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MPAS Ocean Task List

Todd Ringler edited this page Mar 27, 2014 · 11 revisions

Near Term Tasks:

Release 3.0 tasks:

  1. Test GM, merge onto develop
  2. Test KPP, merge onto develop
  3. Init_core branch: merge changes outside of mode_init directory (mode_init is not released)
  4. Update code based on var_pools
  5. Update registry to use new stream definitions
  6. User's guide:
    • Reformat for multiple modes
    • Add text for new namelist groups, particularly analysis members
    • Proof read
  7. Simulations:
    • Decide on any new test cases we want to include (SOMA, etc)
    • After code freeze, create standard domains with init core
    • run simulations with standard domains for user download.
  8. Update web-site
  9. Paraview catalyst (in-situ visualization, in framework)
  10. Remove PBC alteration and Resting Thickness creation from forward mode.
  11. Pressure gradient correction for nonlinear EOS.
  12. Analysis members: create as time permits
    • zonal means (global)
    • means over regions
    • cross-sections
    • transports through sections
    • heat transport
    • MOC

On Going Tasks

  1. restructure MPAS data into variable pools
  2. coding of Eliassen-Palm flux tensor diagnostics
  3. coding of Lagrangian particle diagnostics

\item 14-1. Implement and test hybrid vertical grid generator \item 14-2. Implement run-time I/O, including multiple streams \item 14-3. Completion Phase I of Ocean Analysis Core (MPAS-OAC) \item 14-4. Completion Phase II of MPAS-OAC \item 14-5. Implement performance metrics and tracking \item 14-6. Conduct CORE I and/or CORE II simulations with low-resolution grid \item 14-7. Implement Lagrangian particles, analyze eddy resolving simulations \item 14-8. Implement Eliassen-Palm Flux Tensor diagnostics, analyze eddy resolving simulations \item 14-9. Complete MPAS-O/POP/AWI/ROMS comparison with SOMA test case \item 14-10. Implement and analyze alternatives to standard eddy parameterizations \item 14-11. BGC --- TBD \item 14-12. CDG --- TBD \item 14-13. MPAS-Paraview run-time adapter

Future Tasks for Consideration

  1. Tracer budget diagnostics
  2. Multiple output streams
  3. Design of time/space filters applied to output streams
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