Hello everyone! It's been a while since the last update. This update does not bring many new features, however, I focused on cleaning up the code which includes changing variable names (It's just something I wanted to do for myself to be more organized and make it easier to maintain).
This means that for those who have macros, this update might break them and they have to be updated.
Another thing that might reset are active effects, so be sure to go check those out as well.
This will be the only update which I change and break all of this stuff, I don't see a reason to ever change them again. The list of variable name changes is below, I don't have all of them recorded, but a decent bunch are there.
- Ingame changelog
- Open Rolls & Fumbles now update on the same item card instead of creating a new one
- A decent amount of small bug fixes
Variable Name Changes
- From line 101 - 583 https://github.com/Lumenita/abfalter/blob/main/module/utilities/migration.js the name in[" "] is the new name, and the name after the = is the old name.
- and the few changes I have logged are the opposite (sorry for the confusion) old name => new name
system.attackbonus => system.combatValues.attack.class
system.blockbonus => system.combatValues.block.class
system.dodgebonus => system.combatValues.dodge.class
system.fullmove => system.movement.fullMove
system.fourthmove => system.movement.fourthMove
system.runningmove => system.movement.runningMove
system.finalmove => system.movement.final
system.aCutFinal => system.armor.body.aCutFinal
same changes for -> aImpFinal, aThrFinal, aHeatFinal, aColdFinal, aEleFinal, aEneFinal, aSptFinal
system.ahCutFinal => system.armor.helmet.ahCutFinal
same changes for -> ahImpFinal, ahThrFinal, ahHeatFinal, ahColdFinal, ahEleFinal, ahEneFinal, ahSptFinal
system.kiPoolAgiAccumTot => system.kiPool.agi.accumTot
system.kiPoolConAccumTot => system.kiPool.con.accumTot
system.kiPoolDexAccumTot => system.kiPool.dex.accumTot
system.kiPoolStrAccumTot => system.kiPool.str.accumTot
system.kiPoolPowAccumTot => system.kiPool.pow.accumTot
system.kiPoolWPAccumTot => system.kiPool.wp.accumTot
kiPoolAgiTot => system.kiPool.agi.poolTot
kiPoolConTot => system.kiPool.con.poolTot
kiPoolDexTot => system.kiPool.dex.poolTot
kiPoolStrTot => system.kiPool.str.poolTot
kiPoolPowTot => system.kiPool.pow.poolTot
kiPoolWPTot => system.kiPool.wp.poolTot
system.mkBonus => system.mk.class
system.limitOneCost => system.mk.limitOneCost
system.limitTwoCost => system.mk.limitTwoCost
system.limitsMK => system.mk.limitsTotalCost
system.arsMagMk => system.mk.arsMagCost
system.mArtMk => system.mk.martialArtsCost
system.kiTechMk => system.mk.kiTechCost
system.kiSealMk => system.mk.kiSealCost
system.kiThingMk => system.mk.kiAbilitiesCost
system.iniBase => system.initiative.base
system.inifinal => system.initiative.final
system.inibonus => system.initiative.class
system.fatiguebase => system.fatigue.base
system.summonbonus => system.summoning.summon.class
system.controlbonus => system.summoning.control.class
system.bindbonus => system.summoning.bind.class
system.banishbonus => system.summoning.banish.class
system.summonfinal => system.summoning.summon.final
system.controlfinal => system.summoning.control.final
system.bindfinal => system.summoning.bind.final
system.banishfinal => system.summoning.banish.final
system.actionnumber => system.info.actionNumber
system.regenValue => system.regeneration.rawValue