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Chael Kruip edited this page Aug 11, 2016 · 2 revisions

The are several advanced options that can be found in the 'Options' menu on the electricity load tab:

These options are:

  • Download load curves of currently selected node
  • Download the technology matrix as a CSV file
  • Download the merit order price curve
  • Download the merit order load curves
  • Create a national scenario

Download load curves of currently selected node

The following curves can be downloaded in CSV format:

  • Electricity load
  • Gas load
  • Heat load

If one or more strategies is applied these extra curves are included as well:

  • Electricity load (with strategies)
  • Gas load (with strategies)
  • Heat load (with strategies)

The time-slice for the data is the selected week in 15 minute steps or the whole year in steps of 1 day.

We plan to also allow for the download of yearly curves in 15 minute steps (see issue #1296)

Download the technology matrix as a CSV file

This allows the user to download the technology list as a CSV file. This file can be edited in a spreadsheet tool (e.g., Microsoft Excel) and uploaded again in the technology tab (see Technologies) for quick initialisation of a LES.

Download the merit order price curve

When opening an ETM scenario in ETMoses, the national electricity production park is scaled down to the size of the scaled scenario and used in ETMoses to match the load on the highest node of the electricity topology (the HV network) with production.

The matching of supply and demand of electricity is done using a simple merit order calculation using the Merit module of the ETM. For detailed information about this module you can check out the ETM documentation.

The resulting price curve is a list of the marginal cost of the most expensive power plant that runs for every time-step.

Download the merit order load curves

Similar to the price curve (see previous section), the load profiles show the load [kW] of each plant in the local production park of the LES for every time step of 15 minutes.

Create a national scenario

This option interprets the number of units of technologies relative to the number of households in the LES and translates them back to slider settings for the ETM. This option opens a window showing the new slider settings:

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