Multiselect looks like a select, but it supports multiple selection in a dropdown.
Prop | Type | Description | isRequired |
id | string | You can specify the id of the Multiselect. | no |
onChange | function | You have the power to overwrite the onChange method of Multiselect. The onChange methods arguments: onChange(value, childInnerText) . |
no |
selected | array | The selected prop contains all the selected elements. |
no |
isActive | boolean | As Multiselect relies on the Dropdown component isActive needs to be handled in Multiselect 's state to specify, when the dropdown should be open or not. |
no |
children | node | Multiselect 's children are preferably Option and OptionSeparator components. They are going to be rendered in a Dropdown . |
no |
defaultLabel | node | You can specify the default label of the Multiselect component. It's optional. Default value is 'Nothing is selected.' |
no |
selectedLabel | node | you can modify the text of selected to something else for e.g. in language version |
no |
onChange={ this.handleMultiselect }
selected={ this.props.filters.status }
<Option value="published">Published</Option>
<Option value="unpublished">Unpublished</Option>
<Option value="copy-in-progress">Copy in progress</Option>
See more examples here.