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Schmoozerd edited this page Apr 14, 2013 · 1 revision

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The `ip_banned` table

This table contains all of the banned IPs and the date when (or if) the ban will expire.


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
ip varchar(32) NO PRI
bandate int(11) NO
unbandate int(11) NO
bannedby varchar(50) NO [Console]
banreason varchar(50) NO no reason

Description of the fields


The IP address that is banned.


The date when the IP was first banned, in Unix time.


The date when the IP will be unbanned in Unix time. Any date that is set lower than the current date basically classifies as a permanent ban as it will never auto expire.


The name of the character that banned the IP. The character should belong to an account with the rights to the .ban command in-game.


The reason given for the IP ban.

Category: Realm database tables: Realm database tables

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