Intellyo's frontend framework (or FeF as we call it), written in React. We created this repository to organise our components and have a consistent design style throughout our applications.
Here you can find each of our components:
- Accordion
- Avatar
- AvatarCard
- AvatarEditor
- Box
- Button
- ButtonGroup
- Caption
- Card
- Chart
- ChartTraceSummaryItem
- Checkbox
- Col
- Confirmation
- DisplayText
- Dropdown
- DropdownItem
- EmptyView
- Heading
- HorizontallyScrollableRow
- Icon
- Input
- List
- LoadingButton
- Logo
- Modals
- MultiSelect
- Option
- OptionSeparator
- OverlayTrigger
- Popover
- PrefixedInput
- Row
- Section
- Select
- Sidebar
- SocialPrefixedInput
- StackedAvatar
- Subheading
- Table
- TabPanel
- Tagsinput
- Textarea
- ToggleableTags
- Tooltip
- withLimit
- Tile
You can find the in the e2e folder.
Cross-browser Testing Platform and Open Source <3 Provided by Sauce Labs
hubot is here to rescue us all
hubot ci build intellyo-application-design-system@patch
Instead of patch you can use:
- premajor
- major
- preminor
- minor
- prepatch
- patch
- prerelease
This will create a new patch release and it'll deploy it automatically.
Deployment is handled by CircleCI, if you are deploying which was a patch, minor or major the new version will be published to the npm repository and rolled out to If you are deploying a prerelease, prepatch, preminor, premajor then it'll be published to npm but won't be rolled out
If you want to manually deploy a version, or roll back to previous one, you can do it:
hubot ci deploy [email protected]
If the build fails because there's a broken e2e test, unit test or a lint issue you still can build a new version, you just need to force it. Force build still runs the tests but independently of their result the build will be marked as green.
hubot ci force build intellyo-application-design-system@prepatch
To prevent any accidental executions you have to supply the daily villain (since you are doing a dangerous thing), but hubot is here to help you:
oroce: hubot ci force build intellyo-application-design-system@prepatch
hubot: oroce: You are trying to be a villain, aren't you?
It's ok from time to time to be one, but you gotta know the safe word, today's one is:
hubot ci force build intellyo-application-design-system@prepatch daily-villain=Scream
The daily villain is changed -as you'd guess- every day.
Since you used force build
, probably your branch was failing. Even though we'll try to autodeploy it, it'll too. So you need to force deploy
If autodeploy fails, you can manually force it.
hubot ci force deploy [email protected]
You will supply the daily villain again, similarly to force build
Sometimes you want to create a new release from a feature branch (great for an rc, prelease, premajor), you can use both build and force build to do that as well.
hubot ci build intellyo-application-design-system#feat/breaking-change@prepatch
hubot ci force build intellyo-application-design-system#feat/breaking-change@prepatch