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Installation script

Ralf Kilian edited this page Jan 3, 2023 · 45 revisions

Installation script

Table of contents

General information

This script allows to install or uninstall the project, which is optional and not mandatory in order to use it.

Notice that both processes require superuser privileges.

Details can be found inside the usage_install.txt file in the docs sub-directory of the project.


Verify archive integrity

Before installing Salomon, it is recommended to verify the archive integrity.


Install Salomon

The project will be installed to /opt/salomon and a symbolic link to its main script will be created in /usr/local/bin by default. If that directory is not part of the path related environment variable, the symbolic link will be created inside /usr/bin instead.

Download and install

You can download and install latest version using the following commands.

First, set a variable that contains the version number. For example, to download version 1.19.0 use the following command (without any spaces).


Then, execute the following commands. The download should be done as normal user, but superuser privileges are required for the installation process, so sudo is used for this step.

wget --content-disposition${version}/salomon-release-${version}.tar.gz
tar xfv salomon-release-${version}.tar.gz
sudo salomon-${version}/ -i

Install already downloaded version

In order to install Salomon in case you have already downloaded and extracted its archive and run one of the following commands (inside the extracted directory), depending on the way you prefer.

Either as normal user via sudo

sudo ./ -i

or directly when logged in as root:

./ -i

After installing Salomon, it can simply be run by typing its name in lowercase (without a trailing .sh) followed by the arguments to use. For example:

salomon --help


Update Salomon

You can also update Salomon using the installation script in case it is installed already.

Simply download a newer version, extract its archive and run the installation script from there as described above.

When it shows the message that the target directory already exists and you can either only install the program relevant files and keep all config files and settings or perform a clean installation which will delete the directory and reinstall the original files, select No.

Nevertheless, it is recommended to backup the user-defined configs and settings first.


Uninstall Salomon

To uninstall, go to the installation directory

cd /opt/salomon

and run one of the following commands, depending on the way you prefer.

Either as normal user via sudo

sudo ./ -u

or directly when logged in as root:

./ -u
