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Randal edited this page Oct 29, 2024 · 1 revision

2024-05-11 12:41 @everyone

Bug Fixes and Prototypes

For the next few weeks or months, as we start in on our next big task, we will also be trying to fix bugs and release those updates as quickly as we can. Waiting for months to get a fix cause we are lazily working and not properly branching our code is just silly.

Additionally, we are going to try to start tossing more prototypes out for you to try and give us feedback so that we can evolve them as we go instead of building a whole thing and then finding out it doesn’t work well for the majority.

As such, we patched a couple Dialog bugs over the last couple of days, and introduced a new prototype feature. We call it “Display Name Templates”. This will let you have dynamically updated display names when posting your Dialog! For now, you add a value to your character’s stats called “displayName.template”, ex:

sage! pc stats name=“Gobbo” displayName.template=“{name} {hp}/{maxHp}hp” hp=5 maxHp=10

Any value in {} is grabbed from the “stats” of that character.

Posting as this character with pc:: would show the name as “Gobbo 5/10hp”!

The final usage will change, probably to a regular character property and not part of stats, but we wanted people to get it out there! Give it a try and let us know what you think!

New Requests / Bugs / Roadmaps

We are starting to better track and organize bugs and requests!

Have something to report?

Please drop by our Discord: Public Link to our Discord

Thank You, and Happy Gaming! :spacer:- Randal, aka RPG Sage :Sage:

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