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Schmoozerd edited this page Apr 14, 2013 · 1 revision

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The `auctionhouse` table

Contains all information about the currently ongoing auctions in the auction houses. It controls what items are put up for auction and who put it up, who is the highest bidder, etc.

This table is used by MaNGOS while running and not a table that you would usually edit.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
auctioneerguid int(11) unsigned NO 0
itemguid int(11) unsigned NO 0
item_template int(11) unsigned NO 0
itemowner int(11) unsigned NO 0
buyoutprice int(11) NO 0
time bigint(40) NO 0
buyguid int(11) unsigned NO 0
lastbid int(11) NO 0
startbid int(11) NO 0
deposit int(11) NO 0

Description of the fields


Unique identifier for every auction.


The GUID of the creature where the auction item was added. See creature.guid


The GUID of the item that is up for auction. See item_instance.guid


The entry of the item up for auction. See item_template.entry


The GUID of the owner of the item up for auction. See character.guid


The buyout price of the item in copper. Divide by 100 to get silver and by 100 again to get gold.


The time when the auction will end, measured in Unix time (number of seconds from 00:00 Jan 1, 1970).


The GUID of the highest bidder. See character.guid


The amount of copper of the last bid put on the item.


The amount of copper of the starting bid.


The amount of copper spent on the deposit.

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