Input fields
are components where the user can enter data.
Prop | Type | Description |
name | string | Use to set the name of the component. |
disabled | bool | Use to disable the status of the component. |
className | string | Use to specify arbitrary classnames to the component. |
defaultValue | string | You can set up a default value for the input. |
icon | node | Use to set up an icon for the component. |
onKeyDown | func | A callback function which fires when a key is pressed-down. |
onBlur | func | A callback function which fires when there there is a blur taking place. |
onPaste | func | A callback function which fires when there is a paste. |
onChange | func | A callback function which fires every time there is a change present. |
error | shape({ message: string }) | Use to set-up an error message. |
id | string | Use to give an id to the component. |
label | node | Use to specify a label for the component. |
type | string | Use to specify the type of the input. |
required | bool | Use to make the the component mandatory to fill in. |
inputRef | func | Use to set-up an input reference. |
placeholder | string | Use to display a placeholder text inside the component. |
suggestions | arrayOf(oneOfType([string, shape({ image: string, title: string })])) | Use to pre-set the desired suggestions. |
placeholder="[email protected]"