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Steven Gay edited this page Aug 2, 2017 · 165 revisions

⚠️ This wiki is for V2.x of the framework. If you're using V1.xx - V1.03 documentation

Thank you!

I've just noticed a large number of documentation contributions! Thanks a lot, guys! I've also noticed that you didn't include them in this main page, so I wanted to encourage you - feel free to do it, or if you don't feel confident - write an issue here in github, and I'll review your contributions. In a few days, I'll setup a proper list of contributors to thank you all! 😉

Angusmf note: Added a user doc section to the bottom of this doc. Please add your stuff!

Open Discussions


  • 2017 06 18 | Submitted V2.0.4 to asset store Release Notes
  • 2017 05 02 | 🔥 Give your suggestions for fixes and future releases- Discussion
  • 2017 04 20 | Submitted V2.0.3 to asset store
  • 2017 04 06 | Added Database implementations page
  • 2017 03 30 | I sent V2.0.2 to asset store two times now, and they keep updating it to V2.0.1! I'm now pushing the new version as a whole (without intermediary .unitypackage)
  • 2017 03 27 | I'm visiting my parents for a week, so I'll be a bit inactive during the time. I'll still reply, but a bit sparingly. Thanks for understanding!
  • 2017 03 25 | Added Quick Setup page
  • Old News

Table Of Contents (V2)

ℹ️ Main Changes In V2

⚠️ If you've downloaded framework from the asset store, you'll find V2.0 as a separate .unitypackage within Barebones folder. Read the V2 README !IMPORTANT.txt for more information.

If you found a section that's lacking, or if you want something covered in the documentation - post a feature request here, in GitHub (Issues tab), or send me a personal message. 🌞

  1. Introduction to the framework - a general introduction to the main concepts of the framework
  2. Updates - (Latest: V2.0.4)
  3. Folder Structure
  4. API
    1. Rooms module examples
    2. Spawners module examples
    3. Chat module examples
    4. Authentication examples
    5. Lite DB examples
  5. Getting Started
    1. Quick Setup
    2. Core Of The Framework - it's important to read and understand this before delving deeper into the framework
    3. Important Stuff
    4. Tips and Recommendations - some of my recommendations and tips for those, who want to work with the framework
    5. Rooms Demo
    6. Worlds Demo
  6. Development
    1. Spawning Game Servers - covers the whole process of spawning game servers (doesn't matter which technology you use for game networking)
    2. Custom modules - basics of extending the MSF functionality
    3. Peer Extensions / States
    4. uNET + Rooms Module
    5. Switching database implementations
    6. Command Line Arguments
    7. Networking API / Sending and handling messages - serializing, sending and receiving messages between servers and clients
    8. Angusmf's Tips!
  7. Production
    1. Debugging Connection
    2. Make sure your IP addresses are correct
    3. Performance considerations
  8. Modules
    1. Auth Module - logging in / registering an account
    2. Chat Module
    3. Rooms Module
    4. Profiles Module - how to use the profiles module
    5. Spawners Module

User Documentation

Add your links here!

Trivn's Tutorials:

Arcanor's Doc Contributions:

Emil's Additions:

Editing Source code

It's highly advised that you don't make any changes to source code. In most cases, you should be able to make changes by implementing interfaces, extending classes or subscribing to events. If you edit the source, it's possible that your project will break when you download an update, because your changes will be overwritten.

With that said, it's still possible that you might stumble upon an issue where there's no work around. In that case, make the changes and contact me, I'll try to provide a better access to what you need in the next update.