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E2E tests

fzhao99 edited this page Feb 22, 2023 · 3 revisions


This page helps guide through running E2E tests locally. E2E/Integration tests are available using Cypress.


To run the integration tests locally, you'll need the following files set up:

  • frontend/.env.local
  • /etc/hosts
  • frontend/cypress.env.json
    • only required if running with Okta
# /etc/hosts
# add the following line if running with Okta
# frontend/cypress.env.json

You'll also need the following environment variables set for the backend configuration:


Ask another developer for the Okta and Smarty secrets to populate the environment variables.

Running Cypress

Now that you have your environment set up, you are ready for a test run! There are a few ways to run the tests from the cypress directory, including:

  • yarn e2e:local
    • This will open an interactive test runner that lets you select browsers and run your desired specs.
    • Prerequisite(s):
      • the app must be running locally with the frontend base URL set to http://localhost:3000 and backend running with the dev profile
      • REACT_APP_OKTA_ENABLED=false in frontend/.env.local
  • yarn e2e:local:okta
    • Same as yarn e2e:local, except that specs with a login step will log in to Okta. This is more similar to how the tests run in our GitHub PR workflow.
    • Prerequisite(s):
      • the app must be running locally with Okta with the frontend base URL set to http://localhost:3000 and the backend running with the okta-local and local profiles
      • REACT_APP_OKTA_ENABLED=true in frontend/.env.local


Our e2e tests are currently very state-dependent, so here are some things to keep in mind when running:

  • tests are expected to be run in order and some specs are dependent on the state produced by previous specs, for example:
    • 03-conduct_test_spec.js uses the patient created in 02-add_patient_spec.js
    • 04-get_result_from_patient_link_spec.js uses the patient link generated in 03-conduct_test_spec.js
    • 08-save_and_start_test_spec.js uses the patient created in 02-add_patient_spec.js and expects them to not have any tests in progress
  • our tests expect there to only be 1 facility and will fail if there are multiple facilities for whatever org the test user is authenticated into
    • when running the tests with Okta, the test user Cypress McTestUser has admin access to an org with external ID DAT_ORG, which with our default sample data will have 2 facilities
  • 00-health_check.js is used in our CI to check that the app is up but fails when running locally with either of the commands listed here
  • 01-organization_sign_up_spec.js is not re-runnable
  • 05-self_registration_spec.js expects the org your test user is in to have a patient registration link generated

See the Cypress documentation for writing new tests. If you need to generate new Wiremock mappings for external services, see this wiki page.

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