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Tony Drake edited this page Apr 5, 2017 · 1 revision

Configure ActiveReporting via block configuration or by setting individual settings:

ActiveReporting::Configuration.config do |c|
  c.setting = value
ActiveReporting::Configuration.setting = value

Configuration Options

default_dimension_label - If a fact model does not have a default label set for when it's used as a dimension, this value will be used. (Default: :name)

default_measure - If a fact model does not specify a measure to use for aggregates, this value will be used. (Default: :value)

ransack_fallback - If the ransack gem is loaded, allow all unknown dimension filters to be delegated to ransack. (Default: false)

metric_lookup_class - The name of a constant used to lookup prebuilt Reporting::Metric objects by name. The constant should define a class method called #lookup which can take a string or symbol of the metric name. (Default: ::Metric)

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