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Releases: EaW-Team/equestria_dev

“Shores of Zebrica”

21 Feb 04:58
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✢ Additions:
- Reworked portraits for Colette Solide in Westkeep and Ibyz Icepaw in Icepaw.
- Added a silhouette portrait for Diamond Dogs.
- Added alternate ideology flags for Ice Dragon Tribe.
- Added a new non-aligned flag for Hippogriffia.
- Added an event for Chiropterra if the Solar Empire forms.
- Added an event image for generic movie propaganda event.
- Added a generic portrait for harpies.
- Added a new focus icon for River Games focus.
- Added a decision for Wingbardy to give land back to Abyssinia.
- Added alternate ideology flags for Khamrin and Lan Kir.
- Added concern icons for Puerto Caballo.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Fixed a dehumanized focus icon having the wrong size.
- Fixed Princess Cadance's name being unlocalized.
- Changed year of 1005 medium tank chassis to 1009.
- Hopefully fixed Sköldsvärd not getting appropriate commander levels or traits.
- Supremacy Flowena's Vivienne advisor no longer has a non-aligned popularity boosting trait.
- Fixed Novaya Severyana advisors not working.
- Fixed some concern icons for Flowena.
- Fixed Angriver republican post-Griffenheim tree being broken.
- Renamed a Hippogriff advisor and added a general role for them.
- Fixed several issues with plane templates.
- Chiropterra now hates Equestria.
- Ahuizotl can no longer trade with Skyfall.
- Crack Lightning now keeps some of Posada's national spirits if he becomes leader.
- Fixed some crashes from advisors being added.
- Fixed Westkeep not getting Aquileian medals.
- "Empower Archons" focus now bypasses if supremacy Strawberry formed the Griffonian Empire.
- Replaced army spirit icon for Ideological Loyalty.
- Lushi will no longer get the Evi cosmetic tag if they already have the supremacy cosmetic tag.
- Fixed Zebrica generic focus tree not checking for 5 research slots.
- Added back a Buffalo advisor that got lost during character conversion.
- Fixed missing description for a Buffalo general.
- Manehattan Protectorate now starts with Changeling Equipment Templates.
- Fixed bad encoding in an OOB file causing a crash.
- Fixed missing icon for Vesalipolis Queen's Tower state modifier.
- Fixed cost for an advisor in Crystal Empire.
- Fixed several inconsistencies with Crystal Empire and Polar Bear advisor icons.
- Fixed a missing advisor icon in Tarrin.
- Fixed Stalliongrad truck technology icon.
- Prywhen can now get a fifth research slot.
- Fixed King Kloseu advisor not being removed in Brodfeld if he dies.
- Fixed Zumidia's starting air technology.
- Countries can no longer see concerns/designers of other countries at start.
- Fixed some country leader checks.
- Fixed a province in Angriver missing the forest province modifier.
- Fixed conditions for Gryphia's concerns.
- Fixed icon for New California Republic's spy advisor.
- Standardized Chrysalis-Nightmare Moon marriage to use similar checks as Sinister-Sombra marriage.
- Fixed edgecase where Sombra can marry both Sinister and Radiant.
- Swapped some hippogriff advisor icons.
- Cyanolisia and Sicameon advisors now have generic icons.
- Deer spy advisors now use deer operative icons.
- Fixed a Yakyakistan high command advisor giving daily XP gain.
- Fixed Watertowns' Holy Springs national spirit availability for countries that form the River Federation.
- Fixed Sunstriker Clan focuses not having tooltips for unlocking concerns.
- Fixed Puerto Caballo concerns checking for focuses that don't exist for now.
- Fixed missing trait for a Tobuck concern.
- Removed generic concerns from some countries that shouldn't have them.
- Our Town now gets access to some of Stalliongrad's concerns.
- Film propaganda decision now requires electronic-mechanical engineering technology.
- "First Railway" focus in Vedina now requires basic train technology.
- Zumidia now starts with "Legacy of the Storm" national spirit.
- Chiropterra's "Enslave Locals" occupation law is now only available in Northern Zebrica and gives less compliance gain.
- Made various improvements and changes to Prywhen content.
- Made Hippogriffia AI build more dockyards.
- Prevented Stalliongrad from being kicked from Equestria's faction.
- Fixed post-war dissolution of the All Ponies Front.
- Post-war Olenia now joins Equestria's technology sharing group.
- Changeling Lands get some of their military factories converted to civilian ones upon being demilitarized.
- Fixed some unused advisor icons in Gryphia and Nova Griffonia.
- Tweaked some Yakyakistan/Jaki-Clan concerns.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 1343

“Shores of Zebrica”

29 Jan 21:28
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✢ Additions:
- Added 23 new songs.
- Added new main menu art.
- Added many new focus icons for Wingbardy.
- Added decisions to build railways, supply hubs and ports for southeast Equestrian breakaway countries.
- Added a description for Plumage Moonfeather in Hippogriffia.
- Added concern icons for Chital.
- Added new concerns for Sunstriker Clan and Aquileia.
- Added a Changeling puppet flag for Haukland, communist flags for Gargiloya, Maretonia and Macawia and alternate ideology flags for April Fools Equestrian breakaways.
- Added a new general in Aestlonia.
- Added generic portraits for horses.
- Added warning events for countries with no content or outdated content.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Updated advisors to work with 1.12.9, which fixes numerous crashes and issues.
- Changed various impassables around the map.
- Fixed strategic regions not being changed for moved Olenian states.
- Renamed locations in south-eastern Zebrica.
- Reduced suppression values for special forces.
- Generic Equus focus tree can now remove illiteracy and poverty.
- Griffonian Empire puppet decisions are now cheaper.
- Various AI improvements.
- Updated aircraft cannon position.
- Fixed a National Griffonian Republic national spirit not being added.
- Fixed Griffonian Republic character transfer issues.
- Added some bypasses and checks to Equestrian focuses.
- Fixed Baltimare asking for Stalliongrad planes and not getting any.
- Don't give more infra to Castle of Two Sisters than it can have.
- Fixed Hellquill characters not being retired when they die.
- Fixed Watertowns advisor icons.
- Fixed a broken focus shine.
- Setup graphical cultures for country-specific tech icons.
- Updated Rodier's focus and advisor icons to match the new portrait.
- Attempted to fix Warzena getting stuck on "Dear Friends" focus.
- Swapped some focus icons in Francistria.
- Fixed missing advisor icon in April Fools Dread League.
- Fixed issue with Aquileian focus tree when hiding paths is disabled.
- Fixed Winggarden not coring South Aris state.
- Fixed an issue with Changeling air OOB.
- Fixed geographical operation names not working for Yakyakistan, Jaki-Clan and Olenia.
- A shared Crystal Empire/Equestria industrial concern is no longer blocked by Crystal Empire-specific focus checks.
- Adjusted the cost of Wonderbolts advisor in Equestria.
- Increased AI priority for military police.
- Removed state checks from Equus generic tree industrial focuses.
- Hopefully fix Posada in Hippogriffia denouncing herself.
- Expanded changeling namelist.
- Fix SHBB2 module slots.
- Fixed a Vedina advisor icon.
- Fixed "Princesses of Ponies" trait not being removed for democratic Equestria path.
- Setup additional puppets for Trubach's path in Avian.
- Fixed Karthinia using old communist flag.
- Adjusted music weights.
- Barrad evacuation for Wittenland now moves more population and no longer leaves one victory point.
- Fixed Chiropterra decisions when puppeted.
- Hellquill-Lushi now checks for Lushi's leaders instead of ideology.
- Fixed "Rightful Heir" trait not being removed when the Storm Kingdom is formed.
- The "War of the Two Sisters" national spirit is no longer given to southeast Equestrian breakaways as it was instantly removed anyways.
- Communist Crystal Empire and Stalliongrad can no longer unite while the other country is at war.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 2bbd

“Shores of Zebrica”

24 Dec 13:06
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✢ Additions:
- Added a generic zebra spy portrait.
- Added placeholder advisors for Boltria and Central Zebrican Empire.
- Replaced two loading screens with new images.
- Added an expanded fuel tank module.
- Reworked portrait for Rodier in Aquileia.
- Added several news event images for Aquileia, Francistria, Wingbardy and Hippogriffia.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Awards are now available without ironpony mode again.
- Fixed a Hippogriffia decision removing general traits from Colthage instead of Chiropterra.
- Fixed an issue with Hippogriffia's industrial mobilization.
- Renamed some victory points in Karkadannistan, Maretonia and Uusi Hirvimaa.
- Fixed Aquileia not having cruiser armour.
- Fixed Coltva plane template bug.
- Fixed Angriver republican post-unification focuses not appearing when they should.
- Zecora's Rebellion no longer annexes the Austral and Appleloosan Protectorates upon winning.
- Hippogriffia can no longer do war propaganda until they remove isolation.
- Hippogriffia now has opinion penalties with yeti-led countries.
- Nerfed various Hippogriffian decisions and focuses.
- Armored cars now have more breakthrough, initiative and suppression.
- Storm Kingdom civil war leaders now lose the "Rightful Heir" trait after winning.
- Fixed Las Pegasus award not being rewarded.
- Fixed a Warzena focus by adding a bypass condition.
- Fixed a variable check for Zarantian secret path scripted GUI.
- Fixed some national spirit icons for Changelings and Manehattan.
- Fixed Zidon not giving orthodox influence while being an advisor in Coltva.
- Fixed Colthage constitutionalist path plane focus.
- Fixed a province shape in Hindia.
- Hopefully fix Sombra remaining a field marshal even after he is defeated.
- Fixed issues with planes in Winggarden.
- Fixed crash caused by plane focus in Lake City.
- 2 Crystal Empire industrial focuses are now available for Sombra as well.
- Attempted to fix Warzena getting stuck on "Dear Friends" focus.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 94b3

“Shores of Zebrica”

24 Nov 21:59
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✢ Additions:
- Added new concern icons for Chital, Watertowns, Prywhen/Brodfeld, Greneclyf and Buffalo tribe.
- Added new flags for Osqat.
- Added new generic portraits for Aquileia, kirins, changelings, deer, llama, harpies and zebras.
- Added new generals in Nimbusia, Celestial State and Changeling Lands.
- Added new events and decisions for Posada's Hippogriffia.
- Added several new victory points around the map.
- Added a placeholder war event for Qaylids to attack Thundaria.
- Added unique names for the new vanilla propaganda decisions.
- Added descriptions for helicopter technologies for Hippogriffia.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Moved two states from Olenia to Thundaria.
- Yakyakistan now goes harmonic on historical.
- Reworked icons for dragon race.
- Awards are now only available on ironpony.
- Fixed awards that require tag switching.
- Fixed issues with planes that were causing common crashes.
- Fixed various plane and ship technology/module issues.
- Fixed Princess Luna not retiring as general when she should.
- Fixed various advisor icons.
- Fixed name of a Hippogriff technology.
- Fixed Changelings having no starting planes with a specific set of DLC enabled.
- Implemented a workaround to a vanilla change where capitulation does not lead to a peace conference if the losing side is in a faction, even if the faction is not at war with the victor.
- Improved transfer of impassable states between countries.
- Fixed Wittenland getting an event for dropping the first nuke if they used the falling star spell.
- Puppeted Olenia is now only annexed if Changelings are the overlord.
- Adjusted and fixed various military advisor experience modifiers.
- Fixed Rainbow Dash advisor not having visible modifiers.
- Fixed possible crash caused by Sea Lily's roles being removed in Bakara.
- Kirin race technology no longer increases chance of getting female characters.
- Adjusted Spa Islands state population as well as air base and naval base levels.
- Redistributed some population in Olenia, Crystal Empire and Nova Griffonia.
- Fixed Terrafin advisor appearing in the army ledger instead of civilian.
- Fixed issues with Tobuck leader trait and wargoals on Colthage's breakaways.
- Fixed issues with AI getting stuck in border conflicts when using the generic raiding decision.
- Gyzwindids now start with an extra division.
- Fixed Rodier high command role visibility.
- Fixed a crash in Zarantia caused by wrong division template.
- Fixed Balance of Power button sometimes not being visible in the UI.
- Fixed missing AI templates for new plane technologies.
- Posada gets another tech boost for nuclear tech.
- Fixed Hippogriffia getting two industrial mobilisation plans.
- Reduced Brodfeld focus durations.
- Crack Lightning in Hippogriffia now gets assault battalions.
- Fixed Hippogriffia antifa training bug.
- Fixed a missing focus check in "Organize the left" decision category in Hippogriffia.
- Fixed focus prerequisites for a New Mareland focus.
- Some arid regions no longer get snow.
- Posada's Hippogriffa now tracks which projects succeeded or failed.
- Fixed Baragzen's death timer in Tobuck.
- Repositioned state lore button slightly.
- Fixed Ocean Spray's plane advisors.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 21fe

“Shores of Zebrica” 2.0.1

03 Nov 23:58
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✢ Compatibility update for Hearts of Iron IV 1.12.5.
- Converted all planes, doctrines and technologies to work with the By Blood Alone DLC.
- Unique plane modules like crystal engines.
- 35 new career profile awards.
- Implemented the new random country button.
- With the DLC, "Bella Ciao" now plays at the start of the Wingbardian civil war.
- Various countries now have unique battle plan names.
- Changed various division templates into militia or irregular infantry.
- Implemented Ethiopian voicelines for Abyssinia.
- Custom medals for Changeling Lands, Equestria, Wingbardy, Griffonian Empire, Hippogriffia, Griffonian Republic, Aquileia and River Republic.
- Implemented vanilla change of high command advisors no longer giving experience.
- Skystar's Hippogriffia now uses the Balance of Power mechanic.
- Occupation laws are more expensive than before but remain cheaper than vanilla.
- Attempted to maintain 1.11 peace conference behaviour for AI countries.
- Added workaround to prevent impassable state ownership changing between countries that aren't at war.

✢ Additions:
- Added 15 new songs and a new radio station.
- Added new main menu art.
- Added lategame "railway gun" missile launcher.
- Added two new victory points in Gyzwindids.
- Added new flags for Haukland and Stormland.
- Added a few more impassable states.
- Added a few more claims for Mazwi.
- Added a description for Proletarino in Wingbardy.
- Added a portrait for Dannya in Chital.
- Added an advisor icon for Screaming Eagle in Hippogriffia.
- Added numerous new generic general portraits for Equestria, Herzland countries, Aquileia and Kirin countries.
- Reworked portraits for Riversword in Lake City, Grover VI in Angriver's Black Claw path, Blackrock and Dominik Pinkfeather in Blackrock's Bandits.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Increased the negative effects of the Purple Plague.
- The Purple Plague no longer affects Diamond Mountain.
- Vanilla DLC songs are now available in the music player.
- Penguins now go supremacy on historical.
- Haymirites, Karkadannistan and Yemane now have slave economy.
- Wingbardy should now see North Zebrican war decisions only when they're fascist.
- Alesia in Tobuck should now be able to see North Zebrican war decisions.
- With the random country option moved elsewhere, interesting countries screen now includes Greifenmarschen.
- Partisan Longsword will now never accept Griffonian Empire's annexation demand.
- Only Stallionist Proletarino can now arrest or kill Bordiclaw, Equestrian Socialist Proletarino cannot.
- Re-enabled foreign agent recruitment decisions.
- Changed shape of Angelless forest strategic region.
- Communist Hippogriffia's nuclear technologies now cost 1 nuke per month to maintain.
- Reduced some compliance gain bonuses.
- Reduced level of Canterlot's fort.
- Removed unused Flowena focus bypass.
- Equestria should no longer support communist Hippogriffia.
- Fixed republican Angriver having a single stranded focus.
- Adjusted population mapmode so it is actually useful.
- Tweaked some countries' naval technologies and starting navies.
- Changed subideologies of various country leaders.
- Disabled raiding between impassable states.
- Fixed forming Austral Protectorate crashing the game.
- Re-added an advisor for Blackrock's Bandits that was accidentally removed earlier.
- Fixed Equestrian breakaway countries not using the correct support equipment icons.
- Fixed Gerza losing his description after the civil war.
- Fixed various issues with concerns/designers.
- Adjusted Stalliongrad name list.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 78f1

“Shores of Zebrica”

24 Sep 18:51
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✢ Additions:
- Added flavour events about Rarity for Manehattan Protectorate.
- Added a capitulation event response for Chital.
- Added some generic advisor icons for griffons.
- Added generic pony general portraits for Aquileia.
- Added a flavour event for Zarantia.
- Reworked portraits for Winggarden futurist generals, Zeshmunazash in Coltva and Lobu in Kása Free State.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Improved performance.
- Set base equipment capture ratio to 2%.
- Maretonia now starts with a pegasus template.
- Mazwi and Zar-Hay now start with a garrison template.
- When Tobuck secedes from Zarantia in civil war, it now gets a generic focus tree.
- Renamed the four Storm Kingdom civil war nations.
- Improved icons for various supremacy ideologies and harmony ideology.
- Tweaked some ship templates.
- Used a work around to fix a crash when forming Austral Protectorate and when the third Colthaginian civil war starts.
- Rather than declaring a separate war on Changelings, Hippogriffia now joins Equestria's war.
- Adjusted populations of several states.
- Adjusted terrain of some provinces.
- Adjusted various VP values.
- Reworked and removed impassables in various locations.
- Zebrides now start with train technology.
- Macawia now starts with engineer technology.
- Hippogriffia now loses most of their national spirits if they become a subject.
- Larynx now uses same portrait for being a general and being leader of Austral Protectorate.
- Implemented new event pictures for numerous events.
- Removed hidden event for Stalliongrad that recreated their faction.
- Tweaked various AI values.
- When Hippogriffia releases Zumidia, they now give docking rights as well.
- Umalez no longer has a description after becoming puppet of Chiropterra.
- Increased research bonuses of concerns across the board.
- Reduced NSB Heavy Tank base IC by 10%.
- Renamed Rexism subideology into Reactionarism.
- Bhushan in Chital now has authoritarian theocracy subideology.
- Supremacy King Kloseu in Brodfeld how has reactionarism subideology.
- Rarity in Moon Crystal Governorate is now harmonic rather than supremacy.
- Renamed Penguin intelligence agency.
- Fixed some concern traits.
- Fixed missing Feathisia advisor icons.
- Fixed one Avian advisor not being available when it should be.
- Fixed Sinister's national focus AI plan in Stalliongrad.
- Fixed national spirits that had 0 cryptology strength modifiers.
- Fixed various advisor icons.
- Fixed nuke event about Stalliongrad not taking into account if Stalliongrad was annexed by another country.
- Fixed (again) wrong warlord couping Colthage in the militarist path.
- Fixed edge case of Archibald in Greifenmarschen not being able to become leader in Romau properly.
- Fixed constitutionalist Colthage not being able to remove political instability.
- Fixed constitutionalist Colthage's election events talking about Orzagid even after he is dead.
- Fixed Colthage focus giving warlord loyalty even if they're not enabled.
- Fixed Zaphod Zarca not becoming advisor in harmonic Colthage path.
- Fixed Lushi-Prywhen alliance name not being localized.
- Fixed advisors being available for AI when they shouldn't be.
- Fixed Francistria being able to go down the pro-Wingbardy path despite not being in their faction.
- Fixed targets for Winggarden's economic concessions and legation profits national spirits.
- Fixed some national spirit swapping in Gryphia.
- Fixed heightmap for one of Rumare's islands.
- Fixed Wittenland concern icon.
- Fixed Puerto Caballo remaining a puppet when the April Fools civil war happens.
- Fixed bug where Hippogriffia could load victory tree while still at war with Chiropterra.
- Fixed Griffonian Republic advisor icon.
- Fixed Hippogriffia war decisions not warning enemy AI about war.
- Fixed a duplicate event image.
- Fixed missing icon and unused modifiers for non-LaR national spirit in Dread League.
- Fixed Francistria remaining as a puppet after a coup.
- Fixed instance of Hippogriffia attacking Equestria when it shouldn't.
- Fixed mercenary national spirit in Tobuck not changing properly.
- Fixed bug prevcenting Carrot Stick from starting his tree after being released by Hippogriffia.
- Fixed a bug where Chiropterra could get the Hippogriff post-defeat event.
- Fixed Lunar Civil War - Extreme game rule not working properly.
- Fixed Dietrich Mach not becoming country leader in National Griffonian Republic.
- Fixed Sombra remaining as general after government change.
- Fixed decision cost text for 25 army experience not working.
- Fixed Gryphia concern being visible to everyone in the Riverlands.
- Fixed issues with the Covenant/Ascendancy's capital changing.
- Fixed Crack Lightning's war decisions being repeatable.
- Fixed some missing GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: cd98

“Shores of Zebrica”

04 Sep 20:13
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✢ Additions:
- Zarcid Colthage can now get an event to betray Chiropterra after winning the North Zebrican War.
- Added two new general portraits for Falcor.
- Added some generic portraits for Polar Bears, Hippogriffs, Horses, Kirin and Abyssinians.
- Tobuck can now sell guns to Colthaginian civil war factions.
- Added a field marshal role for Talonsvaal's leader.
- Added decision for Posada about communist Feathisia.
- Added more events about Posada using a thermonuclear weapon for the first time.
- Added new concern icons for Hippogriffia, Wingbardy, Gryphia, Skynavia, Zarantia, Gryphus, Fezera, Buffalo Tribe and Las Pegasus.
- Added new concerns for Griffonian Republic, Gryphia and Sunstriker Clan.
- Added a new event picture for a Wallnut-Posada event.
- Added a capitulation event response for Winggarden.
- Added a new outcome for Low Corruption ending in Trotkat.
- Stalliongrad now starts with a BT-7 tank template.
- The AI can now build airports.
- Added a strait in the Great Lakes.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Increased world tension decay.
- Changelings now get their fourth research slot earlier.
- All countries with "Legacy of the Storm" national spirit now get an opinion penalty with yeti countries.
- Facelifted the Chiropterran bush war GUI so that it is now easier to read.
- Gladmane in New Mareland can now only get guarantees from neighbours.
- Fillydelphia and Las Pegasus factory focuses in Equestria are no longer mutually exclusive.
- Shortened duration of some Equestria focuses.
- Equestria gets slightly more factories and production bonuses from focuses.
- Stalliongrad now joins Equestria's faction during the Great War and leaves afterwards.
- Equestrian militia divisions are disbanded after the Great War.
- Griffonian Republic's Task Ahead national spirit is now 50% stronger.
- Griffonian Republic will no longer get strikes early on due to economy law.
- Reworked some Posada focus icons.
- Baragzen in Tobuck should die faster now.
- All Hindian countries now start with naval technologies and navies.
- Fixed Applejack's name.
- Hippogriffia's Posada decision now accounts for not having Man The Guns DLC.
- Equestria should no longer become the Solar Empire on historical.
- Fixed outdated infrastructure check in Wittenland.
- Fixed some issues with the North Zebrican War.
- Increased ahead of time penalty for technology to 2.5 (vanilla value is 2).
- Improved scripted tank templates.
- Made magical equipment a little more cheap and reliable.
- Changeling love extraction technology now gives 500 weekly ponypower and 0.1% non-core ponypower.
- Solar Crystal Empire's scripted spawned divisions now have a logistics company instead of military police.
- Removed duplicate hostile wargoal justification cost increase from Scientifid Colthage.
- Added a sanity check to prevent Chiropterra from being released twice.
- Fixed broken advisors in Alesia's Tobuck.
- Fixed Wallnut's Tobuck not accounting for Hippogriffia owning Zumidia and not being communist.
- Star Father justification speed icon will no longer show up when viewing countries that they are currently at war with.
- Skystar no longer fires Silverstream after saying she wouldn't.
- Renamed Howling Hills state to Howling Mountains and Imperial Mountains state to Imperial Hills.
- Fixed various focus icons using legacy lazy load.
- Fixed some Griffonian Republic national spirits disappearing when they shouldn't.
- River Breeze in Hellquill now has harmonic socialism subideology.
- Hopefully fixed Crystal Protectorate cosmetic tag not working.
- "Peace in our time" focus in Hippogriffia no longer gives war warnings to other countries.
- Fixed Steeltalon's trait icon.
- Fixed wrong focus unlocking a Chital army advisor.
- Event that triggers Zarishat's collapse civil war will now automatically play the "Children of the Godhead" song.
- Fixed a focus in Griffonian Republic requiring two mutually exclusive focuses.
- Fixed Hippogriffia getting more than three active political advisors.
- Fixed figurehead Novo national spirit not being removed when it should be.
- Fixed Raft Wood in Hippogriffia not being removed when he is killed.
- Fixed Gray Pact between Sombra and Nightmare Moon not working.
- Crack Lightning can no longer bombard Hippone while at peace.
- Fixed bugs with Antifa Skystar army decisions.
- Fixed Vasile's party name in Tobuck not changing properly.
- Fixed republican Pingland being called a monarchy.
- Blocked industrial focus for puppeted Olenia.
- Slightly adjusted Chital's communist flag and Our Town's Equestria formable flag.
- Fixed a Nova Griffonian industrial concern not having any effects.
- Added some sanity checks for Posada's focus to attack Colthage.
- Fixed missing war warnings in Chital's focuses and added puppet checks.
- Fixed a Posada focus not giving underwater building slots.
- Fixed Bhushan's Hindia being called Confederacy instead of Raj.
- Asterion's and Sicameon's antimonarchism opinion modifiers should now go away when countries become non-monarchical.
- Harmonic Hippogriffia can now join the Great War if the North Zebrican War doesn't happen.
- Renamed a victory point in House Erie.
- Tobuck can no longer attack a defeated Chiropterra.
- Fixed a Hippogriffia focus not having an effect.
- Fixed a focus in Winggarden having an outdated doctrine technology bonus.
- Fixed a focus bypass in Hippogriffia.
- Empire of Aquileia no longer has the same name for all ideologies.
- General Dobbelsteen in Feathisia is now killed if Heeren or Rozenkamp come to power.
- Renamed Dragon Isles to Dragon Lands.
- Reduced size of Karkadannistan's navy.
- Added sanity checks for Sicameon.
- Fixed Zarantia focus adding victory points value to wrong location in Zinder state.
- Allowed the player to freely choose path as Solar New Mareland.
- Fixed broken Razorbeak national spirit localization.
- Slightly buffed Zebrican auxiliaries national spirit for Hippogriffia.
- Stalliongrad can now demilitarize the Changelings as well.
- Fixed issues with Zarantia unique technologies.
- Skystar is now called Queen after being crowned.
- Fixed Antifa Skystar appointing new cabinet.
- Removed duplicate naval OOB for Zarishat in Coltva.
- Sanity checks for Revintern decisions.
- Hippogriffia can now disband The Last Warband.
- Fixed a province in Colthage having desert terrain instead of jungle.
- Fixed some Hippogriff generals not having advisor icons.
- Rebalanced the Six Promises and New Model Army in Hippogriffia.
- Fixed issues with Severyana Protectorate.
- Skynavian communalist uprisings in neighbours now have a fixed size.
- Fixed some issues with postwar crisis for Hippogriffia.
- Another attempt to fix wrong warlord couping militarist Colthage.
- Equestrian AI is now better at defence, research and production.
- Equestria AI is now able to take UWC earlier.
- Griffon supremacist AI countries are now far less likely to help Star Father.
- Adjusted when AI deploys trained units.
- AI should no longer use limited exports or closed economy while at peace.
- Added a railway connection in Roam to help with the AI's supply issues.
- Reduced suppression values for special forces so the AI doesn't use them.
- AI Hippogriffia will now be more willing to beg for peace.
- AI now gets a cheaper mech variant on research.
- Made AI more likely to research anti-tank technologies.
- Reduced changeling tech AI weights.
- Improved AI tank research and templates.
- AI now avoids switching to mechanized templates without the necessary equipment.
- Tweaked AI strategies.
- Fixed some missing GFX.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.
- Following fixes were in earlier changelogs but weren't actually implemented until now:
- In the Zumidian referendum, increased the chance of the outcome where they remain part of Hippogriffia.
- Fixed post-conventionist victory Coltva being harmonic instead of communist.

Checksum: f883

“Shores of Zebrica”

18 Aug 22:07
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✢ Additions:
- Added generic Kirin portraits.
- Added several new supply hubs and victory points in Equestria, Chital and Crystal Empire.
- Added more event pictures.
- New concern icons for Chiropterra, Warzena and Zarantia.
- New concerns for Nova Griffonia, Stalliongrad and Griffonstone.
- Added new flavour events for Hippogriffia.
- Added descriptions for Posadist Crack Lightning and post-Posada Silverstream.
- Added a general for Hippogriffia.
- Added a new song.
- Added ability for Raft in Hippogriffia to abandon Zebrica after giving Zumidia away.
- Added an epilogue event for non-aligned Zarantia.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Improved performance.
- Changelings now get a stronger version of the "Secret Police" occupation law.
- Increased base range of supply hubs (does not affect naval bases).
- Tweaked impassables in Equestria and Aestlonia.
- Fixed incorrect checks for Solar Empire in Hippogriffia and Ahuizotl.
- Fixed (most of) issues with Sunrise Sparkle.
- Lightly reworked Warzena's military tree.
- AI templates now actually work.
- Post-peace conference countries that don't own any cores will now be annexed.
- Updated Arabian starting production to account for new factory numbers.
- Fixed vanilla issue of missing tooltip for dockyard repair speed modifier.
- Enabled resistance for impassable states.
- Posada's coring decision now accounts for already cored states.
- Fixed some Aris First events and a decision triggering wrong events.
- Fixed Zumidian independence in the Aris First moderate path not giving Hippogriffia military access.
- Make amphibious techs dependent on marines.
- Fixed intelligence agency names for Tobuck.
- Fixed Tobuck's Chiropterra war decision being available more than once.
- Removed Prince Fallen from Equestria.
- Fixed Aquileia losing a focus in the naval tree when going republican.
- Fixed Posada's thermonuclear weapons increasing population rather than reducing it.
- Changed subideology of Doelhi and Puerto Caballo into democratic monarchism.
- Fixed Sköldsvärd still being around in Vedina even if she was no longer the country leader.
- Swapped icons of Full Spectrum Operations and Strategic Warfare starting doctrines.
- Made Hippogriffia's Rising Defeatism worse.
- Fixed Zebra Sea Canoes technology not working properly without Man the Guns DLC.
- Fixed Government in Exile decisions.
- Fixed vanilla bug with Race for the Bomb.
- Sambar, Abyssinia, Asstyria and Anseruk now start with slave economy law.
- Asstyria and Anseruk are now industrialising societies rather than outdated industrial.
- Fixed missing puppet check in Warzena focus.
- AI handles Hippogriffia's crisis better.
- Hippogriffia AI no longer places divisions on Azir's border.
- Fix cryptology modifiers being too small so they showed up as 0.
- Fixed tank templates that Tobuck gets.
- Adjusted Gerza's drugs mechanic values.
- Fixed Colthage's militarist/scientifid betrayal event not working properly.
- Fixed Alwani's region description in the welcomescreen.
- Can no longer form Aquileia after forming the Griffonian Empire.
- Tweaked North Zebrican War news event to account for scenario where Hippogriffia is fighting an offensive war.
- Puppeted Zarantia now loads a generic tree.
- Fixed a focus bypass in Hippogriffia.
- Posada can now only use thermonuclear weapons on supremacist nations.
- Fixed Puerto Caballo not getting a cosmetic tag when puppeted by Lunar Empire.
- Renamed duplicate Marekalla into Casabronco.
- Fixed the wrong warlord couping Zaryes in Colthage's militarist path.
- Clarified how Warlord Ambitions mission works in Colthage.
- Fixed issue with Umalez advisor that caused the game to crash.
- Fixed vanilla bug of raiding decisions not working if you tried to raid the same country again.
- Fixed Zarantia's pegasi divisions not working properly.
- Implemented existing division name lists to various starting division templates.
- Fixed House Avian's continuous focus box position.
- Various countries now use vanilla operative codenames.
- A Colthage focus that gave level 1 railway now gives level 2 ones instead.
- Reworked some Posada GFX.
- Made Gerza's drug mechanic easier.
- Fixed Tobuck's Chiropterran advisors not always working.
- Zeirutid's rebellion dummy decision is now hidden when the actual mission fires.
- Fix bypasses in Tobuck.
- Aquileia's royalist militia now consists of fewer divisions but the template has more battalions.
- Fixed various issues with technologies.
- Fixed Aquileia's starting motorized infantry template.
- Fixed Warzena focuses giving wrong technology bonuses.
- Fixed bug where Hippogriffia defending Warzena was counted as offensive war
- Improved and clarified triggers for The Mountain Awakes.
- Canterlot now has a level 5 bunker at start.
- Griffonian Republic now gets smaller consumer goods penalties and starts at low economic mobilization.
- Warzena can now do some focuses even if it has capitulated.
- Fixed Colthage scientifid focus for purging the military being available when it shouldn't be.
- Fixed country-specific economy law triggers being visible for everyone.
- Fixed integration occupation law not always working if multiple countries had cores on the same states.
- Fixed wrong advisor icon for Comet Flash in Chiropterra.
- Crystal Empire can now make Changeling Lands a demilitarized puppet too.
- Slightly buffed Equestria.
- Fixed bug where GNU Hippogriffia would keep Zumidia.
- Standardized how demilitarized puppets are created.
- Eriviar in Sunstriker Clan now gets the appropriate subideology when going Maarite.
- Fixed Zarantia trying to declare war on Chiropterra while already at war with them.
- Demilitarized AI countries now deprioritize building military factories.
- Fixed puppeted Colthage being able to demand Kar-Alpaka.
- Fixed Jezabzella in Colthage not becoming party leader after the second civil war.
- Hippogriffia will not pursue lend lease act if it is redundant.
- Nerfed an unintentionally overpowered Hippogriffia general.
- Fixed event of Prywhen post-civil war demobilization not triggering.
- Fixed region descriptions for Zeblu and Timbucktu.
- Fixed Vrystaat not starting with train technology.
- Fixed incorrect name for the leader of Talonsvaal.
- Fixed Twilight not having a portrait after becoming leader of Crystal Empire.
- Reduce stability penalty from not endorsing arson in an Aris First event.
- Aris First war bonds are removed when at peace.
- When Hippogriffia makes Zaron Zorrel country leader in Colthage, he now has a portrait.
- Fixed a small frontline issue in the Great Lakes area.
- Reduced focus times for Hippogriffia's Zumidian integration tree.
- Fixed AI strategies for Griffonstone nuke event.
- Fixed Hippogriffia's AI allies immediately leaving faction.
- Made AI Hippogriffia slightly more likely to help Equestria.
- AI Asterion now prioritizes focuses that core Cyanolisian states.
- Hippogriff AI can now handle Aris First and divided society better.
- Reduced AI experience gain.
- AI Stalliongrad no longer occupies Equestrian territory while helping them.
- AI will now replace total mobilization law if it's low on ponypower.
- Various tweaks and fixes to AI strategies.
- Made the AI use correct suppression templates.
- Tweaked operative AI.
- Enabled pony AI templates for more nations.
- Improved AI air production.
- Various AI template improvements.
- Fixed some missing GFX.
- Dehumanized some GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 0d7b

“Shores of Zebrica”

10 Aug 21:15
Choose a tag to compare

✢ Additions:
- Added missing content for Asterion about Macawia.
- Added a couple of events for April Fool's Dread League path.
- Various countries now hide obsolete focus branches after a path is chosen.
- Added a new portrait for Ieffri in Chital.
- Reworked portraits for Dark Wing in Stalliongrad and Jungle Work.
- Added many new event pictures.
- Added a description for Dusk Wane in Chiropterra.
- Added a new general in Watertowns.
- Added missing faction decisions from harmonic Wallnut in Tobuck.
- Added game rule option to strengthen Hellquill.
- Added missing flag for Libertalia in Winggarden.
- Added more plane descriptions for Hippogriffia.
- Re-added Equestria's Finest song.
- Added new concern icons for Colthage and Warzena.
- Added a new shader.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Improved performance.
- Greatly reduced the amount of factories in Saddle Arabian countries.
- Fixed NCR's border conflict decisions.
- Made deer nations pick relevant racial technology for the climate they are in.
- Crack Lightning in Hippogriffia now gets a faction.
- Fixed missing text in several events.
- Aris cannot unite society while a puppet.
- Changelings are now more likely to puppet Olenia rather than annex it.
- Fixed numerous missing icons.
- Antifa Skystar can no longer use the AHAC.
- Fixed Gargoyle speed bonus not affecting recon companies.
- Hippogriff anarchists can now get Coral Ridge.
- Star Father's casualty-crystal ratio now updates in the decision category.
- Star Father now has a unique response to Griffonstone nuke event.
- Fixed compliance coring not working if there was no resistance.
- Umalez now leads Zarantia when it becomes Chiropterra's puppet.
- Baragzen in Tobuck now attacks Coltva as well.
- Disabled air supply mission for airships.
- Fixed post-conventionist victory Coltva being harmonic instead of communist.
- Hippogriffia no longer tries to attack Warzena if it is its puppet.
- Fixed issues with Asterion allying other countries.
- Fix bypass for Hippogriffia's "Shelter Dissidents" focus.
- Fix check about Winggarden in Hippogriffia's focus to join a faction.
- Fixed issues with Tobuck's capital changing.
- Accounted for Warzena's role in North Zebrican War.
- Fixed issues with resistance in Chiropterra's Bush War.
- Hippogriffia's resource prospecting decisions are no longer infinitely repeatable.
- Simplified bypass conditions for Hippogriffia's focuses about occupying Chiropterra.
- Ocean Spray trial now has an event image and an effect.
- Multiple fixes to Tobuck focuses, events and decisions.
- Hippogriff decision to unite society is now visible immediately.
- Fixed issues with Changeling Crystal Empire protectorate's color.
- Fixed issue with compliance in Zarantia's secret path.
- Fixed Matanzal and Zaalhanni not leaving or being removed when either becomes the Zamal.
- Fixed missing advisor portraits for some Tobuck advisors.
- Fixed Baragzen not being retired if Vasile takes power.
- Tweaked AI peace for nicer post-Great War borders.
- Fixed issues with Equestria's technology sharing group.
- Fixed issues with New Mareland AI.
- Demilitarizing Changeling Lands now removes some of their navy and airforce.
- Reduced world tension from puppeting in peace conference to 0.
- Removed ability to switch to non-aligned government from generic Zebrica focus tree.
- Improved AI demobilization.
- Tweaked mountaineer AI templates.
- Hippogriff focus about appointing Stratus Skyranger as army chief no longer crashes the game and works better.
- Fixed Colthage Scientifid military missions not cancelling after a coup.
- In the Zumidian referendum, increased the chance of the outcome where they remain part of Hippogriffia.
- Fixed wrong advisor icon for Crack Lightning advisor in Posada's path.
- Fixed broken country leader checks in Tobuck national spirits.
- Tweaked Chital's starting navy and fixed it not appearing without Man the Guns DLC.
- All Twinkle Sprinkle guides now have scrollbars.
- Fixed Winggardens bat advisors not being hirable properly.
- Altered potion hints slightly.
- Fixed Hippogriff availability for Peace in Our Time.
- Fixed Ostkranbi state lore not appearing.
- Renamed New Tzinacatlia region to Hazrumenia.
- Fixed some Colthage decisions not cancelling when they should.
- AI can now launch raids even if they don't have divisions on the border.
- Nimbusia now gets claims on colonizable states.
- Tweaked which occupation laws the AI uses.
- Improved AI agency prioritization.
- Fix operations AI.
- AI strategy and template fixes.
- All Zebrican countries should no longer send their operatives to Changeling Lands.
- Changed name and flag of supremacy Boltria/Camelkand.
- Fixed Tobuck issue with Warzena peace deal event.
- Chiropterra's opium flood decisions can no longer be used on detached countries.
- Star Father's avian skull to check for war goal justification time will no longer show up on friendly/subject countries' windows.
- Disabled avian countries being able to engage in friendly diplomacy with the Star Father.
- Fixed some traits appearing on randomly generated country leaders when they shouldn't.
- Star Father Transmutating crystals into rubber will no longer lock up the resource transmutation mechanic.
- New Mareland's Commonwealth Congress is now removed if they become a puppet of a country that isn't Equestria.
- Brodfeld's miracle weapon division now only has tanks and no infantry.
- Fixed issues with racial special units not having functional stats.
- Weakened economic bonuses of Posada and open harmony in Hippogriffia.
- Reduced how many consumer goods reductions Chital could get.
- Fixed issues with Falcor's concerns.
- Fixed Pumpkin Swirl using the wrong advisor icon.
- Added check preventing Hippogriffia from getting defeat tree if the North Zebrican War has already been won.
- Fixed issues with harmonic Wallnut's faction modifiers in Tobuck.
- Hippogriffia can no longer abandon Zumidia while at war or if it is occupied by another country.
- Mazwi now has claims on the Central Zebrican Empire as well.
- Changed portrait of Swift Wing in Equestria.
- Crackdown on Bandits in Coltva decisions are now available even if the focus tree changes.
- Libertalian corporate council no longer uses Coffee Bean's portrait.
- Fixed the generic event about a general being wounded always using "beings" regardless of race.
- Posada can now get various bad national spirits from event choices.
- Increased Baragzen's death timer in Tobuck.
- Rebalanced commoner mood values in Tobuck.
- Fixed seapony conscription in the Abyss path.
- Fixed missing war warnings in Hippogriffia focuses.
- Fixed some issues with Winggarden characters.
- Zecora's rebellion now uses various monster unit types.
- Adjusted color of Zonician confederation flag.
- Fixed a bug with Hippogriff postwar absolutism.
- Fixed the switch to Constitutionalist army not working after militarist/scientifid coup in Colthage.
- Aris First withdrawing from Zarantia now gives them a council leader.
- Fixed wrong position of zebra slaves national spirit icon.
- Fixed Puerto Caballo and Les Meridiennes not having region descriptions in the welcomescreen.
- Fixed communist Hippogriffia not getting claims on Tobuck's states.
- Made the effects of accepting an alliance offer from Chiropterra clearer for Colthage.
- Sanity checks for Gryphia and Changeling Lands focuses.
- Fixed bypass for Hippogriffia focus "The Storm Breaks".
- Fixed duplicate characters in Chiropterra, Winggarden, Tobuck and Chital.
- Fixed Les Meridiennes not losing their cosmetic tag after becoming independent.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: eab2

“Shores of Zebrica”

03 Aug 22:56
Choose a tag to compare

✢ Additions:
- Added a flavour event for peace treaty between Hippogriffia and Wingbardy.
- Added events for Crack Lightning in Hippogriffia.
- Added clues events for the Star Father's potion brewing.
- Added a decision for Crack Lightning about dealing with a liberated Abyssinia.
- Added an icon for Moonspeaker Union.
- Added new portraits for Warlord Anarchy in Tobuck, Tribal Council in Zarantia and Caramelka in Stalliongrad.
- Added generals in Trotkat and Ice Dragon Tribe.
- Added description for Hard Line in Hippogriffia.
- Added border conflict decision for Posada in Hippogriffia to take Kar-Alpaka.
- Added a placeholder communist leader for Macawia.
- Added an industrial concern for Gargiloya.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Improved performance.
- Fixed various missing icons.
- Fixed various missing localization.
- The new Equestrian operative is now available to ELF as well.
- Fixed issues with decision costs for Hippogriffia.
- Crack Lightning can no longer ban Wingbardian books.
- Fixed missing loc for Tobuck decision about invading Chiropterra.
- Fixed display for seapony conscription values.
- Fixed Coltva focus tooltip saying you get divisions when it actually gives a unique technology.
- Fixed Zarantia not having a random path game rule.
- Changed last name of Zaadeh in Warzena into Shimzel.
- Fixed some Zarantia focuses not triggering events.
- Fixed Colthage not having Coltdarian or Coltvan states when released by Hippogriffia.
- Fixed Tobuck warlord advisors.
- Fixed sanity checks for Tobuck's decisions about Zarantia and Warzena.
- Fixed Hazrumenian ally national spirits not going away after leaving faction.
- Fixed Chital influence code breaking if historical is turned on.
- Fixed Hippogriffia's militia decisions for the North Zebrican War.
- Fixed missing leader for Tobuck's Chiropterra puppet.
- Fixed issues with Zarantia coring some states.
- Changelings should no longer take Puerto Caballo in Operation Telegraph.
- Fixed missing checks for Chital ending event triggers.
- Fixed having 40% compliance after Operation Telegraph.
- Fixed North Zebrican War peace decision being available more than once.
- Tobuck now also gets access to North Zebrican War peace decisions.
- Fixed Maregypt's supremacy flag.
- Fixed missing unit types to has_excessive_army_size check.
- Fixed missing autonomy types in effects.
- Fixed wrong focus check for Lunar Hail in Tobuck.
- Fixed some issues with North Zebrican War peace decisions for Hippogriffia.
- Fixed Orzagid returning to Zarcid Colthage as a general after the civil war.
- Fixed an issue where Chital was getting incorrect news events.
- Decreased industrial penalties of tribal society development to -60%.
- Decreased industrial penalties of primitive economy law to -40%.
- The generic Zebrica focus tree can now remove Primitive Economy law.
- Fixed issue with Vasile capture event.
- Made Badlands state in Equestria impassable.
- Posada's thermonuclear decision now requires 50 nukes.
- Fixed descriptions of Raft Wood in Hippogriffia and Umalez in Zarantia not being visible.
- Fixed Maregypt not starting with support equipment technology.
- Fixed odds of a Guide expedition succeeding not showing up.
- Removed duplicate national spirit in Tobuck.
- Various fixes to Tobuck's arms deal decisions.
- Novaya Severyana no longer gets resistance triggered by New Mareland's government in exile.
- Fixed an issue with seapony conscription.
- Bronzehill and Communist Longsword are now considered crypto-avian nations by the Star Father.
- Fixed broken civil war decisions for Monzano in Colthage.
- Fixed multiple peace offers firing in the North Zebrican War.
- Added a bypass for a Hippogriffia focus.
- Fixed missing puppet checks for Great Lakes war declaration decisions.
- Fixed some Hippogriffia portraits being more pixelated than they should be.
- Fixed missing icon and localization for Magical Cryptography technology.
- Fixed Moonfeather getting Crack Lightning's focus tree in Hippogriffia.
- Renamed Hirvimaa Protectorate to Protectorate of Uusi Hirvimaa.
- Zarantia can no longer puppet Chiropterra if the former was allied with Tobuck.
- Fixed tooltip for Great White Fleet focus in Colthage.
- Fixed issues with Winggarden's underwater construction decisions.
- Fixed Baragzen's heirs not becoming leader.
- Hippogriffia's "Strike First" focus no longer exclusively targets Chiropterra.
- Fixed Sunset Atoll for Posada in Hippogriffia not working properly.
- Added AI weights to negotiations between Tobuck and Hippogriffia.
- Fixed Zarantia remaining supremacist and leaving the North Zebrican Coalition after being liberated by Hippogriffia.
- Fixed Tobuck not being able to negotiate peace with Warzena if Hippogriffia had guaranteed them.
- Fixed a news event saying Hippogriffia was attacked when Posada declared war on Chiropterra.
- Fixed Raft Wood demanding payment from Tobuck while dead; Harmonist Wallnut will now simply demand Zumidia from communist or fascist Hippogriffia without negotiations.
- Improved some national spirit and focus icons for Posada.
- Salina Blue and the anarchists in Hippogriffia no longer claim north Zebrica.
- Kása Free State now has a positive opinion modifier with Macawia.
- Hippogriffia now goes into postwar crisis if Tobuck takes Zumidia by force or ultimatum.
- Removed popups for Posada's unique technologies.
- Another attempt at fixing disappearing Leopold in Barrad by disabling AI killing characters.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 6c90