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Plausible analytics

Ram Iyer edited this page Dec 28, 2020 · 1 revision

Plausible Analytics

According to their web site, "Plausible Analytics, is a simple, open-source, lightweight (< 1 KB) and privacy-friendly web analytics alternative to Google Analytics"

And Hugo is The world’s fastest framework for building websites.

This theme supports a simple integration between and Original work credits to divinerites.

Usage is simple as 1-2-3

  1. Add a [params.plausible] section in your config.toml file.

That's it ! It works. Nothing more is needed

Mininum config.toml file

  enable = true  # Whether to enable plausible tracking
  domain = ""  # Plausible "domain" name/id in your dashboard

Using Plausible goals

1 - Simple custom goals

If you want to use some custom goals, for each goal, you just have to add a snipplet in a partial named plausible_js.html that you have to create in your site /partials directory

Then, add a straightforward call to those plausible function/goal where you need it in your gohugo code.

This is an example, if you want a plausible custom goal named ClickOnTelephoneNumber.

Snipplet example for plausible_js.html

function ClickOnTelephoneNumber() {

Example of integration in your html code

<a href="tel:+331234567890"

2 - Custom goals when entering a page

You can have a use case where you want a custom goal setup when you enter a certain page. So you can have more granularity than the classic "page goals".

Just add a front matter parameter plausible_custom_goal in this page.

Each time you enter the page, your custom goal is reached.

plausible_custom_goal : "MySpecialCustomGoal"

3 - Variable custom goals

Using variables for your Goal names

For more flexibility, do not forget that you can use any {{ $variable }} or {{ .variable }} for your Goal name.

For example, generate your goals using /data/about.yml or similar frontmatter, you get the idea.

Then you’ll get 2 goals : telephoneMobileAbout & telephoneHomeAbout

A - Example : /data/about.yml

  enable : true
  title : My title
  about_item :
  - title : An other item title
    plausible : Mobile
    phone : "+33 1 23 45 67 89"
    content : lorem ipsum is better than nothing.
  - title : An other item title 2
    plausible : Home
    phone : "+33 9 87 65 43 21"
    content : lorem ipsum is better than nothing 2

B - Generate the calls in your /partial/about.html example

{{- $data := index .Site.Data .Site.Language.Lang }}
{{- if $data.about.about.enable }}
   {{- range $data.about.about.about_item }}
      <!-- sanitize phone number for tel: function -->
      {{ $phone_ok := (replaceRE "(\\s)" "" .phone ) }}
      <a href="tel:{{ .phone_ok }}"
         onclick="telephone{{ .plausible | safeJS }}About()">
         {{ .phone }}
  {{- end }}
{{- end }}

C - Sniplet for plausible_js.html

{{- $data := index .Site.Data .Site.Language.Lang }}
{{- if $data.about.about.enable }}
   {{- range $data.about.about.about_item }}
      function telephone{{ .plausible | safeJS }}About() {
          plausible('telephone{{ .plausible | safeJS }}About');
  {{- end }}
{{- end }}

4 - Outbound Link custom goal

If you want to use the Outbound Link custom goal, just add the parameter outbound_link to your params.plausible section.

  outbound_link = true

Other options

1 - Do not track certain pages

You can prevent certain pages from being tracked by adding plausible_do_not_track: true in the page Front Matter

plausible_do_not_track: true

2 - Plausible custom subdomain

If you use your own subdomain for, you just have to give the url in custom_js_domain parameter. This is optional.

   custom_js_domain = ""

3 - Write public dashboard information in Web page source

If you made your dashboard public, you may want to write this url in your web page source, so people can find it more easily.

Just add public_dashboard = true in your config.toml plausible section. By default this option is set to false, so nothing is written by default.

   public_dashboard = true

And this will be written in your HTML source code. It also works for self hosting.

<!-- Plausible Analytics public dashboard URL : -->

4 - Self Hosting

You can define your self hosted domain address in config.toml.

This is optional, and is used if this parameter is unset.

   selfhosted_domain = ""  # Self-hosted plausible domain

5 - Plausible and Content-Security-Policy

Be careful if you have some CSP in your headers, do not forget to allow plausible domains you use.

You can add directly the requested domain(s) to your existing Content-Security-Policy.

Or use this plausible_csp.html partial in your /layouts/index.headersto generate for you the correct _headers, used by Netlify:

CSP example for /layouts/index.headers

Content-Security-Policy: [... existing stuff ...] {{ partial "plausible_csp.html" . }}

In any case, in the HTML source code, you'll find a comment with the correct domain to add to your CSP.

Developping locally with plausible-hugo

1 - Mode server

When you're in hugo mode server, the call to javascript is disable, so you can dev without bloating your statistics.

2 - Debug mode

When in mode server you could really need to test your code in real situation.

In this case, just add debug = true in your [params.plausible]. The call to javascript will be enable, so you can have everything working like in production.

   debug = true  # debug mode
