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Progress Bar

Patrick Ruhsert edited this page Mar 13, 2017 · 3 revisions

The Progress Bar component shows a progress bar that can be used to indicate the progress of lengthy processes.


Progress Bar

Table of contents

Progress Bar properties

The component has the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
valueText String null When set, the given text is shown inside the progress bar
max Number 100 The maximum value of the progress
type String true One of "info", "success", "warning", "danger" which controls the color of the bar similar to the bootstrap button colors
animate Boolean true When true, changes of the progress are animated
showValue Boolean true When true, the value is shown as "value / max"; only used when no valueText is set
showValueAsPercentage Boolean true When true, the value is shown as as percentage of max
value Number null The current progress; when the progress should be updated while a lengthy process is running, you need to use the API method setProgress() to see the progress updating in the client
styleClass String null Optional style class(es) to be set to the component. Add "progress-striped" to get a striped progress bar, "progress-striped active" to get "moving" stripes. Any other style class can be added. To specifically select the progress bar itself, use ".your-style-class > .progress-bar" as selector. To change the progress bar height, the height of the component itself and the line-height of the .progress-bar should be set
visible Boolean true The visible property of the component, default true.

Progress Bar API

Method Params Return Description
setProgress value:Number, valueText:String Updates the progress, optionally setting the given value text


Updates the progress, optionally setting the given value text


Type Name Description Required
Number value The current progress Required
String valueText When given, this text will be shown inside the progress bar Optional

Returns void

Progress Bar events

The Progress Bar currently has no events.

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