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Colorizing and highlighting certain lines

Ralf Kilian edited this page Oct 2, 2020 · 2 revisions

Colorizing and highlighting certain lines

Table of contents

Color config files

In first place, Salomon has been developed to monitor and analyze files by colorizing lines which contain certain terms (which can also be highlighted) to get a fast overview of the contents (for example to easily detect error messages inside log files).

Inside the colors sub-directory there is a sample color config file named sample_colors.cfg. It can be used to colorize lines containing certain terms with user-defined colors. This sample config file also contains some simple usage examples how to do this.

Details about color configuration files can also be found here inside the wiki.


Highlighting methods

Filter terms

The --highlight-matches command-line argument allows to additionally highlight the filter terms inside the corresponding lines (if a filter was given) by inverting their colors (sort of marker pen like). It can be used with and without a color config.

You may also use --highlight-upper, which works the same way and additionally switches the letters of the filter terms to uppercase.

Whole lines

Instead of only highlighting the filter terms, you can also highlight the whole line using --highlight-all. This does neither require a color config nor a filter.
