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Randal edited this page Dec 23, 2024 · 1 revision

2024-12-23 09:54

Patch Release: v1.8.3


Happy Holidays!

For my birthday (coming up) I decided to let you all have an update. :)

As these updates are comprised of a hodgepodge of bugs, requests, and things I needed to do, I am forgoing the usual Requests/Bugs format. Here are your updates, in roughly the order they were implemented:

Add user mention to dialog replies

When you reply to dialog with dialog, Sage will now include a mention to the user of the character you are replying to.

Dialog username updates

If you are using displayName.template it is possible to make a username that is too long. It is now truncated.

Because Discord doesn't publish their list of banned usernames, we find out the hard way when you try one. We improved our detection logic to (hopefully) catch it before deleting your dialog input.

Character updates

Details now lists which images you have (avatar, token) and link to them

Reordered details for better grouping of basic character details vs optional/stats information

Some GM character name issues were resolved

PF2e/SF2e imported sheet updates

Fixed the logic for classdc as a stat

Spellcasters should now see prepared spells

Prepared Spellcasters should now have a "spells known" view option

Command Feedback

Some old feedback with references to outdated commands were corrected

Logic was put in place to allow us to start localizing/translating our prompts and feedback

Auto Dialog

You can now use urls for channels when turning auto dialog on or off (instead of typing # to get a channel)

Earn Income

The pfs income command was old and outdated and has been replaced with a new generic earn income command. It functions for both Pathfinder 2e and Starfinder 2e and will be updated to include 1e soon. Basic usage is by Task Level: sage! earn income If your character doesn't have any special mods and follows the standard PFS Task Level = Char Level -2 formula, you can invoke the command with char level instead: sage! earn income charLevel="5"

Requests / Bugs / Roadmaps

We have channels to track and organize bugs and requests!

Have something to report?

Please drop by our Discord: Public Link to our Discord

Thank You, and Happy Gaming! :spacer:- Randal, aka RPG Sage :Sage:

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