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Handling input and config file paths

Ralf Kilian edited this page Oct 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Handling input and config file paths

Table of contents

Input files

In case an input file is given without a path, Salomon checks the default log file path /var/log for the file.

For example, if you execute the following command

./ -a monitor -i foo.log -c /tmp/colors.cfg

and the file foo.log does not exist inside the current working directory, Salomon checks for /var/log/foo.log.


Configuration files

You do not have to give the full path to config files for Salomon either if these are located in the corresponding sub-directories.

So, in case you only give the file name instead of the path for the color or filter config like this

./ -a monitor -i /tmp/foobar.log -c colors.cfg -f filter.cfg

the current working directory will be checked for these config files first. If these do not exist there, Salomon will check for them inside the config sub-directories (colors and filters) of its script directory.
