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Customization of the Portal

rneyland4 edited this page Sep 12, 2024 · 5 revisions

The career portal is an application that you are able to self host that was built with Javascript and AngularJs. With the modularity of Angular, the repository is structured in a way that logically breaks up each section into individual components such as the sidebar or the apply modal. Due to this structure, the Career Portal is very simple to customize.

Colors/Look and Feel

The app was designed to have an easy entry points for common configuration. For example, in the src/app/index.scss file lines 6-26 are variables used throughout the app to define colors and the primary font. By changing these values, any reference to those values will get inherited throughout the app.

Additional customization can, of course, be added by modifying the SCSS and HTML files that contain elements you'd like to target specifically.

The portal uses sass that is compiled to plain CSS when the application is built.

Adding additional Information to your jobs.

Since the career portal uses AngularJS, to add additional information you will want to take advantage of interpolation.

To add fields that are not in the default fieldset that is available via the public API you will need to contact Bullhorn Support to make the fields available to you. Once that is done, you will want to add your new field to the array of fields in the search service


Once you are done customizing the portal you will want to build it using the build steps found here