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Randal edited this page Nov 18, 2024 · 1 revision

Post Currency

Add / Update Currency:

sage! currency add key="xp" increment="5"
sage! currency add key="xp" name="XP" dialogIncrement="5"
sage! currency add key="dxp" name="Dice XP" diceIncrement="25"

(name is optional; you can use increment="" in place of dialogIncrement="")

Remove Currency:

sage! currency remove key="xp"
sage! currency remove key="dxp"

View Currency Data:

sage! currency details

Toggle a Currency between Enabled/Disabled:

sage! currency toggle key="xp"

Audit a User's Currency:

sage! currency audit user=" @Randal "

Usage Notes

  1. You can set currency earned by dialog posts
  2. You can set currency earned by dice posts
  3. Dialog with dice in it counts as both.
  4. Game only. Must be in the Game.
  5. Player only. Must have a PC in the Game.
  6. Math.floor(posts / increment) = currency value
  7. You can change currency increments without clearing previously earned currency
  8. You can change currency increments AND clear previously earned currency
  9. You can change currency increments and recalculate earned currency from previous post counts using new increments

Calculation Notes

When you change currency increments, the counts to the next value are restarted. Using the above example, if you have 4 posts and the GM changes the currency increment from 5 to 3, your count toward earning your next "xp" is back to 0 and you have to post 3 times to get your next one.

But, when you change currency, the info is pushed to an array/stack, and thus your total "xp" is aggregated from your counts of posts during each time period a certain increment is in place.

This basically lets the GM have a baseline of say 1 xp per 10 posts but then during a special event, you can drop it to 1xp per 5 posts and then quickly reset it back to 10 after the event.

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