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Schmoozerd edited this page Apr 14, 2013 · 2 revisions

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The `spell_bonus_data` table

Table used for storing custom damage/healing bonus coefficients.


Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment
entry mediumint(8) unsigned PRI NO 0
direct_bonus float signed NO 0
dot_bonus float signed NO 0
ap_bonus float signed NO 0
ap_dot_bonus float signed NO 0
comments varchar(255) signed YES NULL

Description of the fields


Spell ID. See Spell.dbc..


Direct spell power damage.
If < 0
Calculate default spell power coefficient.
If = 0
Don’t apply any spell power coefficient. (Don’t scale damage with spellpower)
If > 0
Use this as new spell power coefficient.


Spell damage over time.

If < 0 Calculate default spell power coefficient. If = 0 Don’t apply any spell power coefficient. (Don’t scale damage with spellpower) If > 0 Use this as new spell power coefficient.


Direct Melee/Ranged damage.
If < 0
Calculate default attack power coefficient.
If = 0
Don’t apply any attack power coefficient. (Don’t scale damage with attack power)
If > 0
Use this as new attack power coefficient.


Melee/Ranged damage over time.
If < 0
Calculate default attack power coefficient.
If = 0
Don’t apply any attack power coefficient. (Don’t scale damage with attack power)
If > 0
Use this as new attack power coefficient.


Comment as why it has such values and name of the spell.

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