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Session related Parameters

pleykov edited this page May 2, 2017 · 2 revisions

There are a few parameters responsible for maintaining connection between linked interactions with the RIS. They are transported as a part of the Request/Response objects during standard RIS communication.

  • SESS parameter
    This parameter should be created by the merchant at the start of each new customer purchase. SESS is used to join the customer device data with the order data sent with the RIS request. If the merchant uses the Kount Data Collector service to obtain customer device information, then the same SESS value must be used for all RIS calls starting with the one to the Data Collector service.
    Requirements for the parameter value are:

    • alpha-numeric
    • length: 1-32 characters
    • value should be unique over a thirty-day period of time SESS is a mandatory parameter set by Request.SetSessionId(string sessionId); method.
  • TRAN parameter The TRAN parameter is required for Update calls to Kount RIS. Its value is created by Kount and is returned within the Response object for the first RIS Inquiry. For all subsequent events, modifying this particular customer order, the 'TRAN` parameter should be set to the Kount-created value.