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Dialog Basics

RPG Sage allows you to post content using a character's name and image, instead of your own. This process is often called "proxying", but we just refer to it as "posting Dialog".

The most simple Dialog commands include the type of character, the name of the character, and the content you wish to post as that character.

The examples here assume you already have your Character created and ready. You can read more about Character Management here.

Some examples refer to being "in a Game" or "outside a Game". You can read more about Game Management here.

Player Character

Because RPG Sage limits a Player to a single Player Character per Game, the Player is be able to post dialog as Bardok by simply starting their message with pc::.


pc::Bob rushes into the room and shouts "For Honor!".

Outside of a Game, you are allowed to use any of your PCs, but you must include their name in your command.


pc::Bob the Fighter::Bob rushes into the room and shouts "For Honor!".


Because a PC can have multiple companions, you need to call them out by name when using companions beyond the first. While you can access your first companion by name, it isn't required.


companion::I am the first companion!
companion::Stan the Squire::I am a companion.

The following companion variants can be used to change the color of embedded dialog for Companions: alt, familiar, and hireling.


alt::Masked Avenger::"I am here to save the day!"
hireling::Butler::"Your cape, master."

Player Character Alts

Because you can post as your first companion without a name, it is highly recommended that if your character has an alt that you make the alt the first companion.

Instead of:

alt::Masked Avenger::"I am here to save the day!"

You can:

alt::"I am here to save the day!"

Non-Player Character

Non-Player Characters are only available in a Game, and only accessible by the Game Master. NPC dialog requires the Game Master to include character's name when posting with npc::.


npc::Gobbo the Goblin::"You shall find no honor here, Bob!"

The following npc variants can be used to change the color of embedded dialog for NPCs: ally, boss, enemy.


ally::Gobbo the Goblin::"Let's be friends!"
enemy::Gobbo the Goblin::"Let's be enemies!"
boss::Gobbo the Goblin::"Foolish, mortals, witness my true form!"


Because NPCs need friends, too, you can give them Minions. They are functionally identical to a PC's Companions.


minion::Sluggo::"Yes boss!"

Game Master

The special "Game Master" NPC can be used by the Game Master in the same way that a PC is used by a Player.


gm::Bob defeated Gobbo and had honor aplenty.

Advanced Dialog

All Dialog commands are made up of the following parts: type, name, display name, style, color, avatar, content

These parts are combined in Dialog commands in the following format:

type::name::(display name)::style::color::avatar::content


Character type: gm, npc, enemy, ally, pc, alt, companion, familiar, hireling


The name of the character to post as.

  • optional for gm::
  • optional for pc:: in a game
  • optional for alt::, companion::, familiar::, and hireling:: (defaults to first companion)

display name (optional)

the name to post as, instead of the character's name

  • defaults to character name or 'Game Master' for GM
  • requires parentheses, ex: (Voice from the Darkness)

style (optional)

The style of post to use for the dialog: post or embed

  • defaults to embed unless the channel, game, server, or user have overriden the default

color (optional)

The color to override the Dialog embed color with.

  • expects hex value 0x000000 or #FFFFFF

avatar (optional)

A url to override the avatar image in the embed.


The content you want to post as your dialog.

  • accepts normal discord/markup as well as custom Sage markup

Editing Dialog

You can edit Dialog that RPG Sage posted for you, by replying to the message and starting your new content with edit::.


edit::updated dialog content

You can alter additional parts of your original message, such as display name or color by including them in your reply as you would a normal Dialog command.


edit::#ff00ff::updated content

edit:: content

Deleting Dialog

You can delete a dialog message you posted by reacting to it with ❌. A Game Master can delete any message from RPG Sage in a channel in their Game by reacting to it with ❌.

Note: This emoji can be changed by changing the emoji used for CommandDelete. See Emoji Management for more information on changing emoji.

Pinning a Post

You can pin a message in a channel in a Game you are a GM or Player of by reacting to it with 📌. Removing the reaction will unpin the message as long as nobody else has pinned it.

Requesing Post Details

You can react to a message with ❓ and Sage will look up the information about the dialog and send you a DM with the Character, User, Game, and Server.

Note: This emoji can be changed by changing the emoji used for CommandPin. See Emoji Management for more information on changing emoji.

Dialog Macros

These commands are for managing Advanced Dialog commands, known as Dialog Macros, that make repeat Dialog easier to use.

Dialog Macros allow you to take a long Dialog command and shorten it. Any valid Dialog is valid when creating an Dialog Macro ... meaning in addition to requiring the type (npc, pc, enemy, familiar) and name, you can include any part of a Dialog Post Command in a Dialog Macro, even content!

Dialog Macros were originally created as RPG Sage's first form of alias. Dialog Macros have expanded in functionality and aliases have been added directly to characters. An upcoming update will change these commands from their current alias to something more fitting.

Management Examples:

sage! alias delete name="AngryBob"
sage! alias details name="AngryBob"
sage! alias list
sage! alias set name="AngryBob" value="enemy::Farmer Bob::"
sage! alias set name="HappyBob" value="ally::Farmer Bob::"

Usage Examples:

angrybob::"Why are you adventurer's always riding through my field!?"

happybob::"Won't you come in for dinner?"
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