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Fetchmap.pl is CGI backend wrapper interface that uses mapscript. This example will accept the following inputs: LAT/LON, mapfile, mapext (extents), mapsize input arguments via URL and generates map images. Demonstrates mapserv error handling, establishing and overriding parameter defaults, URL/CGI inputs and showing a few old methods for different version of mapserv. This example shows some simplistic functionality of perl mapscript in a CGI setting. These wese designed to emulate a few inputs of the Tiger Map Server.
Here are a couple of URL examples:
Miami, FL - http://www.siliconmapping.com/mapper/cgi-bin/fetchmap.pl?lat=25.561&lon=-80.462&mapsize=300+210&mapext=1642750+2865665+1816633+2987024 with URL specifying lat/lon, size and extents
Default US Map - http://www.siliconmapping.com/mapper/cgi-bin/fetchmap.pl with default lat/lon, size and extents
use CGI; # prerequisite package/module
use mapscript;
$mapfile = $query->param('map') or $mapfile = "/home/httpd/html/mapper/tiger35.map";
# create new CGI object
$query = new CGI;
@extent = split(' ', $query->param('mapext')) or
@extent = split('\,',"-3300000,2200000,3400000,7200000"); # the default
die $mapscript::ms_error->{code}.": ".$mapscript::ms_error->{message} unless $map = new mapObj($mapfile);
if (defined($query->param(mapsize))) {
($map->{width},$map->{height}) = split(' ', $query->param('mapsize'));
} else {
$map->{width} = 640; $map->{height} = 480; # default size
$map->{extent}->{minx} = $extent[0];
$map->{extent}->{miny} = $extent[1];
$map->{extent}->{maxx} = $extent[2];
$map->{extent}->{maxy} = $extent[3];
$img = $map->draw() or LogDie "Unable to render map.", $mapscript::ms_error->{message};
print $query->header('image/gif');
# mapserv 3.2 method
# mapscript::msSaveImage($img, undef, 0,0);
# mapserv 3.5 method
# LogDie is a routine that appends a user define "MyErrorMessage"
# to the tail end of the mapserver log
sub LogDie {
$msg = shift(@_);
print LOG $msg;
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