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Namespace: TommoJProductions.ModApi.Attachable
Represents an installable and boltable part.
public class Part : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour, IHasBolts
Inheritance Object → Object → Component → Behaviour → MonoBehaviour → Part
Implements IHasBolts
Represents the default save info for this part.
public PartSaveInfo defaultSaveInfo { get; set; }
Represents the parts settings.
public PartSettings partSettings { get; }
Represents the runtime id of this part.
public string partID { get; }
Represents if the part is completely bolted or not.
public bool bolted { get; }
Represents if the part is installed or not.
public bool installed { get; }
Represents if this part has any bolts!
public virtual bool hasBolts { get; }
if this part or the install point its installed to has bolts.
public bool hasAnyBolts { get; }
Represents if this part is inherently picked up. (is a child of a part that is currently picked up)
public bool inherentlyPickedUp { get; internal set; }
Represents if this part is currently picked up.
public bool pickedUp { get; internal set; }
Represents if the part is in a trigger.
public bool inTrigger { get; }
Represents the tightness step. calculated in . how much the breakforce of the install point joint increases per bolt screw.
public float tightnessStep { get; }
Represents max tightness of all bolts.(8 * Part.bolts.Length). if any present on part. (Part.hasBolts)
public float maxTightnessTotal { get; }
Represents tightness of all bolts (BoltSaveInfo.boltTightness * Part.bolts.Length). if any present on part. (Part.hasBolts)
public float tightnessTotal { get; }
Represents the cachedMass. Cached on initPart, assemble and disassemble.
public float cachedMass { get; }
Represents all bolts for the part.
public virtual Bolt[] bolts { get; }
Represents the bolt parent. all bolts will be a child of this game object. NOTE null if no bolts are on this part or the part has bolts but none of them are relevant to the part alone. bolts could be assigned to a trigger.
public GameObject boltParent { get; }
Represents the Parts Trigger type. The part will be installable to any Trigger with the same trigger type. (TriggerData)
public TriggerData triggerData { get; }
Represents the fixed joint when using AssembleType.joint and installed.
public FixedJoint joint { get; }
Represents the cached rigidbody.
public Rigidbody cachedRigidBody { get; }
Represents the install point that the part is installed to. (Trigger).
public Trigger installPoint { get; }
Cached part transform
public Transform transform { get; }
Cached part gameobject
public GameObject gameObject { get; }
public bool useGUILayout { get; set; }
public bool enabled { get; set; }
public bool isActiveAndEnabled { get; }
public Transform transform { get; }
public GameObject gameObject { get; }
public string tag { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public HideFlags hideFlags { get; set; }
public Part()
Represents the joint break runtime call
protected virtual void OnJointBreak(float breakForce)
Represents the part in a trigger logic.
public virtual IEnumerator partInTrigger(Trigger trigger)
The trigger callback that invoked this call.
Initializes this part. with save info reference
public virtual void initPart(PartSaveInfo saveInfo, TriggerData triggerData, PartSettings partSettingsRef, Bolt[] boltRefs)
The save info to load this part with.
The Trigger Data. This Part can be installed to triggers that have the same Trigger Data.
The part settings to load this part with.
The bolts for this part
Initializes this part with bolts and without save info reference.
public virtual void initPart(TriggerData triggerData, PartSettings partSettingsRef, Bolt[] boltRefs)
The Trigger Data. This Part can be installed to triggers that have the same Trigger Data.
The part settings to load this part with.
The bolts for this part
Initializes this part.
public virtual void initPart(PartInitData data)
The data to load this part with.
installs this part to the install point.
public virtual void assemble(Trigger installPoint, bool playSound)
The install point
Play assemble sound?
Disassemble this part from the installed point
public virtual void disassemble(bool playSound)
Gets save info for this part and its bolts (if the part has any). (pos, rot, installed, install index, tightness)
public virtual PartSaveInfo getSaveInfo(bool getBoltInfo)
Sets the triggers disasemble logic enable (install point).
public virtual void enableDisassembleLogic(bool active)
active or not [part]
caches and stores a reference to the parts rigidbody.
public virtual void cacheRigidbody()
Makes the part a pickable item depending on the provided values.
public void makePartPickable(bool pickable)
Make part pickable?
resets all bolts tightness on this part
public void resetBoltTightness()
sets all bolt tightness to the max tightness.
public void setMaxBoltTightness()
if part autosave data exists.
public bool doesSaveDataExist()
Vaildates the part and reports to mod console. called at: Part.initPart(PartSaveInfo, TriggerData, PartSettings, Bolt[]).
protected virtual void vaildiatePart(PartSettings partSettings)
Updates from current state of . see: BoltSaveInfo.boltTightness and BoltSaveInfo.addNutTightness
protected internal virtual void updateTotalBoltTightness()
updates the max tightness of the bolts.
protected virtual void updateMaxTotalBoltTightness()
Updates joint breakforce. (bolts)
protected internal virtual void updateJointBreakForce()
checks all bolts for their Bolt.tightness. invokes, Part.enableDisassembleLogic(Boolean) and invokes Part.onPartBolted, Part.onPartUnBolted events.
protected virtual void boltTightnessCheck()
Vaildiates bolt refs. called prior to initialization of bolts on the part.
protected virtual bool vaildiateBolts(Bolt[] boltRefs)
the bolt refs to vaildiate.
True if no issues were detected with the bolt references.
Check for deciding if part is in trigger to be installed
protected virtual bool colliderCheck(Trigger trigger)
the trigger.
Represents the holding check for a Part. Used for starting and checking trigger routine. Part.partInTrigger(Trigger)
protected virtual bool holdingCheck(Trigger trigger)
The trigger
initializes the bolts.
public virtual void initBolts(Bolt[] bolts)
invoked when this part enters one of its triggers.
protected internal virtual void onTriggerEnter(Trigger trigger)
the trigger callback that invoked this.
invoked when this part exits one of its triggers.
protected internal virtual void onTriggerExit(Trigger trigger)
the trigger callback that invoked this.
invoked when any bolt on this part is screwed in or out.
protected internal virtual void boltOnScrew()
invokes the picked up event
internal void invokePickedUpEvent()
invokes the thrown event.
internal void invokeThrownEvent()
invokes the dropped event.
internal void invokeDroppedEvent()
internal static bool <disassemble>g__func|117_1(Bolt b)
Represents the on assemble event.invoked after assembly logic executes
public event Action onAssemble;
Represents the on disassemble event. invoked after disassembly logic executes
public event Action onDisassemble;
Represents the on pre assemble event. invoked before assembly logic executes
public event Action onPreAssemble;
Represents the on pre disassemble event. invoked before disassembly logic executes
public event Action onPreDisassemble;
Represents the on pre init part event. invoked after fields are assigned but before init part logic has run.
public event Action onPreInitPart;
Represents the on post init part event. invoked after init part logic has run.
public event Action onPostInitPart;
Represents the on part bolted. invoked when the part has been completely bolted..
public event Action onPartBolted;
Represents the on part unbolted. invoked when the part has been completely unbolted.
public event Action onPartUnBolted;
Represents the on bolt screwed. occurs when any of the bolts have been screwed (up or down).
public event Action onBoltScrew;
Represents the on part picked up event. occurs when this part has been picked up.
public event Action onPartPickUp;
Represents the on part thrown event. occurs when this part has been thrown.
public event Action onPartThrow;
Represents the on part dropped event. occurs when this part has been dropped.
public event Action onPartDrop;
Represents the on joint break event. occurs when this parts Joint breaks. invoked after disassembly logic executes.
public event Action<float> onJointBreak;