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Michael Frajman edited this page Mar 2, 2020 · 7 revisions

Welcome to Group 8's Pet Adoption App wiki!

This wiki contains all administrative and technical information pertaining to the development and operation of our pet adoption app created for the Winter 2020 session of ECSE 321 - Intro to Software Engineering.

Scope of our project

The goal of our project is to create a website and mobile application for a Pet Adoption service. The Pet Adoption Society required the development of system so that both they and the general public can easily list pets that are up for adoption. Users of the system would be able to not only post adoption listings but also browse them, send questions to both pet owners and the shelter and, if they wish, send the Society a donation.

A core element of project was to use both modern software tools and practices with a focus on the principle of convention over configuration. These tools included Gradle for a build system, Travis CI for integration, SpringBoot as an app framework and Heroku for app and database hosting. All development effort was organized into 2-3 week sprints.

Wiki Contents

RESTful Service

Requirements Model

Domain Model

Quality Assurance

Sprint 1

Meeting Minutes



Sprint 2

Meeting Minutes



Sprint 3

Meeting Minutes



Sprint 4

Meeting Minutes



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