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Nikolai V. Chr edited this page May 7, 2024 · 17 revisions


Notice that even when A/P is enabled you can control the airplane with the stick. When you let go of stick A/P will recalculate from current situation.

The controls

  • A/P (on select blocks only)
    • ON: Enable
    • OFF: Disable
  • Pitch:
    • ALT HOLD: Hold current altitude
    • A/P OFF: Disable autopilot for both roll and pitch (on select blocks only)
    • ATT HOLD: Hold current pitch attitude
  • Roll:
    • HDG SEL: Hold the heading selected on the (E)HSI with the HDG knob.
    • ATT HOLD: Hold current roll attitude
    • STRG SEL: Follow route if its active (on select blocks only)

For more detailed help, click the ? button in top right corner of the autopilot dialog in the menu.

Conditions that will disable the autopilot or prevent it from engaging

  • High AoA (Higher than 15 degrees)
  • Refueling door commanded open
  • ALT FLAPS enabled
  • Gear down
  • Manual Pitch Override (MPO) enabled
  • Trim / AP DISC Switch enabled
  • When low speed warning tones sound
  • Banked or pitched more than 60 degrees.
  • Fly-by-wire system on standby gains.
  • A/P system damaged.

..this section may need more details

Terrain Following

TFR is only available on block 40 to 60


  • Mount the AN/AAQ-13 LANTIRN Nav Pod on left fuselage pylon. (not needed in block 60)
  • Make sure the aircraft is somewhat level, and that all the conditions for A/P to engage is present.
  • Stick input must be neutral.
  • Set A/P to ALT HOLD
  • Press ADV MODE (big square button above the AP controls)

From the ALOW page (ICP 2) you can change the altitude which it will try to keep when clearing peaks and ridges. Just edit TF ADV (MSL). Default is 500 ft.

On MFD you can bring up the TFR page with additional info.

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