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SDK Integration Tests

pleykov edited this page Sep 11, 2017 · 2 revisions

The Kount RIS .NET SDK comes with a suite of integration tests, covering the various request modes and service behavior. Some of the internal SDK functionality is also covered by those test cases.

Each Kount client, upon negotiating an NDA, is going to receive the following configuration data:

  • RIS server URL
  • Merchant ID
  • API key
  • Confing Key used in encrypting sensitive data.

Setting Confing Key

In order to run the set of integration tests, it is required to correctly configure the Confing Key as a key/value pair appSeting in App.Config file(see Adding Configuration).

Basic Connectivity Test

Within the test suite, there's a test class named KountRisTest.PredictiveResponseTest. Inside, there are three test cases, expecting predefined results (check the Predictive Response section). You have to set with your personal merchant data in order to test correct connectivity to the RIS server (Adding Configuration).
Settings that need to be modified are:

  • Ris.MerchantId
  • Ris.Url
  • Ris.API.Key

The Confing Key phrase for encrypting sensitive data is set as described above.