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Schmoozerd edited this page Apr 14, 2013 · 1 revision

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The `petition_sign` table

This table holds information on all the signatures of a petition for either a guild or an arena team.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
ownerguid int(10) unsigned NO
petitionguid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
playerguid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
player_account int(11) unsigned NO 0
type int(10) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


The GUID of the owner that is trying to make the guild/arena team. See character.guid


The GUID of the charter item. See item_template.guid


The GUID of the player that has signed the charter. See character.guid


The account ID of the player that has signed the charter. No two players can sign the same charter from the same account.


The type of the petition.

ID Type
2 2vs2 Arena charter
3 3vs3 Arena charter
5 5vs5 Arena charter
9 Guild charter
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