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Patrick Ruhsert edited this page Feb 21, 2017 · 8 revisions

The Carousel component offers a simple carousel to show several images in a slide show


Table of contents

Carousel properties

The component has the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
cycleInterval Number 5000 Number of milliseconds between transitions; when <= 0, slides will not auto-cylce
imageCss cssProperty[] null css properties for the images; if set, the imageOptions property is ignored
imageOptions String Reduce Attempts to size images of different sizes to either "Reduce" (images are only reduced when larger), "Reduce/Enlarge" (images are resized to fit the component), "Scale to fit" (images are proportionally resized to fit the component) and "Crop" (images are cut off when larger)
lazyLoading Boolean true When true, images are only loaded when needed
noPause Boolean false When true, the animation does not stop when the mouse is over the component
noTransition Boolean false Whether to disable the transition animation between slides
slides slide[] null Array of slides to show
slidesFoundset JSFoundSet null Foundset to load images from; the "image" dataprovider provides the image, the "caption" dataprovider provides the caption text shown
styleClass Boolean true Additional style classe(s) of the component
visible Boolean true The visible property of the component, default true.

Slide type

Slide is a component specific javascript type with the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
imageUrl String null The url to load the image from
caption String null The caption text of the image

cssProperty type

cssProperty is a component specific javascript type with the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
propertyName String null The name of the css property to set (e.g. 'width')
propertyValue String null The value of the property (e.g. '100%')

Carousel events

The carousel currently has no events

Carousel API

Method Params Return Description
addSlide slideToAdd:slide Adds the given slide at the end of the list of slides.
removeSlide index:Number Removes the slide at the given index (0 based).
getSelectedIndex Number Gets the index of the currently selected slide (0 based).
setSelectedIndex index:Number Animates to the slide with the given index (0 based).
setSlides slides:slide[] Sets all slides to be shown.


Adds a slide at the end of the list of slides


Type Name Description Required
slide slide The slide to add Required

Returns void


Removes the slide at the given index (0 based)


Type Name Description Required
Number index The index at which to remove a slide Required

Returns void


Gets the index of the currently selected slide (0 based)

Params none

Returns Number slideIndex


Animates to the slide with the given index (0 based).


Type Name Description Required
Number index The index of the slide to select Required

Returns void


Sets all slides to be shown in the carousel.


Type Name Description Required
slide[] slides The slides to set Required

Returns void

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