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Installation script

Ralf Kilian edited this page Jul 3, 2017 · 45 revisions

This script allows to install or uninstall the project automatically.

Notice that both processes require superuser privileges.

Details can be found inside the usage_install.txt file in the docs sub-directory of the project.


The project will be installed to /opt/salomon and a symbolic link to its main script will be created in /usr/local/bin by default. If the directory /usr/local/bin does not exist, the symbolic link will be created inside /usr/bin instead.

Now, to install, type one of the following commands, depending on the way you prefer.

Either as normal user via sudo

$ sudo ./

or directly when logged in as root):

# ./

After installing SaLoMon, it can simply be run by typing its name in lowercase followed by the arguments to use. For example:

$ salomon --help


To uninstall, type one of the following commands, depending on the way you prefer.

Either as normal user via sudo

$ sudo ./ -u

or directly when logged in as root):

# ./ -u