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Anthony Williams edited this page Aug 16, 2017 · 18 revisions

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ETMoses features a list of strategies which change the behaviour of the technologies in your local energy solution (LES). The strategies can be selected in the main page of ETMoses as shown in the image below. By hitting apply, the selected strategies will be applied to the entire LES, in other words to all nodes in that LES.The technolgoes can only work if the related technologies are available in the LES'technology table.

List of definitions

  • Local excess: production which is not cancelled by consumption in the same time-step for the same end-point
  • Buffering: charging at a time before it is strictly necessary in order to make the next trip
  • Congestion: one or more cables or transformers between the top node (representing the HV network) and the current node have a load which exceeds their capacity
  • Individual base-load: base-load profiles for the electricity consumption of individual households
  • Aggregated base-load: base-load profiles for the electricity consumption of groups of households larger than 30

Priority of strategies

All “mandatory loads” are calculated first. These are loads which must be satisfied regardless of available network capacity or excess local production; examples include the inflexible parts of base loads (households and buildings), and energy required for an electric vehicle to complete a journey.

Technologies are then processed in this order:

  • Flexible parts of large households (those which have more than 30 units, and use EDSN profiles) and buildings are saved/curtailed if there is insufficient network capacity
  • Buffering electricity in electric vehicles
  • Buffering in heat pumps
  • Postponing base loads for small numbers of households (less than 30 units) if there is insufficient network capacity
  • Storing energy in P2P batteries
  • Power-to-heat
  • Power-to-gas
  • Capping of solar PV


Storage in batteries prioritising local PV production

When this strategy is enabled, local excess of solar PV is stored in P2P batteries rather than sent back to the electricity grid.

Only buffer EVs if network has spare capacity

The default behaviour of electric vehicles (EVs) is that they start buffering as soon as they return from a trip. Enabling this strategy will change the default behaviour of EV in one important aspect: EVs will not buffer if it would lead to congestion of the network.

This is not a guarantee that the EVs don't congest the network, however. If the EVs batteries contain insufficient electricity for the upcoming trip, the needed electricity will be taken from the grid even if that will lead to congestion.

Only buffer EVs with excess PV production

This strategy tries to use local excess PV production only to buffer EV batteries. Just as with "Only buffer EVs if network has spare capacity", the grid will be used if the battery does not contain enough electricity to make the upcoming trip.

Storage in electric vehicles (V2G)

If this strategy is active, EVs will also be able to discharge part of their electricity to the grid. They will retain enough electricity to make the upcoming trip. This is effectively a 'vehicle-to-grid' strategy where the EV battery is used to supply the local (in the same end-point) demand.

Conversion of local PV excess using P2H

With this strategy enabled, local excess production (currently only solar PV) is converted to heat which is stored in a buffer for hot water. The P2H strategy applies to all electric water heaters installed. Water heating technologies with higher COP are give priority over other technologies.

Conversion of local PV excess using P2G

With this strategy enabled, local excess production (currently only solar PV) is converted to hydrogen gas which is stored in the local gas network or used instantaneously in the end-point. Excess production from another node can also be used to produce gas in the case that it is not used in any other point in the LES and it should otherwise be transported to the HV grid.

Only buffer using heat humps if network has spare capacity

This strategy respects the network capacity when buffering hot water for space heating or domestic hot water consumption similar to "Only buffer EVs if network has spare capacity".

Postponing of individual (electricity) base-load

This strategy tries to postpone (shift) certain demand peaks forward in time if the network is congested. The individual base-load profiles consist of two components, one component can be postponed and the other not. The strategy tries to shift a peak with increments of 15 minutes to see if the network allows its consumption. After 3 hours (12 steps) of postponing, the peak is consumed regardless of network capacity.

Saving of aggregated (electricity) base-load

This strategy allows a lowering of the aggregated base-load with maximally 10% if the network is congested. The limit of 10% has been suggested by flexibility experts from Alliander and TU/e. Examples of saving in base-load include: switching off unnecessary lights and appliances, refraining from washing a car, drying laundry outside instead of in a dryer, boiling water on a gas-stove instead of an electric kettle etc.

Capping of solar PV

Selecting this strategy allows the capping (curtailment) of excess production of solar PV if the network is congested by excess feed-in. The user can choose which percentage of installed capacity can be curtailed.

Switch HHP to gas if congested

Selecting this strategy allows the hybrid heat pump to lower electricity network load in case of congestion by switching the heat pump 'off' and the gas boiler 'on'.

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