Releases: EaW-Team/equestria_dev
“Shores of Zebrica” 2.0
✢ New continent of Zebrica, including:
- 84 new countries.
- Unique flags and portraits for all new countries.
- 526 new states.
- 13 new races.
✢ New focus trees and content for:
- Hippogriffia
- Chiropterra
- Colthaginian Republic
- Yarildom of Chital
- Republic of Tobuck
- Zarantia
- Kingdom of Warzena (Harmony path only)
- Coltvan Republic (Not playable at game start)
- Hippone (Not playable at game start)
- Trotkat (Not playable at game start)
- Winggarden (Not playable at game start)
✢ New Zebrica-related content for:
- Kingdom of Wingbardy
- Republic of Asterion
- South Confederate States
- Commonwealth of New Mareland
- Solar Empire
✢ Additions:
- New loading screen.
- New main theme and 3 other songs.
- New country select screen.
- New loading tips.
- New loading process text.
- New event pictures.
- New 3D map edge model.
- North Zebrican cityfall and nuke events.
- Added generic Zebrica focus tree.
- Added impassable states and impassable province borders around the map.
- Added airship technologies.
- Added a new spy operative in Equestria.
- Decision to form the Great Lakes.
- Decision to form the Storm Kingdom.
- Decisions for Hindian wars.
- Decision for Saddle Arabian civil war factions to attack the League of Four Emirs.
- Flavour decision for Doelhi Confederacy.
- Skeleton content for unification of the Great Lakes.
- Hippogriff racial technology.
- Zebra racial technology.
- Placeholder Horse racial technology.
- Added slave economy law.
- Added starting national spirits to various Zebrican nations without content.
- Added pirate raids modifier for some naval regions.
- Added various new subideologies.
- Added some lategame tank armour and engine techs.
✢ Changes and fixes:
- Readded pie icons for Buffalo equipment.
- Skyfall can now only trade with coastal nations with more than 10 factories.
- Corsair Sicameon's naval raid decisions can now target some Zebrican countries.
- Diamond Mountain and Nimbusia now start with slave economy law.
- Reworked naval provinces.
- Redistributed some resources.
- Polished the heightmap.
- Added more supply hubs around the map.
- Slightly adjusted deer racial technologies to take Zebrica into account.
- Adjusted numerous strategic regions.
- Equestrian civil war national spirit now reduces surrender limit.
- Celestia now loses "Stout Defender" trait when the civil war begins.
- Reworked portraits for Alexander Kemerskai in Griffonian Republic, Steeltalon in Hellquill as well as Rover and Molly in Diamond Mountain.
- Fixed incorrect IC for jet strategic and tactical bombers.
- Fixed issues with some spy agency names.
- Fixed some level 1 railways in focuses still not being level 2.
- Fixed AI communist New Mareland never actually switching government.
- Fixed Wingbardy being unable to form Karthinia if their allies puppeted nations.
- FLNT pacification decision is now visible even at the highest level of FLNT resistance.
- Fixed some issues with characters' non-LaR/LaR versions.
- Fixed republican Wittenland not switching ideology properly when puppeted.
- Fixed civil war Feathisia not being able to form the Griffonian Empire.
- Fixed characters not being transfered properly when MARESOC's uprising happened.
- Swapped some general and advisor traits.
- Removed Katherine Fertz from Wittenland.
- Fixed Luna not being a general in New Mareland government in exile path.
- Fixed Fancy Pants leading ELF when he shouldn't.
- Attempted to fix Leopold disappearing as country leader in Barrad.
- Fixed issues with race traits of Barrad generals.
- Late game doctrines now require 1019 infantry and mechanized equipment technologies.
- Standardized game rule names.
- Removed Buffalo Tribe and Yakyakistan from "Major nation buffs" list.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
Checksum: 5ea2
“Two Eagles: Arsenal of Harmony”
✢ Added new concerns for Stalliongrad and Griffon Frontier.
✢ Added new concern icons.
✢ Added new equipment icons for numerous countries.
✢ Added a new portrait for River Republic general who had a generic portrait before.
✢ Added new puppet flags for Celestial State and Dragon Islands.
✢ Added unique advisors for Arantiga.
✢ Added new generic portraits for zebras and deer.
✢ Reworked portrait for Vittorio Felice in Francistria.
✢ Completely removed the Exodus refugee mechanic as it didn't function properly when enabled.
✢ Limited what countries and characters Angriver's assassination decision can target.
✢ Generals are no longer transfered when Angriver steals divisions from other countries.
✢ Fixed prelate advisor and Aquila's state modifier not being removed in Angriver.
✢ Angriver, Greifenmarschen and Romau now get an additional wargoal if they attack Griffonian Empire without neighbouring it.
✢ Increased reliability and soft attack of pre-industrial artillery.
✢ Increased reliability and defence of muzzleloaded weapons.
✢ Fixed various issues with concerns and advisors.
✢ Fixed triggers for Flurry Heart's coronation event.
✢ Fix Cadence/Twilight not becoming leaders of Crystal Empire after it becomes harmonic again.
✢ Fixed Angriver not coring National Griffonian Republic.
✢ Wingbardy now transfers Tarrin states to Francistria upon annexation.
✢ Gryphia can no longer join the Karthinian Pact via focus. Instead, the focus now asks Wingbardy for equipment and army experience.
✢ Wingbardy can now invite Gryphia into the Karthinian Pact.
✢ Thorax now starts with the same tank designs as Chrysalis.
✢ Fixed some unconverted doctrine bonuses in Firtree and Farbrook.
✢ Wingbardy can now form the Chiazbeacle Pact even if Francistria annexed itself into Wingbardy.
✢ Increased lategame armoured car armor.
✢ Fixed Aquileia's wargoal focuses not having checks for being a puppet.
✢ Assigned generic advisor icons to various advisors.
✢ Fixed Dietrich Mach not becoming leader in National Griffonian Republic.
✢ Oskar I now starts as non-aligned party leader in National Griffonian Republic.
✢ Fixed Neighsay and Fancy Pants not becoming party leaders in ELF.
✢ Vasily in Stalliongrad will no longer attack Equestria if they're in a war together.
✢ Tarrin can now only annex neighbours with the federalization decision. AI is also less likely to accept the annexation offer.
✢ Focuses that gave level 1 railways now give level 2 railways.
✢ Fixed issues with Baltimare ministry advisors' traits.
✢ AI Wulfric in Wittenland will now never accept annexation into the River Federation.
✢ Fixed King Garibald in Wingbardy not fleeing to another country after the civil war.
✢ Fixed King Garibald fleeing to the country that annexed Wingbardy.
✢ Equestria now transfers the Village Up North to Dark Wing.
✢ Fixed fascist Francistria's anti-Wingbardy national spirit remaining after ideology change.
✢ Swapped locations of Bergelun and Eagleton VPs in Adelart.
✢ Anarchist Baltimare gets slightly more ponypower now.
✢ Fixed Hellquill event about August's death not actually killing August.
✢ Harmonic republican Wingbardy can now peacefully integrate harmonic Falcor.
✢ Fixed placeholder text in event for Wingbardy's intervention in New Mareland's civil war.
✢ Increased IC and decreased reliability of gun computer tank module.
✢ Added new technology for lategame strategic bombers.
✢ Rescaled radar AA bonuses to be closer to vanilla values.
✢ Aquileia's wargoal on Herzland is now blocked until 1013 rather than 1012.
✢ Fixed Konrada Wavewing not becoming leader of Reichsmandat Flussland.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
Checksum: 45ee
“Two Eagles: Arsenal of Harmony” 1.9.2
✢ Reworked content for Angriver's social democratic path.
✢ Added democratic monarchism subideology for Harmony.
✢ Added an event for Starlight Glimmer to join Equestria as field marshal if Stalliongrad attacks it.
✢ Added unique focus icons for anarchist Yale.
✢ Added party names for Celestial State and Ahuizotl.
✢ Added decisions to use helicopters in either logistics or field hospital companies.
✢ Added some new GFX for espionage.
✢ Added super heavy flame tanks and modern fixed superstructure.
✢ Added description for Picket Fence in New Mareland.
✢ Added a new cosmetic tag for Baltimare after coring the South Confederate States.
✢ Added a new general in Feathisia.
✢ Added La Resistance versions of various traits and national spirits.
✢ Added a decision for Griffonian Empire to release Kingdom of Asterion as puppet.
✢ Added a new racial technology for Changelings.
✢ Added generic portraits for Polar Bears.
✢ Replaced Equestrian election candidates with canon characters.
✢ Reworked portraits for Bluhm in Angriver and Arstotzka in Crystal Empire.
✢ Improved performance.
✢ Arantiga now makes peace with enemies of Karthinian Pact after the coup.
✢ Fixed various issues in Stalliongrad.
✢ Reworked Brodfeld's communist crusade into decisions rather than instant wars on everyone.
✢ Falcor focus about upgrading science base bypasses if it already has proper science base.
✢ Forming the River Federation now gives compliance cores on all original members of the River Coalition.
✢ Lushi can no longer swear fealty to republics.
✢ Fixed Archon Proteus and Ferdinand Dawnclaw not having a description while being country leader.
✢ Disabled revolutions for AI countries with generic focus trees.
✢ Tweaked Polar Bear railways.
✢ Redone icon for passionate trait.
✢ Updated communist flags for Lunar Empire, Moon Crystal Governorate and Disciples of Nightmare Moon.
✢ Asterion now starts with bicycles.
✢ Fixed Talouse trying to join a non-existent faction.
✢ Redone icons for dragon race and trait.
✢ Suntail no longer ignores Tarrin.
✢ Adjusted colors of Baltimare cosmetic tags.
✢ Tweaked River Federation AI.
✢ Rewrote the code of AI ignoring countries on other continents to be more efficient.
✢ Increased priority for formable nation decision categories.
✢ Adjusted starting technologies of Polar Bears and Penguins.
✢ Crystal Empire now starts with armoured car technology.
✢ Various changes to Stalliongrad AI.
✢ Changed subideologies of various leaders.
✢ Fixed numerous issues with characters and concerns.
✢ "Race for the Bomb" decision now ignores Barrad.
✢ Fixed Tarrin not removing "Memories of the Republic" national spirit after switching to Aquileia.
✢ Attempted to fix Silver Star sometimes not having a general role when joining Wittenland.
✢ Fixed anti-communist infiltration removal decisions not being available if the country is not part of the River Coalition.
✢ Fixed issues with some focus icons.
✢ Moved Stablein from Equestria to Our Town.
✢ Adjusted various general and admiral stats.
✢ Fixed Fezera not getting a warning event from Skyfall preparing to attack them.
✢ Decreased Fezeran focus durations from 70 days to 56 days.
✢ Fixed Fezera being unable to remove poverty.
✢ Renamed various harmonic subideologies.
✢ Made sure Griffonian Empire gets a wargoal on National Griffonian Republic.
✢ Lategame armour no longer uses crystals.
✢ Increased attack helicopter and late mechanized piercing.
✢ Increased medium tank chassis build cost from 2 to 2.5.
✢ Rewrote late capital ship descriptions.
✢ Improved command group color preset.
✢ Dehumanized some GFX.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
Checksum: f338
“Two Eagles: Arsenal of Harmony”
✢ Added new releasable puppets for Opinicus Order in Gryphus.
✢ Added new concern icons and concerns.
✢ Added a unique trait for Spitfire advisor in Equestria.
✢ Added two new events for Longsword.
✢ Added some new victory points and supply hubs in Equestria.
✢ Added a new loading screen.
✢ Added a warning event for Pax Chrysalia if there is a deficit of Love.
✢ Added a capitulation event response for Nimbusian Helot rebellion.
✢ Added state lore for Hoofington in Equestria.
✢ Added unique support equipment icons for different countries and some new tank module icons.
✢ Reworked portraits for Shining Armour in Crystal Empire, Loudbark in Bronzehill and Corina in Tarrin.
✢ Nations in the Southeast Equestrian Civil War now get large supply bonuses from national spirits unlocked in their focus trees.
✢ Skynavia can no longer integrate puppets while receiving expeditionary forces from them.
✢ Thorax's Changelings now use same tank icons as Changeling Lands.
✢ Attempted to prevent border gore when Equestria and Celestial State annex the Disciples.
✢ Increased research cost of pre-industrial artillery technology.
✢ Fixed Field Surgeon advisor trait not being updated for Barbarossa.
✢ Rosa Heidenreich is now removed as general in Hellquill when Demetrius' coup takes place.
✢ Fixed Guildedwing not becoming country leader in Griffonian Republic.
✢ Fixed Wingbardian Social Republic not being able to finish the Altar.
✢ Fixed Falcor not always being able to finish the Shrine.
✢ Tweaked Equestrian population distribution, infrastructure and state categories.
✢ Adjusted some Equestrian state borders.
✢ Fixed various issues with Longsword focuses.
✢ Adjusted which states are required for South Confederate States border conflicts.
✢ Reduced some infrastructure bonuses so they don't go over the limit.
✢ Fixed dependencies for motorized rocket artillery 2 technology.
✢ Fixed some Solar Empire flags not appearing.
✢ Lowered technology requirements for some prospecting decisions.
✢ Fixed Sour Sweet's leader portrait.
✢ Replaced Pumpkin Swirl Aquileian puppet leader with a generic one.
✢ Equestria now has a claim on Starlight Town.
✢ Fixed a Griffonian Republic advisor being available when he shouldn't be.
✢ Fixed a Romau focus not properly upgrading conscription law.
✢ Fixed Tarrin war white peace ending other Aquileian wars as well.
✢ Replaced a broken modifier in an air doctrine with a more useful one.
✢ Made sure Sickleclaw is on the correct side of the Skynavian civil war.
✢ Adjusted Everfree spread to take changed state shapes into account.
✢ Fixed issues with Celestia and Luna diarchy country leader.
✢ Nimbusian event informing other countries of atrocities no longer triggers for Nimbusia.
✢ Fixed Watertowns navy chief having an air chief trait.
✢ Fixed Griffonian Empire's army and air tree starting focuses being blocked after Grover VI becomes Emperor.
✢ Fixed various issues with concerns.
✢ Dehumanized some GFX.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
Checksum: 5bbd
“Two Eagles: Arsenal of Harmony”
✢ Disabled April fools content by default, can be re-enabled via game rule at start.
✢ Added 5 generic pony admiral portraits.
✢ Added a new general for Crystal Empire.
✢ Added short names for Equestrian equipment.
✢ Added a decision for Nova Griffonia to sell owned Severyanian states to Equestria.
✢ Added an event for the final focus in Emperor Grover VI's focus tree.
✢ Added a unique operative for Nova Griffonia.
✢ Added new concerns and concern icons for many nations.
✢ Various concerns are now shared between nations and are available if the other nation's capital is owned.
✢ Reworked portraits of Kemerskai by Kaiser Sauce and Yrmthu in Kása Free State.
✢ Slightly adjusted state borders between Everfree Forest and Summerdale.
✢ Changed blue text colour to be more pleasing to the eye.
✢ Fixed an advisor in Aquileia being able to fill both army chief and high command roles simultaneously.
✢ Fixed Hermane Gering and Applethorn in Farbrook not being transfered to other countries properly.
✢ Fixed country leaders of Griffonian Empire's Reichsprotectorates.
✢ Fixed King Meyer's Vedina not being considered a monarchy, which means he can form the Griffonian Empire now.
✢ ELF now gets a research slot after the war.
✢ Changed the subideology of Grand Duke Karel in Feathisia to stratocracy.
✢ Fixed some generic zebra portraits being unused.
✢ Fixed Lunar Empire not getting advisors from annexing Disciples.
✢ Kratocratic Ygritte in Austurland now has the kratocracy subideology.
✢ Fixed Sicameon communist focus checking for wrong completed focus.
✢ Made it easier for Nova Whirl in River Republic to cause a helot uprising in Nimbusia.
✢ Puppeted communist Flowena can no longer form a faction.
✢ Fixed puppeted Republic of Wittenland still being called Kingdom.
✢ Fixed issues with the capital not staying in Karthin after forming Karthinia.
✢ Fixed Flowenan loans to Skyfall giving money even if the trade mechanic was disabled.
✢ Fixed various advisor icons.
✢ Fixed Our Town starting with outdated equipment in production.
✢ Possibly fix strange issue with Flowena mercenary payments reappearing after dismissing them.
✢ Fixed some theorist advisors giving too much doctrine cost reduction.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
Checksum: 5910
“Twilight Theory“ (April Fools)
✢ Reworked focus trees and content for:
- Equestria
- Stalliongrad (outsourced)
✢ Added a small natural tunnel between Rumarean lake and ocean. Coming out somewhere underneath Aquileia. That submarines are able to pass through. Now idk about you, but I think this will create some cool gameplay dynamics. Like, Rumarean corsairs going to raid Aquileian convoys, before daringly escaping through the tunnel back into Rumare basin
✢ Renamed the capital of Nimbusia.
✢ Made Starlight Glimmer romanceable.
✢ Reversed decision to romance Starlight.
✢ There are 6 impostors among us
✢ Humanized some GFX.
✢ Removed Herobrine.
Checksum: 7aa7
“Two Eagles: Arsenal of Harmony“
✢ Added new alternate cosmetic tag for Falcor when uniting Karthinia.
✢ Added new decisions for supremacy Falcor after uniting Karthinia.
✢ Added new portraits and descriptions for Sugarcoat, Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest in New Mareland.
✢ Added a new general for republican Aquileia.
✢ Added 1014 super heavy howitzer tank module.
✢ Added post-revolution AI plans for republican Aquileia.
✢ Added a couple new focus icons for Lushi.
✢ Added concern icons for Sicameon.
✢ Fixed numerous instances of characters not becoming country leaders when they should.
✢ Reduced super heavy tank chassis production cost.
✢ Adjusted icon for Canterlot Defeat national spirit.
✢ Reichskommissariat and reichsprotectorate subject types no longer get a conscription penalty.
✢ Satellite state subject type no longer gets a research sharing penalty.
✢ Francistria will no longer annex itself into Wingbardy if it doesn't exist.
✢ AI Tarrin should now always annex Aquileia rather than puppet it.
✢ Fixed National Republican Army and Vedina being able to both ally each other and get war goals on one another.
✢ ELF check for all core states being liberated no longer checks for Everfree Forest.
✢ Tarrin referendum can no longer be held after it has been cored, or during war.
✢ Nerfed ATGMs and SAMs.
✢ Fixed Greifwald's Hellfire Engines not having modules with NSB.
✢ Fixed another instance of wrong doctrine bonus for Feathisia.
✢ Fixed Romau not getting a fifth research slot.
✢ Adjusted stats and traits of some generals.
✢ Dehumanized some GFX.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
Checksum: 1e25
“Two Eagles: Arsenal of Harmony“
✢ Rewrote character related script, which should fix most of the common crashes.
✢ Added portrait for Sunny Flare in New Mareland.
✢ Added leader descriptions for Lunar New Mareland.
✢ Added a flavour event for Equestrian Republic.
✢ Added a gamerule for Chiazbeacle Pact forming.
✢ Various improvements to AI templates due to combat width changes in 1.11.
✢ AI of major countries now focuses more on building fighters and CAS.
✢ Reworked portraits for Duke Haygle in New Mareland and Ironclaw in Nova Griffonia.
✢ Nerfed Aquileian HEAT shell technology.
✢ If Gryphus defeats the communists in the civil war, it now gets an event to choose a path.
✢ Fixed Celestia national spirit remaining in New Mareland when it shouldn't.
✢ Fixed issue with Evening Dew not becoming leader in New Mareland.
✢ When Changelings cancel the Griffonian attache, they now get Synovial's panzer division.
✢ Fixed antiair production cost being slightly too low.
✢ Reduced production cost of supply hubs from 20000 to 14500
✢ Fixed broken news event image for Fall of Griffenheim.
✢ Fixed Daybreaker not being removed as field marshal.
✢ Fixed Aquileian division namelists not checking for government form correctly.
✢ Aquileian vassals now use Aquileia's division namelists.
✢ The RIV tag now defaults to RCT (River Republic).
✢ Fixed Grover VI national spirit not being removed for Angriver when he is crowned as King.
✢ Hopefully fixed Starry Night not getting the correct portrait in Hellquill.
✢ Increased production cost of transport planes to vanilla values.
✢ Made National Republican Army stronger to help the AI end the Griffonian Republic civil war faster.
✢ Fixed Oskar and Otto in Griffonian Republic not being separate characters.
✢ Fixed Brodfeld/Prywhen shared advisors not being available with harmony ideology.
✢ Fixed Brodfeld/Prywhen shared navy chiefs having separate admiral characters by merging them. This means Brodfeld now gets admirals after winning.
✢ Fixed state category check for a Manehattan decision.
✢ Added a number indicator to Aquileia's revolutionary support bar.
✢ Fixed bandit Longsword not getting generals from focus.
✢ Adjusted AI factors for Griffonian Republic military focuses so that the AI shouldn't avoid taking them.
✢ Fixed New Mareland's griffon bandit decision category using a vanilla image with humans.
✢ Fixed Francistria not getting its cores back after capitulating Tarrin.
✢ Fixed issues with Vittorio advisor in Francistria.
✢ Replaced armored engineers with flame MBTs.
✢ Player Lunar New Mareland can now choose their own path.
✢ Fixed Changeling supply hub spawning in Crystal Empire.
✢ Added demolition gun tank module as a lategame upgrade to flamethrower.
✢ Sicameon focuses related to reducing militia reliance now bypass if you have gotten rid of it through army reforms.
✢ Added a new event image for Aquileia.
✢ Dehumanized some GFX.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
Checksum: 3761
“Two Eagles: Arsenal of Harmony“
✢ Full compatibility with Hearts of Iron IV 1.11.5.
✢ Added new "Our Equestria" formable for Equalist Our Town.
✢ Added new flag for GEU.
✢ Fixed Griffenheim news event image not being implemented properly.
✢ Fixed stats for Penal Battalions.
✢ Hellquill, Bakara and Angriver supremacy paths can now get Penal Battalions as well.
✢ Improved renaming of Severokholm into Altytown, and made the name reset when Stalliongrad is renamed.
✢ Countries below industrialising society development level now get their fuel stockpiles filled at game start so their AI doesn't import oil.
✢ Adjusted New Mareland state and VP names and MARESOC's renaming focus.
✢ Illiteracy, poverty and society development levels now affect building repair speed.
✢ Fixed some inaccuracies with the culture group mapmode.
✢ Made various tweaks to lategame doctrines.
✢ Choosing the Castle of Two Sisters as the capital of Lunar Empire now creates a supply hub and a railway connection.
✢ Fixed MARESOC not purging advisors properly.
✢ Hopefully fixed character issues with Sunrise Sparkle.
✢ Fixed issues with republican Equestria's leaders.
✢ Tweaked lategame doctrine GUI, improved some modifiers and added proper AI factors for them.
✢ Buffed pre-industrial artillery.
✢ Talouse should now create a faction instead of trying to join one that doesn't exist.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
Checksum: f857
“Two Eagles: Arsenal of Harmony“
✢ Added lategame land doctrines.
✢ Added more railways and hubs in New Mareland and Equestria.
✢ Added missing localisation for Lunar New Mareland events.
✢ Added some new focus icons for Feathisia and Angriver.
✢ Added portrait for Miner Council in Talouse.
✢ Added unique flags for monarchist Aquileia's puppets.
✢ Added event for Lunar Empire about Evening Dew in New Mareland.
✢ Added new GUI for Aquileian revolution decisions.
✢ Added khakistocracy subideology, which is not used anywhere yet.
✢ Added chief of army role for Emperor Grover II.
✢ Added unique flag and cosmetic tag for Groverist Hellquill.
✢ Added new event pictures for Griffenheim-related events.
✢ Added Penal Battalions for MARESOC, Baltimare, communist Wingbardy, Cyanolisia, and GEU.
✢ Added unique concerns for Griffonian Republic, and some concern icons for Falcor.
✢ Fixed CTD in Baltimare mayor's fate event.
✢ Science base levels now affect doctrine cost.
✢ Fixed Falcor national spirit's naval doctrine bonus.
✢ Made Golden Morning have Esotericism subideology.
✢ Made River Coalition countries less eager to send volunteers to communist Longsword.
✢ Hopefully fixed monarchist Vinovia ending up at war with other monarchists during the Second Aquileian Revolution.
✢ National Republican Army now uses Griffonian Republic's welcomescreen.
✢ Fixed Lunar Crystal Empire and MARESOC generals not being recruited.
✢ Hopefully fixed issues with Sunrise Sparkle.
✢ Fixed various character issues with Hector's and Caramel's revolts in River Republic and made them slightly weaker.
✢ Fixed some issues with Griffonian Republic, Aquileia and ELF characters.
✢ Made sure Glitterhoof is removed alongside Diellza in Katerin.
✢ Fixed issues with Tempest Wind in Lunar Empire.
✢ Fixed various advisor icons and leader portraits.
✢ Lunar Empire and ELF now start with some trains.
✢ Slightly nerfed lategame motorized.
✢ Equestria can no longer instigate a coup in puppet Olenia.
✢ Fixed Aquileia being able to get Erion without owning Romau.
✢ Fixed Francistrian focus "Ennoble Vittorio" not working properly.
✢ Changed color of Evi cosmetic tag.
✢ Crushing the FLNT as Francistria now appeases fascists.
✢ Fixed issues Thorax's Olenian advisors.
✢ City-state Cyanolisia now retakes its land when puppeting Asterion.
✢ Fixed issues with Farbrook leaders fleeing the country.
✢ Tarrin can no longer ask countries to recognize their independence if they're a puppet.
✢ Fixed Red Archons advisors not being available when they should be.
✢ Equestria becoming a Republic now drops the royal title from the names of Luna and Blueblood.
✢ Improved stats of Wingbardy generals.
✢ Fixed Longsword and Wingbardy tanks not accounting for NSB.
✢ No infrastructure game rule now removes hubs and railways as well.
✢ Fixed missing building slots in some Haukland dockyard focuses.
✢ Brodfeld no longer asks communist countries for aid during the civil war.
✢ Trimmel now gains "War Hero" trait after the defeat of Equestria.
✢ Fixed various reinforce rate penalties being high enough to disable reinforcement entirely.
✢ Different Reformisten paths in Hellquill now get different party names.
✢ Harmonic Francistria stops being a puppet of Wingbardy if they become communist.
✢ Equestrian South-East Civil War victory events should now trigger much faster.
✢ Made capital movement permanent when forming Griffonian Empire or Herzland.
✢ Fixed some focuses in Griffonian Republic being available without owning necessary states.
✢ Removed game rules for unified Griffonian Empire and Republic.
✢ Fixed Dark Wing not becoming leader when Stalliongrad is puppeted by Equestria.
✢ Diamond Mountain no longer has to leave the River Coalition when stopping the coup by River Republic.
✢ Reduced starting war support for various countries.
✢ Removed unnecessary focus bypasses in Falcor.
✢ Falcorian supremacy path no longer uses german.
✢ Changed war types of various civil wars into civil wars.
✢ Fixed issues with Sunset not being renamed properly. Also, the name is now reset if New Mareland is annexed.
✢ Fixed being able to rename Stalliongrad without actually owning it.
✢ Fixed non-aligned Tarrin still having the negative Burgundy Order national spirit.
✢ Fixed communist Francistria being able to please fascists by completing Tarrin focuses.
✢ Various small tweaks to Olenian and Falcorian states.
✢ Crystal Empire can no longer spawn divisions in a state it doesn't control.
✢ Military training decision now gives air and navy XP as well.
✢ Adjusted stats of jet planes.
✢ Cranberry Marsh state now has provinces with marsh terrain.
✢ Fixed Hellquill having two navy theorists.
✢ Fixed generic leaders and operatives not getting correct portraits.
✢ Dehumanized some GFX.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
Checksum: 184d