


The security level required to use the command. Corresponds with account.gmlevel in the realm database.


The help text displayed by the .help command.


FILENAME=$(echo "Command (2.4.3)" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`command\` table

Holds help and security information for commands.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
name varchar(50) NO PRI
security tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
help longtext YES None

Description of the fields


The name of the command. This is what is typed in-game for the command.


The security level required to use the command. Corresponds with account.gmlevel in the realm database.


The help text displayed by the .help command.


FILENAME=$(echo "Conditions" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

With this table and the new conditions it is possible to create tree like and very complicated combined conditions (like HasAura && (HasItem || HasQuest))

The \`conditions\` table


Field Type Attributes Key Null Default
condition_entry mediumint(8) unsigned PRI YES NULL
type tinyint(3) signed NO 0
value1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
value2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields




Type of the condition


data field one for the condition


data field one for the condition


condition_value1-2 fields can provide conditions on when the gossip is aktive.

Value Condition Comments
-3 CONDITION_NOT NOT combination ob 2 other condition_entry *
-2 CONDITION_OR OR combination ob 2 other condition_entry *
-1 CONDITION_AND AND combination ob 2 other condition_entry *
0 CONDITION_NONE Regular drop
1 CONDITION_AURA Player looting must have an aura active
2 CONDITION_ITEM Player must have a number of items in his/her inventory
3 CONDITION_ITEM_EQUIPPED Player must have an item equipped
4 CONDITION_ZONEID Player must be in a certain zone
5 CONDITION_REPUTATION_RANK Player must have a certain reputation rank with a certain faction
6 CONDITION_TEAM Player must be part of the specified team (Alliance or Horde)
7 CONDITION_SKILL Player must have a certain skill value
8 CONDITION_QUESTREWARDED Player must have completed a quest first
9 CONDITION_QUESTTAKEN Players must have the quest in the quest log and not completed yet
11 CONDITION_NO_AURA Miss some aura.
12 CONDITION_ACTIVE_EVENT event]] is active.
14 CONDITION_RACE_CLASS Has special race or class.
15 CONDITION_LEVEL Has special level.
16 CONDITION_NOITEM Has not enouth items yet.
17 CONDITION_SPELL Knows some spell.
19 CONDITION_QUESTAVAILABLE Some quest is availible.
20 CONDITION_ACHIEVEMENT Has or has no special achievement.
21 CONDITION_ACHIEVEMENT_REALM Realm-wideversion of 20.
22 CONDITION_QUEST_NONE Has not taken a quest yet.
23 CONDITION_ITEM_WITH_BANK Check’s presens of req. amount of items in inventory or bank.
24 CONDITION_NOITEM_WITH_BANK Check’s absentee of req. amount of items in inventory or bank.
28 CONDITION_LEARNABLE_ABILITY Check’s if the palyer has high enought skilllevel and may check if a special item is in the inventory.

(*) Meta-Condition types CONDITION_AND (-1) and CONDITION_OR (-2) which are used as: value1 (as condition_entry) AND / OR value2 (as condition_entry). With these meta-conditions it is possible to create tree like and very complicated combined conditions (like HasAura && (HasItem || HasQuest))


The values in the condition_value1 and condition_value2 fields depend on what condition was put in condition.

    • value1: condition_entry
    • value2: condition_entry
    • value1: condition_entry
    • value2: condition_entry
    • value1: The spell ID from where the aura came from.
    • value2: The effect index of the spell that applied the aura (0, 1, or 2)
    • value1: Item ID
    • value2: Count
    • value1: Item ID
    • value2: Always 0
    • value1: Zone ID
    • value2: Always 0
    • value1: Faction ID
    • value2: Minimum rank
    • value1: Player team (469 – Alliance, 67 – Horde)
    • value2: Always 0
    • value1: Skill ID (SkillLine.dbc)
    • value2: Skill value needed
    • value1: Quest ID
    • value2: Always 0
    • value1: Quest ID
    • value2: Always 0
    • value1: Always 0
    • value2: Always 0
    • value1: spellid
    • value2: EffectIndex
    • value1: event
    • value2: Always 0
    • value1: area_flag
    • value2: not_have_flag
    • value1: race_mask
    • value2: class_mask
    • value1: level
    • value2: 0: equal to, 1: equal or higher than, 2: equal or less than
    • value1: itemid
    • value2: count
    • value1: spellid
    • value2: 0: has spell, 1: has no spell
    • value1: questid
    • value2: 0
    • value1: achievementid
    • value2: 0: has achievement, 1: has no achievement
    • value1: achievementid
    • value2: 0: has achievement, 1: has no achievement
    • value1: questid
    • value2: Always 0
    • value1: item_id
    • value2: count
    • value1: item_id
    • value2: count
    • value1: event_id
    • value2: 0
    • value1: holiday_id
    • value2: 0
    • value1: holiday_id
    • value2: 0
    • value1: spell_id
    • value2: 0 or item_id


FILENAME=$(echo "Corpse" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR Back to the characters database list of tables.

The \`character_corpse\` table

this table is used to store status of players corpse.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
player int(11) unsigned NO 0
position_x float NO 0
position_ float NO 0
position_z float NO 0
orientation float NO 0
zone int(11) unsigned NO 0
map int(11) unsigned NO 0
data longtext YES 0
time bigint(20) NO 0
corpse_type tinyint(3) NO 0
instance int(11) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


FILENAME=$(echo "Creature" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`creature\` table

Contains individual creature spawn data. Spawn of a creature is an instance of the creature object in the world.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(10) unsigned NO PRI None auto_increment
id mediumint(8) unsigned NO MUL 0
map smallint(5) unsigned NO MUL 0
spawnMask tinyint(3) unsigned NO 1
phaseMask smallint(5) unsigned NO 1
modelid mediumint(8) unsigned YES 0
equipment_id mediumint(9) NO 0
position_x float NO 0
position_y float NO 0
position_z float NO 0
orientation float NO 0
spawntimesecs int(10) unsigned NO 120
spawndist float NO 5
currentwaypoint mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
curhealth int(10) unsigned NO 1
curmana int(10) unsigned NO 0
DeathState tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
MovementType tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


A unique identifier given to each creature to distinguish one creature from another. Two creatures can NOT have same GUID.


The id of the template that is used when instantiating this creature. See creature_template.entry


The Map ID of the position of the creature. See Maps.dbc


Controls under which difficulties the creature will be spawned.

Value Comment
0 Not spawned
1 Spawned only in 10-man-normal versions of maps (includes maps without a heroic mode)
2 Spawned only in 25-man-normal versions of maps (or heroics pre 3.2)
4 Spawned only in 10-man heroic versions of maps
8 Spawned only in 25-man-heroic versions of maps
15 Spawned in all versions of maps


Defines which phase the creature belongs. 1 is default phase, rest are from spell’s aura 261, (Aura #261) (4) = phasemask = 4.


The model ID associated with this creature. Note that two creatures that use the same template can have different models. See creature_model_info for more information on model-specific characteristics.


The ID of the equipment that the creature is using. See creature_equip_template.entry


The X position of the creature.


The Y position of the creature.


The Z position of the creature.


The orientation of the creature. (North = 0.0; South = pi (3.14159))


The respawn time of the creature in seconds.


The maximum distance that the creature should spawn from its spawn point. Also controls how far away the creature can walk from its spawn point if its MovementType = 1.


The current waypoint number that the creature is on, if any. See creature_movement.point


The current health that the creature has.


The current mana that the creature has.


The creature’s death state. A boolean, 0 = Alive, 1 = Corpse lying dead around (no gossip possible when dead, if you need corpse-gossip use dynamicflags|32)


The movement type associated with this creature. Usually the same as creature_template.MovementType but can be different. See creature_template.MovementType for possible values.


FILENAME=$(echo "Creature (2.4.3)" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`creature\` table

Contains individual creature spawn data. Spawn of a creature is an instance of the creature object in the world.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(10) unsigned NO PRI None auto_increment
id mediumint(8) unsigned NO MUL 0
map smallint(5) unsigned NO MUL 0
spawnMask tinyint(3) unsigned NO 1
modelid mediumint(8) unsigned YES 0
equipment_id mediumint(9) NO 0
position_x float NO 0
position_y float NO 0
position_z float NO 0
orientation float NO 0
spawntimesecs int(10) unsigned NO 120
spawndist float NO 5
currentwaypoint mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
curhealth int(10) unsigned NO 1
curmana int(10) unsigned NO 0
DeathState tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
MovementType tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


A unique identifier given to each creature to distinguish one creature from another. Two creatures can NOT have same GUID.


The id of the template that is used when instantiating this creature. See creature_template.entry (2.4.3)#entry


The Map ID of where this NPC is to be spawned. See Maps.dbc (2.4.3).dbc


Controls under which difficulties the creature will be spawned.

Core value Description spawnMask
SPAWNMASK_REGULAR Will be visible everywhere, everytime 1
SPAWNMASK_DUNGEON_NORMAL Will be visible only in normal version of the dungeon 1
SPAWNMASK_DUNGEON_HEROIC Will be visible only in heroic version of the dungeon 2
SPAWNMASK_DUNGEON_ALL Will be visible in every version of the dungeon 3
SPAWNMASK_RAID_10MAN_NORMAL Will be visible only in 10-man normal version of the raid 1
SPAWNMASK_RAID_25MAN_NORMAL Will be visible only in 25-man normal version of the raid 2
SPAWNMASK_RAID_NORMAL_ALL Will be visible in every normal version of the raid 3
SPAWNMASK_RAID_10MAN_HEROIC Will be visible in 10-man heroic version of the raid 4
SPAWNMASK_RAID_25MAN_HEROIC Will be visible in 25-man heroic version of the raid 8
SPAWNMASK_RAID_HEROIC_ALL Will be visible in every heroic version of the raid 12
SPAWNMASK_RAID_ALL Will be visible in every version of the raid 15


The model ID associated with this creature. Note that two creatures that use the same template can have different models. See creature_model_info (2.4.3) for more information on model-specific characteristics.


The ID of the equipment that the creature is using. See creature_equip_template.entry (2.4.3)#entry. Currently if the ID is not found in creature_equip_template MaNGOS One will look in creature_equip_template_raw.entry (2.4.3)#entry for a matching entry.

NOTE: The creature_equip_template_raw (2.4.3) table data is being converted in TBC-DB currently into creature_equip_template entries and the RAW table will eventually be phased out.


The X position of the creature.


The Y position of the creature.


The Z position of the creature.


The orientation of the creature. (North = 0.0; South = pi (3.14159))


The respawn time of the creature in seconds.


The maximum distance that the creature should spawn from its spawn point. Also controls how far away the creature can walk from its spawn point if its MovementType (2.4.3)#MovementType = 1.


The current waypoint number that the creature is on, if any. See creature_movement.point (2.4.3)#point


The current health that the creature has. It is a good idea to cross reference creature_template (2.4.3) Min/Max Health values.


The current mana that the creature has. It is a good idea to cross reference creature_template (2.4.3) Min/Max Mana values.


The creature’s death state. A boolean, 0 = Alive, 1 = Corpse lying dead around (no gossip possible when dead, if you need corpse-gossip use dynamicflags|32)


The movement type associated with this creature. Usually the same as creature_template.MovementType (2.4.3)#MovementType but can be different. See creature_template.MovementType (2.4.3)#MovementType for possible values.


FILENAME=$(echo "Creature (template) addon" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`creature_(template)_addon\` table

The creature_addon and creature_template_addon tables define different things that are applied on creatures when they are loaded. These "different things" can be for example to have the creature be mounted, to have it emote something, to have it display an aura effect, etc. Through the use of the fields in this table, many things can be changed about the outward visual appearance of the creature. The creature_template_addon table affects all creatures with that creature template ID while the creature_addon table affects individually spawned creatures (so that two creatures using the same template can look different).

NOTE: A creature_addon record will override a creature_template_addon record should they overlap on the same creature.

NOTICE: The data for this table is largely incomplete and is mostly just a regurgitation of what the client receives from the server. This article is a WIP as to what all the possible values are.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
entry/guid mediumint(8) unsigned NO PRI 0
mount mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
bytes1 int(10) unsigned NO 0
b2_0_sheath tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
b2_1_pvp_state tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
emote mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
moveflags int(10) unsigned NO 0
auras text YES

Description of the fields


For creature_template_addon, this field signifies the creature template ID. It will affect all spawned creatures using that template ID. For creature_addon, this field signifies a unique creature guid. It will affect just that creature whose GUID matches the one specified here.


The model ID of the mount to be used to make the creature appear mounted. The value here overrides the value for the creature’s unit field UNIT_FIELD_MOUNTDISPLAYID. List of known values and what their visual effects on the creature






Emote ID that the creature should continually perform.

List of often used emote IDs and what they do

  • 65 = Makes the creature look dead by lying on the ground


List of often used emote IDs and what they do can be found here.


Flags controlling how the creature will behave animation-wise while moving. This table is 100% wrong as of 3.1. It is still here for a period of time for reference and to convert values in DB.

See the proper table under this one

Bit Name Comment
1 MOVEMENTFLAG_FORWARD instantly teleport creature, then creature move forward animation but no real movement
2 MOVEMENTFLAG_BACKWARD instantly teleport creature, then creature move back animation but no real movement
4 MOVEMENTFLAG_STRAFE_LEFT instantly teleport creature, then creature move left animation but no real movement
8 MOVEMENTFLAG_STRAFE_RIGHT instantly teleport creature, then creature move right animation but no real movement
16 MOVEMENTFLAG_LEFT creature spin left animation
32 MOVEMENTFLAG_RIGHT then creature spin right animation
64 MOVEMENTFLAG_PITCH_UP no effect on creature
128 MOVEMENTFLAG_PITCH_DOWN no effect on creature
256 MOVEMENTFLAG_RUN_MODE If flag set then player runs
512 MOVEMENTFLAG_ONTRANSPORT causes creatures to fly while moving (not include standing)
1024 MOVEMENTFLAG_HOVERING hovering animation at stand (not include moving)
4096 MOVEMENTFLAG_JUMPING Jump animation
1048576 MOVEMENTFLAG_UNK7 Causes creature to instantly appear at new position
2097152 MOVEMENTFLAG_SWIMMING appears with fly flag also (causes creatures to fall to ground at stand state)
4194304 MOVEMENTFLAG_FLY_UP no effect on creature
8388608 MOVEMENTFLAG_CAN_FLY no effect on creature
16777216 MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING no effect on creature
33554432 MOVEMENTFLAG_UNK8 Creature flying (not hover at stop moving)
67108864 MOVEMENTFLAG_SPLINE probably wrong name (no effect on creature)
134217728 MOVEMENTFLAG_SPLINE2 no effect on creature
268435456 MOVEMENTFLAG_WATERWALKING also prevent creature from falling under water
536870912 MOVEMENTFLAG_SAFE_FALL active rogue safe fall spell (passive) (no effect on creature)
1073741824 MOVEMENTFLAG_UNK9 Causes creature to hover at stand state (not include moving)
2147483648 MOVEMENTFLAG_UNK10 Causes creature to roll to strange angle

Proper table as of 3.1

Bit Name Comment
0 MONSTER_MOVE_NONE InhabitType]] and MovementType
1 MONSTER_MOVE_FORWARD Instantly teleport creature, then creature move forward animation but no real movement
2 MONSTER_MOVE_BACKWARD Instantly teleport creature, then creature move back animation but no real movement
4 MONSTER_MOVE_STRAFE_LEFT Instantly teleport creature, then creature move left animation but no real movement
8 MONSTER_MOVE_STRAFE_RIGHT Instantly teleport creature, then creature move right animation but no real movement
16 MONSTER_MOVE_LEFT Creature spin left animation
32 MONSTER_MOVE_RIGHT Then creature spin right animation
64 MONSTER_MOVE_PITCH_UP Seams to have no effect
128 MONSTER_MOVE_PITCH_DOWN Seams to have no effect
256 MONSTER_MOVE_TELEPORT Makes creature teleport instead of walking
512 MONSTER_MOVE_TELEPORT2 Makes creature a better Fly Animation (2.4.3)
4096 MONSTER_MOVE_WALK Makes creature walk
16384 No name in core Makes creature run
32768 No name in core Makes creature run
65536 No name in core Makes creature run
131072 No name in core Makes creature run
524288 MONSTER_MOVE_UNK2 Used for flying mobs
1048576 MONSTER_MOVE_UNK3 Used for flying mobs
4194304 MONSTER_MOVE_UNK5 Run in place, then teleport to final point
8388608 MONSTER_MOVE_UNK6 Teleport
16777216 MONSTER_MOVE_UNK7 Run
33554432 MONSTER_MOVE_FLY Swimming / Flying
67108864 MONSTER_MOVE_UNK9 Run
134217728 MONSTER_MOVE_UNK10 Run
268435456 MONSTER_MOVE_UNK11 Run
536870912 MONSTER_MOVE_UNK12 Run
1073741824 MONSTER_MOVE_UNK13 Levitating

Note: MONSTER_MOVE_SPLINE_FLY = MONSTER_MOVE_WALK + MONSTER_MOVE_SPLINE and makes creature fly by points. Note2: Copy from Mangos


This field controls any auras to be applied on the creature (both in effect and visually). The syntax for for an individual aura entry is " ". An aura is defined not just by the spell that applies it but also by the individual spell affect that applies it. Therefore, the effect index must be specified along with the spell ID. Each spell can have a maximum of three spell effects, so the effect index can only be 0, 1, or 2. To apply multiple auras, you can add more aura entries, separating each entry by a space. Remember that if a spell applies multiple auras, you need to specify an aura entry for each effect index if you want to apply more than one aura from the same spell.

NOTE: Currently (Rev 5067) auras defined in creature_template_addon are not being properly added. Only add auras for creatures in creature_addon.

List of useful aura entries:

  • ‘16380 0’ – Makes the creature invisible.
  • ‘18950 0 18950 1’ – Makes the creature detect other invisible units (players or creatures).


FILENAME=$(echo "Creature (template) addon (2.4.3)" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`creature_(template)_addon\` table

The creature_addon and creature_template_addon tables define different things that are applied on creatures when they are loaded. These "different things" can be for example to have the creature be mounted, to have it emote something, to have it display an aura effect, etc. Through the use of the fields in this table, many things can be changed about the outward visual appearance of the creature. The creature_template_addon table affects all creatures with that creature template ID while the creature_addon table affects individually spawned creatures (so that two creatures using the same template can look different).

NOTE: A creature_addon record will override a creature_template_addon record should they overlap on the same creature.

NOTICE: The data for this table is largely incomplete and is mostly just a regurgitation of what the client receives from the server. This article is a WIP as to what all the possible values are.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
entry/guid mediumint(8) unsigned NO PRI 0
mount mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
bytes1 int(10) unsigned NO 0
b2_0_sheath tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
b2_1_flags tinyint(3) unsigned NO 0
emote mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
moveflags int(10) unsigned NO 0
auras text YES

Description of the fields


For creature_template_addon, this field signifies the creature template ID. It will affect all spawned creatures using that template ID. For creature_addon, this field signifies a unique creature guid. It will affect just that creature whose GUID matches the one specified here.


The model ID of the mount to be used to make the creature appear mounted. The value here overrides the value for the creature’s unit field UNIT_FIELD_MOUNTDISPLAYID. List of known values and what their visual effects on the creature


Defined Sheath State. Below are States Defined in MaNGOS One Source Code (Unit.h)

Bit Name Comment
0 SHEATH_STATE_UNARMED NPC Will Be in Unarmed State by Default (No Weapon Equipped)
1 SHEATH_STATE_MELEE NPC Will Be in Melee State by Default (Melee Weapons Equipped)
2 SHEATH_STATE_RANGED NPC Will Be in Ranged State by Default (Ranged Weapon Equipped)


Unit State Flags (UnitBytes2_Flags) defined in MaNGOS One Source Code (Unit.h)

Bit Name Comment
0×10 UNIT_BYTE2_FLAG_AURAS Show positive auras as positive, and allow it to be dispelled.


Emote ID that the creature should continually perform.

This is a list of the most often used emote IDs and what they do. Full list of possible values can be found in MaNGOS One Source (SharedDefines.h)

Bit Name Comment


Flags controlling how the creature will behave animation-wise while moving. These values are defined in MaNGOS One Source Code (Unit.h)

Bit Name Comment
512 MOVEFLAG_ONTRANSPORT Used for flying on some creatures
16384 MOVEFLAG_SWIMMING Appears with fly flag also.
32768 MOVEFLAG_ASCENDING Swim up also.
262144 MOVEFLAG_FLYING2 Actual flying mode.
524288 MOVEFLAG_SPLINE_ELEVATION Used for flight paths.
1048576 MOVEFLAG_SPLINE_ENABLED Used for flight paths.
2097152 MOVEFLAG_WATERWALKING Prevent unit from falling through water.
4194304 MOVEFLAG_SAFE_FALL Active rogue safe fall spell (passive).


This field controls any auras to be applied on the creature (both in effect and visually). The syntax for for an individual aura entry is "". You can add more Spell entries, separating each entry by a space.

List of useful aura entries:

  • ‘16380’ – Makes the creature invisible.
  • ‘18950 18950’ – Makes the creature detect other invisible units (players or creatures).


FILENAME=$(echo "Creature addon" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

  1. REDIRECT Creature_(template


FILENAME=$(echo "Creature ai scripts" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Event AI Tables




Event AI Guide

NOTICE: This guide will assume that you have ScriptDev2 Rev 220+ successfully and completely installed. It is in no way designed to help in the installation procedures of ScriptDev2.

SD2 Revision when this guide was last updated: 838 (could be incomplete)

Now on to the fun stuff…

Starting with revision 220, ScriptDev2 has implemented a DB-based scripting design that allows the use of a database (MySQL only right now) to specify the actions that a creature script will do. The script is called eventAI and will be so called throughout the rest of this guide. A basic eventAI script works with and requires only two pieces of information: What to do and When to do it. The first piece of information (the What) will be referred to as the action. Currently, a single eventAI script entry can have up to three actions. The second piece of information (the When) will be referred to as the event. Anyone that wants to create entries for the eventAI script needs to answer the two questions above. Throughout the script’s lifecycle, it will continually perform the actions given when a defined event happens. Some events will only occur once while others can be timed so that they occur at a specified interval.

Now that the basic idea of the script has been explained, let’s get down to the fun details. For convenience, reference tables will be provided at the end of this article that will contain short descriptions for fast lookup. Here will be included longer and more thorough descriptions. We shall first start out with what events are currently defined by the eventAI script. An event can use up to three different parameters and these parameters control different things depending on the event. If a parameter isn’t specifically named for the event, it will not be used for that event.

One more thing: event AI can support phases. A "phase" is just a way to group certain events + actions together so that the creature will perform certain actions based on what event it is currently on. The way the phase system works in event AI is that for every event added, it needs to be specified under which phases the event SHOULD NOT occur. This is a bit confusing at first, so let’s look at it more closely. A creature can have more than one phase, up to a max of 32 different phases (with the first one being phase 0, and last one being phase 31). How the phase selection field works is that it contains a 32bit number. Each bit in the number represents a possible phase, with the bit in the least significant position signifying phase 0 and the most significant bit signifying phase 31. The default value of zero in this field has no bits set and since the field controls when the event should NOT trigger, it would then mean that the event will always be triggered independent of the current phase the creature is in. Therefore, if you want to specify what phases the event should occur in, you need to add up all of the corresponding bits for all the other phases where the event shouldn’t trigger in (confusing…yes).

For example, let’s say that a certain creature using event AI will have a max of four phases. We are then dealing with a 4 bit number in this field. Let’s further say that that certain creature has an event that will only trigger in its third phase (a timed spell cast for instance). Then the field should contain all of the phases the event SHOULDN’T be triggered in…then out of the four bits, we leave the third bit alone (off) and turn on all of the other bits so we get 1011 which is equal to 11, so we put in 11 as the inverse phase mask for the event entry. As another example, let’s say that the same creature previously mentioned has another event that is only triggered in the first and fourth phases. This would mean that we need to ignore the second and third phases, so our bitmask would be 0110 which is equal to 6 so we put in 6 for this event’s inverse phase mask field. Please note that both examples were tailored for a creature with four and only four phases. If you decide to add more phases later on, you will have to redefine all of the nonzero bitmasks for all of the mob’s events.

Every event also has a chance field that controls the chance of that event actually occurring. Using a value of 0 in this field will make the event never occur. Values are from 0 to 100.

Event Explanations

  • 0 = EVENT_T_TIMER: COMBAT ONLY! – Expires first between (Param1) and (Param2) and then between every (Param3) and (Param4).
    • Parameter 1: InitialMin
    • Parameter 2: InitialMax
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 4: RepeatMax
  • 1 = EVENT_T_TIMER_OOC: OUT OF COMBAT – Expires first between (Param1) and (Param2) and then between every (Param3) and (Param4).
    • Parameter 1: InitialMin
    • Parameter 2: InitialMax
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 4: RepeatMax
  • 2 = EVENT_T_HP: Expires when HP is between (Param1) and (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4).
    • Parameter 1: HPMax%
    • Parameter 2: HPMin%
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 4: RepeatMax
  • 3 = EVENT_T_MANA: Expires once Mana% is between (Param1) and (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4).
    • Parameter 1: ManaMax%
    • Parameter 2: ManaMin%
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 4: RepeatMax
  • 4 = EVENT_T_AGGRO: Expires upon initial aggro (does not repeat).
  • 5 = EVENT_T_KILL: Expires upon killing a player. Will repeat every (Param1) and (Param2).
    • Parameter 1: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 2: RepeatMax
  • 6 = EVENT_T_DEATH: Expires upon Death.
  • 7 = EVENT_T_EVADE: Expires upon creature EnterEvadeMode().
  • 8 = EVENT_T_SPELLHIT: Expires upon Spell hit. If (param1) is set will only expire on that spell. If (param2) will only expire on spells of that school. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) .
    • Parameter 1: SpellID
    • Parameter 2: School
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 4: RepeatMax
  • 9 = EVENT_T_RANGE: Expires when the highest threat target distance is greater than (Param1) and less than (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) .
    • Parameter 1: MinDist
    • Parameter 2: MaxDist
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 4: RepeatMax
  • 10 = EVENT_T_OOC_LOS: Expires when a Player moves within visible distance to creature. Does not expire for Hostile Players if (Param1) is not 0. Does not expire for Friendly Players if (Param2) is not 0. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) . Does not expire for creatures or pet or when the creature is in combat.
    • Parameter 1: NoHostile
    • Parameter 2: NoFriendly
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 4: RepeatMax
  • 11 = EVENT_T_SPAWNED: Expires at initial spawn and at creature respawn (useful for setting ranged movement type)
  • 12 = EVENT_T_TARGET_HP: Expires when Current Target’s HP is between (Param1) and (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) .
    • Parameter 1: HPMax%
    • Parameter 2: HPMin%
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 4: RepeatMax
  • 13 = EVENT_T_TARGET_CASTING: Expires when the player is casting a spell. Will repeat every (Param1) and (Param2) .
    • Parameter 1: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 2: RepeatMax
  • 14 = EVENT_T_FRIENDLY_HP: Expires when a friendly unit in radius(param2) has at least (param1) hp missing. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) .
    • Parameter 1: HPDeficit
    • Parameter 2: Radius
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 4: RepeatMax
  • 15 = EVENT_T_FRIENDLY_IS_CC: Expires when a friendly unit is Crowd controlled within the given radius (param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) .
    • Parameter 1: DispelType
    • Parameter 2: Radius
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 4: RepeatMax
  • 16 = EVENT_T_MISSING_BUFF: Expires when a friendly unit is missing aura’s given by spell (param1) within radius (param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) .
    • Parameter 1: SpellId
    • Parameter 2: Radius
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 4: RepeatMax
  • 17 = EVENT_T_SUMMONED_UNIT: Expires after creature with entry(Param1) is spawned or for all spawns if param1 = 0. Will repeat every (Param2) and (Param3) .
    • Parameter 1: CreatureId
    • Parameter 2: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMax
    • Parameter 1: ManaMax%
    • Parameter 2: ManaMin%
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 4: RepeatMax
  • 21 = EVENT_T_REACHED_HOME: Expires when creature reach it’s home(spawn) location after Evade.
  • 22 = EVENT_T_RECEIVE_EMOTE: Expires when creature receive emote with text emote id(enum TextEmotes). Condition can be defined. If set, then most conditions has additional value (see table enum ConditionType below.)
    • Parameter 1: EmoteId
    • Parameter 2: Condition
    • Parameter 3: CondValue1
    • Parameter 4: CondValue2
  • 23 = EVENT_T_BUFFED: Expires when creature have spell (Param1) auras applied stack greater or equal provided in Param2 amount. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4).
    • Parameter 1: SpellId
    • Parameter 2: AmmountInStack
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 4: RepeatMax
  • 24 = EVENT_T_TARGET_BUFFED: Expires when target unit have spell (Param1) auras applied stack greater or equal provided in Param2 amount. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4).
    • Parameter 1: SpellId
    • Parameter 2: AmmountInStack
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 4: RepeatMax
  • 25 = EVENT_T_SUMMONED_JUST_DIED: Expires after creature with entry(Param1) is die or for all spawns if param1 = 0. Will repeat every (Param2) and (Param3) .
    • Parameter 1: CreatureId
    • Parameter 2: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMax
  • 26 = EVENT_T_SUMMONED_JUST_DESPAWN: Expires before creature with entry(Param1) is despawned or for all spawns if param1 = 0. Will repeat every (Param2) and (Param3) .
    • Parameter 1: CreatureId
    • Parameter 2: RepeatMin
    • Parameter 3: RepeatMax

Now that all of the supported events have been listed and described, we shall now move on to the actions that can be performed. Each event can take up to three actions. The actions will all be performed when the event is triggered and they will be performed in the order that they have been defined. This means that, for a certain event, action 1 will be performed first, followed by action 2, then lastly by action 3. Just like event definitions, each action can use up to three different parameters but not all actions will use all three parameters. If a parameter isn’t mentioned for an action, then that action does not need that parameter.

Before we start to list and explain the different actions that can be taken, we must first look at how the eventAI targeting system works. Due to technical reasons in how targetting is handled, the eventAI script cannot target anything or anyone that is not in its threat list or is not the scripted creature itself. It also can’t currently target anyone specific in its threat list except by their position in the threat list. However, even then it can only target specifically the current victim, the second unit in its threat list, and the last unit in its threat list. It can also target units in its threat list at random and has two options for that: anyone in its threat list at random, or anyone in its threat list excluding the unit with the most threat. Aside from all of those external targets, the script can always target itself. More information on the target types can be found in the reference tables at the end of this guide.

One last note before we start looking at individual actions is about the texts. The eventAI script has support for localized text entries. Therefore, you can define what the mob will say in more than one language all in another table and the script will show the corresponding localized text to the corresponding client (english text to enUS/enGB clients, german text to deDE clients, etc). All of the localized text entries will have a unique text ID assigned to them and it is that text ID that will be used by any actions that require textual input.

Action Explanations

  • 0 = ACTION_T_NONE: Does nothing!
  • 1 = ACTION_T_SAY: Displays the -TextId as defined. In case -TextId2 and optionally -TextId3, the output will be randomized. Type text are defined in the eventai_texts table (say, yell, whisper, etc) along with other options for the text. All values are required to be negative.
    • Parameter 1: The entry of the text that the NPC should use from eventai_texts table. Optionally a entry from other tables can be used (such as custom_texts are required to be negative and exist in a *_texts-table. The type text to be displayed are defined in the texts-table itself (Say, Yell, Whisper, Emote Text, Boss Whisper, Boss Emote)Other options are also to be defined in the texts-table, such as a sound to be heard with the text and the language used in output (common, dwarvish, etc).In case this entry has a localized version of the text, the localized text will be displayed in client that support this locale.
    • Parameter 2: Optional. TextId can be defined in addition. The same apply to this as explained above, however eventAI will randomize between the two.
    • Parameter 3: Optional, if Parameter 2 exist. In this case, eventAI will randomize between three.
  • 4 = ACTION_T_SOUND: When activated, the creature will play the specified sound.
    • Parameter 1: The sound ID to be played. Sound IDs are contained in the DBC files.
  • 5 = ACTION_T_EMOTE: When activated, the creature will perform a visual emote. Unlike a text emote, a visual emote is one where the creature will actually move or perform a gesture.
    • Parameter 1: The emote ID that the creature should perform. Emote IDs are also contained in the DBC but they can be found in the mangos source as well.
  • 9 = ACTION_T_RANDOM_SOUND: Similar to the ACTION_T_SOUND action, when this action is activated, it will choose at random a sound to play. This action needs all three parameters to be filled and it will pick a random entry from the three. NOTE: (1)
    • Parameter 1: The sound ID to be played as choice one.
    • Parameter 2: The sound ID to be played as choice two.
    • Parameter 3: The sound ID to be played as choice three.
  • 10 = ACTION_T_RANDOM_EMOTE: Similar to the ACTION_T_EMOTE action, when this action is activated, it will choose at random an emote ID to emote visually. This action needs all three parameters to be filled and it will pick a random entry from the three. NOTE: (1)
    • Parameter 1: The emote ID that the creature should perform as choice one.
    • Parameter 2: The emote ID that the creature should perform as choice two.
    • Parameter 3: The emote ID that the creature should perform as choice three.
  • 11 = ACTION_T_CAST: When activated, the creature will cast a spell specified by a spell ID on a target specified by the target type.
    • Parameter 1: The spell ID to use for the cast. The value used in this field needs to be a valid spell ID.
    • Parameter 2: The target type defining who the creature should cast on. The value in this field needs to be a valid target type as specified in the reference tables below.
    • Parameter 3: This field can only be 0 or 1. If it is 1, then the spell cast will interrupt any spells that are already in the progress of being casted; otherwise if the creature is already casting a spell and this field is 0, then this action will be skipped.
  • 12 = ACTION_T_SUMMON: When activated, the creature will summon another creature at the same spot as itself that will attack the specified target.
    • Parameter 1: The creature template ID to be summoned. The value here needs to be a valid creature template ID.
    • Parameter 2: The target type defining who the summoned creature will attack. The value in this field needs to be a valid target type as specified in the reference tables below. NOTE: Using target type 0 will cause the summoned creature to not attack anyone.
    • Parameter 3: The duration until the summoned creature should be unsummoned. The value in this field is in milliseconds or 0. If zero, then the creature will not be unsummoned until it leaves combat, but only works with t_type !=0.
  • 13 = ACTION_T_THREAT_SINGLE_PCT: When activated, this action will modify the threat of a target in the creature’s threat list by the specified percent.
    • Parameter 1: Threat percent that should be modified. The value in this field can range from -100 to +100. If it is negative, threat will be taken away and if positive, threat will be added.
    • Parameter 2: The target type defining on whom the threat change should occur. The value in this field needs to be a valid target type as specified in the reference tables below.
  • 14 = ACTION_T_THREAT_ALL_PCT: When activated, this action will modify the threat for everyone in the creature’s threat list by the specified percent.
    • Parameter 1: The percent that should be used in modifying everyone’s threat in the creature’s threat list. The value here can range from -100 to +100. NOTE: Using -100 will cause the creature to reset everyone’s threat to 0 so that everyone has the same amount of threat. It does NOT make any changes as to who is in the threat list.
  • 15 = ACTION_T_QUEST_EVENT: When activated, this action will satisfy the external completion requirement for the quest for the specified target defined by the target type. This action can only be used with player targets so it must be ensured that the target type will point to a player.
    • Parameter 1: The quest template ID. The value here must be a valid quest template ID. Furthermore, the quest should have SpecialFlags | 2 as it would need to be completed by an external event which is the activation of this action.
    • Parameter 2: The target type defining whom the quest should be completed for. The value in this field needs to be a valid target type as specified in the reference tables below.
  • 16 = ACTION_T_CASTCREATUREGO: When activated, this action will call CastedCreatureOrGO() function for the player. It can be used to give quest credit for casting a spell on the creature.
    • Parameter 1: The quest template ID. The value here must be a valid quest template ID.
    • Parameter 2: The spell ID to use to simulate the cast. The value used in this field needs to be a valid spell ID.
    • Parameter 3: The target type defining whom the quest credit should be given to. The value in this field needs to be a valid target type as specified in the reference tables below.
  • 17 = ACTION_T_SET_UNIT_FIELD: When activated, this action can change the target’s unit field values. More information on the field value indeces can be found at character data data.
    • Parameter 1: The index of the field number to be changed. Use character data data for a list of indeces and what they control. Note that a creature shares the same indeces with a player except for the PLAYER_* ones.
    • Parameter 2: The new value to be put in the field.
    • Parameter 3: The target type defining for whom the unit field should be changed. The value in this field needs to be a valid target type as specified in the reference tables below.
  • 18 = ACTION_T_SET_UNIT_FLAG: When activated, this action changes the target’s flags by adding (turning on) more flags. For example, this action can make the creature unattackable/unselectable if the right flags are used.
    • Parameter 1: The flag(s) to be set. Multiple flags can be set by using bitwise-OR on them (adding them together).
    • Parameter 2: The target type defining for whom the flags should be changed. The value in this field needs to be a valid target type as specified in the reference tables below.
  • 19 = ACTION_T_REMOVE_UNIT_FLAG: When activated, this action changes the target’s flags by removing (turning off) flags. For example, this action can make the creature normal after it was unattackable/unselectable if the right flags are used.
    • Parameter 1: The flag(s) to be removed. Multiple flags can be set by using bitwise-OR on them (adding them together).
    • Parameter 2: The target type defining for whom the flags should be changed. The value in this field needs to be a valid target type as specified in the reference tables below.
  • 20 = ACTION_T_AUTO_ATTACK: This action controls whether or not the creature should stop or start the auto melee attack.
    • Parameter 1: If zero, then the creature will stop its melee attacks. If non-zero, then the creature will either continue its melee attacks (the action would then have no effect) or it will start its melee attacks on the target with the top threat if its melee attacks were previously stopped.
  • 21 = ACTION_T_COMBAT_MOVEMENT: This action controls whether or not the creature will always move towards its target.
    • Parameter 1: If zero, then the creature will stop moving towards its victim (if its victim gets out of melee range) and will be stationary. If non-zero, then the creature will either continue to follow its victim (the action would have no effect) or it will start to follow the target with the top threat if its movement was disabled before.
  • 22 = ACTION_T_SET_PHASE: When activated, this action sets the creature’s event to the specified value.
    • Parameter 1: The new phase to set the creature in. This number must be an integer between 0 and 31 inclusive.
  • 23 = ACTION_T_INC_PHASE: When activated, this action will increase (or decrease) the current creature’s phase.
    • Parameter 1: The number of phases to increase or decrease. Use negative values to decrease the current phase. After increasing or decreasing the phase by this action, the current phase must not be lower than 0 or exceed 31.
  • 24 = ACTION_T_EVADE: When activated, the creature will immediately exit out of combat, clear its threat list, and move back to its spawn point. Basically, this action will reset the whole encounter.
  • 25 = ACTION_T_FLEE: When activated, the creature will try to flee from combat. Currently this is done by it casting a fear-like spell on itself called "Run Away".
  • 26 = ACTION_T_QUEST_EVENT_ALL: This action does the same thing as the ACTION_T_QUEST_EVENT does but it does it for all players in the creature’s threat list. Note that if a player is not in its threat list for whatever reason, he/she won’t get the quest completed.
    • Parameter 1: The quest ID to finish for everyone.
  • 27 = ACTION_T_CASTCREATUREGO_ALL: This action does the same thing as the ACTION_T_CASTCREATUREGO does but it does it for all players in the creature’s threat list. Note that if a player is not in its threat list for whatever reason, he/she won’t receive the cast emulation.
    • Parameter 1: The quest template ID.
    • Parameter 2: The spell ID used to simulate the cast.
  • 28 = ACTION_T_REMOVEAURASFROMSPELL: This action will remove all auras from a specific spell from the target.
    • Parameter 1: The target type defining for whom the unit field should be changed. The value in this field needs to be a valid target type as specified in the reference tables below.
    • Parameter 2: The spell ID whose auras will be removed.
  • 29 = ACTION_T_RANGED_MOVEMENT: This action changes the movement type generator to ranged type using the specified values for angle and distance. Note that specifying zero angle and distance will make it just melee instead.
    • Parameter 1: The distance the mob should keep between it and its target.
    • Parameter 2: The angle the mob should use.
  • 30 = ACTION_T_RANDOM_PHASE: Randomly sets the phase to one from the three parameter choices. NOTE: (1)
    • Parameter 1: A possible random phase choice.
    • Parameter 2: A possible random phase choice.
    • Parameter 3: A possible random phase choice.
  • 31 = ACTION_T_RANDOM_PHASE_RANGE: Randomly sets the phase between a range of phases controlled by the parameters.
    • Parameter 1: The minimum of the phase range.
    • Parameter 2: The maximum of the phase range. The number here must be greater than the one in parameter 1.
  • 32 = ACTION_T_SUMMON: Summons a creature using the data specified in the separate summons table.
    • Parameter 1: The creature template ID to be summoned. The value here needs to be a valid creature template ID.
    • Parameter 2: The target type defining who the summoned creature will attack. The value in this field needs to be a valid target type as specified in the reference tables below. NOTE: Using target type 0 will cause the summoned creature to not attack anyone.
    • Parameter 3: The summon ID from the eventai_summons table controlling the position (and spawntime) where the summoned mob should be spawned at.
  • 33 = ACTION_T_KILLED_MONSTER: When activated, this action will call KilledMonster() function for the player. It can be used to give creature credit for killing a creature (note that it can be ANY creature including certain quest specific triggers). In general if the quest is set to be accompished on different creatures (e.g. "Credit" templates).
    • Parameter 1: The creature template ID. The value here must be a valid creature template ID.
    • Parameter 2: The target type defining whom the quest kill count should be given to. The value in this field needs to be a valid target type as specified in the reference tables below.
  • 34 = ACTION_T_SET_INST_DATA: Sets data for the instance. Note that this will only work when the creature is inside an instantiable zone that has a valid script (ScriptedInstance) assigned.
    • Parameter 1: The field to change in the instance script. Again, this field needs to be a valid field that has been already defined in the instance’s script.
    • Parameter 2: The value to put at that field index. The number here must be a valid 32 bit number.
  • 35 = ACTION_T_SET_INST_DATA64: Sets GUID (64 bits) data for the instance based on the target. Note that this will only work when the creature is inside an instantiable zone that has a valid script (ScriptedInstance) assigned.
    • Parameter 1: The field to change in the instance script. Again, this field needs to be a valid field that has been already defined in the instance’s script.
    • Parameter 2: The target type to use to get the GUID that will be stored at the field index. The value in this field needs to be a valid target type as specified in the reference tables below.
  • 36 = ACTION_T_UPDATE_TEMPLATE: This function temporarily changes creature entry to new entry, display is changed, loot is changed, but AI is not changed. At respawn creature will be reverted to original entry.
    • Parameter 1: The creature template ID. The value here must be a valid creature template ID.
    • Parameter 2: Use model_id from team : Alliance(0) or Horde (1).
  • 37 = ACTION_T_DIE: Kills the creature
  • 38 = ACTION_T_ZONE_COMBAT_PULSE: Places all players within the instance into combat with the creature. Only works in combat and only works inside of instances.
  • 39 = ACTION_T_CALL_FOR_HELP: Call any friendly creatures (if its not in combat/etc) in radius attack creature target.
    • Parameter 1: Radius from creature.
  • 40 = ACTION_T_SET_SHEATH: Let set sheath state for creature (0-no weapon show (not used mostly by creatures), 1-melee weapon show, 2-ranged weapon show)
    • Parameter 1: Sheath state of the creature.
  • 41 = ACTION_T_FORCE_DESPAWN: Despawns the creature.
    • Parameter 1: Despawn delay.

(1) = Use -1 to specify that if this param is picked to do nothing. Random is constant between actions within an event. So if you have a random Yell and a random Sound they will match up (ex: param2 with param2)

Reference Tables

All of the events, actions, and target types are summarized in tabular format for convenience purposes and fast lookup. NU = Not Used; * – optional


ID Name Param 1 Param 2 Param 3 Param 4 Description
0 EVENT_T_TIMER InitialMin InitialMax RepeatMin RepeatMax COMBAT ONLY – Expires first between (Param1) and (Param2) and then between every (Param3) and (Param4).
1 EVENT_T_TIMER_OOC InitialMin InitialMax RepeatMin RepeatMax OUT OF COMBAT – Expires first between (Param1) and (Param2) and then between every (Param3) and (Param4).
2 EVENT_T_HP HPMax% HPMin% RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when HP is between (Param1) and (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4).
3 EVENT_T_MANA ManaMax% ManaMin% RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires once Mana% is between (Param1) and (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4).
4 EVENT_T_AGGRO n/a n/a n/a n/a Expires upon initial aggro (does not repeat).
5 EVENT_T_KILL RepeatMin RepeatMax n/a n/a Expires upon killing a player. Will repeat every (Param1) and (Param2).
6 EVENT_T_DEATH n/a n/a n/a n/a Expires upon Death.
7 EVENT_T_EVADE n/a n/a n/a n/a Expires upon creature EnterEvadeMode().
8 EVENT_T_SPELLHIT SpellID School RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires upon Spell hit. If (param1) is set will only expire on that spell. If (param2) will only expire on spells of that school. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) .
9 EVENT_T_RANGE MinDist MaxDist RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when the highest threat target distance is greater than (Param1) and less than (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) .
10 EVENT_T_OOC_LOS NoHostile NoFriendly RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when a Player moves within visible distance to creature. Does not expire for Hostile Players if (Param1) is not 0. Does not expire for Friendly Players if (Param2) is not 0. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) . Does not expire for creatures or pet or when the creature is in combat.
11 EVENT_T_SPAWNED n/a n/a n/a n/a Expires at initial spawn and at creature respawn (useful for setting ranged movement type)
12 EVENT_T_TARGET_HP HPMax% HPMin% RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when Current Target’s HP is between (Param1) and (Param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) .
13 EVENT_T_TARGET_CASTING RepeatMin RepeatMax n/a n/a Expires when the player is casting a spell. Will repeat every (Param1) and (Param2) .
14 EVENT_T_FRIENDLY_HP HPDeficit Radius RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when a friendly unit in radius(param2) has at least (param1) hp missing. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) .
15 EVENT_T_FRIENDLY_IS_CC DispelType Radius RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when a friendly unit is Crowd controlled within the given radius (param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) .
16 EVENT_T_MISSING_BUFF SpellId Radius RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when a friendly unit is missing aura’s given by spell (param1) within radius (param2). Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4) .
17 EVENT_T_SUMMONED_UNIT CreatureId RepeatMin RepeatMax n/a Expires after creature with entry(Param1) is spawned or for all spawns if param1 = 0. Will repeat every (Param2) and (Param3) .
18 EVENT_T_TARGET_MANA ManaMax% ManaMin% RepeatMin RepeatMax
21 EVENT_T_REACHED_HOME n/a n/a n/a n/a Expires when creature reach it’s home(spawn) location after Evade.
22 EVENT_T_RECEIVE_EMOTE EmoteId Condition]] CondValue1 CondValue2 Expires when creature receive emote with text emote id(enum TextEmotes). Condition can be defined. If set, then most conditions has additional value (see enum ConditionType)
23 EVENT_T_BUFFED SpellId AmmountInStack RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when creature have spell (Param1) auras applied stack greater or equal provided in Param2 amount. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4).
24 EVENT_T_TARGET_BUFFED SpellId AmmountInStack RepeatMin RepeatMax Expires when target unit have spell (Param1) auras applied stack greater or equal provided in Param2 amount. Will repeat every (Param3) and (Param4).
25 EVENT_T_SUMMONED_JUST_DIED CreatureId RepeatMin RepeatMax n/a Expires after creature with entry = (Param1) is die (Param1 = 0 means all spawns). Will repeat every (Param2) and (Param3).
26 EVENT_T_SUMMONED_JUST_DESPAWN CreatureId RepeatMin RepeatMax n/a Expires before creature with entry = (Param1) is despawn (Param1 = 0 means all spawns). Will repeat every (Param2) and (Param3).


ID Name Param 1 Param 2 Param 3 Description
1 ACTION_T_SAY -TextId1, -TextId2, -TextId3 Displays the -TextId as defined. In case -TextId2 and optionally -TextId3, the output will be randomized. Type text are defined in the text table itself(say, yell, whisper, etc) along with other options for the text. All values are required to be negative.
4 ACTION_T_SOUND Sound ID NU NU Creature plays sound
5 ACTION_T_EMOTE Emote ID NU NU Creature does visual emote
9 ACTION_T_RANDOM_SOUND Sound ID 1 Sound ID 2 Sound ID 3 Picks a sound ID at random and plays it; -1 = action skipped if chosen
10 ACTION_T_RANDOM_EMOTE Emote ID 1 Emote ID 2 Emote ID 3 Picks an emote ID at random and does visual emote; -1 = action skipped if chosen
11 ACTION_T_CAST Spell ID T-Type]] Cast Flag Casts spell on a target with specified cast flags (see table below).
12 ACTION_T_SUMMON Creature ID T-Type]] Duration* Summons a creature at itself for a given duration (infinite if zero, only with t_type != 0) that will attack a target.
13 ACTION_T_THREAT_SINGLE_PCT Threat % T-Type]] NU Modifies the target’s threat by a percent
14 ACTION_T_THREAT_ALL_PCT Threat % NU NU Modifies everyone’s threat by a percent
15 ACTION_T_QUEST_EVENT Quest ID T-Type]] NU Satisfies external script objective for a quest for the target (must be a player)
16 ACTION_T_CASTCREATUREGO Quest ID Spell ID T-Type]] Emulates spell cast on the creature for the target (must be a player)
17 ACTION_T_SET_UNIT_FIELD index ]] Value T-Type]] Sets unit field at the index to the value given for the target
18 ACTION_T_SET_UNIT_FLAG Flag(s) T-Type]] NU Sets flag(s) on the target
19 ACTION_T_REMOVE_UNIT_FLAG Flag(s) T-Type]] NU Removes flag(s) from the target
20 ACTION_T_AUTO_ATTACK Boolean NU NU If 0, stops auto melee; else continues/starts it
21 ACTION_T_COMBAT_MOVEMENT Boolean NU NU If 0, stops combat movement; else continues/starts it
22 ACTION_T_SET_PHASE Phase # NU NU Sets current phase to number given
23 ACTION_T_INC_PHASE Number NU NU Increments (or decrements) the phase by given number.
24 ACTION_T_EVADE NU NU NU Force creature reset. Exit combat + lose threat
25 ACTION_T_FLEE NU NU NU Force creature to flee from combat
26 ACTION_T_QUEST_EVENT_ALL Quest ID NU NU Satisfies external objective for a quest for all players in threat list
27 ACTION_T_CASTCREATUREGO_ALL Quest ID Spell ID NU Emulates spell cast on creature for all players in threat list
28 ACTION_T_REMOVEAURASFROMSPELL T-Type]] Spell ID NU Removes all auras from a spell ID from the target.
29 ACTION_T_RANGED_MOVEMENT Distance Angle NU Uses ranged movement generator keeping the creature at a distance.
30 ACTION_T_RANDOM_PHASE Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Randomly chooses a phase from the list of three phases.
31 ACTION_T_RANDOM_PHASE_RANGE Min Phase Max Phase NU Chooses a random phase in the range specified.
32 ACTION_T_SUMMON Creature ID T-Type]] Summon ID Summons a creature at the coords specified for the given summon id that will attack a target.
33 ACTION_T_KILLED_MONSTER Creature ID T-Type]] NU Simulates a kill for a mob of ID given for the player from the target type.
34 ACTION_T_SET_INST_DATA Field]] Value NU Sets new value for the field given in the instance script.
35 ACTION_T_SET_INST_DATA64 Field]] T-Type]] NU Stores target’s GUID at the field given in the instance script.
36 ACTION_T_UPDATE_TEMPLATE Entry Fraction NU Temporarily changes creature entry to new entry.
37 ACTION_T_DIE NU NU NU Kills the creature.
38 ACTION_T_ZONE_COMBAT_PULSE NU NU NU Places all players within the instance into combat with the creature. Only works in combat and only works inside of instances.
39 ACTION_T_CALL_FOR_HELP Radius NU NU Call any friendly creatures (if its not in combat/etc) in radius attack creature target.
40 ACTION_T_SET_SHEATH Sheath NU NU Let set sheath state for creature (0-no weapon show (not used mostly by creatures), 1-melee weapon show, 2-ranged weapon show)
41 ACTION_T_FORCE_DESPAWN delay NU NU Despawns the creature, If 0 despawn instant, other despawn after delay (in ms)

Target Types


ID Name Description
0 TARGET_T_SELF Targets itself
1 TARGET_T_HOSTILE Targets the current victim (usually the one with the most threat)
2 TARGET_T_HOSTILE_SECOND_AGGRO Targets the unit with the second most threat in the threat list
3 TARGET_T_HOSTILE_LAST_AGGRO Targets the unit with the least threat in the threat list
4 TARGET_T_HOSTILE_RANDOM Targets a random unit from the threat list
5 TARGET_T_HOSTILE_RANDOM_NOT_TOP Targets a random unit from the threat list excluding the one with the most threat
6 TARGET_T_ACTION_INVOKER Targets the unit that caused the event; only for certain events only.

Cast Flags

Bit / Value Name Description
0 / 1 CAST_INTURRUPT_PREVIOUS Interrupts any previous spell casting.
1 / 2 CAST_TRIGGERED Forces the cast to be instant and ignores any mana/reagents requirements.
2 / 4 CAST_FORCE_CAST Forces spell to cast even if the target is possibly out of range or the creature is possibly out of mana
3 / 8 CAST_NO_MELEE_IF_OOM Prevents creature from entering melee if out of mana or out of range
4 / 16 CAST_FORCE_TARGET_SELF Forces the target to cast this spell on itself
5 / 32 CAST_AURA_NOT_PRESENT Only casts the spell on the target if the target does not have the aura from that spell on itself already.

Condition Type

(For Event_type 22)

Condition Value 1 Value 2* Description
0 None 0 0 Nothing.
1 Aura SpellID "effindex" If the SpellID’s aura is on you.
2 Item ItemID Amount If you have the item in your inventory.
3 Item Equipped ItemId Amount If you have the item equipped on your character.
4 Zone ID ZoneID 0 Taken from AreaTable.dbc.
5 Reputation FactionID Minimum Rank Taken from FactionTemplate.dbc. Exalted is 42000.
6 Team Team# 0 In "Team#" use 469 if alliance, 67 if Horde.
7 Skill SkillID Min Amount Values taken from SkillLine.dbc.
8 Quest Rewarded QuestID 0 If you have already completed that QuestID.
9 Quest Taken QuestID 0 If you are currently on that QuestID.
12 Active Event EventID 0 This is not from your database. This value is from the DBC file enum HolidayIds.

* – If the value is listed as 0, then leave it as 0.

Event Flags

Bit / Value Name Description
0 / 1 EFLAG_REPEATABLE Event repeats (Does not repeat if this flag is not set)
1/2 EFLAG_NORMAL Event only occurs in Normal instance difficulty
2/4 EFLAG_HEROIC Event only occurs in Heroic instance difficulty
5/32 EFLAG_RANDOM Random use action1, 2, or 3
7 / 128 EFLAG_DEBUG_ONLY Not yet impletmented!


Value Type Description
1 aggro Creature SetInCombat
2 evade Creature remove from Combat
3 death Creature just die
4 special Need for more as one enemy in a fight (like 4 horseman)


FILENAME=$(echo "Creature ai summons" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Event AI Tables




Summoning Table Introduction

This table is used to provide NPC support for an event using action 32 = ACTION_T_SUMMON as one of its Actions. To quote from the Event_AI page:

  • 32 = ACTION_T_SUMMON: Summons a creature using the data specified in the separate summons table.
    • Parameter 1: The creature template ID to be summoned. The value here needs to be a valid creature template ID.
    • Parameter 2: The target type defining who the summoned creature will attack. The value in this field needs to be a valid target type as specified in the reference tables below. NOTE: Using target type 0 will cause the summoned creature to not attack anyone.
    • Parameter 3: The summon ID from the eventai_summons table controlling the position (and spawntime) where the summoned mob should be spawned at.

As we see from Parameter 3, this table will be controlling the arrival point of the NPC. If you wish for the NPC to spawn at the same point as the NPC spawning it, use Action 12 instead of 32.

Explaining the Fields of the Table


This arbitrary value will be matched by the third parameter in the 32 = ACTION_T_SUMMON Event Type. It does not need to be in solid descending order.

Tip: Be sure to start your first custom input at least 1,000 digits ahead of the latest entry when you first start editing this table. I.e. in a newly installed database that you plan on working with for the long term, if the last id value here is 9, start at 5000, not at 10. If your database gets an update, if you had started at 10, those values could be overwritten.


The X position of the NPC to be spawned. (Note that this will obviously take place on the same map that you and the NPC are on, so no Map number will be necessary here.)


The Y position of the NPC to be spawned.


The Y (height) position of the NPC to be spawned.


The orientation of the NPC when it appears. It can be any value, (experiment as necessary) but here are some values already known:

This value is measured in radians.

Value Direction
0 North
1.57 East
3.14 South
-1.57 West


(Requires an elaboration and confirmation) – Most likely the time for the NPC to disappear once it has been summoned, in seconds.


The arbitrary string of text that you deposit into the table to describe the actions of this particular record in the table. The comment has no bearing on the table’s effects other than your own ability to recognize what each record is doing.


FILENAME=$(echo "Creature ai texts" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to creature_ai_scripts tables.

The \`creature_ai_texts\` table

This table holds all the texts used within the eventai (ACID) scripts. This table handles the actual text, display type (say/yell/emote) and corresponding sounds or emote (if any).


Field Type Attributes Can be null Default Comments
entry int(11) signed NO 0 Text Entry
content_default text YES NULL Default Locale Text
content_loc1 text YES NULL Locale 1 Text
content_loc2 text YES NULL Locale 2 Text
content_loc3 text YES NULL Locale 3 Text
content_loc4 text YES NULL Locale 4 Text
content_loc5 text YES NULL Locale 5 Text
content_loc6 text YES NULL Locale 6 Text
content_loc7 text YES NULL Locale 7 Text
content_loc8 text YES NULL Locale 8 Text
sound int(11) unsigned NO 0 Sound Id
type int(11) unsigned NO 0 Text Type
language int(11) unsigned NO 0 Text Language
emote int(11) unsigned NO 0 Emote Id
comment text YES NULL Comment

Description of the fields


This is the entry of the text. It corresponds to a script using Action 1 (ACTION_T_SAY) in the eventai_scripts table. This number is always negative.


This is the actual text presented in the default language (English).


This is the actual text presented in the Localization #(1-8) Clients

Value Localization
1 Korean
2 French
3 German
4 Chinese
5 Taiwanese
6 Spanish
7 Spanish Mexico
8 Russian


This is the sound Id that will play with along with the corresponding text. All sounds are from sounds.dbc.


This is the method the text is displayed.

Value Type
0 Say
1 Yell
2 Text Emote
3 Boss Emote
4 Whisper
5 Boss Whisper


This is the ingame language of the text. Languages are from Languages.dbc..


This is the emote that the creature performs along with the corresponding text.


This field allows you to label a text entry.


FILENAME=$(echo "Creature battleground" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`creature_battleground\` table

This table contains the description of creatures spawned on battlegrounds.


Field Type Null Key Default
guid int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL
event1 tinyint(3) unsigned NO NULL
event2 tinyint(3) unsigned NO NULL

Description of the fields


A unique identifier given to each creature to distinguish one creature from another. Two creatures can NOT have same GUID. This GUID is linked to the creature-table.


main event


sub event


FILENAME=$(echo "Creature battleground (2.4.3)" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`creature_battleground\` table

This table contains the description of creatures spawned on battlegrounds.


Field Type Null Key Default
guid int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL
event1 tinyint(3) unsigned NO NULL
event2 tinyint(3) unsigned NO NULL

Description of the fields


A unique identifier given to each creature to distinguish one creature from another. Two creatures can NOT have same GUID. This GUID is linked to the creature (2.4.3) table. This table just links the NPC GUID in the creature (2.4.3) table to the Battleground Event/Sub Event.


Main Event


Sub Event (Within the Main Event)


FILENAME=$(echo "Creature equip template" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`creature_equip_template\` table

This table contains all equipment mobs can wear.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
entry int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
equipmodel1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
equipmodel2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
equipmodel3 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


Unique Id of the equipment, no link with any official data. This id is free.


This is the item of the equipment used in right hand from Item.dbc.


This is the item of the equipment used in left hand from Item.dbc.


This is the item of the equipment used in distance slot. It comes from Item.dbc.


FILENAME=$(echo "Creature equip template (2.4.3)" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`creature_equip_template\` table

This table contains all possible equipment that an NPC can wear.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
entry int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
equipmodel1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
equipmodel2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
equipmodel3 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


Unique Id of the equipment configuration, no link with any official data. This ID can be any unused value.

This value is what is entered in creature_template.equipment_id (2.4.3)#equipment_id or creature.equipment_id (2.4.3)#equipment_id.

This is determined based on if the equipment configuration is for all identical NPC’s or if just a specific NPC requires a special Equipment Configuration.


This is the Item ID from Item.dbc 2.4.3).dbc that will be equipped in the RIGHT HAND.


This is the Item ID from Item.dbc 2.4.3).dbc that will be equipped in the LEFT HAND.


This is the Item ID from Item.dbc 2.4.3).dbc that will be equipped in the RANGED WEAPON SLOT.


FILENAME=$(echo "Creature equip template 3x" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`creature_equip_template\` table

This table contains all equipment mobs can wear.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
entry int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
equipmodel1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
equipmodel2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
equipmodel3 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


Unique Id of the equipment, no link with any official data. This id is free.


This is the item of the equipment used in right hand from Item.dbc.


This is the item of the equipment used in left hand from Item.dbc.


This is the item of the equipment used in distance slot. It comes from Item.dbc.


FILENAME=$(echo "Creature equip template raw (2.4.3)" | sed ‘s/ /_/g’) cat > ${FILENAME}.mediawiki << SCHMMOO_IS_LUSTIG_EXPR

Back to world database list of tables.

The \`creature_equip_template_raw\` table

This table contains all possible equipment that an NPC can wear.

NOTE: This is an outdated table that is being phased out, simplified and converted into creature_equip_template (2.4.3) table and also an item_template (2.4.3) entry. See Below For Conversion Examples


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
entry mediumint(8) unsigned NO PRI 0
equipmodel1 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
equipmodel2 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
equipmodel3 mediumint(8) unsigned NO 0
equipinfo1 int(10) unsigned NO 0
equipinfo2 int(10) unsigned NO 0
equipinfo3 int(10) unsigned NO 0
equipslot1 int(8) NO 0
equipslot2 int(8) NO 0
equipslot3 int(8) NO 0

Description of the fields


Unique Id of the equipment configuration, no link with any official data. This ID can be any unused value.

This value is what is entered in creature_template.equipment_id (2.4.3)#equipment_id or creature.equipment_id (2.4.3)#equipment_id.

This is determined based on if the equipment configuration is for all identical NPC’s or if just a specific NPC requires a special Equipment Configuration.


This is the Model ID from Item.dbc 2.4.3).dbc that will

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