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Alvydas Poškevičius edited this page Mar 20, 2017 · 6 revisions

Launching The Demo

Making a Build

Make a build with all the scenes, located at Barebones/Demos/RoomsDemo/Scenes/ (they will probably start with "Demo-...")

  1. File > Build Settings
  2. Drag in all the scenes
  3. ⚠️ Make sure that Demo-SelectScene is the first scene
  4. Make a build

Running the Demo

  1. Start Master Server and Spawner
    1. Open your build (run the "game")
    2. Click "Master + Spawner" button
    3. Click "Start Master Server"
    4. Click "Start Spawner"
  2. Starting the client
    1. Open another instance of your build (run the "game")
    2. Click "Client Scene"
    3. Click "Play as Guest"
    4. Click "Create Game Server"
    5. Wait for the server to be spawned
    6. Play the game

Running the server from command line

Basic setup:

./Build.exe -msfStartMaster -msfStartSpawner

Start spawner only:

./Build.exe -msfStartSpawner

Using a different build for game server, and limiting the number of processes than can be started:

./Build.exe -msfStartSpawner -msfExe 'D:/SomethingElse/build.exe' -msfMaxProcesses 10

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