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Schmoozerd edited this page Apr 14, 2013 · 1 revision

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The `character_queststatus` table

Holds information on the quest status of each character.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
guid int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
quest int(11) unsigned NO PRI 0
status int(11) unsigned NO 0
rewarded tinyint(1) unsigned NO 0
explored tinyint(1) unsigned NO 0
timer bigint(20) unsigned NO 0
mobcount1 int(11) unsigned NO 0
mobcount2 int(11) unsigned NO 0
mobcount3 int(11) unsigned NO 0
mobcount4 int(11) unsigned NO 0
itemcount1 int(11) unsigned NO 0
itemcount2 int(11) unsigned NO 0
itemcount3 int(11) unsigned NO 0
itemcount4 int(11) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


The GUID of the character. See character.guid


The quest ID. See quest_template.entry


The current quest status.

Possible values
Value Status Comments
0 QUEST_STATUS_NONE Quest isn’t shown in quest list; default
1 QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE Quest has been completed
2 QUEST_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE Quest is unavailable to the character
3 QUEST_STATUS_INCOMPLETE Quest is active in quest log but incomplete
4 QUEST_STATUS_AVAILABLE Quest is available to be taken by character


Boolean 1 or 0 representing whether the quest has been rewarded or not.


Boolean 1 or 0 representing if the character has explored what was needed to explore for the quest.


Remaining time left on the quest if the quest has a timer. See quest_template.LimitTime


Current count of the number of kills or casts on the first creature or gameobject, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqCreatureOrGOCount1


Current count of the number of kills or casts on the second creature or gameobject, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqCreatureOrGOCount2


Current count of the number of kills or casts on the third creature or gameobject, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqCreatureOrGOCount3


Current count of the number of kills or casts on the fourth creature or gameobject, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqCreatureOrGOCount4


Current item count for the first item in a delivery quest, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqItemCount1


Current item count for the second item in a delivery quest, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqItemCount2


Current item count for the third item in a delivery quest, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqItemCount3


Current item count for the fourth item in a delivery quest, if any. Corresponds with quest_template.ReqItemCount4

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