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rzgaming edited this page Dec 4, 2020 · 4 revisions

Metrics Test

Before I went and thoroughly create my map for Kingdom Come, I have to establish metrics for the environment itself. Metrics helps gives a sense of scale of what the player can and can't do based on the geometry of the level and as well establish measurements on what a person can interact. Doing so, I have to create a test level that answers a Multitude of questions.

  1. How many Quake units tall and wide is your player?

*Excuse the weird coloring, Quakespasm's graphics engine is messed up and I have no idea how to fix the issue.

These are five levels of blocks, each increasing in one Quake unit vertically. These will be used for a more test as well. Using this to measure the player's height, the player is about 4 units high.

  1. How many Quake units for your narrowest path you want to use?

Using this example, I made three walk ways ranging in three units of size in width, the smallest units that I would personally use for my project is both the two and 3 unit pathways due to this being a building that I am making, having less to no narrow pathways.

  1. How wide is the standard path?

I'm aiming for the standard path being at least 3 units in width when it comes to hallways. Since this is a huge castle, hallway may differ depending on the area that they are in.

  1. How wide are doorways?

Doorways have to be at least 4 units tall and 2 units wide because the doorway has to equal the player's height or more. I'm planning to had double doors to some entry points so the width of certain areas have to be more wider than everything.

  1. What is the height and width of standard cover?

Cover for the player has to be the same size of the player or wider. Height and Width can adjust based on the corridor of where the player is located.

  1. How tall is a standard jump up?

Using the 5 block example, the base height of the player is 4 units and the player can jump one extra unit.

  1. How far is a standard jump forward (should feel natural and easy)

One jump forward equates to two units. Using the example, one space gap, the person goes over it. Two space gap, the player is required to jump one unit to jump over. 3 space gap, the player has to jump two units forward. 4 space gap, the player is unable to reach that area after the reaching two units of jumping. Depending on the level layout, it could be natural.

  1. How far is a difficult jump forward (used sparingly or never)

A difficult jump has to have at least a 3 unit cap for the player to jump, if anything higher, the player may not be able to jump that distance.

  1. How tall is your stair step height?

Using my level concept as a basis, the stair steps have to be the same in height for smooth up and down flow traveling on the stairs rather the person jumping up and down the stairs.

  1. What is the max angle of a ramp you want to use?

In this example portion of the map, this will be show the angle that the player will be able to traverse on. Slope one is at 15 degrees, slope 2 is 45 degrees and slope 3 is 90 degrees. The first two, the player is able to travel across but the difference is the ease that player can walk on it is greater in slope 1 versus slope 2. Slope 3 you are not able to walk on it due to how stop it is.

  1. How tall are ceilings in a basic hallway / room?

This depends on the level that your are trying to make. In my castle level, I'm planning on making my ceilings varied in height. The entrance of the castle will have a low ceiling; however, transitions into a very high ceiling in the main lobby/cathedral.

  1. How tall are ceilings in a confined hallway / small room?

The smallest ceiling I would probably go for within the confines of the level is a at least 8 units. This is twice as tall as the player so it will give breathing room for the player and would not be claustrophobic to them as well.

  1. How long is a short hallway / small room?

The shortest hallway has to be towards the secret room. It will be masked behind a wall that the player may not know about it will easy for them to access if they look hard enough.

  1. How long is a long hallway / big room?

I will only have one lengthy hallway. This is the hallway that will lead for the side hallway to the basement. The reason why is that I am aiming to create a tone shift when it comes to the level's atmosphere.


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