Releases: tier4/AWSIM
Releases · tier4/AWSIM
What's Changed
- Fix MinRange, MaxRange in LiDAR prefabs by @dmoszynski in #361
- Add note about Unity Raycaster and RGL comparison by @msz-rai in #364
- Release v1.3.1 by @mackierx111 in #368
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1
Starting with v1.3.0, autoware msg is supported. Also, autoware now specifies the main branch build. (
What's Changed
- feat: NavSatFix publisher for GNSS simulation by @Autumn60 in #340
- Reflecting Autoware steering angle to Logitech G29 and Simulation of override input by @mackierx111 in #341
- Fix(prefab): Lexus top velodyne orientation and frame naming by @kielczykowski-rai in #339
- Fix VehicleRos2Input causing SilentError in binary AWSIM by @kielczykowski-rai in #342
- Update Ros2ForUnity asset and add service hanling by @kielczykowski-rai in #343
- Added Sensor (Lidar and Imu) Test by @szylis in #321
- Add GPU skinning in RGL by @msz-rai in #345
- fix(NPCVehicleCognitionStep): add isCloseEachOther check by @dmoszynski in #337
- Remove pedestrian duplicates from Autoware scene by @msz-rai in #344
- Sync LiDAR's timer on enable to achieve the best performance by @msz-rai in #349
- Add multi-return for snow simulation by @PawelLiberadzki in #348
- fix GeoCoordinate parameter accessibility from inspector by @Autumn60 in #350
- fix: do not spawn NPC Vehicle when is closer than X to EGO by @lchojnack in #355
- fix(lidar): change point cloud format from PointXYZIRCEADT to PointXYZIRCAEDT by @lchojnack in #357
- Make adjustments to rain simulation. by @PawelLiberadzki in #358
- Add GPU skinning and update multi-return modes by @PawelLiberadzki in #353
- Support multi-return modes in UDP publishing by @msz-rai in #356
- Add rain and fog simulation features by @PiotrMrozik in #359
- feat: migrate autoware_auto_msgs to autoware_msgs by @lchojnack in #313
- Release/v1.3.0 by @mackierx111 in #363
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.2.3...v1.3.0
What's Changed
- Feature/rgl restrict output by @PiotrMrozik in #298
- Feature/rgl regression restriction by @PiotrMrozik in #309
- Multi Return feature by @prybicki in #314
- update missing sc by @PiotrMrozik in #315
- Update documentation on radar ROS 2 messages. by @PawelLiberadzki in #316
- Add LiDAR output restriction and LiDAR multi-return features by @PawelLiberadzki in #317
- fix: update missing prefab in TrafficTest by @lchojnack in #328
- Add radar raw output by @msz-rai in #327
- AWSIM headless by @pijaro in #323
- Support Logitech g29 input by @mackierx111 in #332
- Added Traffic Manager Tests by @szylis in #320
- Added Lanelet Import Tests by @szylis in #318
- Improved tests description by @szylis in #333
- Add PointXYZIRCEADT point cloud format (used by Autoware) by @msz-rai in #334
- update docs and version for v1.2.3 by @mackierx111 in #335
New Contributors
- @PawelLiberadzki made their first contribution in #316
Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v1.2.3
What's Changed
- release v1.2.1 by @mackierx111 in #289
- Improve RGL radar sensor by @msz-rai in #286
- Integrate energy loss feature to lidar snow by @msz-rai in #283
- Regression tests with Unity Test Framework by @pijaro in #278
- Add raw packets support for Hesai Pandar XT32 by @msz-rai in #291
- Updated description of time sources by @szylis in #296
- Fix LiDAR models to match the manuals by @msz-rai in #292
- Add option to validate LiDAR configuration on startup by @msz-rai in #294
- fix: add warning if way id and relation id may be incorrectly assigned by @lchojnack in #297
- fix: fix assemblies by @lchojnack in #301
- Update prefabs of the LiDARs after configuration interface changes by @msz-rai in #303
- Add C1 C2 prefabs, and camera featues by @lchojnack in #280
- Regression tests for LiDAR and Radar by @msz-rai in #304
- Feature/vehicle override input ros by @mackierx111 in #307
- Dynamic ZMQ buffer size; ss2 scene update + docs by @piotr-zyskowski-rai in #300
- fix: ScenarioSimulatorConnector prefab by @lchojnack in #311
- Override input for vehicle by @mackierx111 in #308
- Performance Improvements: Objects and NPCs with occlusion culling by @pijaro in #148
- Release/v1.2.2 by @mackierx111 in #326
Full Changelog: v1.2.1...v1.2.2
Added support for occlusion culling in AutowareSimulation.unity
scenes. The newly released Nishishinjuku unitypackage is required (Japan_Tokyo_Nishishinjuku_v2.unitypackage).
What's Changed
- Doc/update for windows environment by @hosokawa-ikuto in #239
- AWSIM <-> ss2 connection traffic lights support by @piotr-zyskowski-rai in #230
- RGL radar integration by @msz-rai in #237
- Add GNSS NavSat Sensor by @jediofgever in #208
- Feature/scalabe time source by @pijaro in #236
- docs: add information about disabling Graphic Jobs when standalone throws by @kielczykowski-rai in #240
- Update PointCloudMapper docs by @msz-rai in #246
- feat(RandomTraffic): improve yielding rules to avoid deadlocks by @dmoszynski in #243
- Made clock published independently from time scale by @szylis in #248
- Move RGL snow integration from private repo by @msz-rai in #241
- Feature: Main Camera Rotate Around by @szylis in #247
- feat(gitignore): ignore UserSettings and Recordings folders by @xmfcx in #235
- add hotkey list document by @mackierx111 in #255
- Added documentation for FollowCamera feature. by @szylis in #256
- Clock publisher works in dedeciated thread by @szylis in #253
- Improved camera rotate around feature by @szylis in #258
- Real time factor in ss2 support by @piotr-zyskowski-rai in #259
- Added LightOn Shader Properties to Traffic Light by @szylis in #263
- Customize vehicle slip due to road surfaces by @mackierx111 in #269
- Add LiDARs: Hesai QT128 & Hesai Pandar128E4X by @msz-rai in #257
- fix(camera): improve camera topic hz by @lchojnack in #262
- Feature/timesource options by @szylis in #266
- Doc/clock publisher by @szylis in #267
- Add raw packets support for Hesai QT128 & Hesai Pandar128E4X by @msz-rai in #268
- Improve demo scene UI by @mackierx111 in #288
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1
What's Changed
- Add documentation for RGL Debugger by @msz-rai in #70
- R2FU humble libs for windows by @pijaro in #74
- docs: update ubuntu version by @shmpwk in #72
- docs: fix to use awsim-stable branch by @shmpwk in #78
- feature: update contribution guideline by @shmpwk in #83
- docs: apply navigation.footer by @hayato-m126 in #84
- Diagnostics topic display by @pijaro in #75
- feature: add issue template by @shmpwk in #82
- Separate color settings in PointCloudVisualization by @msz-rai in #85
- added link to troubleshooting section by @WJaworskiRobotec in #89
- Always animate pedestrians by @msz-rai in #90
- Feature/version by @TGW795 in #94
- added configurable lateral offset to the camera position by @WJaworskiRobotec in #95
- RGL with ROS2 integration by @msz-rai in #79
- Random traffic slightly improve by @dmoszynski in #97
- Update Nvidia Driver requirements by @prybicki in #101
- Feature/npc lod by @mackierx111 in #104
- Disable lidars when RGL has unrecoverable error by @msz-rai in #106
- Improve the yellow traffic light recognition by @lchojnack in #60
- Improve ImuSensor.cs by @TGW795 in #110
- docs: update readme by @shmpwk in #112
- Copy versioned r2fu libraries when building AWSIM by @msz-rai in #111
- Re-implement Gaussian noise in RGL by @msz-rai in #88
- Fix the calculation of the gravity term in ImuSensor.cs by @TGW795 in #115
- Feature/ground truth pose sensor by @mackierx111 in #118
- [Fix] Adjust mesh2pcd to RGL v13 by @msz-rai in #116
- Add a bool value to change enable or disabe gravity by @TGW795 in #121
- Feature/time scale by @TGW795 in #120
- Fix broken link in SetupUnityProject by @prybicki in #122
- Add a description related to
by @TGW795 in #124 - doc: add examples of parameter adjustment for PointCloudMapper Document by @HayatoTier4 in #123
- Add V2I feature by @lchojnack in #109
- fix(random_traffic): fix spawn issue - distance_to_stop by @dmoszynski in #127
- Positive and negative correction of acceleration in reverse gear (R g… by @mackierx111 in #131
- Improve lidar configuration by @msz-rai in #130
- feat: add lanelet bounds loader by @HayatoTier4 in #128
- Route traffic simulator by @pijaro in #125
- fix: ll2 at build by @taikitanaka3 in #133
- docs: add LaneletBoundsVisualizer document by @HayatoTier4 in #134
- Fix horizontal steps calculation from the horizontal resolution by @msz-rai in #137
- Feature/collision ros2 publisher by @mackierx111 in #140
- Fix broken link to OpenSSL by @maxime-clem in #143
- Implement AutowareSimulation.cs by @mackierx111 in #146
- Add Camera FOV Visualization by @pijaro in #117
- Corrent VLP16 model - reversed vertical linear offset signs of the lasers by @msz-rai in #138
- Fix laser poses to be generated in the LiDAR origin by @msz-rai in #141
- feat: smoke simulator by @HayatoTier4 in #135
- Implement material information reading for lidar by @PiotrMrozik in #147
- Add instance segmentation for lidar by @msz-rai in #132
- Add udp publishing by @msz-rai in #156
- Update by @mackierx111 in #159
- Update RGL to v14 with read material, instance segmentation and UDP by @msz-rai in #157
- Performance Improvements: New pedestrian models by @pijaro in #158
- Performance Improvements: Garbage collection and Lambdas by @pijaro in #150
- Performance Improvements: Physics step and layer by @pijaro in #151
- feat(ros2_entity_controller): provide spawn, pose update, despawn by @dmoszynski in #160
- Performance increase for RGLUnityPlugin by reducing garbage collection by @Jakub-Krakowiak in #161
- Fix for missing attribute error when loading the lanelet file by @pijaro in #167
- Lanelet negative IDs support by @pijaro in #166
- Fix/lanelet2 by @mackierx111 in #172
- Add ego initial position and rotation from json config by @lchojnack in #169
- Performance Improvements: Camera sensor rendering by @pijaro in #149
- feat(odometry_sensor): add ground truth odometry to Unity scene by @taikitanaka3 in #178
- Add udp publishing support for velodyne VLP32C and VLS128 by @msz-rai in #179
- Add V2I feature to Shinjuku sample scene by @lchojnack in #175
- update documentation by @mackierx111 in #183
- Added terrain heightmap and trees to RGL by @Jakub-Krakowiak in #173
- Optimize PointCloudVisualization by reducing usage of GetComponent by @msz-rai in #184
- chore: disable startup hdrp pop up in editor by @xmfcx in #194
- chore(.gitignore): add /.idea/ by @xmfcx in #193
- Wrap RGLObject into try-catch to avoid processing the same objects endlessly by @msz-rai in #200
- Change frame_id of gnss sensor to map by @mackierx111 in #206
- Update RGL to v15 with simple velocity distortion and new LiDAR HesaiAT128 by @msz-rai in #202
- Fixed broken links and several minor errors by @TGW795 in #207
- feat(object_sensor): add ground truth detected object sensor by @taikitanaka3 in #186
- Fix RGL scene synchronization when FixedUpdate is called more frequently than Update by @msz-rai in #189
- Add V2I documentation by @lchojnack in #205
- Changed channel indexes for lidars: VLS128 and VLP16 by @szylis in #209
- Flexible clock (FixedUpdate independent) by @pijaro in #212
- Add LiDAR: Hesai XT32 by @msz-rai in #211
- Add support for Hesai 40P and QT LiDAR packets by @msz-rai in #216
- Add workaround to Hesai packets axis orientation by @msz-rai in #220
- Upgrade RGL to v16 by @msz-rai in #218
- ROS 2 sourcing policy in documentation by @pijaro in #222
- Warn user if running RGLUnityPlugin with sourced ROS2 by @msz-rai in #203
- ROS 2 docs - configuration policies by @pijaro in #223
- AWSIM <-> scenario_simualtor_v2 connection by @piotr-zyskowski-rai in #219
- Added IP address validation for source IP of LidarUdpPublisher by @hosokawa-ikuto in #226
- RGL timestamp fix for working with changing timesource by @piotr-zyskowski-rai in #228
- Time documentation updates by @pijaro in #224
- Release/v1.2.0 by @mackierx111 in #229
New Contributors
- @pijaro made their first contribution in #74
- @WJaworskiRobotec made their first contribution in #89
- @dmoszynski made their first contribution in #97
- @HayatoTier4 made their first contribution in #123
- @taikitanaka3 made their first contribution in #133
- @maxime-clem made their first contribution in #143
- @Jakub-Krakowiak made their first contribution in #161
- @xmfcx made their first contribution in #194
- @szylis made their first contribution in
✅ Features
- Support ROS2 humble (ubuntu only)
- Discontinued support for galactic
- Distribution of vector maps suitable for Lexus
⚠️ Known issues
- Not support ROS humble on windows
- Support in the near future.
✅ Features
- Adding new LiDAR sensors. Ouster OS1-64, VLP-32C
- Minor bug fixes
- Random traffic collisions
- Sleep conditions for vehicle physics
- pointcloud visualization (isometric)
- Support Mesh2Pcd on Windows
- Improved vehicle dynamics sleep
- Improved wheel pitch animation
- Pedestrian minor bug fixes
- How to Contributions
What's Changed
- Fix broken link by @HansRobo in #1
- Fix broken link by @HansRobo in #3
- Update by @22Raj in #4
- docs: update quick start demo and trouble shooting by @shmpwk in #5
- Add link checking workflow for document by @HansRobo in #2
New Contributors
- @HansRobo made their first contribution in #1
- @22Raj made their first contribution in #4
- @shmpwk made their first contribution in #5
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
1st release
Full Changelog: