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Meeting 1.2

Michael Frajman edited this page Feb 8, 2020 · 2 revisions

Meeting Minutes 1.2

Meeting was held via voice chat on February 1, 2020 from 4:00pm to 7:00pm

In Attendance

  • Michael Frajman
  • Shi Tong Li
  • Jia Wei Sun

Items Discussed and Performed

  1. The initial template for Gradle was set up by Shi Tong.
  2. There was continued work and discussion over a domain model that Michael and Shi Tong had begun developing.
  3. Jia Wei was able to get UML Lab to work on his computer and began trying to implement our rough domain model and learn the software's tools while streaming his screen to the call.

Items todo

  1. All group members were to be informed of the progress made on the domain model so far and to discuss and form some ideas of their own.
  2. All group members were encouraged to review the tutotrial web page to understand the tools that we would need to use to implement the app.


No concrete meeting date was set as not all group members were able to be present. It was agreed to find the soonest available time were all of us could meet in order to finish domain model implementation.

Wiki Contents

RESTful Service

Requirements Model

Domain Model

Quality Assurance

Sprint 1

Meeting Minutes



Sprint 2

Meeting Minutes



Sprint 3

Meeting Minutes



Sprint 4

Meeting Minutes



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