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Portal Configuration Options

Charles Barnes edited this page Nov 21, 2018 · 4 revisions

The portal is configurable without modifying code. The options are found in the app.json file found in the root directory of the portal.

Option Description
acceptedResumeTypes This option defines the resume extensions that will be accepted when you attempt to upload a resume. The default options are "html", "text","txt","pdf","doc","docx","rtf","odt".
companyName This is the company name that displays at the top of the portal and in the EEOC information on the apply modal
defaultLocale This is the locale that will display on the portal if the browser does not request a specific look and feel. The ones that you can add are en-US,en-GB,en-EU, and fr-FR
supportedLocales The locales that the browser will switch to if the browser requests a specific language The ones that you can add are en-US,en-GB,en-EU, and fr-FR
minUploadSize This is the smallest file size that is allowed by the portal. The default is 4096 (kb).
maxRelatedJobs The amount of related jobs that displays below the apply section. The default is 5.
maxUploadSize This is the largest file size that is allowed by the portal. The default is 5242880 (kb).
batchSize This is the amount of jobs supported by the portal. The max is 500. This changes the count in the API queries
corpToken The unique identifier for the corporation that is found in Bullhorn admin
port This is the port used to communicate with Bullhorn. When null the default is 443
swimlane The server cluster that the corporation is located on
field (new) Additional field to narrow down the jobs in the job list. Example: If you wanted to use two portals and each with different jobs, you can have one portal use customText2 with values A, B, and C and the other use customText2 with values C, D, and E
values (new) For use with the additional criteria field option. This is the value it will look for in the field specified above
sort (new) order that the fields appear in the list. Prepend either a + or - to determine if the field is descending or ascending respectively (ex -dateLastPublished or
defaultGridState Sets the default view of jobs. Either "list-view" or "grid-view". You are able to switch between them on the sidebar
genderRaceEthnicity Adds the prompt to ask for ethnicity on the apply popup.
veteran Adds the prompt to ask for veteran status on the apply popup.
disability Adds the prompt to ask about disability on the apply popup.
consentCheckbox (new) Enables whether or not a checkbox that states consent of the privacy policy restricts applying to the career portal or not
privacyStatementParagraphs (new) An array where you separate the paragraphs in the consent tooltip.
privacyPolicyUrl (new) Url for the privacy policy link.
usePrivacyPolicyUrl (new) Enables or disables use of the privacy policy url when the linked is clicked. When disabled and the consent checkbox is enabled, when the link is clicked a tooltip opens