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“Shores of Zebrica”

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@Yard1 Yard1 released this 24 Sep 18:51
· 17176 commits to master since this release

✢ Additions:
- Added flavour events about Rarity for Manehattan Protectorate.
- Added a capitulation event response for Chital.
- Added some generic advisor icons for griffons.
- Added generic pony general portraits for Aquileia.
- Added a flavour event for Zarantia.
- Reworked portraits for Winggarden futurist generals, Zeshmunazash in Coltva and Lobu in Kása Free State.

✢ Changes and fixes:
- Improved performance.
- Set base equipment capture ratio to 2%.
- Maretonia now starts with a pegasus template.
- Mazwi and Zar-Hay now start with a garrison template.
- When Tobuck secedes from Zarantia in civil war, it now gets a generic focus tree.
- Renamed the four Storm Kingdom civil war nations.
- Improved icons for various supremacy ideologies and harmony ideology.
- Tweaked some ship templates.
- Used a work around to fix a crash when forming Austral Protectorate and when the third Colthaginian civil war starts.
- Rather than declaring a separate war on Changelings, Hippogriffia now joins Equestria's war.
- Adjusted populations of several states.
- Adjusted terrain of some provinces.
- Adjusted various VP values.
- Reworked and removed impassables in various locations.
- Zebrides now start with train technology.
- Macawia now starts with engineer technology.
- Hippogriffia now loses most of their national spirits if they become a subject.
- Larynx now uses same portrait for being a general and being leader of Austral Protectorate.
- Implemented new event pictures for numerous events.
- Removed hidden event for Stalliongrad that recreated their faction.
- Tweaked various AI values.
- When Hippogriffia releases Zumidia, they now give docking rights as well.
- Umalez no longer has a description after becoming puppet of Chiropterra.
- Increased research bonuses of concerns across the board.
- Reduced NSB Heavy Tank base IC by 10%.
- Renamed Rexism subideology into Reactionarism.
- Bhushan in Chital now has authoritarian theocracy subideology.
- Supremacy King Kloseu in Brodfeld how has reactionarism subideology.
- Rarity in Moon Crystal Governorate is now harmonic rather than supremacy.
- Renamed Penguin intelligence agency.
- Fixed some concern traits.
- Fixed missing Feathisia advisor icons.
- Fixed one Avian advisor not being available when it should be.
- Fixed Sinister's national focus AI plan in Stalliongrad.
- Fixed national spirits that had 0 cryptology strength modifiers.
- Fixed various advisor icons.
- Fixed nuke event about Stalliongrad not taking into account if Stalliongrad was annexed by another country.
- Fixed (again) wrong warlord couping Colthage in the militarist path.
- Fixed edge case of Archibald in Greifenmarschen not being able to become leader in Romau properly.
- Fixed constitutionalist Colthage not being able to remove political instability.
- Fixed constitutionalist Colthage's election events talking about Orzagid even after he is dead.
- Fixed Colthage focus giving warlord loyalty even if they're not enabled.
- Fixed Zaphod Zarca not becoming advisor in harmonic Colthage path.
- Fixed Lushi-Prywhen alliance name not being localized.
- Fixed advisors being available for AI when they shouldn't be.
- Fixed Francistria being able to go down the pro-Wingbardy path despite not being in their faction.
- Fixed targets for Winggarden's economic concessions and legation profits national spirits.
- Fixed some national spirit swapping in Gryphia.
- Fixed heightmap for one of Rumare's islands.
- Fixed Wittenland concern icon.
- Fixed Puerto Caballo remaining a puppet when the April Fools civil war happens.
- Fixed bug where Hippogriffia could load victory tree while still at war with Chiropterra.
- Fixed Griffonian Republic advisor icon.
- Fixed Hippogriffia war decisions not warning enemy AI about war.
- Fixed a duplicate event image.
- Fixed missing icon and unused modifiers for non-LaR national spirit in Dread League.
- Fixed Francistria remaining as a puppet after a coup.
- Fixed instance of Hippogriffia attacking Equestria when it shouldn't.
- Fixed mercenary national spirit in Tobuck not changing properly.
- Fixed bug prevcenting Carrot Stick from starting his tree after being released by Hippogriffia.
- Fixed a bug where Chiropterra could get the Hippogriff post-defeat event.
- Fixed Lunar Civil War - Extreme game rule not working properly.
- Fixed Dietrich Mach not becoming country leader in National Griffonian Republic.
- Fixed Sombra remaining as general after government change.
- Fixed decision cost text for 25 army experience not working.
- Fixed Gryphia concern being visible to everyone in the Riverlands.
- Fixed issues with the Covenant/Ascendancy's capital changing.
- Fixed Crack Lightning's war decisions being repeatable.
- Fixed some missing GFX.
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
- Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

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