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Configuring a Fact Model

Tony Drake edited this page Nov 29, 2016 · 2 revisions

Linking a fact model to an ActiveRecord model

By default, a class inheriting from ActiveReporting::FactModel will assume the class is named [ModelName]FactModel. This will cause the fact model to link to an ActiveRecord model with the same name minus "FactModel".

For example, defining your fact model like the example below will auto link to the Order model.

class OrderFactModel < ActiveReporting::FactModel

You can manually declare what model a fact model will link to via the ActiveReporting::FactModel.use_model method.

class OrderFactModel < ActiveReporting::FactModel
  use_model SomeOtherModel
  # OR you may pass in a string or symbol
  # use_model :some_other_model
  # use_model 'some_other_model'
  # use_model 'SomeOtherModel'

Configuring a fact model's measure

ActiveReporting assumes the column of a fact model used for summing, averaging, etc. is called value. This may be changed on a fact model using ActiveReporting::FactModel.meature=. You may pass in a string or symbol of the column you wish to use for aggregations.

class OrderFactModel < ActiveReporting::FactModel
  measure = :total