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Randal T Meyer edited this page May 5, 2024 · 3 revisions

Dice Macro Management

Dice Macro Categories are helpful in grouping related macros together, but they also serve a special function for Pathfinder 2e players using imported characters. Macros with the same category name as an imported Pathfinder 2e character name will show up in the imported character's sheet so that you can select then and roll them with the click of a button. Read more about Importing Characters here.

Note: Dice Macros are set on you, as a User of RPG Sage. Therefore they are usable by you on any Server you are on, in any Game or Channel you might be in. They cannot be used by anybody else. Future updates will drastically change accessbility of Dice Macros.

Dice Macro Lifecycle

These commands are used to create, view, update, and delete a Dice Macro.

Setting a Dice Macro

Creating a Dice Macro requires a name. If your macro simply rolls dice, then it also requires dice. If your macro is rolling on a table, then if instead requires table. Any Dice Macro can optionally have a cat (short for category).


sage! macro set name="BobScythe" dice="[1d20+3 atk; 1d10 S dmg]"
sage! macro set name="BobScythe" cat="Bob the Farmer" dice="[1d20+3 atk; 1d10 S dmg]"
sage! macro set name="TableRoll" table="https://url_to_tsv_table_content"



Dice Macros allow for the use of arguments, making your rolls more dynamic. See more about Dice Arguments here.


sage! macro set name="BobDagger" category="Bob the Farmer" [1d20+2 {ac} atk; 1d4 {type:P} dmg]


[BobDagger ac=10]
[BobDagger type=S]
[BobDagger ac=10 type=S]

View a Dice Macro


sage! macro details name="BobScythe"

Moving a Dice Macro

This changes the Dice Macro's category.


sage! macro move name="BobScythe" category="Bob the Farmer"

Deleting Dice Macros

You can delete one by name, multiple by category, or all completely.


sage! macro delete all
sage! macro delete category="Bob the Farmer"
sage! macro delete name="BobScythe"

Listing Dice Macros

You can list all your Dice Macros, grouped by category, or you can list all the Dice Macros in a given category.


sage! macro list
sage! macro list category="Bob the Farmer"

Dice Macro Arguments

Dice Macros allow arguments, making them very flexible but also easy to overcomplicate. Arguments are indicated with curly braces: { and }

The two primary types of arguments are: indexed and named.

Note: If you use an argument more than once in your macro, it will be replaced every time.

Indexed arguments start with 0 go up

Valid Values: {0}, {1}, {2}, etc

Example Create:

sage! macro set name="attack" dice="[1d20 {0} atk; 1d6 {1} dmg]"

Example Usage:

[attack "+1" "+2"]

... results in ...

[1d20 +1 atk; 1d6 +2 dmg]

Named arguments should can only letters, numbers, and underscores

Valid Example: {bless_bonus}

Example Create:

sage! macro set name="attack" dice="[1d20 {bless_bonus} atk; 1d6 {bless_bonus} dmg]"

Example Usage:

[attack bless_bonus="+1"]

... results in ...

[1d20 +1 atk; 1d6 +1 dmg]

Arguments can have default values

Valid Default Examples: {atk_bonus:+0}, {dmg_type:P}

Example Create:

sage! macro set name="dagger" dice="[1d20 {atk_bonus:+0} atk; 1d4 {dmg_type:P} dmg]"

Example Usage:


... results in ...

[1d20 atk; 1d4 P dmg]

Example Usage:

[dagger atk_bonus="+1"]

... results in ...

[1d20 +1 atk; 1d4 P dmg]

Example Usage:

[dagger atk_bonus="+2" dmg_type="S"]

... results in ...

[1d20 +2 atk; 1d4 S dmg]

Note: A default value of 0 (or +0) will NOT be shown in the final dice roll

Special Argument Types

VS aka {vs}

VS is a convenience for setting the roll's target success value in d20 style games; AC, DC, and VS are all acceptable as {ac}, {dc}, or {vs}

Example Create:

sage! macro set name="attack" dice="[1d20 {ac} atk; 1d6 dmg]"

Example Usage:

[attack ac=10]

... results in ...

[1d20 ac 10 atk; 1d6 dmg]

Remaining aka {...}

Remaining is more advanced- it takes every indexed argument that wasn't explicitly used in your macro and adds them all with spaces between them.

Example Create:

sage! macro set name="extras" dice="[1d20 {0} atk; 1d6 {1} {...} dmg]"

Example Usage:

[extras +1 +3 "+1d6 sneak" "+1d4 fire" "+1 holy"]

... results in ...

[1d20 +1 atk; 1d6 +3 +1d6 sneak +1d4 fire +1 holy dmg]

Note: If you have more than one "remaining" arg in your macro, they will all get the same set of values.

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