Releases: Lumenita/abfalter
Happy holidays everyone, It's been a while. I hope you all are doing well.
I have worked on the attack for melee weapons, it was slightly overwhelming and also underwhelming at the same time. I never knew if I was doing too much or not enough, and that self debate slowed me down. Regardless, melee weapons have attacks, their own prompts and modifiers. If you have any suggestions on what to add to them, let me know.
Another thing that's been slowing me down is localization, so I took the liberty to fully reorganize all 4 lang files. From now on, all new localizations should be in one area, which makes it easier for me and hopefully all those helping me with translations.
- Weapon melee Roll
- Weapon melee Trapping
- nats maxed in other languages (some people still had it, this update for sure gets rid of it).
This updates bring the start of the weapon overhaul. I decided to break it down into different parts as its alot more work than anticipated. There are certain systems I wanted to implement which I had to learn which slowed me down drastically. The first part of the weapon update is a gui update, which also includes an extended data entry for melee weapons.
The idea is that weapons are divided into Melee, Ranged, or Shields. and each weapon has certain unique systems.
Currently, only the melee is implemented, however, its missing attacks, which will be implemented in part 2. What are attacks? Each melee weapon has attacks, which can be added, each attack can alter the weapons stats. In part 2, when you roll to attack, in the dialog for modifier and fatigue, there will be a ton of options, including which attack you are using and much more. It will all make sense in the part 2 update, eta: when its ready.
- Weapon Gui overhaul
- Moved Proficiency to background temporarily.
- Nats being maxed in languages other than english
- ki detection/conceal
- other minor bugs I encountered.
The Elan bug has not been fixed yet, as I have yet to reproduce it.
Hello everyone! It's been a while since the last update. This update does not bring many new features, however, I focused on cleaning up the code which includes changing variable names (It's just something I wanted to do for myself to be more organized and make it easier to maintain).
This means that for those who have macros, this update might break them and they have to be updated.
Another thing that might reset are active effects, so be sure to go check those out as well.
This will be the only update which I change and break all of this stuff, I don't see a reason to ever change them again. The list of variable name changes is below, I don't have all of them recorded, but a decent bunch are there.
- Ingame changelog
- Open Rolls & Fumbles now update on the same item card instead of creating a new one
- A decent amount of small bug fixes
Variable Name Changes
- From line 101 - 583 the name in[" "] is the new name, and the name after the = is the old name.
- and the few changes I have logged are the opposite (sorry for the confusion) old name => new name
system.attackbonus => system.combatValues.attack.class
system.blockbonus => system.combatValues.block.class
system.dodgebonus =>
system.fullmove => system.movement.fullMove
system.fourthmove => system.movement.fourthMove
system.runningmove => system.movement.runningMove
system.finalmove =>
system.aCutFinal => system.armor.body.aCutFinal
same changes for -> aImpFinal, aThrFinal, aHeatFinal, aColdFinal, aEleFinal, aEneFinal, aSptFinal
system.ahCutFinal => system.armor.helmet.ahCutFinal
same changes for -> ahImpFinal, ahThrFinal, ahHeatFinal, ahColdFinal, ahEleFinal, ahEneFinal, ahSptFinal
system.kiPoolAgiAccumTot => system.kiPool.agi.accumTot
system.kiPoolConAccumTot => system.kiPool.con.accumTot
system.kiPoolDexAccumTot => system.kiPool.dex.accumTot
system.kiPoolStrAccumTot => system.kiPool.str.accumTot
system.kiPoolPowAccumTot => system.kiPool.pow.accumTot
system.kiPoolWPAccumTot => system.kiPool.wp.accumTot
kiPoolAgiTot => system.kiPool.agi.poolTot
kiPoolConTot => system.kiPool.con.poolTot
kiPoolDexTot => system.kiPool.dex.poolTot
kiPoolStrTot => system.kiPool.str.poolTot
kiPoolPowTot => system.kiPool.pow.poolTot
kiPoolWPTot => system.kiPool.wp.poolTot
system.mkBonus =>
system.limitOneCost =>
system.limitTwoCost =>
system.limitsMK =>
system.arsMagMk =>
system.mArtMk =>
system.kiTechMk =>
system.kiSealMk =>
system.kiThingMk =>
system.iniBase => system.initiative.base
system.inifinal =>
system.inibonus => system.initiative.class
system.fatiguebase => system.fatigue.base
system.summonbonus => system.summoning.summon.class
system.controlbonus => system.summoning.control.class
system.bindbonus => system.summoning.bind.class
system.banishbonus => system.summoning.banish.class
system.summonfinal =>
system.controlfinal =>
system.bindfinal =>
system.banishfinal =>
system.actionnumber =>
system.regenValue => system.regeneration.rawValue
Update for foundry v12!
I've updated the system to work for v12. The main problem I had was my poor implementation and usage of dropdowns which has been fixed and future proofed (at least until v14). This does mean that some dropdown fields may have reset to a default value, be sure to check your dropdown fields.
I know that the following are most likely reset to default values:
- Martial Arts Degree
- Psychic Matrix (level, Action, maint)
- magic theory
- spell (not bought option)
Ontop of all the changes I went ahead and started updating the visual for items. I'm still working on finalizing the Active Effects, I am just waiting for some API documentation on them because I'm at a loss on how to do what I want to achieve.
Other than that, enjoy and make sure your add-ons have been updated to v12 before you make the transition!
- Spanish Localization on the newer stuff thanks to @shairin
- Daily/Turn maint items cards where they were not showing proper values.
- Custom Secondaries were straight unfinished, they are fully functional now.
- Monster Powers drop-down field first value was blank, it now properly shows 'Other Powers'
- unarmed speed is back to being 20 rather than 0.
- I've been attempting to overhaul the active effects tab to have a category drop down and then it shows another drop down based on the category so its not one really... really long list of names. However, its kind of driving me crazy. I will be waiting for the next version of Foundry to acomplish this, which should release soonTM.
- With that being said, as I was testing around, there is no way for me currently to simply save and migrate the active effects which means all active effects will reset once I do that update. It's a bit big for some people but I think overall it will be a worth update. Which means that anyone working on compendiums with active effects should wait, I dont know for how long but yeah just a little heads up.
- Added Size Derived Values (Such as movement, initiative and monster prep stuff)
- Creature(Monster) Tab
- Added Monster Powers
- Active Effects to Actor, Ki Techniques & Monster Powers
- Psychic Module for atk/def now calculates properly
- Alright, this is a bit of a hefty update.
- The Monster tab which I called Creature (It just looks better in the nav bar since its right next to magic) has a few features such as: Monster characteristics with dp calculation, it shows information based on current size (the one thats changed on the header of the actor), Damage resistance hp calculation and more.
- The are some options in the Creature tab, one is to replace the base characteristics in the general tab with the monster ones, another is to have natural weapons (It just shows you information of what you would have based on size), and lastly it asks if you are dmg resistant (if yes it will replace your spec hp in the general tab with the dmg resistance hp).
- Also in the creature tab, there are powers, created at the top right of the page, they will appear by default in the 'other powers' location, once you edit them they will change position based on what you give it.
- Active Effects! they are here, however, unfortunately given how complex Anima is and how I have built the system so far, the only usable option is addition or subtraction for all fields except for the main characteristics. With the upcoming v12 of Foundry, I hope to go through my code and see what I can do to allow more options (this was a real bummer for me as well).
- I made a drop down for active effects for user friendliness. Its a bit... long, I plan to separate it into two select boxes, 1 it category 2 is the values. I was having trouble with this, as such i will revist it later (yes i do plan to add a custom field so you are not limited to what the drop downs are).
- Given that Active effects go onto items as well, I have only added them to Ki Techniques & Monster Powers currently, I will go through and add them to the rest of the items that could use active effects, just think of this as its testing phase.
- The format for the items has been changed, and all other items will slowly shift to that format with future updates.
- Overall I have not had time to extensively test these new features, so I appreaciate any and all feedback.
Whats Next
- Its time for some spring cleaning on the page. I've been adding stuff non-stop to it since I released it, in some areas it seems a bit cramped and Ill see what I can do to alleviate that. I also want to slowly add all the minor requests while going thourgh that system, and i'll be updating item formats, etc etc.
- Thanks for reading this, hope you all have a great day!
abfAlter v1.2.3
- A way to add custom secondary abilities
- A way to favorite secondary abilities
- A DP mod offset in the settings tab
- Another multiplier field for unarmed damage
- A global setting for Light Mode (This was a rushed work, I will be fixing color theme over the next few weeks)
- The ft to m Global setting now also changes the ruler value
- Some changes in the fr localization thanks to @Angelwitch
- Added a field for regeneration values for all your macro purposes [ regeneration.value ]
- To favorite a secondary, open the secondary ability to edit Natural abilities, click on the star. Now when you collapse the overall field (like subterfuge) it will show all the favorited secondary abilities.
Whats Next
- The next update will 100% hold the creatures and monster powers tab. I delayed this so I can further plan out how it will be.
- Minor things I'm working on are psychic projection module is still counting innate bonuses - this will be fixed
- A Restore button in the header which will include full restore, full rest, half rest.
- Updates will probably be bi-weekly from now as I fix my financial situation (If there are any major bugs I will fix them asap)
abfAlter v1.2.2
- French localization thanks to @dattabase & @boudou!!
- Typos in en localization, fixed by @Elisianthus
- Spells having excessive white space on descriptions.
abfAlter v1.2.1
Textarea revolution!
- Ki Pools & accumulation has 1 extra value
- Spanish Translation for meta magic, Thanks @shairin!
- Textareas now autoexpand on their own, even on page loads, saving its height.
- Fixed The Ki Seal Creature item card so it saves values
- Fixed The Ki Technique item card so it saves values
- A bunch of typos, Thanks @Elisianthus!
I did not work on small stuff this time around like I said I would. The textareas just bothered me a lot, My next planned update is monster powers tab, secondary favorite, and the ability to add custom secondary abilities.